Desaparición Srila Prabhupada y Bienvenida de SS. Hanumat Presaka Swami!!

5 years, 4 months ago by Radha Japa in Other

My dear gurudev, por favor acepte mis reverencias a sus pies de loto.

HpS - Pies de loco.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

HpS - !

Escribí esto el dia de la desaparicion de Srila Prabhupada y quería compartirlo con Usted. Muchas gracias por Su bendita inspiración.

Un dia como hoy, Srila Prabhupada se fue a reunirse con Su amado Señor krsna. El me enseño como vivir, porqué vivir...nos dió a conocer el significado mas hermoso a la vida humana: servicio amoroso a Sri krsna. Desde que leí por primera vez sus libros, nunca pude apartarme de la mejor literatura del mundo, era como un padre hablándote con tanto amor. Solo quería pertenecer a Su mundo, Su canto maravilloso, Su danza maravillosa, Su comida maravillosa!!.

Gracias Srila Prabhupada por venir a este mundo , a enseñarnos como vivir de verdad y al irte nos dejaste el mundo espiritual aqui abajo!!!. Todas las glorias al polvo de tus maravillosos pies de loto!!! Seguiremos dando tu nombre, tus libros a los que me encuentre para que puedan probar ese nectar de leer tus palabras llenas de amor.

Jay radhe Syam!!!

Jaya srila Prabhupada

Bienvenido a Cordoba adorado Gurudeva!!!. Estoy hablando con docentes de la universidad nacional de cordoba.. un poco dificil, pero no imposible. Deseo que Usted pueda dar cátedra en las universidades de aqui. Son un poco cerrados, pero seguimos intentando. Le pido Sus oraciones para que empieze la prédica en las universidades de Córdoba.

Aspirando a servir el polvo de sus pies de loto: Radha japa prati jalpa dd.

HpS - Manyana a las 4.45AM vamos al aeropuerto!!! KRSNA, KRSNA, KRSNA!!

My dear gurudev, please accept my obeisances at your lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I wrote this on the day of Srila Prabhupada's disappearance and wanted to share it with you. Thank you very much for your blessed inspiration.

A day like today, Srila Prabhupada went to meet His beloved Lord Krishna. He taught me how to live, why to live ... He made us know the most beautiful meaning to human life: loving service to Sri Krishna. Since I first read his books, I could never get away from the best literature in the world, it was like a father talking to you with so much love. I just wanted to belong to His world, His wonderful song, His wonderful dance, His wonderful food!

Thank you Srila Prabhupada for coming to this world, to teach us how to truly live and when you left you left us the spiritual world down here !!! All glories to the dust of your wonderful lotus feet !!! We will continue giving your name, your books to those who find me so they can prove that nectar of reading your words full of love.

Jay radhe Syam !!!

Jaya Srila Prabhupada!!!

Welcome to Cordoba dear Gurudeva. I am talking with teachers from the National University of Cordoba ... a little difficult, but not impossible. I wish you can teach at the universities here. They are a bit closed, but we keep trying. I ask for Your prayers to start preaching at the universities of Córdoba.

Aspiring to serve the dust of his lotus feet: Radha japa prati jalpa dd.

Banana Patala: Report of THE EDUCATION AND THE SACRED / 2019

5 years, 4 months ago by abhiramdas in Other

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami!!

After the first INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF EDUCATION AND THE SACRED (in Lima, Perú 2019), we can make a brief report of it. Perhaps the best way to make this summary is through the three most significant meetings of it:

1) Meeting with Dr. Orestes Cachay Boza, Rector of the National University of San Marcos-UNMSM. At this meeting the rector agreed to make a framework agreement for three years with NIOS and showed his particular interest in reaching agreements with Indian educational institutions for training in computer technologies, especially the area of ​​artificial intelligence. Another important point is the trip of an official delegation from San Marcos to India.

