.AGTSP. Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja.

9 years, 3 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja.

All Glories to Sri Sri Gauranga Nityananda

All Glories to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

All Glories to you.

HpS - ASA -  Very little glorie to us, we try!!

All Glories to devotees and to Gaura Bhakta Vrnda.

Please accept my humble obeisances to your inmaculate lotus feet.

HpS - Only an extremely advanced soul could penetrate the gloom that covers them and our siddha svarup and see them.

Guru Maharaja I hope your health is really well. How is it?

HpS - This place is dukha-alayam, asasvatam:  A place of distress and unpredictable. We are dying a reasonable death, just, I hope, like you. Our health is O.K.     We are going blind etc, as old age always dictates, but we can look at this as preparing the elements of this body to be nicely dissolved to be used for new bodies.  Good service.  Die nicely!

Latest times in KC was difficult for me, 4 principles good, rounds goes down, now reaching again the standard, more inspired I start to hear every day Srila Prabhupada classes.

HpS - Keep track of how many rounds you owe Srila Prabhupada, and then make them up!

Guru Maharaja I found in me, something terrible for spiritual life, insensitivity. I can see how I cannot please to devotees because of that, my limitation is because I'm to be soooo fix in target, wich impede me develop feelings like empathy and tolerance. I'm so shame for that, and I don't know which tools I can apply to improve in this area.

HpS - We all start like that.  Heart is as hard as  truck tire.  The cure is Bhakti Yoga, ISKCON, Yoga, Bhagavata Marg!

My rigidity, offend others, for me its be sincere, but persons feel bad because of my words. Please Gurudev help me to develop Vaishnava qualities. Sorry for the reactions for offend devotees, I'm really bad because of that. My intention is good but my mood is so material.

I started to know a devotee, cultivating a friendship first, but not worked. I prioritized my spiritual life.

Gurudev, the program for new persons once a month keeps on good, many new persons came sing and they back again! They take prasadam,  Prabhupada books, we preach, it's really gratefull can pleased Srila Prabhupada Giving the maha mantra and His books. (I motivate them to clap like you told me in my last letter!! :)

In your previous letter you ask me if I teach in a course thats i mention (Spiritual Sciencist) Yes Gurudev, 2 senior devotees and me gave it. It over two weeks ago.

I'm finishing the course to give class, don't know how they say facilitación in english, with Param Padam Das.

I was summoned to help in the organization of monthly festivals of ISKCON 50 years. Waiting for your bless to do it.

Ratha Yatra is comming.

Education Congress and your visit. I will talk with Ambarisa M Das and Vrsabhanu N DD to do it in the better way. And Jagad Guru Das about congress.

Bhakti Sastri I have to give my exam in one week I think i will not go,I have no time to study in a good mood.


How wonderful is reality, how wonderful is Aksara Dhama. (from> http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/node/5400 )  Can you please explain me what is Aksara Dharma?

Gurudeva I depend of your causeless mercy to do something real for Srila Prabhupada. Please apologize my mistakes I really want to be a good disciple. Sorry for my inabilities and for my hard heart.  I really want to learn how to love Krishna.

My obeisances to your feet, my only shelter and my compass. Sorry for this long letter.

Who want to serve you.

Rati-Manjari Devi Dasi.

HpS - I don't know details of "Aksara Dhama".   Aksara means Indestructable.    The Holy Name and the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda and His eternal associates are Aksara, eternal. Do not think that they are something temporary like things in this world.
In the beginning of devotional service, a tendency toward impersonalism is natural. Yoga is taking us from material variety, but if we persist in honest Sadhana then we will begin to develop natural friendly relations, but now on good basis of Santa bhakti.
No one is more strongly fixed in Santa rasa than the Gopis.  If you want to build a tall building you must have a very deep foundation.  Madhurya Rasa is based upon Santa Rasa.
Send us more news as you can!!!!
We will see you in a few days.
I think that you are developing nice personal relations. Just takes time. These are eternal relations.  Deep.
ISKCON Bhakta vrnda Ki Jai!

urgent-Flyer+Contact list

Hare Krsna Senor Maharaj
Pamho, AGTSP..
Jaya Rama !!!!!
The list is reaching is about to get completed need to do some final checks/verification.
Who will make the flyer, How will we do it ? 

ASA - Thank you!!!    We will talk to Dr. (with you?!!) and see that list is O.K. with him.  Then we can engage Gauranga-tech, Rama-giridhari Das et al, to work with us on the marketing, promo-letter, method of approach.  We will call soon.

Do you think its better to talk about these over skype ? i think 930 am 10 oct , lima time is fine.

ASA - Here is very, very good for as much as we can do, because we need the collective ASA intelligence to help. Oink!    Oink!    WHoop!   WHooop!
My wife is helping child a lot. she make sure he does not watch any screen!!! she reads him Panch-Tantra stories..
the back ground of Panch Tantra is - king had sons , he was disappinted that sons are neither devotees nor materially astute. So he send hims to teacher who tell him stories like bhagvatam (story inside a story) to be materially astute

ASA - Yes, we know Pancha​-tantra stories!  There are some excellent audio dramas of them that we heard in English by some Yoga group. Where??   What is Hitopadesa?

