Looking Forward

3 years, 7 months ago by [email protected] in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Sorry, I only now realized that my letter to you is now here in this blog. Thank you Maharaj for the reply.

Yes I grew up in Switzerland but with Ecuadorian roots.

Some years ago I was traveling and visiting friends in Mexico, Ecuador.... Actually I only wanted to stay for a few months. I ended up spending almost 4 years in Mexico and got stuck there :) . So as a vegetarian in a really meat culture country you are looking for good places to eat, friends told me: Hey, you as a vegetarian, go check out the food at the Krishna Temple!

So that was the beginning. Now when I think back I realize how powerful Prasadam is. Unconsciously I have stopped bad habits like drinking alcohol and smoking at this time.

Prasadam. ki jaiii!

Thank you for the nice lectures and Mangala Aratis in GoToMeeting. I will try to be there as best I can, just sometimes a bit difficult because of the different time zones

Answers to the A,B,C questions

HpS - This is from guru-tattva.txt in our website?

A: Yes i agree this is a good poin,t finish this duties, chant 16 rounds , follow the 4 principles and then get personal instructions.


B: 1- I agree with all the points mentioned

  a: Yes i chant more than 1 year 16 rounds of course it is an up and down with the mind during chapa , i try my best to chant sincerely.

   b: Yes , i was also following the four regulative principles strictly

   c: Yes, during my stay in the temple, I was able to keep that. Outside the temple i get up before 5am and chant my 16 rounds and read prabhupada's books. Now i decidet to go back again to live in the Temple.

   d: Krishna Premarupa Prabhu


  e: Dear Srila Prabhupada,

 please accept my humble obeisances

Your mercy is so infinite that you have come to preach Krishna consciousness to the world. After so many meaningless lives, seeking happiness in senseless things, now i have this opportunity to practice devotional service. Please accept me as your humble eternal servant and forgive me for all the offenses I have committed in my ignorance.


C: Some of this points we had in the guru-disciple course and have been informed. I also agree that the GBC is the Ultimate Administrative Authority in ISKCON.

We have to try to be an example and give our best.

with kind regards

your humble servant Bh.Dave

HpS - So, do you want to become an initiated student of Srila Prabhupada and his movement?


Seeking Blessings for Marriage

3 years, 7 months ago by gauragadadhara in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to you.

HpS - ASA -- Agt The Assembled Devotees. So nice to hear from you after such a long time. AYou still a Dhama-vasi! Is that the result of all your years of austerity?

Greetings from Sridham Mayapur. I hope you and everyone are in good health.

Guru Maharaj, As conveyed by Laxmana-agra-ja Prabhu to you, The auspicious date for Yajna for my marriage to Vira Gopal Prabhu has been confirmed by the astrologer for 22nd of August 2021.

HpS/ASA - Jaya! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8qbMDxniSg&t=7429s (at 31-minutes)

I humbly seek your permission and blessings of all the Vaishnava's and God siblings for the same.

My future husband, who is a disciple of H. H. Krsna Kshetra Swami, is also desirous to introduce himself to you , please advise If that's o. k., and how he may establish communication.

Your humble servant

Gaura Gadadhara Dasi

HpS - Jaya! Yes, of course. We are very happy to talk with Prabhuji by What'sapp. Laksmana. a. Das has our contact number.

Of course, he will have to shoot the eye of the fish suspended from the ceiling to win such a valuable daughter in marriage, no?


by practice and detachment it's possible.

3 years, 7 months ago by AKD in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna

Dear Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances unto your Lotus feet

hps - so nice to hear from you. we work to keep our feet clean, and at 72-years old, by srila pravhupada's extreme mercy, they still work well, but not lotus yet.

All Glory to Sri Caitanya and Nityananda

All Glory to Sankirtan Movement

All Glory to AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

ASA - !

I hope you're in good health, Thanks for all your Bhakti, it's my main inspiration.

I'm talkin about Krishna, with all I can. So there are many difficult sittuations among devotees, I pray to we can undestand the real love and successfully pass the Maya test.

Many people have left, among family, Friends and devotees, at the same time new ones are arriving and growing.

HpS - Yes, try to save them, but also remember what srila prabhupada said that once they come to KRSNA they can never get away.

I keep studying the Prabhupada books, Srimad Bhagavatam, Upadesamrta, Bhagavad Gita, Caitanya Caritamrita, and others Prabhupada lectures and your lectures and another devotees. I've been worshiping Tulasi, and Chanting japa everyday. I pray That one day I can do it with full purity.

