Urgent questions

7 years, 7 months ago by SoleOyarce in Personal Sadhana Reports

<small>All Glories to Srila Prabhupada</small>

<small>All Glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitay</small>

<small>My obescience on your lottus fet Maharaja.</small>

<small>Ma. Soledad from Chile again.</small>

<small>Maharaja understanding this blog as a means of helping our questions, as a support for our spiritual progress is that I have raised some questions. Many times I have read letters from devotees with questions or situations very similar to mine, and their answers have served as a guide. Now I have some questions to ask you, as I do not want to speculate or talk to other people, just as I know that Prabhupada's books contain the answers, but I want to know yours as a guide, and you are a totally reliable source , To whom I will forever give my obeisances and obeisances.</small>

<small>HpS - ASA -- We make mistakes and then we are happy when devotees correct us with words from Srila Prabhjupada's books etc.</small>

<small>I would like to know what makes the devotees so much offense, can we explain this through their mental situation? I have that doubt since I feel that explaining it from the mental we fall into the material, but I understand that it is also the game of Maya. As psychologists we know that there are mystical delusions and other types as well, how can we cope with this in Krishna Consciousness? Maharaja, how should we relate to those devotees who have offended the highest authority? How should we see them? Lei in the Bhagavad Gita that is considered as a fall.</small>

<small>HpS - ASA - Hare Krsna.  There are many different reasons why devotees appear to be offensive or are offensive. That is why we have 18,000 verses in SB. Daksa in the fourth canto was offensive to Lord Siva. So, we have to learn the lessons from the Srimad Bhagavatam and then we can give detailed medicine for detailed circumstances.
I would also like to know how to relate to devotees who think or believe that they are the absolute controllers, forgetting that Krishna controls, regulating themselves who can access spiritual life, even so when the same Diksa Guru is who decides to accept someone as a disciple.

<small>I have sadness in my heart Maharaja, because I have witnessed many offenses, I have sadness because many devotees are affected by these without anyone doing anything about it. I also committed some offenses towards a specific devotee, Prabhu Amara conversed with Abhimanyu to solve the situation, it was not in the best way but I got a great apprenticeship. I also had the right association, Prabhu Sri Bhakti and Indira Mataji, Prabhu Martin Moris, Prabhu Garga Acarya and Nitya Mataji, to name a few. For me, they are devoted dedicated, who gave me their advice, devotees who are making their greatest effort in the spiritual life, very loving. Thanks to them and of course to Abhimanyu I started to see that I was failing in me, Maharaja Dhanvantari with only one instruction also touched my heart, and from that day I can be more aware that I should not hurt others, that I should not criticize them , Understand that each person is a different process, each person is a soul that is being purified. I do not know what would become of me without the association of devotees.</small>

HpS - We can always remember that in Vrndavana only Krsna and Balarama kill demons , everyone else, us, all call "Hare Krsna!   Hare Rama!. Then They will kill or adjust the situation. If Krsna wants to empower us to kill someone or correct a situation He will give us good intelligence and then everyone will be happy after the correction is over.
<small>Finally Maharaja, I want to make an offering. As I wrote in my previous letter with Abhimanyu we are running the Devotee Care Program, which was authorized by the temple authority. Prabhu Amara received it in a very loving way, which amazes me. I must say that I have seen very positive changes in him, remembering that we are all doing our best in this way, so I feel very grateful for him. I sent the link of a note made by the communications department about the Program, I hope you have a moment to read it. You and Maharaja Dhanvantari are our greatest inspiration for this service, which is totally directed towards devotees with much love. And I hope to continue growing along with ideas of more devotees, the creativity together is usually more productive, we need the participation of more and more people creating in service of the Vaisnavas of the Yatra of Santiago in this program</small>


<small>Some time ago I sent you a report, I did not write urgently because I did not consider it that way, just to tell you after a while how my Sadhana and other topics are going.</small>

<small>Thank you as always, for being so kind, so merciful to all of us, for teaching us to tolerate, the great legacy of Prabhupada through a pure devotee like you. What mercy without cause we have to be able to associate with you !!!</small>

<small>Hare Krisna Maharaja
My obeisances

Brief report

7 years, 7 months ago by pnd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Gurumaharaja.
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

We are slowly settling in Slovakia now. Found tiny apartment in which we will live from July, right after Rathayatra in Czech.

I am happy to share with you that after years of struggle my morning sadhana is good. I am chanting all of  16 rounds every day at morning.

HpS - Very, very wonderful. Bhakti yoga is described as the path of progressive rules and regulations. I made a decision at one point that even as a brahmacari I would have two dhotis with no holes. Step by step we advance in our rules.

Also I am wondering how much I can really influence as it seems in my astrological chart there was shift of periods and therefore it is possible for me to wake early. It would mean that my 'devotional service' is controlled by material nature. Like when for last years whole universe was makng obsticles, and however I tried I always failed, which hopefully disappeared :)

We are all fully transcendetal souls, but is it really in my power to behave transcendental in this body? I understand that big devotees can be over material influence, but is it even possible to act differently than what body is programmed for by universe/planets for normal person who is in beginning stages of devotial service?

HpS - This is exactly the content of BG, no? As we surrender to Krsna He takes charge of our Karma. He can make us strong enough to control external forces, but if He wants to take away our power, like He did with Arjuna, then He can do that also.

So, when the mode of goodness is prominent we take advantage of it. We get up early as much as we can. As we advance we may still be in an externally tamasic situation but internally it does not disturb us. We see Krsna wants this and we work within that framework. Arjuna fought the battle.

It seems to me, that on my level it depends purely on mercy what can I do. Like there is no free choice, only mercy.

HpS - No, you have some free will. You can see that. YOu can make little choices, one more sweet ball or two.