We see our son as political leader not as engineer or  doctor ot teacher....

SP says "We want that the mass shall support us, but we want that the class shall preach for us, that is the distinction."  ...http://prabhupadaletters1972.blogspot.in/2007/12/27-december-1972.html

is it okay if we see him like that

ASA - Seems fine to me!    There is children's Srimad Bhagavatam also, no?   Pioneer work. Looking for material for active mind.   We will try to find more for you.  Sunday school program.     Especially can you integrate with Ram-giridhari and Prana et al?  They are not perfect, but you can make them better for your personal benefit and the whole world.  Achintya bheda abheda tattva.   If you fail to save your kid, the whole world will go to hell.

sadhana is still sine wave but mean is not zero, and freq is decreasing...

ASA - Yessss, to us it seems your mean has really gone up.
any other service ?


HpS - Just struggle, struggle, struggle to pronounce clearly.  With your help we will contact Dr. and go ahead in this line.  Everything you are doing seems to be moving in the right direction. Don't change the direction, just improve the efficiency.

Offer our respects and hello to your good wife!

Hare Rama!!!

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, por favor reciba mis respetuosas reverencias. 

Estuvimos de Sankirtan viajero, fuimos a la Marathon de Sankirtan realizada en Bolivia - Cochabamba, en asociación con Prabhu Jagat Bhandu, Prabhu Tattva Vit, Bhakta Victor, Bhakta Alex, Prabhu Nilacala, Prabhu Adveita, Madre Nadiya, Madre Madhumati y Bhaktin Karina. 

Luego viaje a la ciudad de Oruro con Prabhu Tattva vit y Bhakta Victor, los 3 estuvimos una semana en esa ciudad y distribuimos muchos libros. Luego fuimos a La Paz por unos 3  dias. Ahora estamos Puno - Perú haciendo Sankirtan con Prabhu Tattva Vit y  Bhakta Victor.

El Sadhana esta muy bien, Mangal Artik, 16 rondas de yapa, 4 principios, lectura de Nityananda Caritamrta y Bhagavad - Gita.  Pronto le escribire con nuevas noticias de sankirtan. Seguimos en busqueda de una autoridad de Sankirtan, esperamos encontrarla pronto.

Bueno Guru Maharaj me despido y  deseo que su salud se mejore .....Hare Krsna!!!

Gadai Gauranga Das

HpS - ASA -- Hare Krsna!   Gracias para sus noticias!!!   Reverencias a todos sus amigos.      Muy interestante su Samadhi, Sankirtan.    Buscando un autoridad de Sankirtan...   Aravinda de Mejico en parte. Claro, Srila Prabhupada, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, son nuestras autoridades. Son bien, bien, bien conciente de todo lo que pasa con sankirtaneros como Vd. pero tambien, ellos puede enviar diferentes representates para ayudar Vds, no?

Hare Krsna!    Hare Krsna!!!!!!!!!


Still anxious in Denver

9 years, 3 months ago by BhaktaAdrian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Bhakta Adrian: I'm feeling excited for this update!!

Since my last letter I have moved into my own small studio apartment. Living with just myself and my japa/books. My new place is 3 miles to the temple, 5 miles to work.

I'll be commuting on my bike about 97% of the time. I have had some good interaction with the devotees here. VERY nice/sincere/helpful devotees. Great association.

I spoke with the Ashram leader, and am letting the temple use my car, as they are in need of a vehicle. It costs me more money to park in the city than it does on gas to get around. They are happy about it!

I also live walking distance to where they do weekly harinama. I have been out with them before, but the first time at this location. I'll be going to at least one harinam a week.

Still going about twice a week for Mongal arati/tulasi puja/japa time. In my reading I have moved on to the Nectar of Devotion. Great studying material. I am hoping to meet via skype with Sakar once a week to discuss NOD. I have questions!

HpS - Dhanurdara Swami's, "Waves of Devotion", helps us A LOT to understand NOD better.  A lot of technical things to be explained.

I am also reading a compilation of Prabhupada's lectures on chanting Hare Krishna. I will be purchasing Srimad Bhagavatam set in the next week or two.

I will be following along with the temple readings and meeting with the devotees once a week to have breakfast and discuss on Saturdays! Also, engaging in temple seva on the weekends. This weekend was veggie prep, and pot washing. So far on my initiation check list I have:

  • Daily 16 rounds
  • 4 regs (not living with women)
  • twice weekly temple seva
  • twice weekly mongal arati/sanga
  • weekly harinam
  • Bhagavatam reading
  • personal reading/studying (two books right now)

At this point, what do you require of me to take initiation??

HpS - Have your read www.jayarama.us/kd/guru-tattva.txt? Our ideas are close enough?    The details of requirements are there!