Your fool crew member : AniruddhaKrsna Dasa.

HpS - If you are a fool and doing what you describe, then a lot of the rest of us on the boat are not even animals. (photo attached).

What are you reading from CC?

We keep the 4.30AM Managala arati going daily etc at:


Urgent ( covid-19 affected diciple)

3 years, 7 months ago by panchali@ in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna,

Namo om vishnupadaya krishna presthaya Bhutale

srimate hanumatpreshaka swami niti namine

Namaste hanumatpreshake

namo atyanta

dayaluye kaliyuga

pashchatye desha

gandharva vidhya pradayine

HpS/ASA - AGTSP! Paoho... This is the first time we have seen this Sanskrit prayer. What does it mean??



Dear gurumaharaj,

I am Panchali Devi Dasi (initiated on 21 March 2019) writing to you first time (sorry). How are you guru maharaj?

HpS - Generally speaking, just like you, a servant of Krsna in the land of service to Maya.

I hope and pray to lord nrishingha dev to keep you safe in this pandemic?

My husband biswambhar gauranga dasa an initiated disciple of yours is suffering from covid-19 and is in ICU. His condition is fluctuating from 95 to 97 % oxygen level with facial mask still positive. It has been 15 days has infection even in lungs. Please help us gurumaharaj. I am helpless not understanding what to do??

I also have a child (gopal as you said his father ) of one year four months only. Thought to show him to you when we meet in person but that didn't happen

He told me to inform you and is asking only you can save him

Please help us guru maharaj

Your most most fallen servant

Panchali devi dasi

HpS - Read the prayer of Uttara, the little wife of Abhimanyu and take it to heart by chanting 16-good rounds and as much as you can all the time.

ŚB 1.8.9


pāhi pāhi mahā-yogin

deva-deva jagat-pate

nānyaṁ tvad abhayaṁ paśye

yatra mṛtyuḥ parasparam

Uttarā said: O Lord of lords, Lord of the universe! You are the greatest of mystics. Please protect me, protect me, for there is no one else who can save me from the clutches of death in this world of duality.

ŚB 1.8.10

abhidravati mām īśa

śaras taptāyaso vibho

kāmaṁ dahatu māṁ nātha

mā me garbho nipātyatām

O my Lord, You are all-powerful. A fiery iron arrow is coming towards me fast. My Lord, let it burn me personally, if You so desire, but please do not let it burn and abort my embryo. Please do me this favor, my Lord.

24 de Junio día del campesino

3 years, 7 months ago by Gadai in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja, reciba mis respetuosas reverencias, sigo aquí en Huancayo, en sankirtan de libros con Prabhu Adveita Takur y Prabhu Jivesvara Nityananda, con posibilidades de hacer un pequeño viaje de sankirtan a la ciudad de Huancavelica, esta a cinco horas de aquí, y, también hace más frio y esta a mayor altura (3600 metros sobre el nivel del mar), estaremos una semana. viajaremos el día 20 de junio.

Mi esposa Nadiya Nivasi se quedara en Huancayo , acompañada por su prima y su madrina.

En la carta anterior usted me hizo la siguiente pregunta:

HpS - Bueno para nuevo Ashokavan? Internet. Alquilar hacienda, 5-hectarias, para uno anyo?

Bueno mi respuesta es que la zona de Pamasto en Lamas - Tarapoto es buena para realizar cualquier proyecto agrícola, hay bastante agua y la tierra es buena, crece de todo (Que es lo principal), no hay altura, el calor en esa zona no es fuerte, pienso que puede funcionar el proyecto Nuevo Ashokavan, teniendo en consideración que esta Prabhu Yadu, quien seria un gran referente en el sentido de la agricultura y Vastu por la experiencia que tiene el devoto.

Pero también lo importante es que usted pueda ir y visitar la zona, seria muy bueno, antes de que pueda tomar una decisión.

En avión son 45 minutos de Lima a Tarapoto.

De Tarapoto a Lamas - Pamasto es 35 minutos en auto.

En la zona hay internet y funciona muy bien.

También hay luz, agua, desagüe, red telefónica y de celular.

Lo que pude apreciar es que la zona es muy tranquila, sus pobladores son muy pacíficos.

También seria bueno saber lo siguiente:

¿Quiénes verdaderamente están comprometidos a desarrollar este proyecto en Perú?

