Not so well

10 years, 6 months ago by Bhakta David II in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Hanumatpresaka Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to you.

I have not written in some time, as I have been lamenting that I may never become advanced enough to be able to get initiated in this lifetime.

              HpS - ASA - AGTSP Well don't worry. Monkey and Piggy aren't initiated either. Who can you be???  Monkey and Piggy and Donkey??? I guess at every level we have to make decisions.

This is a great misfortune.  I am starting to think that perhaps some people need a few lifetimes of purification before they are able to be qualified to be initiated.

I spent 8 months at the Denver temple, including one month as a guest at the brahmacari ashram.  I now have an apartment 5 miles from the temple, and started a new job working 12 hours at night.  This is not the best schedule for sadhana because I should be waking early, but it may help me to advance in career.

I had a plan to live as a brahmacari for a few years and then remarry, but now I am trying to work things out with my wife.  I started to become concerned whether I could be celibate for the rest of my life perfectly, and concerned about not being able to treat pain.  Rather than cause offense to you after initiation, I will wait until I become qualified, though that may not happen.  I wish I had better things to say, but I am not perfect enough to be the minimum standard for a devotee, which to me seems so advanced that it is like having already achieved perfection.  I want to be able to go back home, but that requires being initiated.  I just hope that I eventually become qualified, and do not commit too many offenses.

Wishing that I was a servant,
Bhakta David II

               HpS - You are doing, damn, damn, well. Just stay in ISKCON cloud and don't commit offenses. Be who you are and make decisions to go up this fortnight!!! Lot of work to do.

Bhakta Germán, from Lima

Dear Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeissances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Happy to write you.I really hope things are doing well with your preaching. We miss you.


Hopefully we have news from you very often. It has been a very intense period in my life, full of activities and a few realizations. My spiritual life is going ok, since you left Lima I have continued waking up at 3:30 and now is a good habit. Rounds are done by 6:30 and since then some ancient fears are gone and It's a strange feeling, a comfortable but weird sensation of confidence. Some anxieties endure, but they are harmless.Japa is good, is fantastic, japa is the best use of breathing, by far. Sometimes I feel that this is a very difficult process because we have to be focused every second. Selfishness is relentless. But Is the most important thing I've done in my life. I don't know what is going to happen with my life, but something is happening, something that can transform smoke into gold, and It's good. I'm working hard for being your disciple, with your blessings and the blessings of Krishna.

As you should already know we are studying the Goloka educational material every saturday, is a small but enthusiastic group, there have been some problems with punctuality because we peruvians have a genetic problem with these point, but things have been improving.We have improved the methodology and we are looking for support material to enhance the didactic aspects, such as audible pronunciation guides. Laksmana Agraja Prabhu will tell you soon some details.

I was doing quite a lot of seva: Isabelle and I are in charge of the communications committee of the temple, we are also participating in Bhakti-vrksa meetings but I prefer to step aside from these responsabilities. I had a conversation with my wife and we concluded that is better for me to become fully engaged in NIMSAR and my readings because I teach for 33 hours per week. Do you think is ok?

    ASA - Yes it seems good.. 

Oh!I have not thanked you for letting me be part of NIMSAR. I'll Do my best to serve the devotees and you.Lord Jagannatha is being very generous to me. 

See you soon Gurudeva.
I wish you very good health.

ASA - SOo nice to hear from you. So, nice. Draupadi went through so many problems, but she was sure that Krsna had a great plan for all these conflicts. GREAT PLAN. Who knows what plan He has for us?

Come with us as we answer some more letters.

Hare krisna from Madrid

Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami:


Here we are In Madrid.

Very stable Sadana program (Mangala arati, 16 good rounds before guru puja, some extra rounds if posible with japa joe)

Attending to the bhakti sastri course but I am not able to study enough so probably I will not pass the exams.

                 HpS - AGTSP paoho. Study some. Don't have to pass with 100%. 75% is fine. Sastra is dressing the Deities also. Arjuna had a Bhakti Astri degree, no?

Very happy and stable with my good wife Bhaktin Marta, She is helping a lot and is a constant inspiritation.

               HpS - Our respects to her!

By krisnas mercy, She got a wonderfull job athe flower shop in the same espiritu santo street, 1/2 minute walking from the temple.

Going to the street for sankirtan book distribution regularly as much as my service as a temple comander allow me.

              HpS - Meet a lot of nice people?

We are living a basic, simple living "vanaprastha live" she is attending regularlly Mangala arati, Guru puja et all.

My older son Mario,s 24th birthday was last march and Vrindavan 12 and marta and me got a Birthday Icecream party.

             HpS - What does Mario do? Carpenter?

Mario finished succsesfully his university Mayor degree in Computing enginiering and Mayor degree in Math, He is actually working in the largest consultan in the world Deloite here in Madrid.