I could have TP and/or Ashram leader to reach out to you to confirm my status with the temple? Maintain my program for how long before I can receive initiaion? Is there anything on my list I need to improve on, or increase in frequency? I wish I wasn't so entangled in material life, that I wouldn't be required to have a job!

HpS - ASA - Six months following your current, super program, letter of approval from TP, then you are a Formal Refugee. Six months more and other letter and good discussion between you and me and approval of Srila Prabhupada and you can take first initiation! 

Eagerly awaiting instruction-

Your Aspiring Servant,

Bhakta Adrian 

HpS -  Thank you!!!!!


Hare Krishna GuruMaharaj! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! Please accept my humble obeisances.

Sorry for not writing you before, here in Madrid all is Ok, now the autumn and the weather is a lot more comfortable than some months ago.

I went to do the “Camino de Santiago (camino del norte… there are different routes to arrive to Santiago the north way is one of the most old and beautiful also one of the most difficult)” with one of my best friends (from my childhood) we walked around 300 km in ten days. The experiences was nice and I hope to finish the pilgrim to Santiago the next year. I chant many rounds, share many good moments with different people, etc… Also some days before to start the Camino of Santiago the uncle of my friend (the uncle of my friend was my friend also I knew him when I was 13-14 years) committed suicide and this experience was hard for my friend (also for me) but the trip help him to think about transcendental topics.

HpS - So, sad.  He didn't have to do that, no?   There is no mistake that we can make that we can't rectify!

I returned to Madrid to start the service in the temple, after some days Jaramara officially left all his services in the temple. This new situation caused a new restructuration of my services and now I take the responsibility with the president about the organization of the services, take care of the devotees from the ashram  and also I continue like head pujari. The way that I usually try to work is the next: I do a list of all the services temple and pujari and I review all the Mondays with the devotees.

I would like to increment the standard of the deity but with this new situation now its not possible, but im happy cause the devotee that is learning pujari is developing good and we are supporting nice the actual standard. In addition, Im starting to take care of Tulasi, we had a plague but now its better.

In some days I will have the Bhakti Sastri exam and also we are going to start a program call “Kirtan Pizza” all Fridays evenings, the idea is to chant Mahamantra Hare Krishna around one hour and half and take a piece of pizza. If its possible I would like to give little seminars of vegetarian cook in November… lets see.

Mathura Mani is in the hospital, she has a problem with her pancreas, the doctors don’t give the results yet. We are expecting.

That’s all I will try to write you with a little more frequency. Thanks for your time and energy.

Your servant Mantri Rama Das.

HpS - People leaving, hospital. We can always follow the example of Draupadi -  No help from even her closests assests.  Both hands in the air and "Hare Krsna"!    Then we see that this is wonderful situation. At least it is best situation for the fastest purification, and then as we are purified it is great situation for preaching.   Nurses see people in the hospitatl every day, but when a devotee passes through it can be a life changing experience for them.
You are in the perfect situation!

Hare Krisna, desde Málaga

9 years, 3 months ago by Dandava das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna, querido Gurudeva. Por favor, acepte mis humildes reverencias, dandavats. Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada.

Perdone por no haber escrito desde que estuvo en Madrid en Mayo. Han sido unos meses muy difíciles para mí. La administración es la puerta del infierno a veces, y en otras la puerta a Goloka. Yo soy muy burro y me acerco más al infierno que a Goloka.

HpS - Es mejor ir a ISKCON Infierno que IBM Infierno, no?

Ahora estamos Carcika y yo descansando en Málaga, una semana junto al mar. Si Krisna quiere seremos finalmente padres en el mes de Abril, a finales. Después de dos abortos y un año muy muy intenso, Krisna nos da un nuevo servicio, cuidar de un alma  para ayudarla a ser devota o que nos vuelva devotos a nosotros.

HpS -  Jaya!!!     Infierno???        Cielo.   Muy bien.

Siento de corazón lo mal aspirante a devoto y discípulo que soy. No entiendo aún como Krisna nos permite cantar su Santo Nombre cada día. Estamos más en el suelo, que caminando. Pero queremos seguir mejorando, aunque a veces no sabemos cómo.

HpS - En la ultima carta Vd. era en viaje a EEUU.   Eso era la comenza de sus problemas???   Muy posible. Pais horrible a veces.  May - Octubre, Cinco Meces!!!!       Como espera pasar bien nada sin escribir al Blog y la ASA!!!!!

Solo quería que supiera que un devotito is coming y que aunque algo maltrechos seguimos adelante en la misión de Prabhupada. Se siguen haciendo devotos en Madrid. Cuando regresemos a Madrid, le escribiré más tranquilamente. Gracias por su infinita misericordia.

HpS - O.K!!!!!        Cinco dias, no cinco meces!       Pero, los caidos pueden ser piedras para adelantar en el sendero, entonces muchas veces no hay, nada, NADA, lamentar en problemas si podemos entender verdades eternos de ellos.

Esperamos su proxima carta!