¿si verdaderamente van a poder vivir en la chacra, sabiendo que el trabajo en la chacra es fuerte y duro?

¿Cuántos devotos en Perú saben sembrar o por lo menos tienen algún conocimiento de ello?

Hablando con un devoto acá en Huancayo, me decía que en el pasado muchos devotos se entusiasmaron en desarrollar proyectos agrícolas, compraban terrenos y a la hora de hacer el proyecto no lo hacían y lo dejaban a medio terminar o terminaban por vender los terrenos y no hacían nada, todo era falso entusiasmo.

Bueno, analizando todo esto y viendo desde mi punto de vista, puedo opinar que en realidad se necesita devotos que sepan sembrar y trabajar en la chacra, desarrollar esto con devotos que lo quieran hacer, pero, de una manera sincera, para que pueda funcionar todo.

Por ejemplo, nosotros tenemos viviendo 7 años en Huancayo, en el campo y tenemos una realidad diferente de lo que significa sembrar en esta zona, se depende mucho de las lluvias (si no hay lluvias no se puede sembrar nada en esta zona). Hay otras zonas donde tienen agua para regadío, pero en la zona donde estamos nosotros no tenemos, entonces nuestra realidad es diferente, eso significa que solo sembramos en los meses de lluvia, siendo para nosotros una actividad bien secundaria, pues tenemos nuestras propias actividades y ocupaciones principales, mi esposa trabaja de acuerdo a su carrera y yo hago sankirtan de libros de Srila Prabhupada (cuidándonos del virus).

Lo ideal es comprar terrenos, no alquilar, por otro lado el tema de alquilar terreno seria para asuntos comerciales, por ejemplo:

Alquilar para sembrar verduras en grandes escalas y luego vender y sacar una ganancia de ello, eso incluye recuperar el alquiler y lo invertido separando la ganancia.

En este caso las ganancias podrían ir a un proyecto espiritual, proyecto en la Universidad o para ayudar a los diferentes templos, aumentar la prédica y también puede ser para modelos de vida como casas Domo, con paneles solares, pozos de agua, baños ecológicos, etc. Dando ejemplos de vida como los enseñados por Srila Prabhupada.

En mi opinión alquilar terreno o hacer algún proyecto con terrenos en la costa es un poco más riesgoso, por que la necesidad de agua en la costa es mayor, ya que la costa depende del agua de la sierra y parte de la selva. La zona costera siempre ha sufrido por el agua.

Bueno es mi opinión.

Bueno Guru Maharaja es lo que puedo decir y opinar, por otro lado me comento lo siguiente:

HpS - Banu Swami utilizando Samudrika, quiromancia, en su predica. no necesita mucho tiempo, inmediatamente puede hablar de la persona de su 'destino', idea de Karma... Krsna.

Claro las chicas son muy atraidos. 

Bueno, sinceramente más me atrae el Jyotish, pero en realidad para mi es algo secundario, solo se que sigo distribuyendo los libros de Srila prabhupada y si estudio quiromancia o Jyotish será como algo secundario, siempre para el Sankirtana.

Bueno Guru Maharaja, me despido, que Nrsimha lo proteja siempre, si en caso he cometido alguna ofensa en todo lo que he dicho, le pido que por favor me perdone (Vanca Kalpa).

Hare Krsna.

Gadai Gauranga Das


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja, receive my respectful obeisances, I am still here in Huancayo, in book sankirtan with Prabhu Adveita Takur and Prabhu Jivesvara Nityananda, with the possibility of making a small sankirtan trip to the city of Huancavelica, it is five hours from here, And, it is also colder and higher (3600 meters above sea level), we will be there for a week. We will travel on June 20.

ASA - !!! 👍

My wife Nadiya Nivasi will stay in Huancayo, accompanied by her cousin and her godmother.

In the previous letter you asked me the following question:

HpS - Good for new Ashokavan? Internet. Rent a farm, 5-hectares, for one year?

Well my answer is that the area of ​​Pamasto in Lamas - Tarapoto is good to carry out any agricultural project, there is enough water and the land is good, it grows from everything (which is the main thing), there is no height, the heat in that area does not It is strong, I think the New Ashokavan project can work, taking into consideration that this is Prabhu Yadu, who would be a great reference in the sense of agriculture and Vastu because of the experience that the devotee has.

