"The highest truth is reality distinguished from illusion for the welfare of all"

Hare Krishna Beloved and esteemed Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

What a beautiful time to be in. So much creativity, i sense there is a shifting within ISKCON. Seeing how wonderfully devotees are preaching enlives me up. The Journey Within by Hh Radhanath Swami, Hiding in Unnatural Happiness by Hh Devamrita Swami, Our family business by H Grace Vaisesika Prabhu, Psychology and the sacred by Nios. The new wave is coming! UTSAHA!! 

In the other hand i feel awful cause i feel I'm doing nothing for this movement. Or much less i could do if i were focused.

Preaching is growing nicely here in MDP, we are going out of our centers to different places, schools, clubs, homeless shelters, etc. Many people are coming and programs are growing. We are penetrating more and more into MDP's society, media, governors start noticing our work.

My life is ok for kali yuga in the material world, Manu and Benji are growing nicely healthy and have some sense of KC. Work is fine, i can not find the right pace yet but struggling for that.

I'm chanting 16 rounds, probably 25% acceptable. Little by little I'm catching up with my vrata debt. I'm having problems with illicit sex. We keep with this karma misra bhakti yoga process and We started a strict diet to try to control this. 48 hs of juices, then only 2 meals a week with grains and only ghee as dairy products. The rest just salad and steamed vegetables!!

HpS - For whom are you cooking?

I'm reading Pada padma of SB! Leading BG discussion at El Loft and I'm in charge of book distribution and now Food for life program. I tend to keep busy in the service but sometimes i dont know whether to quit that services and focus only in 4p and 16r. What do you think gurudev?

HpS - If you look at the revised www.jayarama.us/kd/guru-tattva.txt there is a wonderful citation by Srila Prabhupada. He says that like all the other services are choked or illusory unless we are 16/4.    Nothing else will suffer if we focus on 16/4 ... money, fame, entertainment, sankirtan, family, administration...

Thank you so much for always be there for us Gurudev and make huge endeavor for pushing this wonderful movement foward. I really know that purity is the strenght and that is the real mean of conquer. I feel that the only thing i can do is keep trying my best to overcome this anarthas!

I hope you dont kick me off from the shelter of your lotus feet!!!

Trying to purify my service,

Your fallen servant,

Nikunja Bihari das.

HpS - In our current circumstances we get bored and lonely sometimes, so we read stuff from Gutenberg.org, take too much fruit juice and condensed milk...   Somebody else can't stop a heroin addiction. Room for improvement at every level.  Usually there is a good reason why be a subject to greed, lust. What is it?  Probably many valid reasons.  Investigate.Chant HK all the time we are attracted and engaged in our greedy things.

Thank you so much for your association!!!   Respects to everyone.

Your news from MDP is very inspiring.   Who else is there now???

My respectful obeisances to you, Sir. Hare Krsna

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaj.

Please accept my respectful obeisances to you. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

A mental projection, of simple servant holding a straw with its teeth walking toward you;  in a sincere attempt to do the right thing. Out of love, devotion, faith, knowledge all them partially developed and fully manifestation of need, desperation, fear, delusion and hope. It is his dragging big baggage of good and bad qualities. That is my personal presentation unto you.

It is karma-misra-bhakti, pushing us to turn toward you and cry out for your forgiveness, mercy, blessings.. there is no other way to keep alive in this spiritual path.. i have been trying serving you just at vani level (initiation vows), and honoring you whenever we do try to do devotional service to Krsna, but yet there is not full peace of mind as somehow and other we know that we are offending you simultaneously. we do not seek that Sir..

consciously i had never envied you Sir, ..  i just can not understand you, but  covered by pride and false ego, i try to justify my possition, and keep distance from you. 'The blog blocks me'..  public communication.  revealing mind, is that not supposed to be confidential?

I am hesitating to continue.. (writing).. doubting of the efficacy and clarity of this via of communication. does this can really convey the message that we are trying to say?. or is it possible to say it after all?.  Guess it sounds sahajjiya.. (deceiving perhaps).. but i have the push in my heart to do it. Paramatma?. .. just send it .. It says.. just do it.

we just want to let you know that we are still alive,.. continuing  walking, no, . we are crawling!!!. 

I remember you quoting Srila Prabhupada saying if guru wants to know how his disciple is doing.. Krsna, Paramatma makes the arrangement .. that guru get the news. .  ..  yeah!.. but it is not enough, we should not make Krsna to work for us.!!