                  HpS - Immediate answer. Accountant for the Empire!

Madrid temple is developing really nicelly and older devotees (yadunandana Swamy, Jiva Tattva, Hridaya Caitania, etc) are very happy and suporting and visiting regularly.

Lunch program is developing really nicelly and ve are offering many new options to buy like samosas, cookies, cakes, and also products from new vrajamandala like mahaprasadam, berfis from protected cows, etc.

Any devoty can cook or make products (Bhakti rasa is making soap, toothpaste, and some other things) the devotees stablish the seling price and the temple takes a 25 % comition and the rest goes to the devotee.

Jiva goswamy is cooking 5 days a week and yasodanandana prabhu cooks sundays and mondays.

We are trying to develope a team to serve the hindu comunity and I hope that soon will have good news in ralation with this.

Sananda DD is hardly working ("working hard". "Hardly working" means she is almost doing nothing. Ja! Ja!)  in the development of a devotte care ministery, she is hardly working in cooperation with akrura prabhu who is also helping in the development of the master plan for the temple.

Bhadra vardana and my self are very enthusiathic about the development of a bhakti vriksha program that will start soon.

Bhaktin Ana a great russian devote is helping a lot in this area, actually she is the bhakti vriksha manager for Madrid.

Yadu is trying to center his preching efforts in Spain and we are trying to assist him as much as possible.

Markandeya and Sveta are pussing with the harinam programs and we finally got the flags you have allways demand.

Bhaktin marisol is helping the temple in so many ways and she is really involve in the flower and gardland departmen and in the Rata Yatra festival 2014 (Bhaktin Mercedes is assisting a lot with the garlands, cleanning the plates for sunday feast and making sweets for harinam)

Marisol is planning to move to the temple for some time and help with the pujari service.

Jharikanda is doing a great job with the deities and he has a compromise to stay till augost 2015.

We are very happy of sharing our days with him and he is improving amacingly in his relations with the devottes and in his mood of serving and assisting the rest of the devotees.

Jharikanda and yasoda are developing a fantastic latin Jazz proyect and a lisened two thems and are great songs.

All the Bhaktas in the temple, Petre, Alejandro, Kike, and specially Marcos are developing really nicelly and they are and will be for sure great soldiers for the sankirtan army in the future.

I am specially concern in the development of proper relation among other temples, Devotees, and hindu comunity.

The only way we can grow as individuals and as a comunity is learnig the art of working togheter and assisting one to each other.

I thing that bhakti vriksha, devotee care minister and the proper aproach to the hindu comunity will help a lot in this mater.

We all hope that you recover as soon as posible of your body pastimes.

Every body is really exited about your visit to Spain.

Will be in October?

will be in July?

Will be this year?

Will be next?

             HpS - ASA - Now I am not sure. We are not releasing the book in India in October, so seems we will not come until next year, but then we should stay for a long time, no??

I personally fell always your presence in the temple, trough your teachings, your requests, japa joe, and all your other iniciatives.

I fell really glad of trying every day of becoming a better servant of Srila Prabhupada andd you good self.

Hope to see you soon in Madrid

thank you very much for your Sankirtana service and for your causeless mercy onto this little fallen soul.

Please pray to lord Nrisimhadeva for the improvement of loving relations of all the devotees in Madrid, Navalakunda, New Vrajamandala y rest of Spain.


HpS - We certainly hope Lord Nrsmhadeva makes everyone feel happy.

Thank you for all the news!!!! Thank you! We can smell Espiritu Santu. Kirtan.

Saranagati Dasi Mexico DF

10 years, 6 months ago by sarahii in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!!

Todas las Glorias a Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu!!!

Todas las Glorias a Usted!!!

Querido Gurudeva por favor hacepte mis respetuosas reverencias!!! estamos cantando 16 rondas, 4 principios, Gayatris puntuales y tratando de no perder ni un solo mangal-artic, muchas gracias Srila Gurudeva por permitirme poder estar tan cerca de Usted, aprender de Usted y poder intentar servirle a mi limitada pocibilidad, espero poder algun dia complacerle y poder ser un sirviente suyo y de Srila Prabhupada, despues de nuestro viaje por USA,  y en especial el templo de Houston y despues de 26 horas de viaje para regresar a Mexico, siento que muchas cosas internas estan cambiando, despues de este viaje Krishna esta revelando cual es nuestra naturaleza y como podemos servir y ser felices al mismo tiempo,ahun sin ninguna cualificacion Sri Radha Nilamadhava y Sri Radha Madhan Gopal me han dejado servirles y puedo sentir como la relacion con Krishna cambia en el corazon por ahora estamos aprendiendo el arte de la Adoracion a la Deidad y esperamos que con sus bendiciones podamos ser un instrumento para Usted en el servicio a la deidad.