But also the important thing is that you can go and visit the area, it would be very good, before you can make a decision.

By plane it is 45 minutes from Lima to Tarapoto.

From Tarapoto to Lamas - Pamasto is 35 minutes by car.

In the area there is internet and it works very well.

There is also electricity, water, drainage, telephone and cell phone network.

What I could appreciate is that the area is very quiet, its inhabitants are very peaceful.

It would also be good to know the following:

Who is truly committed to developing this project in Peru?

HpS - ASA - Now I don't no anyone. We can only see our selves and offering to prepare the land for planting seeds. Maybe next generation in Peru will do it, but we feel that Krsna is going to make industrialized life impossible so this project is natural way to go for happy life.

If they are truly going to be able to live on the farm, knowing that the work on the farm is strong and hard?

HpS - Our focus might be more Brahmnical, which is also long and hard, but more with the words and mind than the back and fingers. Make movies, traveling Sankirtan, theater troupe.

How many devotees in Peru know how to sow or at least have some knowledge of it?

Speaking with a devotee here in Huancayo, he told me that in the past many devotees were enthusiastic about developing agricultural projects, they bought land and at the time of doing the project they did not do it and left it half finished or they ended up selling the land and did not do it. nothing, it was all false enthusiasm.

Well, analyzing all this and seeing from my point of view, I can think that in reality you need devotees who know how to sow and work in the field, develop this with devotees who want to do it, but, in a sincere way, so that it can work everything.

HpS - Again, our idea would be some agriculture but more theater, book culture.

For example, we have lived in Huancayo for 7 years, in the countryside and we have a different reality of what it means to sow in this area, it depends a lot on the rains (if there are no rains, nothing can be sown in this area). There are other areas where they have water for irrigation, but in the area where we are, we do not have it, so our reality is different, that means that we only plant in the rainy months, being for us a very secondary activity, since we have our own activities and main occupations, my wife works according to her career and I do sankirtan from Srila Prabhupada's books (taking care of the virus).

The ideal is to buy land, not rent, on the other hand the issue of renting land would be for commercial matters, for example:

Renting to grow vegetables on a large scale and then selling and making a profit on it, that includes recovering the rent and the investment by separating the profit.

In this case, the profits could go to a spiritual project, a project at the University or to help the different temples, increase the preaching and it can also be for life models such as Dome houses, with solar panels, water wells, ecological bathrooms, etc. Giving life examples like those taught by Srila Prabhupada.

In my opinion renting land or doing a project with land on the coast is a little more risky, because the need for water on the coast is greater, since the coast depends on the water of the mountains and part of the jungle. The coastal area has always suffered from water.

Good is my opinion.

Well Guru Maharaja is what I can say and think, on the other hand I comment the following:

HpS - Thank you so much. I think your comments are worth $1000!!!! More. Gives us good perspective. Brahmana, Ks, Vaisya, Sudra, all needed. Most of us are a mix. We hope to focus on more Brahmincal area: Work on a movie. People visiting and recording different things. If others want to do business, great, others artanesia... great!! A village.

You also said:

HpS-Banu Swami using Samudrika, palmistry, in his preaching. he does not need much time, he can immediately talk about the person of his 'destiny', idea of ​​Karma ... Krsna.

Of course girls are very attracted.

Well, honestly, Jyotish attracts me more, but actually for me it is secondary, I only know that I continue to distribute Srila prabhupada's books and if I study palmistry or Jyotish it will be secondary, always for Sankirtana.

HpS - Yes!!

Well Guru Maharaja, I say goodbye, may Nrsimha protect you always, if in case I have committed any offense in everything I have said, I ask you to please forgive me (Vanca Kalpa).

Hare Krsna.

Gadai Gauranga Das

HpS - Again, thank you. We are getting head ache. Will finish with DTC. Thank you. Hope to meet your family and neighbors some time! Respects to THE ADVAITA THAKURA DAS:

Sadhana, Deity, Film, Questions on Assigned Reading

3 years, 7 months ago by yajnasenidd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaj,


1) Sadhana

We have been chanting 16 rounds (as attentively as currently possible), and hearing lecture (from you or HH RNS) for 1hr daily.

HpS-ASA -- Jaya!

Our reading of Srila Prabhupada's books is still not regular. We have fixed a bedtime. Now working on getting out of bed when we wake up in morning. It's proving to be a difficult habit to break/'change mindset', since earlier we had been trying to comply to our husband's lifestyle to avoid conflicts. (Still worrying us for when/if he comes back, how to adjust).

