Muchas Gracias!!!

5 years, 10 months ago by Gadai in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas Las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja, por favor reciba mis respetuosas reverencias!!!

Aquí recibimos su respuesta sobre la Govardhana Sila, muchas gracias por sus instrucciones y consejos, también pedirle disculpas por no escribir antes de recibir a la Govardhana Sila, no volverá a pasar.

Acá estamos atendiendo a la Govardhana Sila junto con las demás Salagrama Silas tal y como nos indico. Son bebes.

Parece que viajare de Sankirtan por Ayacucho y Huancavelica, aún falta confirmar y coordinar algunas cosas.

Bueno Guru Maharaja, me despido, que Nrsimha lo proteja. Hare Krsna!!!!

Gadai Gauranga Dasa.

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi.

HpS - ASA - Jay! Hare Krsna! Tenemos que distribuir libros y distribuir Sankirtan, Convertir personas a Sankirtaneros! Ten muchos discipulos.

Urgent... reply to questions

5 years, 10 months ago by stopngo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, please accept my respectable obeisances.

all glories to prabupada founding acharya of iskon.

I've seen I have already committed offences by not staying in communication with you. this must be proof that I'm unfit to be your deciple.

Forgive me,I feel I already have a deep connection with you.and feel this is Krishnas arrangements. my heart says this is a person who cares about me.

I've been back in the USA for about a month and a half. i thought I was done with India, but apparently India is not done with me. already I want to make return plans.

HpS - India has some special spiritual features but within India are Vrndavana and Mayapura et al which are very spiritual.

I've talked to the temple president and sounds like he wants me to sign some kind of contract. i already do Seva on weekends and started a Sunday program,for people who can't make it to the temple. once weather gets warmer we'll go to the beach and have harinam.

Yeah I have taken the IDC course. vary helpful.

Please I'd love to talk to you, once you're back stateside.

If you'll be attending SF ratha yatra, I'd love to render service.

I'll be retiring in 2020 and hoping to find a ashram where I can be of some use.

I learn so much from your letters to others and find suggestions vary helpful

I'll let you know about my progress with the temple president.

You're servant.mike Jarvis

HpS - Yes, I would also like to talk with your after the 27th! WHen we arrive in Houston. We will be in Boise from the 8th-15th maybe you could visit the Temple there during that time! I think there is a good ticket from Seattle. You could tell Anantarupa Das, the Temple President that we have been talking and I suggested you visit! You seem to be progressing very nice in spiritual life. ! ..

Hare Krsna

5 years, 10 months ago by Madhumanjari in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj

Please accept my respectful obeisances to you

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

We pray this find you well.

This is an attempt to follow your request. Helping to build the bridge by adding a little bit of sand, insignificant contribution, but it counts for you and Krishna.

First at all, Thank you so much for your compassion and kindness, by encouranging us to write and keep connection with you. You know very well that this is the only way that I can survive. Thank you Sir!!🙏

your are rescuing us.

My poor communication atittude could be misunderstood as neglectful or perhaps disrespectful. Please forgive me for that. Despite of that deficiency, everyday we do attempt to compensate it by remembering and offering you our honest endeviour to follow the process in a more responsable way. Chanting our 16 rounds daily, 85% attandance to morning program and practical devotional service at Melbourne Mahaprabhu Mandir as a full time ashram devotee.

HpS - AgtSP paoho. It is very nice to hear from your good self, Madhumanjari Devi Dasi. We saw your Temple President, Aniruddha Das in Mayapura and had very nice talk with him about preaching in Melbourne and of course asking how you are doing. He was quite pleased with your help and creative energy/

It has been a intense time here. Changes and lessons to learn in all aspects to various levels. These days it is more introspections and self-analysis (subjected to be deceived, of course). Krishna is giving me confronting experiences. Opportunities to wash out my karma ( reconciling way to see them), practical application of knowledge (vijnana), and awareness of the interactive participation of some Krsna's energies; kind of being an observer. So getting better perception of the circumstances and relief from detrimental emotional charge.

I have been witnessing many events where, relationship among devotees can become intensely conflicting and painful. My understanding is that in general, everybody has issues to address and mostly we are not aware of them.

ASA - !!!! That seems to be 65% of all psychology!

Everybody is suffering in one way and other. For most of us, as Krsna in Bhagavad-gita states; it is lust our enemy, and when lust is not satisfied, anger arises. Krishna has been showing me this again and again in different way from the personal and public level.

It is amazing how the very same object can elicit lust or intense/aggressive anger. Actually lust's faces - transformations.