HpS - Hare Krsna, Madhumanjari Devi Dasi.   Such a long time we do not hear from you!    "Guhyam akyati prcchati...".    This Blog is like the people that come up after a big class and carry on the discussions. It is automatically a little bit more confidential. Reading the letters we can see what kind of things go on here.  Devotees can even use different names. Of course, if there is something more confidential then it can just be mentioned and then we can arrange to discuss things more privately.
Especially with a very nice pujari, psychologist, soon to be famous author, it is very nice to have some letters about important topics so that some other sankirtan devotees, land owners, big managers can benefit.
We often think about what is happening with your good self!
We ge news from others.

Today SB class, eight canto, ch.16, text 23. Kasyapa muni instructing Aditi.. it helped me to remember you, moreover to strongly realise that i can not continue anymore in this way..  Aditi accepted her husband not just like a caste wife serves and respects her husband, this time she accepted him as guru.. shelter, with full trust. Accordingly, Kasyapa muni, in compassionate way, engaged and instructed her in direct devotional service but subtlely covered, in order to pacify her mind.. Payo-vrata!!!.. wow!!.. but actually it is vadhi bhakti, as we all are trying to follow everyday..  the point is that he, Kasyapa treated her with compassion, kindness, intelligence, pointing out even  her degraded stage of conscioness calling her grhamedhini.!!..  the expertise of advance devotee!!!!. It reminds me Srila Prabhupada and you..   I remember, long ago..  like a fooling child, i told you that i wanted to have mystic powers.. and you, kindly, in a compassionate way gave the secret to get it.. three important vratas!!!.. they are very powerful and effective, you said. then you told me: first get up early in the morning and attend mangalartik everyday; second, workship Tulsi devi.. and finally chant 16 good rounds of Hare Krsna maha mantra every day..  then.. you will see. the real mystic power manifested..   wow!!. got it!!

HpS - I heard that from Bhadra-vardana Das many years ago, then I remember I read it from Srila Prabhupada also.

Thank you, Sir.. .. thank you very much..

This is becoming to long now.. and there are much more to say..  as you say, the limitation is on the device that you are using.. ( your reply to another disciple message about his long letter).

Anyway.. time to go.

My respectful obeisances to you, Sir (father, mother, master, Guru.. is that right, to see you in that way?).

am i allow to call myself  as your disciple?,  is that appropriate?. we did not please you much.. perhaps even we could be call rebel, black sheep, disrespectful..?.  are you upset with me, Sir.?.    Sorry!!..  i am sorry!!. 

in service

Madhumanjari dd

HpS - ASA ---   I guess everything is kind of O.K. in any respects. We would certainly like to hear news from you about your position in ISKCON now. Are you still living in the Temple as Pujari?   How are your University studies?  Are you planning on staying in Australia.

from Chile

8 years, 8 months ago by Bhaktin Fernanda L. in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krishna dear Gurudev, please accept my humble obeisances to your feets
i hope you are fine.

Andres still work in topography, although he does not like it much, he is really good at it. he also have a musical project, and is learning to tatoo...he like art very much

some news.... we will have another baby!, we are very happy, please your blessings for can breed my sons in Krishna consciousness.

lasts days i could not connect to FMP because Syam its a little sick......
 Last program  in rancagua, was very nice, the next one its gonna be in a new place, is called bellavista de la florida, its not in the city central like paseo ahumada, but anyway many people in there too, we send the request to the intendency, but we dont know the answer yet....we'll see what krishna wants...

your aspiring servant 

Indu-Lekha devi dasi

HpS - Hare Krsna, Mataji. Thank you for the news. Lord Caitanya's formula is "yare dekha, tare kaha...", Where ever you go, whom every you meet, tell them about Krsna from BG and SB, on Lord Caitanya's order, become Guru and save your land.

Good luck!

Hare krishna , reporte

8 years, 8 months ago by Bhakta Victor Junior in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna querido Gurudeva
Por favor acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias.
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Reciba también mis mejores deseos para que usted este mejorando su salud.

Debo comentarle que deje el templo de Wilson porque no me sentía muy bien... Algo solo.

Deva deva Prabhu esta viajando con un grupo de devotos Brahmacaris y me ha invitado para acompañarlo, es así que vine al Paraguay donde me encuentro ahora, aquí estamos participando de los programas, mangalartik, sadhana, Harinama en las calles y distribución de libros y me siento mucho mejor ahora en este templo asociado con devotos.

