Haribol maharaj

10 years, 2 months ago by David Leyton in Personal Sadhana Reports


Hare Krishna Maharaj, soy David leytopn desde Santiago de Chile, siempre deceando para usted una mejor salud y entregarme a sus pies de Loto.

La ultima vez que le escribi fue hace 3 meses, perdome mi ingratitud, pero no hay mucho que contar, soy un hombre de pocas palabras. Lo ultimo que me dijo fue que obtubiera ayuda para mi salud por problemas psyco somaticos, pero perdone nuevamente mi ofenza, no he seguido esa instruccion de tratarme medicamente. He dejado de confiar en la medicina convencional para estos caso ya que solo tratan los malestares del cuerpo y tampoco quiero ir al sicologo o siquiatra para que me mantenga con pastillas, pero estoy estudiando de que se trata para ver quien me puede tratar.

En una de sus cartas nombraron a Hoponopono y encontre que tiene unas meditaciones para amarse a uno mismo, esa seria una manera de sanear parte de mi sicosis? también dijo un doctor que el problema sicosomatico se da porque la persona quiere llamar la atencion por medio de los dolores...

Aun la vida es tormentosa pero deja de ser grave cuando el Bhakti llega al corazon. Retome la lectura del B Gita y soñe con la deida de Prabhupada multiplicada en tres, una es para usted, la otra para mi nobia y la otra es para mi. esa noche senti que prabupada saneaba mi corazon y me mostraba que yo estoy bien.

Canto mis 16 todos los días, vegetariano y ofreciendo todo lo que como, no me intoxico y con mi nobia nos casaremos el 2015.

maharaj espero verlo pronto en Chile para comentarle más personalmente.


hare krishna

HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. Desculpa Castellano horrible. Prabhupada por su misericordia esta haciendo cosas claro. Los 4-principios fuertes son la base de salud mental y fisico bueno. Es la sabiduria de miles de anos, no? De la transendencia!

Si no podemos seguir todo, muy bien. Estamos siguiendo un portion. Protejer esta riqueza y comienze la lucha para tomar mas de Maya. Poco a poco siguiendo lo leyes y regulaciones de Bh. Yoga! El resultado es purificacion guarantiizado y despues, auspiciosidad en famnilia, salud, todo, y despues despierta amor para KRSNA!!!

Laksmi-Narayan Das - TARAPOTO

Hare Krishna Gurudev


Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitay

All glories to His Divine Grace A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami  Prabhupada

All Glories to You Dear GuruMaharaja

Dear Gurudeva I want to thank You for asking about this useless aspiring servant and tell You that due to Your Mercy this donkey is healthy, a bit thinnery  but it is better that way....My dear daughter Radhika is healthy too. I see her in the school in the break time.(every time i can i give her some Prasadam). Now i am not working.

I am following 4 principles without problems, I am chanting 20 rounds daily, woreshipping Sri Sri Parama Karuna Goura Nitay Altar and reading Krshna Book, Nectar of Instruction, Bhagavad Gita however because i am a fallen person i still attached to this material world.

I would like to tell You that i have the association of devotees from Tarapoto; every vaisnava feast we went to distribute some prasadam, sing, and preaching to diferent poor places. I also helped Prabhu Maha Bhandu in two Books Fairs.

Prabhu Yadhu was here two times, he was in my house. He has plans to live here and buy some lands. Also came Prabhu Bhadra Rupa Das and Madre Maha Vidya D D from Germany.

Well this is all for this time... I want to thank You again for all the service You do. May the Lord Nrisimha always protect You .....

dandavats  ..laksmi narayan d

Hare  Krisna  Hare  Rama !!!!!  Srila Prabhupada Ki Jaya!!! Hanumatpresaka Swami Maharaja Ki Jaya!!!

*please forgive my ofensese.

Attached is my altar

HpS - AGTSP very nice. Paoho. Thank you so much for the news. You have the nicest thing to sell, Krsna! So let us see how you get more and more customers.

Relationship with your good wife is more simple now, clear?

