Mandirs report (Thoubal, Manipur, India)

All Gloritis to A.C. Prabhupada Maharana and Sripada Maharaja

Sri Guruji Maharaja and Gouranga Mahaprabhu

Radha Krsna Ki Jay and Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay

Dandavat Pranam

Thank You so much for Guruji's reply and advice me from time to time. Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji's pdmacharan that the matters written in the previous letter is about personal sakhi & Manjari. In which direction (the eight gates of Vrndavan) and under whose sakhi’s guidance (the 8 sakhis) and what will be the duties?

            I had read the 7th sloka of NOI and the 4.10 BG but it does not related directly with my questions. In the mean time I had discussed with prabhu Partha Sarthi Das in his house and discussed about the metter. He suggested me that such rear matters are discussed mainly in the book “Bhakti Rasamrta Sindhu written by Rupa Gosvami in Sanskrit”. We need to read the book in English Translation not Prabhupada’s Nectar of Devotion. I will try to collect the book in English translation at the earliest then it will help me in future

            Again in some local books, the names of the eight Manjaris are not same and their doors and direction also not same. What will be the real names, directions, and their respective duties for Krsna?

HpS - Yes, there are details of all aspects of devotional service in Rupa Goswami's Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu. Srila Prabhupada's Nectar of Devotion is a translation of practically speaking every verse of the BRS.   Then Danurdhara Swami has a book, "Waves of Devotion" which helps very, very much to make "Nectar of Devotion" very clear.

In Text Eight of NOI it gives the general details. Basically we have to become expert at Sadhana Bhakti first, then Bhava bhakti, then in Prema Bhakti we will understand our Siddha svarupa in Goloka. This is not a light thing. Until we ar following the four regulative principles of ISKCON very strictly for many years and chanting at least 16-very enthusiastic rounds for at least six years we can't even begin to understand these things.

It will be Fairy Tales for the most part.

How is your Sadhana Bhakti? Have ready and understood Srimad Bhagavatam completely?  Caitanya caritamrta?  Many people give the "Names of our Sakhis" etc very cheaply, but this Gopi bhava is something very, very elevated. Even Narada Muni has hard time to really understand it.

            This time, the programme of Saturday Sankirtana is performed in better way. I hope, gradually the number alos will automatically increase.

            I will see, Guruji Maharaja’s time table in the near future.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - Just finished these very intense programs in Peru and Houston and looks like we will go to India in February of 2017 for sure and leave our body Novemer 2024.

Bhaktin Loly (Madrid)


Por favor acepte mis mas humildes reverencias.

     El miercoles pasado celebramos el Kirtan en un parque grande de Villalba. Vinieron Jajanta y su familia, Hari Cakra, Irina y sus hijos, mi hermana, mi hija, una persona que conocí haciendo Sankirtan que se llevó un libro y yo. Estuvimos cantando, bailando, comiendo Prasadan y compartiendo entre nosostos y con esta persona el placer trascendental de cantar los Santos Nombres. Nos lo pasamos muy bien incluida esta mujer que decía que había notado algo muy bonito y especial al cantar el Maha Mantra. Estoy muy contenta porque está muy interesada y siento que Krisna también está feliz por ello. Quiero hacer esto una vez a la semana aquí en Villalba. Siento que no hay nada más importante que dar a conocer los Santos Nombres y que Krisna me guía a través de S. Prabhupada. Y creo que es porque todos los días, en mi sadhana me entrego a Krisna. Le doy todo mi cuerpo, todo mi esfuerzo, toda mi alma y toda mi mente. Le entrego mi vida porque no quiero hacer nada más que servicio devocional. Ahora estoy saliendo a hacer Sankirtan todas las mañanas de lunes a viernes. También he animado a mi hermana a que lo haga y sale conmigo de vez en cuando. Krisna es maravilloso porque me bendice siempre que salgo a distribuir libros conociendo a personas que están interesadas y que puedo ayudar de alguna manera. Siempre hay personas que se llevan libros y siento como un poquito de S. Prabhupada se va con ellas. Y eso me da mucha alegría. Percibo que él está conmigo en esos momentos y que está contento. También estoy muy feliz de que usted esté contento con todo esto que hago.  Mi próximo proyecto es ir a Segovia, la provincia vecina, a hacer Sankirtan junto con otros devotos. Mi intención es ir por la mañana temprano y estar distribuyendo libros hasta el mediodía. Despues, hacer un poco de turismo con los devotos. Ya se han apuntado dos: Yus y Kirtan y junto con mi hermana  seríamos cuatro. Le mantendré informado.

     Por otro lado, también quisiera decirle que el próximo fin de semana iré al Ratha Yatra de Barcelona con otros devotos: Jaga Mohan, Yus, Kirtan y mi hermana. Me hace mucha ilusión; todavía no conozco el templo de Barcelona y lo mejor: poder estar con el Señor Jaganatha, Baladev y Subadra. 