Listening to a lecture of Bhakti Vijnana maharaj, we came to know that sex is not the most difficult sense to control. Actually it is the tongue. Most of us, we are ridicusly drag down by the uncontroled tongue, it is embarrasing, such so that we are forced to give it up, old-age, illness.. so embarrasing!!!. Despite of knowing this, still i am failing to control my tongue, always looking for eating something tasty (offered to Krishna), eating not for the sake of honoring Krishna prasadam, rather eating for enjoyment. My determination is weak, sometimes fasting or eating in regulated fashion, but it lasts only few days. Again failure. But, there is a small solace, at least now i am more aware of it, and sometimes i do try to honour Krishna prasadam; hope eventually it will be more frequent and natural. Please, could you give me some tips.

HpS - In most respects this might be like the blind leading the blind. We also feel that we have plenty of room to improve in controlling the tongue.

Of course, sometimes we are not eating as we plan because our plan is ridiculous. We want to be little Rupa Goswamis or Visnu-priyas. Chant Hare Krsna while you are eating in what you feel is an improper manner, and often you can see what the attraction is. For us it is not the taste alone but how the eating will enliven our seneses. Basically we are hungry, starving, and our body is not getting what it needs from a good source so it has to eat too much of another substance to squeeze out what is needs.

Usually it is not eating less, it is eating better, that we have to learn.

This reminds me you and your explanaition of NOI, first text, straight line = tongue, stomach and genitals; Bhaktivinoda Thakura prasadam prayer = sarira abidya jal jodendriya tahe kal jive phele.. We used to repeat it mechanically, then even not reciting it before taking prasadam, now.. i beg you to help me to recite it more consciously and every time before honouring prasada...

HpS - If you go to our Archives in our Web-page, you will find an 'asa-noi.docx' file. In the End-notes for that you can get a word-for-word translation for 'sarira avidya jal...'. Also in other song book? Helps so much to say the prayers with understanding. We can advance very quickly.

Oh gosh!!!, we have given a perfect process, i am failing in following it as it should be. Please help me Sir, I need to follow Krishna consciousness process in a conscious, responsible manner, no anymore familiarity and mechanical attitude. I am tired, Sir.. I don't want to fail again and again.. I realised that i do have many problems in my spiritual life, poor control of the mind, poor understanding of real Krishna consciousness, poor quality vaisnava association, poor quality of chanting, poor sadhan, poor quality service.. all because, i do not follow the process as it should be.. and all starts by developing good devotional habits.

HpS - You sure seem to have a good knowledge of all the limbs of the process!

The process is perfect (Jay Srila Prabhupada!!!), but i am neglectful and lazy in practicing the process, i want to overcome this weakness. Please help me, Sir.

Thank you for your time and care and inconditional love. I know that you care for all of us, your children.

Please accept my obeisances to you again and again, my dear, respected Gurumaharaj. Thoughts of you, are me inspiration, hope, shelter, and solace. Thank you for being here with us, leading our path back to Krishna.

Your child

Madhumanjari dd

HpS - I think a lot of your 'little sisters and little brothers' are interested to hear your thoughts. Hope our comments are of some use! We saw Raktaka Das' brother in law in Mayapura. Keep track of the next few weeks as a reporter for the blog and send a report on the Sankirtan at Melbourne temple!

Hare Krsna - Callao

5 years, 11 months ago by Palika Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna querido Gurumaharaja!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please accept our humble and respect obeinsances at your lottus feet and hoping everything is ok with you in Mayapur.

HpS - Now we are back in ISKCON Kolkata. I think our life is just like yours, intense pressure but good results. AGTSP.

Here we are making some changes in our material occupations in order to be less stress and improve our spiritual ones. Two weeks ago i received a call from another company with a good proposal to work the technical area for a Swiss company in Perú so this new job is not for the commercial area and this sounds good for me. I passed all interviews and test and I will be beggining on 18th march. By the other side, Parvati si going to attend to MMUN Conference (Montessori Model United Nations) with a delegation from Montessori School of Peru. The Conference will be in Chicago from 1st to 4th of May and Arcita prabhu gently help us to contact Chicago Temple for prasadam delivery, really Prabhupada’s mercy.

HpS - Two very interesting things. Hope devotees in Chicago can also help her get good rounds done etc. We will be back in the USA by then and can talk on the telephone at least. She is a young lady now.

We continue with our Bhakti Vriksa group Nimay Nitay and began a whatsapp group to continue the study of SB from monday to saturday with monthly meetings to discuss and have a review. At this moment we are serving our home Goura nitay deities and going to Chosica.

HpS - ASA -- What part of SB are you studying?

Parvati is chanting 2 rounds daily and She told me that she likes devotees asociation even though nobody in the group is of her age.