Please write from time to time!!  We need a reporter from Tarapoto! Also very nice to hear about Yadu. We worry about him.

Your altar is like heaven!

good news from Chile

10 years, 2 months ago by Bhaktin Fernanda L. in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics


PAMHO Dear Gurudeva, Hare Krsna!

16 rounds, 4 principles.

I´m writing you because my baby was born, in 23 September. His name is Syamasundar. thanks Krsna He's healthy. This experience is really powerful. the first week i did not sleep so it was almost impossible chant the 16 rounds, but now i´m coming back to the road, coming back to 16 rounds, please blessings for keep it the standard and learn to be a good mother in Krsna consciousness.

Your aspiring servant

Fernanda Leiva 

HpS - AGTSP. paoho. Oooof! So much pain getting a baby born. Incredible! Well, now you can find our who your new family member is. Usually as we understand, until about 3-years old the soul has a lot of access to memories from last life. Things can be collected and put to use in this life. Congratulations to you all!!!

DTC Sa(11)

10 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC, Personal Sadhana Reports

It's been a DickeyDing-Dong Dynamic Day!
Nama om visnu padaya...  Krsna presthaya bhutale!!!!!!!!   AgtSP....  ....!.

     Two classes, offering peas-porridge, with milk after everything.

Nap. What do we do now?

Chant to Plan, and Plan to Chant.

We looked at the map. Found a strange park. Went there and drove around and found some more forest in which to play, near our cottage on the Hill.

Then to Good Will second hand store. It was busy, like a place of pilgrimage. Cloudy, cold. Everyone gone to Chicago.

We look-ed through the book titles for cartoon drawing examples etc. but no satisfaction. Very, very, very frustrated.

               ~Who are we? ? !!~

What can we do for Krsna of any significance!!!   Very frustrated.

Drown your sorry in Condensed Milk!

But we prayed, and prayed and prayed and got some c. milk, and realized that the real problem in the world is that there a no books to read that we like that will take us to Pure Goodness so that we can read the KRSNA book.

So [all of this with Lord Nrsmhadeva] offered the Condensed Milk, began honoring some Prasada and began to write.

The result is posted at:


Other things: Museum book, NIOS-Nashville, Radha-krsna Das essays, Letters to the Editor... we just haven't got the energy to do in one day! Two BhVai classes and full morning program is a lot of preaching for us. We need some insanity.

Oink! WHoop!

August Scores and Service Update

Dear Gurumaharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I wish to inform you on how things are going. Principles and japa according to standard, and attempting to inject more feeling and sincerity.

. . . . HpS - ASA - !

Still, honestly said, it's a turbulent mental state, Gurudeva. Not much silence. The last two months i started going out for sankirtan by myself in the next big town. While i'm on unemployment benefits it is a nice thing to do, and it works miracles for my KC. Your question about collecting addresses, i hand out temple cards and invitations, and sometimes i share my personal email, but i don't ask for people's data. I heard some seniors say book distribution is not so potent if you don't keep in touch, but it feels awkward to me because i don't wanna infringe on people. Should i ask people anyway?

   ASA - It is very personal. There is no harm doing what you fell is natural.

Scores are: 3 gita, 25 SSR, 16 Path to Perfection, 20 Chant & Be Happy.

    HpS - Very, very nice!

I was trying to do something useful for Srila Prabhupada by seeing for publishing On Chanting Hare Krishna, but so far i didn't make much progress. Copyrights and the BBT giant needs some understanding from my side, communicating with the Dutch BBT person went slowly. The project is put aside for now, because something else came up. Already for a few years RNS devotees think about translating the Journey Home, and finally it is getting tangible. I am so fortunate to get to do the translation. I deadlined december 4th, with extra space until 23rd. I hope you can appreciate this. It is impertinent to ask for your blessings after things are already decided, but without them it will not be very auspicious.

HpS - ASA - God bless the book.

I'm happy with it, especially now that i finally have some project. So far several attempts to start something didn't really take off. So i will dedicate myself as much as possible, and i shall stay in Amsterdam temple for a while sometimes to get more work done. My wife is not too happy with my 'crazy energy' if i'm at home too much of the time.