2) Meeting with Héctor Béjar. This meeting was to analyze the contents for the Mega-event of 2020. As a result of the dialogue, two areas were proposed, one was interculturality and the other, classical comparative literature from East and West, for example, The Great Theater of the World of Calderón de la Barca and The Light of the Bhagavata of Vyasa-deva, and do the same with Don Quijote de la Mancha, The Iliad, Hamlet, The Divine Comedy, War and Peace, ...

3) Meeting with Juan Dejo Sj Director of continuing education at the Jesuit University Antonio Ruiz de Montoya-UARM. After a good conversation with SS HpS and Radhika Raman prabhu, it was proposed to promote an inter-faith dialogue with the participation of Francis Clooney SJ, director of Harvard Divinity School in Cambridge. We are currently looking at what the Jesuits would contribute to EDUCATION AND THE SACRED 2020.

An important result of this symposium is the enthusiasm of prominent intellectuals to participate in the organization of the Mega-event for 2020 (it also includes academics of India, USA, Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Spain) in Peru we can mention: Patricia Llosa, Juan Dejo, Héctor Béjar, Miguel Polo, Ivette Carrión, Verónica Castillo and Oscar Naters among others.

As for the distribution of books we reach 240 books (within them 5 Bhagavad-gita and 4 Light of the Bhagavata).

To finish, one of the most beautiful moments of this tour was the visit to the Villa-perse school, where the ASIRI pedagogy, created by Ivette Carrión is used (attached several photos of that day). Seeing all the members of the school singing the Maha-mantra Hare Krishna to the beat of the Kirtan directed by Purushotam (the youngest son of Radhika, 7 years old) was super exciting and inspiring.

Thank you Jagad-guru for the simultaneous translation to Radhika Raman, thank you bhakta Piero for your tireless service in sankirtan, as singer and support, especially thank you very much for the Beautiful Song “Of Dreams” composed in Tribute to the 25 years of Sankirtana of Guru-Maharaja in Latin America (1994-2019).

Many thanks to all the local devotees who participated in this event, especially to the mothers: Karuna-mayi, Mitravinda, Nitya-kisori, Isvari, Rukmini, Lavanya-Mangala, Nama-cintamani, Divya-dristy and Bhaktin María; to the prabhus: Anandamaya, Parama-karuna, Abhinanda, Jana-pavana, Caturatma, Laksmana-agraja and also to the bhaktas: Luis Gómez, Luis Torino, Enrique Portillo, Sebastián Espejo, Nicolas Carrillo and Jorge Ríos.

GURUDEVA, all the devotees who have participated in this academic and cultural Sankirtan are very happy and grateful to have had your auspicious association and also of Radhika Raman prabhu with his family: mother Amrita Keli, Caitanya and Purushotama.


HARE KRISHNA!! Your insignificant servant, Abhiram Thakur das.

ASA - And thank you from all of us. You are working, sacrificing your health and considerable intelligence. Thank you. Of course we were always taking shelter of M. Karuna mayi Prasadam and Caturatma Das driving!!! So much help from so many devotees and such good results!!! We will publish more news in the DTC in a few minutes. Even though we have so many defects we want to help Krsna in His efforts and returning everyone to Vaikuntha11


Hare Krishna Gurudeva, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!

Todas las Glorias a usted!!

Luego de la realización del Primer SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL LA EDUCACIÓN Y LO SAGRADO (en Lima, Perú 2019) podemos hacer un breve informe del mismo. Tal vez la mejor manera de hacer este resumen sea a través de las tres reuniones más significativas del mismo:

1)     Reunión con el Dr. Orestes Cachay Boza, Rector de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos-UNMSM. En esta reunión el rector estuvo de acuerdo en hacer un convenio marco por tres años con NIOS y mostro su interés particular en lograr acuerdos con Instituciones educativas de la India para la formación en tecnologías informáticas en especial el área de inteligencia artificial. Otro punto importante es el viaje de una delegación oficial de San Marcos a la India.