This a short report about us and missing your association in Iskcon Callao. Please forgieve our faults and errors, sometimes we do ñor recognize we are crazy.

Thank you very much Gurumaharaja!

your foolish servant,

Palika devi dasi

HpS - Thank you for the news! When we were there we sat with Abhirama Das as produced a "Chart of Accounts" for NIOS. Do you have that? Eg. 100 for Assets, 200 for Liabilities, 300 for Income, 400-900 for Expenses. This news from Callao is so, so enlivening for us. Thank you.


5 years, 11 months ago by Nadiya Nivasi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a sus señorías Sri Sri Gaura Nitay!

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada y a su sankirtana eterno!!!

Hare Krsna querido y recordado Gurudev, por favor reciba nuestras respetuosas reverencias, recibí su respuesta el día de hoy y lo vimos con mi esposo Gadai Gauranga, usted me hizo la siguiente pregunta sobre la Govardhana Sila:

ASA - Aaaawk! TlgaSP Pfanrh... Govardhana Sila!!! Es super peligroso adorar si no esta fijado en bondad. Esta fijado en bondad???

Bueno mi esposo yo seguimos el sadhana que estableció Srila Prabhupada (Mangal Artik, 16 rondas de Yapa, 4 principios) también la lectura de los libros, cantar los Gayatris a la hora indicada.

Bueno también vivimos en el campo donde hay muchos animalitos alrededor como vacas, ovejas, burritos, pajaritos, etc. Se podría decir que el lugar donde vivimos esta en una bondad material.

Prabhu Puspa Gopal nos regalo la Govardhana Sila hace dos semanas, la estamos adorando junto con las demás Salagrama Silas.

Mi esposo y yo tenemos carácter fuerte y no creo que eso sea estar en bondad o si???

¿En este caso queremos saber que hacemos?

¿devolvemos la Govardhana Sila a Prabhu Puspa Gopal?

¿Que nos sugiere usted o que instrucción nos da?

Bueno Guru Maharaja nos despedimos, esperando su respuesta, recomendaciones e instrucciones.

Hare Krsna!!

Gadai Gauranga Dasa.

Nadiya Nivasi Dasi.

HpS - TLGASP! Pfanrh. Muy bien. . . . Por nuestra comprehension la adoracion de Govardhana o Saligrama Sila es algo muy fuerte. Gran oportunidad y gran peligro. Es importante preguntar de su maestro espiritual antes de comenzar. O.K.? Yo pienso es bueno para Vds, pero tiene que entender, eso es su bebe. No puede dejar cuando no le gusta, o cuando hay otros actividades. adoracion puede ser muy simple: Poco agua de ganges, pasta de sandalo, un guirnalda simple y un dulce bueno, pero es un ninyo. es capricioso, muy (?) jugaton (playful). El va a ir in sankirtan con vds. espera un gran cambio en su vida!

Happy Vyasa Puja

5 years, 11 months ago by Sarada Gaurangi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to Guru Maharaj Hanumat Presaka Swami! Please accept our humble obeisances at Your lotus feet.

HpS - Lettuce feet. AGTSP. Paoho.

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj,

We celebrated Guru Maharaj's Vyas puja at RadhaDamodara Mandir at Toubul. We felt Your presence all through the celebrations. This was the same place Guru Maharaj gave initiation in 2017. Please forgive me Guru Maharaj for my humble offering.

We requested HG Devarshi Das Prabhuji to give a class on Guru Tattva...though not qualified we had to assist Prabhu in the translation. Prabhu gave such a nice class enlightening us about the importance of the spiritiual master in helping us cross the miseries of material life, the coverings of attachment forbidding us to go back to the spiritual world.

Our President HG Radhacharan Das Prabhuji and our godbrother HG Ishana Prabhuji glorified our Guru Maharaj from the core of their hearts. We had kirtan by little kids and after Puspanjali we had prasadam ( Manipuri prasadam with a cake prepared by HG Sachisuta Prabhu).

We wish you the best Shree RadhaDamodara can offer...We do not have the right words to thank You dear Guru Maharaj.

Your ignorant servant,

Sarada Gaurangi DD

HpS - Thank you. We only hope on "our guru puja" that all the "gurus" in our ISKCON parampara are glorified, illuminated. In our case, we hope to see our good qualities and bad qualities illuminated so that we can advance in the service of Srila Prabhupada and all the previous Acharyas.

See you in few days!

We would like to do the Bhakti Sastri NOI seminar while we are there. Is O. K.? The Manual is at

Can we work on translating it?? It is late, so don't panic. Could even divide the work. Even hire some people.