Otherwise having marathon to have new Vedabase ready for launch date.

ASA - UG - Hare Krsna!

After launch of new version I will either work fultime on the project or find some IT karmi job depending on situation.

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpS - Please continue to work on this no matter what, a lot or a little. We all love it.

Shortly ask - urgent

7 years, 8 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Personal Sadhana Reports




Send again my question. Sorry for my last long letter.

-  I've been summoned to be part in Congregational Development Committee. Gurudev, do you authorize me to do this service?  What do you think? I cannot do it without your blessings. 

Thanks for your time!


Rati Manjari Dd.

HpS - ASA --- AgtSP...  Paoho.  Thank you for shorter letter. We want to answer but our time and ability are extremely limited.

It seems like it would be O.K. to us. What could be the problem?

We always suggest: Put devotional relations before Vaisnava relations. Meaning, we can argue about things, but don't forget that we are all devotees, NOI 5, and that we all join the Gaura arati as equals at the end of the day.

Hare Krsna!

News - Urgent.

7 years, 8 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri Radha Krishna
All Glories to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swmai Prabhupada
All Glories to you
All glories to devotees.
Please accept my humble obeisances to your holy lotus feet, my shelter.

Dear Guru Maharaja.
Hope your energy is high and increasing.
my rounds are improving. My husband and I are making arranges to wake up early and complete the most possible number of rounds, before go to job. We are implementing a shortly Mangala Aratik. Please, please, please give us your blessings to can maintain it and to be always inspirated and engaged in devotional service.
I beginning (deeping) to realize the hardness of material world, this lastest times are showing me how hard and deep it can be. I’m learning MATERIAL WORLD, NO MERCY…

HpS - Hare Krishna. Send again shorter if it is urgent. Traveling we are drowning in interviews and classes and meetings!

Hare Krishna. Thank you. See you as soon!

-       My parents are getting old and it require my time and attention. And my internal process to accept it.
-       Gandharvika Mataji  (wife of Maha Hari Das Temple President), leave the body in 3 months. Leaving a 10 years son.
Trying to see each thing to learn.

Topics in my mind:
-       Administration vs bhakti? Why administration is a service that has many complications? Why the devotees who make this service are always criticized? Why sometimes it look like 2 gangs (hahaha) , who love, who hate, who are doing the correct, what is correct? and, Why sometimes we are so focus on our service and cannot see anything beyond that?
-       How can we take care of somebody, who doesn't want to be cared?
-       How I can be a good association?

Service News>
- Keep on with Ratha Yatra committee (5th year). Having meeting once a week.
- I've been summoned to be part in Congregational Development Committee. Gurudev, do you authorize me to do this service? wait for your answer.
- Always I can, go to do Kirtan with newones of Yoga Schools, they invite to me to sing. Chanting Maha Mantra and preaching.
- My Kirtan program stop, since began of the year, but the next month we want to start again once each 2 months.

Dear Gurudeva I know you will be in Chile, I think I will not go, but thanks for coming to South America always enlighten us with your brightness to get out from the ignorance. Hope someday can please you through my service in Prabhupada's mission.

<dl><dd>oṁ ajñāna-timirāndhasya</dd><dd>jñānāñjana-śalākayā</dd><dd>cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena</dd><dd>tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ</dd><dd> </dd></dl>

Sorry for my long letter, thanks for your time.

Who want to serve you.
Rati-Manjari Devi Dasi.


7 years, 8 months ago by srinath in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! All glories to you!

My name is Srinath. I am from Chennai, India. I did my Masters in Utah State University in Logan, Utah. I met Radhika Raman Prabhu there and attended the Friday program at his home regularly. I am Currently working in Salt Lake City, Utah.

We met when you were in Chennai in January. I spoke with you in the morning today and it was such a pleasure. Thank you very much for giving me shelter Maharaj.

I am doing the disciple course now and will finish it before you arrive in Boise. I also went through your guru tattva document.

I am eagerly looking forward to meeting you in Boise next week.

Is there any service you would like me to do, Maharaj?

Your servant


HpS - Of course, after this letter we met in Boise, had nice discussions to get to know each other well, intiatins and now your name is Sri Natha Krsna das!

Please send some news of your Sadhana and Sankirtan from time to time!! Thank you.

Reporte de Servicios

7 years, 8 months ago by jagat pavitram in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Acepte por favor mis reverencias

Este 2017 fue un comienzo dificil, ya que tomé un nuevo puesto en la empresa que trabajo y mis responsabilidades ahora son muchas, sin embargo las opotunidades para hacer servicio de prédica y de educación también aumentaron. Hace un mes las autoridades del templo de wilson me pidieron que de por segunda vez el curso de Introducción al Bhakti yoga, y ahora tengo 12 estudiantes, en su mayoria nuevos en la conciencia de Krishna. 

También desde hace un mes estoy dando el curso del Sri Isopanishad, tres clases online y uno presencial cada mes,  las clases los subo a youtube : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmNKIVUS_G4&t=416s 

Desde hace un mes estoy haciendo magala artik en el templo de Wilson seis veces a la semana, ya que es la unica manera de mantener mis servicio devocional constante. Estoy continuando con mi servicio de pujari los sabados y tambien continuo en con mis donaciones a los programas de ISKCON 

Ahora estoy muy ocupado con mi trabajo y mis servicios en el templo, pero a la vez me siento satisfecho en dar conciencia de Krishna a personas nuevas y sinceras

Muchas gracias Gurudev por inspirarme con su ejemplo

Hare Krishna

Jagat Pavitram das

HpS - Muy been .. aparece que vd eats convertiendo a una serviente been conditionado para Srila Prabhupada. No's vemos en unos Dias!