We are struggling so much to rise early in the morning. Please help us🙏. We want to please you so much \☺️/.

HpS - Get a partner. Whoever is up first calls the other. Sleep in different corner from other later risers in the house.

2) Maharaj I've been wanting to bring a deity to our home for many years 🙏. Is it alright if I bring one deity of Patitpavan (Jagannath) home?

HpS - Yes. It is not actually Arcanam as we understand, but more Pada sevanam. For installed Deity there are so many formalities, but just keep Them clean, have some punctual Bhoga offering, then little Arati of incense, flower, lamp and some fragrant oil.

3) Your Film

If we can make any contribution towards your upcoming film please let us know 🙏. If we know more about it maybe we can apply for some funding to help fund this project Maharaj 🙏☺️. Will be very happy to serve in any capacity 🙏. On another note sometimes I wonder if some films can be made where Bhagavatam stories can be portrayed through characters living in modern life context (similar to current Ragnaruk Netflix series on Norse mythology). Or such a series can be made in ancient era of princes and princesses but perhaps with some "western-characterization-adaptation", so people do not dismiss them as 'Indian'? If it's best to show them exactly, like modern day Mahabharats, should we endeavor in this capacity 🙏?

HpS - Go to https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrhs0W1X0ThVs2ISR__ZFVSLSAx2g_8f0 and give us your opinion on some of the shows. These are the basis of dialogs that we hope to generate in the movie.

We were telling the Bhagavata stories in terms of modern Iskcon context. It is very effective, but beyond the first two cantos people have to be initiated devotees to enter deeply into the stories.

4) Questions on reading assigned by you to us:

Maharaj we have been reading SB 7.11.25-29. Therein many wonderful Sankrit qualities are attracting our hearts to make prayers to Krsna to decorate our heart 🙏. However, we came upon the purport of 7.11.28, wherein it is instructed that a chaste wife should leave the association of, should not serve a fallen husband (does not follow the 4 regulative principles).

a) In this day and age, is regular addiction to pornography and dealing in the internet market place considered illicit sex and gambling and thus is such association of a husband supposed to be left (in desire to follow translation of 7.11.28), or does he fall under the category of around 75% ok in Kali yuga? 🙏

HpS - We have not heard of the 75% O.K. in Kali yuga for the four principles for ISKCON devotees. Even if one does limit association with such a husband, even returning to fathers or brother's shelter, or Temple association, the wife should stick with her natural feminine compassion and pray and work for the reformation of her husband, and it may happen.

b) In today's age if several of one's spiritual KC superiors induce a girl to marry (saying only Kshatranis can chose their husbands) a man who breaks our ISKCON principles on the subtle level because no better man can be found, should such a man be deemed acceptable because Srila Prabhupada has also instructed that women must get married?

HpS - It's a very specific question. There may be a very clear nice understanding between a boy and girl and their families that the husband has a different view, religion than her, but they have understood how each can follow their program and work together in a marriage relationship. For example, Mother Krsna nandini Devi Dasi, was one of the senior members of the Grhastha Vision team, wife of a Muslim gentleman, mother of many children and the situation was good for everyone.

Should be clear before the marriage what the religious standard of each is going to be and then material compatibility should leave to natural affection and both benefiting from the others religious view.

So, can get married to someone who is not ideal religious partner or just stay single and marry Krsna (your deity).

Our hearts will be filled with gratitude, to hear from you on this matter and dispel ignorance in our heart 🙏. Help us decide what shall we do, should we apply our hearts and minds fully to endeavoring to apply 7.11.25-29, or should we separate and remarry in 6 years if possible to wait that long.

HpS - Again is to specific a question for the Blog to arrive at any detailed advice. Here we hope we have given some general principles, and then they can be expanded in your personal group of advisors.

  1. Try to help Krsna solve the problems and have a happy marriage that you have all earned.
  2. Separate and become a Sannyasini like Visnu priya.
  3. Separate and don't get remarried but enjoy life.
  4. Get remarried after six years.
  5. Hmmm. Maybe come back again into the same problem.

In any case chant 16-nice rounds daily and follow the 4-principles strictly as explained by Srila Prabhupada and all the details will fall in line. That is what we hear from Sastra and directly experiences in our own life.

Thank you, HpS et al!!

Your aspiring servant,

Yajnaseni DD