My work as editor for Dutch ISKCON magazine will change. People weren't very interested, so subscriptions faltered, Benelux council said. At the same time i was thinking how to make it more attractive, and i started to create some new vision, but then out of nothing i was told GBC decided to terminate, and do a Dutch translation of BTG instead. "In Italy it worked." I wasn't asked anything, just a notice after the decision was made.

    HpS - Hmmmf! People just don't know how to respect a good man! (Or maybe we are idiots and they just did the right thing. Ha, Ha, Hare...)

So after deliberating I decided to quit my contribution. On one side I see the servant shouldn't care about the details, but on the other side I don't like such kind of dealings. Instead I will work more on expansion of Dutch online website content, after Journey Home is finished. It dawned on me that I do serve my own agenda Gurumaharaja, i have to admit.

I had some nice exchanges with Dutch seniors while preparing for RY Amsterdam, and it inspired me to keep growing as ISKCON devotee, so that one day i might be qualified to do something that will please you and Srila Prabhupada Very Much.

I'm very happy for the South American yatra. They derive much inspiration from your coming visit. It's a wonderful life this way. Thank you very much, Gurumaharaja. May you inspire people ever more.

Your aspiring servant,
Raghava Pandita dasa

 HpS - ASA - AGTSP. Paoho.   Just keep going ahead. Look for a nice job where you can give you association to the workforce slowly and gently and make money and preach. Look for place to continue with the publishing efforts. You are certainly on the right path, 20-times over! Krsna will certainly send you all kinds of possibilities!!!

Reporte Personal

10 years, 3 months ago by Bhakta Octavio in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Guru Maharaja!
porfavor mis acepte Humildes reverencias, 8 meses pecar escribirle ni reportarme, Me Siento apenado TENEMOS embargo de pecado Buenas noticias,

Gracias a krishna, Creamos la base Una Nama Hatta Una Vez Por mes, our Grupo this Creciendo en Do Mayoría amas de casa, Damos Una Clase de Cocina y posteriormente Clase de BG, invitamos a Devotos Mayores un apoyarnos la de la estafa del clase de BG,

Por Otro Lado comenzamos el mes Pasado el Curso Bhakti Sastri Que se this impartiendo Por Primera Vez en México Distrito Federal Por Sriman Krishna Balaram Das, Dejamos nuestro de Servicio en la Cocina de Sus Señorías párrafo enfocarnos mas en Bhakti Sastri y en el ultimo Año de preparatoria, A Pesar de ESO TENEMOS Un Nuevo Servicio mas, somos Cocineros en la base de Nama Hatta de Devadarshan Das Prabhu,

     HPS - ASA - Como esta El Deva-darshana Das???

   ... la UNA Vez Por Semana, Me Siento inspirado Cada Vez Más por la INMENSA Compasión de Srila Prabhupada párr Nosotros estafadores, Por Otro Lado mi Madre sí Volco a la religión Cristiana y me es Ahora mas Difícil Vivir mi vida Espiritual en Casa ya ella Que No nada Acepta de la Conciencia de Krishna y es Muy Ofensiva un Llegado a tirar los libros de Srila Prabhupada ae incluyente Una Vez la vi Intentando retirar mi altar y tirarlo :(, los antes de volcarse a ella respetaba el Cristianismo eh me apoyaba inclusivo Pero Ahora ya no ¿ Que puedo HACER En Esta Situación?

HpS - ASA - Hmmmm. No se los detalles, pero hay ejemplo de Prahlada Maharaja y  su padre. Muchas veces los familiares no son demonios, solamente falta comprehension de que es ISKCON. Entonces evitar el aspecto loco de ella y trata comunicar que es ISKCON. Canta Hare Krsna, Hare Rama, como los Vrajavasi.

Sin Más por El Momento me despido de USTED do ASPIRAnte un sirviente Bhakta Octavio.

HpS - ASA!!! Nos vemos pronto.