2)     Reunión con Héctor Béjar. Esta reunión fue para analizar los contenidos para el Mega-evento del 2020. Producto del dialogo se propusieron dos áreas, una fue la interculturalidad y la otra, la literatura clásica comparada de Oriente y Occidente, por ejemplo, El Gran Teatro del Mundo de Calderón de la Barca y La Luz del Bhagavata de Vyasa-deva, y hacer lo mismo con Don Quijote de la Mancha, La Ilíada, Hamlet, La divina comedia, La guerra y la paz, …

3)     Reunión con Juan Dejo Sj Director de educación continua de la Universidad Jesuita Antonio Ruiz de Montoya-UARM. Luego de una buena conversación con SS HpS y Radhika Raman prabhu, se propuso impulsar un dialogo inter-fe con la participación de Francis Clooney SJ director de Harvard Divinity School en Cambridge. En estos momentos estamos viendo cuales serían los aportes de los Jesuitas para LA EDUCACIÓN Y LO SAGRADO 2020.

Un importante resultado de este simposio es el entusiasmo de destacados intelectuales en participar en la organización del Mega-evento para el 2020 (también incluye académicos de India, USA, Argentina, Chile, México y España) en Perú podemos mencionar a: Patricia Llosa, Juan Dejo, Héctor Béjar, Miguel Polo, Ivette Carrión, Verónica Castillo y Oscar Naters entre otros.

En cuanto a la distribución de libros llegamos a 240 libros (dentro de ellos 5 Bhagavad-gita y 4 Luz del Bhagavata).

Para Terminar, uno de los momentos más bonitos de esta gira fue la visita al colegio Villa-perse, donde se emplea la pedagogía ASIRI, creada por Ivette Carrión (anexo varias fotos de ese día). Ver a todos los miembros del colegio cantar el Maha-mantra Hare Krishna al compás del Kirtan dirigido por Purushotam (el hijo menor de Radhika de 7 años) fue super emocionante e inspirador.

Gracias Jagad-guru por la traducción simultánea a Radhika Raman, gracias bhakta Piero por tu incansable servicio como sankirtanero, cantante y apoyo, sobre todo muchas gracias por la Hermosa Canción “De los Sueños” compuesta en Homenaje a los 25 años de Sankirtana de Guru-Maharaja en América Latina (1994-2019).

Muchas gracias a todos los devotas y devotos locales que participaron en este evento, en especial a las madres: Karuna-mayi, Mitravinda, Nitya-kisori, Isvari, Rukmini, Lavanya-Mangala, Nama-cintamani, Divya-dristy y Bhaktin María; a los prabhus: Anandamaya, Parama-karuna, Abhinanda, Jana-pavana, Caturatma, Laksmana-agraja y también a los bhaktas: Luis Gómez, Luis Torino, Enrique Portillo, Sebastián Espejo, Nicolas Carrillo y Jorge Ríos.

GURUDEVA, todos los devotos que han participado en este Sankirtan académico y cultural estamos muy contentos y agradecidos de haber tenido su auspiciosa asociación y la de Radhika Raman prabhu junto a su ejemplar familia: madre Amrita Keli, Caitanya y Purushotama.


HARE KRISHNA!! Su insignificante sirviente, Abhiram Thakur das. permanently redirected to

5 years, 4 months ago by pnd in Other

Hare Krishna Dear Gurumaharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Due to technical issues with I decided to permanently redirect it to It was planned anyway (after importing all content to .io version), but had to do it now.

In last days Srila Prabhupada Lilamrita and Ramayana has been imported into .io version and gradually all the books will be there.

If you have some specific books you would like me to import first please let me know.

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

HpS - AGTSP Yes, we saw that. It is nice push! Of course, we would like to have access to as many books in Spanish as we can have for the Sankirtan, but we can also appreciate that we should not be lazy and expect you to do the work. How can Hispanic devotees contact you to help move them, upload them!!! The leader in the New World Sankirtan.

Error - page not found

5 years, 4 months ago by Namacarya das in Other

ASA -AGTSP... Thank you Nama Bobba!!!! Srnivasa told us and we added the "X" to the file name. I works now!??? Need your help!!

urgente carta recomendacion Piero Torchio

5 years, 4 months ago by jagannatha caran das in Other

Por favor acepte mi humildes y respetuosas reverencias

todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Hare Krsna Maharaja:

Le envio la carta de recomendación para iniciacion de Piero Torchio, Él realizo los cursos correspondientes. Como el curso de discípulos.