     Ahora y para terminar me gustaría hablarle de mi hija. Ella se llama Sara y tiene casi ocho años; los cumple en agosto. Es una gran devotita; aparte de llevar muy bien su sadhana, la gusta mucho ir al templo  y siempre está pensando en Krisna. Pone fotos de Krisna por todos los sitios, hasta en su tablet. La gusta mucho oir musica devocional, está aprendiendo a tocar el armonio y ya se sabe alguna canción que toca en los kirtan que hacemos en los parques. Le voy a mandar unas fotos en las que sale ella tocando. Y lo último que ha hecho es pedirle a Yadunandana S. refugio como Sicsa Guru. Maharajas le dijo que sí con agrado porque le estuvimos diciendo cómo es su sadhana y le pareció bien. A mi me dió mucha emoción; espero que siga así. Yo haré todo lo posible para ello. Y como yo la hablo de usted, también siente mucho aprecio y respeto hacia usted.

     Le mando unas fotos de nuestros Kirtan en el retiro y del Kirtan en Villalba el otro día.

     Sin mas, quedo a su servicio.

HpS - ASA ---- Puede ver por que nuestra respuesta es tan lento para esta carta en nuestras DTC.  Gira de Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, Huston.       De su carta su vida, hija, todo es super.   Mantenga 16 buenas rondas como base y por el paso de tiempo va a desarrollar una mundo de espiritualidad increible. Ocupa otros en Sankirtan!

Regarding baby and general

8 years, 6 months ago by nataraj in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear guru maharaj, Please accept my dandavat pranams, All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

I have been thinking about writing a letter, but have been busy with lot of changes in life. I have been blessed with a baby girl Sphurana in January. please bless the baby.   I have been reading the news letters and blog occassionally and getting back to my routine life. I wanted to meet you when you come to Houston, but could not make it. Apologies for my laziness.

HpS - Well, we are slow in answering this letter so how can we criticize you any more than we criticize our selves, but we get our rounds done well, mangala arati, sankirtan.   I guess you Sankirtan is taking care of your family materially and spiritually. How old is your daughter?   We will be in USA until December so we can talk!!!
Keep your priorities, otherwise even wolves have families!!

Its nice to see the instructions you give to different disciples. I will try to make it when you come to Houston next time

your servant

Nilachala chandra das

my personal sadhana

8 years, 6 months ago by mukta singh in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dandavat Pranam

I am forwarding a letter written by KrsnaSwarup Das of Silchar. He could not send his letter in this blog so he send to me .

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Krishna Swarup Das <[email protected]>

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to me

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Guru Maharaj.  Hare krsna. Dandavat pranam unto your lotus feet. Pamhao. All glories to Guru, srila prabhupada,and nitaigour. Although myself not qualified, by your great mercy only, you have accepted me as your disciple. You are just like in the spiritual sky and I am in family hole. Moreover l am so fallen, l don't know how to serve you guru Maharaj. But your grace and blessings, my spiritual advancement is not possible. So daily I just look and cry unto the lotus feet of your alokhya guru Maharaj. No of times l am fail to connect you. Hope this prayer will find you in good health and fully dissolved in devotional service. Kindly acknowledge the receipt of this with writing the place, where you are guru Maharaj and if possible some time awake me through SMS in my mobile no 919435072632. Or[email protected]. that will inspire me very much. Forgive me. Again Dandavat pranam unto your lotus feet Guru Maharaja.  Your most fallen servant. Krishna swarup Das. Silchar. Assam.

HpS - Hare Krsna. Thank you Yamunesvara Das.   If you read our DTCs. Diary of a Traveling Creature, you can see you busy we have been with the programs in South American and then here in Houston.

Just yesterday we finished the ISKCON North America Symposium and today Monday, we have a little time. Actually, our body is feeling very weak at this moment, but we trust that driving it from the spiritual level will help it to get the energy it needs to go on for  a few more years. Then we get new car, body, no?

Please, please, please, write to Krsna svarupa Das and thank him for his letter, and ask him if he has any study partner for BG etc. as we suggested?

See if you can get him on this Blog. It makes us very sad that we cannot connect with him here.

Also, we see like two more letters from your esteemed self here in the Blog, but we cannot get to them today.

Tomorrow we hope.

I think you are a very great hero in Krsna's eyes.


8 years, 6 months ago by Janard1108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj,


The situation at the moment with regards to my harinam initiation scheduled for 20 July is as follows:

1. Mukunda Goswami has been kind enough to chant on my beads.

2. Govinda Caran Prabhu has agreed to conduct the initiation, but is not available on the 20 July (Australian time).

He is however able to do it on 19 July.

Would this be acceptable Maharaj?

3. I am finishing my final ISKCON test I believe this Friday 15 July.

4. I am still awaiting my letter of recommendation which I am expecting soon and will forward to you upon receipt.

Your servant,


HpS - Hare Krsna. Of course, this is an old letter. In the Vedic culture we get initiated from a pure devotee Grhasta in our village. That makes life easier.

But this is the modern world, so we all live 97.35% in cyberspace, no?

You can call us on the phone now, 209 505-3219, for critical administrative matters. Our respects to Mukunda Goswami.

You will have a lot of people chanting on your beads!!

Private - Please!! Madhumanjari dd

8 years, 6 months ago by Madhumanjari in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaj.

Pamho agtSP

. . . .

Thank you.

Hare Krsna

your servant

Madhumanjari dd

HpS - ASA --- Thank you so much for you letter.    They mean a lot to us. We sent a copy of it with our thoughts to your address with a copy to Tulasi carana sevita Das.