Kirtida Devi Dasi from Buenos Aires (Urgent)
Dear Guru Maharaja:
All the glories to Sri Sri Radha Krishna
All the glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to you
Please accept my humble obeisances
I am writing to tell you that the temple authorities are going to recommend me for a second initiation and I´m going to take the exam soon, but more than that I will try to explain what means to me.
I've been living in the temple for a year and a half, now I consider the devotees as my family, because they accompany me, they support me in my projects and they inspire me. They really make me feel appreciated.
ASA - Super, super, super!
Before knowing the devotees I didn´t know the love that I can have for Krsna or the spiritual master , maybe this love is not very developed, but I have the seed.
There is something that I consider of great importance in my spiritual life, and it is my relationship with the deities, Gaura Nitai mean everything to me. One of my great desires is to serve them as pujari, if I take second initiation, devotees will train me as such.
More than a year ago we wrote each other, this is a part of the letter:
"I want to express my desire to take initiation when you come to Buenos Aires, I am in a very special moment in which I feel that I must take a more important step in my spiritual life and be able to serve you in a more formal way, I would like to take that commitment. I have the blessings of the devotees, I am about to give the initiation exam and follow the whole protocol of Iskcon in order to be initiated. I would like to know if you can give me your blessings to continue with this process of the exam and everything that implies the possibility of taking initiation.
HpS - Yes. Not only our blessings but our plea that it is all successful. We need EVERY soldier we can get to this point, every member of the choir that we can get.
I know that initiation is only beginning, my purpose in this life is to feel the love felt by the gopis for Sri Krsna.
HpS - Srila Prabhupada says that is a very, very big aspiration, but ..... by the mercy of Gaura Nitai, so much is possible. "
Nobody had called me a soldier before, this was a before and after in how I see myself, I am no longer just a fragile girl, you made me a soldier to serve the mission of Srila Prabhupada. Every time I feel bad or tired, I remember this, and I am encouraged to move on.
I know that I have a great aspiration and that I totally depend on the mercy of Gaura Nitai and yours.
Always praying for your welfare
Your servant
Kirtida Devi Dasi
HpS - It sounds very nice. When we are in Buenos Aires we can have individual and group discussions of how to develop our life as Dvijas, twice born.
As usual, we are running with these programs of Sankirtan. Now starts the evening program.
These Blog posts are life to us.