Él ahora esta en Peru, por eso no puedo adjuntar el diploma del curso de discípulos, pero cuando el regrese, lo subiré al blog.

Por la situación de Chile, le envio la carta de recomendación, por si existe la posibilidad de que se inicie en Peru, ya que no conocemos cuando usted venga.

Esperamos verlo pronto

su aspirante a sirviente

Jagannatha caran das

HpS - TlgaSP!! pfanrh... Si, estuvimos viviendo con El Bhakta Torchio y todos. Muy amable. Estuvimos hablando con el de arreglas hacer la iniciacion. Mi sugerencia era que yo puede cantar en las cuentas y poner ellos y el nombre en una bolsa y el puede regresar a Chile con esto y tener el ceremonia en Santiago. Pero el prefiera recibir en nuestras presencia corporal su puede. O.K. Ya es casi seguro vamos a a Santiago 13 Noviembre y salimos para Peru 2 Dec. Entonces podemos realizar los formalidades en estas fechas, no?

Mucha gracasi por sus esfuerzas en esta area y tambien mucho para su asociacion. Esperamos ver se en una semana.

Sankirtan Importance

5 years, 4 months ago by kmohan12 in Other

Haribol, My Most humble Obeisances. Jai Srila Prabhupada

I just wanted to note how Important this verse and purport of Srimad Bhagavatam 1.12.34.


tena sambhṛta-sambhāro

dharma-putro yudhiṣṭhiraḥ

vājimedhais tribhir bhīto

yajñaiḥ samayajad dharim


tena—with that wealth; sambhṛta—collected; sambhāraḥ—ingredients; dharma-putraḥ—the pious king; yudhiṣṭhiraḥYudhiṣṭhiravājimedhaiḥ—by horse sacrifices; tribhiḥ—three times; bhītaḥ—being greatly afraid after the Battle of Kurukṣetrayajñaiḥ—sacrifices; samayajat—perfectly worshiped; harim—the Personality of Godhead.


By those riches, the King could procure the ingredients for three horse sacrifices. Thus the pious King Yudhiṣṭhira, who was very fearful after the Battle of Kurukṣetra, pleased Lord Hari, the Personality of Godhead.


Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira was the ideal and celebrated pious King of the world, and still he was greatly afraid after the execution of the Battle of Kurukṣetra because of the mass killing in the fight, all of which was done only to install him on the throne. He therefore took all the responsibility for sins committed in the warfare, and to get rid of all these sins, he wanted to perform three sacrifices in which horses are offered at the altar. Such a sacrifice is very costly. Even Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira had to collect the necessary heaps of gold left by Mahārāja Marutta and the brāhmaṇas who were given gold in charity by King Marutta. The learned brāhmaṇas could not take away all the loads of gold given by Mahārāja Marutta, and therefore they left behind the major portion of the gift. And Mahārāja Marutta also did not again collect such heaps of gold given away in charity. Besides that, all the golden plates and utensils which were used in the sacrifice were also thrown in the dustbins, and all such heaps of gold remained unclaimed property for a long time, till Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira collected them for his own purposes. Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa advised the brothers of Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira to collect the unclaimed property because it belonged to the King. The more astonishing thing is that no subject of the state also collected such unclaimed gold for industrial enterprise or anything like that. This means that the state citizens were completely satisfied with all necessities of life and therefore not inclined to accept unnecessary productive enterprises for sense gratification. Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira also requisitioned the heaps of gold for performing sacrifices and for pleasing the Supreme Hari Personality of Godhead. Otherwise he had no desire to collect them for the state treasury.