Espero poder volver a verle pronto, Gurudeva tiene algun plan para su Vyasa Puja este año?? podria ser una opcion Mexico???

Su aspirante a sirviente Saranagati Dasi  

HpS - ASA - AGTSP pfanrh. So nice that you can dress, bathe, offer arati for Radha and Krsna with the Gopis.

So, nice! Vyasapuja. Now we are just trying to finish off today without a heart attack. Ha! Ja! Ga!

Very happy. Lots of work today. Dying for Krsna.

Reporte Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi

10 years, 6 months ago by Priya Sakhi dd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja!

Por favor acepte mis más respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada!

Mi último reporte es el siguiente:

Cantando 16 rondas cada día. Debiendo un 5%

Siguiendo 4 principios regulativos. Sexo ilícito casi fuera!

Conseguimos unas pequeñas deidades de Sri Sri Gaura Nitai <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />.


HpS - ASA - TlgaSP -

Es perspectivo de SB. O.K?

Espero que Su salud mejore y podamos tener de Su guía y asociación personal por mucho más tiempo.

Disculpe por cualquier ofensa cometida.

Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi

Reporte desde Chile.

10 years, 6 months ago by Valentina Cortes Pizarro. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitay

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte mis más humildes reverencias. Hare Krishna Maharaja: ¿Como ha estado usted?, espero que muy bien.

            HpS - ASA - AGTSP. We are dying a good death.

Para comenzar primero que todo le escribo para contarle que todo va bien en el cumplimiento de cuatro principios, 16 rondas y servicio fijo en la cocina.

               ASA - Jayaaaaaaa!

Terminé de leer "Veracidad el Pilar de la Religión", que me recomendó mi cuñado Ramakeli y terminé el Curso de Dicipulos, ahora solo me queda rendir la prueba. Hace un par de semanas una devota me pidió si podía tomar el servicio de hacer guirnaldas, y debo reconocer que nunca ha sido uno de los servicios que más me acomoden porque soy demasiado inquieta, pero aún así acepte, llegando al acuerdo de que ella me va a enseñar primero para luego yo poder comenzar a hacer las guirnaldas sola; acepte porque mi idea es aprender a hacer de todo y para lograr desarrollar la paciencia, pero aun asi ¿no es ofensivo si hago un servicio que no es de mi total agrado?, quizás porque no pongo todo el entusiasmo que debiera tener?

                 HpS - It depends on your level of development. Arjun was recomended to do Karma yoga because he was acting like someone on that level. If you can control your senses by good logic then it is Jnana-misra Bhakti yoga. You don't have the enthusiasm born of Karma but you have the deeper satisfaction knowing that you should do it, Krsna needs garlands!

Por otra parte hay un tema que me inquieta bastante, y me gustaría recibir algún consejo de su parte si fuera esto posible. Hace un tiempo atrás, antes de comenzar el proceso en Conciencia de Krishna, tuve una relación con un chico que marco una etapa importante en mi vida, la cosa es que después de un par de años el falleció; fue un golpe duro, estuve mucho tiempo tratando de seguir adelante pero no lo lograba ya que no tenia nada que me motivara realmente a levantarme. Así llegue al templo nuevamente, y senti que se llenaron todos esos espacios vacíos, Conciencia de Krishna me entrego plena y completa satisfacción espiritual, lo cual nunca antes había vivido. Ha pasado un año y un par de meses desde su muerte, y reconozco que aun tengo ese sentimiento de separación, solo que ahora tengo una base espiritual que me fortalece día a día; pero dentro de mi tengo cierto temor, porque no me siento en las condiciones de vivir otro lamentable suceso como ese, me da miedo no poder levantarme nuevamente si es que volviera a caer. Si usted me pudiera aconsejar un poco con respecto a este tema, le estaría eternamente agradecida de todo corazón. Muy agradecida y sin querer quitarle más de su valioso tiempo, se despide afectuosamente su aspirante a sirviente Bhaktin Valentina Cortes.

HpS - ASA - Hmmmfff. It is a rather subtle question and we can only catch about 80% of it with our limited Spanish. I am writing so that Google can translate easily.

Also, even in our mother tongue it would be a difficult question, because it is a rather personal thing and we would have to know more about your personal mind and nature, relations, but in general Krsna Consciousness means to put Krsna in the center as friend, child, lover, mother and then all the other relations start to become clear.
Once you have lost a husband it is very natural to feel fear of having it happend again. Why betray the intimacy with the first one.

So, I don't know the details. You have to talk with people wo know the details and if that is only Krsna then, O.K. talk with Him. Little by little this process will answer yout question very thoroughly.