Estoy enterado que usted estará en Bolivia a finales de junio, donde me desplazare con el grupo de devotos para poder servirlo, recibir sus bendiciones y sus instrucciones.

Su eterno sirviente

Vijaya Govinda das

HpS - ASA - Hare Krsna.    translate.google.com       We answered this letter before, didn't we. If we keep the basic principles and co-ordinate with the Management then of course, we can travel and do what is more spontaneous for us.
We hope to see you in Bolivia in a few days also.

We hope you meet very interesting people on Sankirtan.

Engage them in Sankirtan!

Reporte n° 2

Hare Krishna

Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitay

Todos las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Por favor acepte mis más humildes reverencias.

Maharaj, una vez más le escribo un nuevo reporte para que esté al tanto de mis avances, como lo había expuesto la vez anterior. Durante los últimos días he podido vivir con mucha alegría la distribución de libros de Srila Prabhupada. Afortunadamente he podido encontrar aquella inspiración en los devotos que están constantemente en el campo de batalla, y ello me ha llevado a una entrega sin esperar nada a cambio. Hemos estado distribuyendo libros por el barrio universitario aledaño al Templo de Santiago. 

ASA - Jaya. Es area muy interesante.

Lo que es en relación al canto de mi japa, he podido comprobar diariamente, que una buena modulación y apego a los Santos Nombres de Krishna, es algo bellísimo. Gracias a vuestras instrucciones, mis rondas han subido de números y he sentido aquel néctar que necesitaba dentro de mi camino inicial. Todo ello también, va enlazado a la asociación con aquellos devotos que me inspiran y guían dentro de esta senda.

Como muestra de mi gratitud, y como me lo había solicitado, le envío una fotografía de la Salagram Sila decorada para la recién pasada festividad del Señor Nrisimhadeva.

Se despide su  aspirante a sirviente.

Bhakta Miguel Ángel.

PD: Podría sugerirme algún texto en particular?

HpS - Los recuerdos de pasatiempos de Krsna pro Uddhava en primero parte de tercero Canto.

DC Report

8 years, 8 months ago by sarita108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudev,

PAMHO. All glories to Srila Prabhupad!

I hope planning for Peru is going spectacularly. Also, that the Tennessee heat is bearable.

My 16 rounds have been solid, principles good. Morning program good.

I spoke to the temple authorities and mentors, and I’m going to wait to be initiated by you until you are back in the states. I’m frighteningly praying it’s the right step. I hope it is okay with you?

HpS - ASA --- Seems fine to me!  What about Kartik?  24th October to 27th November. We were thinking of passing along the East coast at that time.

Other news:

I will be attending an inter-faith environmental leadership convergence in New Orleans for a week at the end of June. The temple is sponsoring this trip in hopes of implementing more sustainable and eco-friendly methods. Anutama Das and the GBC have adopted the green initiative and our temple will spearhead this. It’s a daunting task but it’s Krishna’s perfect solution to a problem I felt disheartened about. After festivals or Sunday feasts, our temple is *ordered to throw away huge bins of prasadam. After witnessing so much waste, I simply thought about something that could be done to prevent that. Krishna is now sending me to a place full of individuals with knowledge to solve that problem. As a representative of ISKCON DC and Srila Prabhupad, I ask for your blessings that this go well and we can use in service.

HpS - ASA -- Super!  Maybe we can get a Temple Pig also.   We can grow so much in so little space. We can have orchards!

Everything else is going okay. I am studying for my GRE currently while working and it’s tedious. The mind will find any possible excuse to evade studying. Anxieties of career, grad school, summer festivals, money, relationships, betterment, etc. are all swirling around menacingly. Please send blessings that I can put this wretched thing back in its cage and focus on Hari. Any suggestions on how to stay focused and dovetail studying to Krishna? I had this problem in college too.

HpS - ASA -- We have it right now, and all we can understand is Get up Early and get your Rounds Done (with care).  Then you got a base and then its a matter of being creative to solve your own problems. That attracts Radha and Krsna to you individually to see the fun. Of course, ask others for specific tricks they use.

Not much else to report…Rath Yatra season has started! We served Jagganath this Memorial weekend…and next will be NYC!

I wish you all the best in preparing for the symposium.

Your aspiring servant,


HpS - Hare Krsna!!!!