One should take lessons from the acts of Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira. He was afraid of sins committed on the battlefield, and therefore he wanted to satisfy the supreme authority. This indicates that unintentional sins are also committed in our daily occupational discharge of duties, and to counteract even such unintentional crimes, one must perform sacrifices as they are recommended in the revealed scriptures. The Lord says in Bhagavad-gītā ( yajñārthāt karmaṇo 'nyatra loko 'yaṁ karma-bandhanaḥ [Bg. 3.9]) that one must perform sacrifices recommended in the scriptures in order to get rid of commitments of all unauthorized work, or even unintentional crimes which we are apt to commit. By doing so, one shall be freed from all kinds of sins. And those who do not do so but work for self-interest or sense gratification have to undergo all tribulations accrued from committed sins. Therefore, the main purpose of performing sacrifices is to satisfy the Supreme Personality Hari. The process of performing sacrifices may be different in terms of different times, places and persons, but the aim of such sacrifices is one and the same at all times and in all circumstances, viz. , satisfaction of the Supreme Lord Hari. That is the way of pious life, and that is the way of peace and prosperity in the world at large. Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira did all these as the ideal pious king in the world.

If Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira is a sinner in his daily discharge of duties, in royal administration of state affairs, wherein killing of man and animals is a recognized art, then we can just imagine the amount of sins committed consciously or unconsciously by the untrained population of the Kali-yuga who have no way to perform sacrifice to please the Supreme Lord. The Bhāgavatam says, therefore, that the prime duty of the human being is to satisfy the Supreme Lord by the performance of one's occupational duty (SB 1.2.13).

Let any man of any place or community, caste or creed be engaged in any sort of occupational duty, but he must agree to perform sacrifices as it is recommended in the scriptures for the particular place, time and person. In the Vedic literatures it is recommended that in Kali-yuga people engage in glorifying the Lord by chanting the holy name of Kṛṣṇa ( kīrtanād eva kṛṣṇasya mukta-saṅgaḥ paraṁ vrajet [SB 3.31.1]) without offense. By doing so one can be freed from all sins and thus can attain the highest perfection of life by returning home, back to Godhead. We have already discussed this more than once in this great literature in different places, especially in the introductory portion by sketching the life of Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, and still we are repeating the same with a view to bring about peace and prosperity in society.

The Lord has declared openly in Bhagavad-gītā how He becomes pleased with us, and the same process is practically demonstrated in the life and preaching work of Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu. The perfect process of performing yajñas, or sacrifice, to please the Supreme Lord Hari (the Personality of Godhead, who gets us free from all miseries of existence) is to follow the ways of Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu in this dark age of quarrel and dissension.

Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira had to collect heaps of gold to secure the paraphernalia for the horse sacrifice yajñas in days of sufficiency, so we can hardly think of such performance of yajñas in these days of insufficiency and complete scarcity of gold. At the present moment we have heaps of papers and promises of their being converted into gold by economic development of modern civilization, and still there is no possibility of spending riches like Mahārāja Yudhiṣṭhira, either individually or collectively or by state patronization. Just suitable, therefore, for the age, is the method recommended by Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu in terms of the śāstra. Such a method requires no expenditure at all and yet can award more benefit than other expensive methods of yajña performances.

The horse sacrifice yajña or cow sacrifice yajña performed by the Vedic regulations shouldn't be misunderstood as a process of killing animals. On the contrary, animals offered for the yajña were rejuvenated to a new span of life by the transcendental power of chanting the Vedic hymns, which, if properly chanted, are different from what is understood by the common layman. The Veda-mantras are all practical, and the proof is rejuvenation of the sacrificed animal.

There is no possibility of such methodical chanting of the Vedic hymns by the so-called brāhmaṇas or priests of the present age. The untrained descendants of the twice-born families are no more like their forefathers, and thus they are counted amongst the śūdras, or once-born men. The once-born man is unfit to chant the Vedic hymns, and therefore there is no practical utility of chanting the original hymns.

And to save them all, Lord Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu propounded the saṅkīrtana movement or yajña for all practical purposes, and the people of the present age are strongly recommended to follow this sure and recognized path.

Haribol My Most Humble Obeisances. All Glories to you all. Jai Srila Prabhupada!!

ASA - AgtSP. Paoho. We don't understand you question? You want to know "the importance of this verse". All of the verses are important, no? Is there something more specific you want to know?