[kdpc] Gurukula

4 years, 8 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Other

Hare Krishna Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

I want to show you a draft of a Gurukula project I have. I would appreciate a lot if you could give me a feedback, opinion, advice or perspective of it.

asa - ha! ha! hare! monkey and piggy advice! buy a bicycle for everyone.

Teaching at University showed me that It is better to focus in education of children from 10 to 17 years old. They are mature enough to manifest their nature/varna, and young enough to modify their character.

asa - Jaya!

I think in a school as a complement to the national educational system, and for everybody, not only Iskcon children. With a central department which manifests everything, and schools everywhere.

asa - functional. we never went to the moon, women are less intelligent, black people are sinful, women like men who are expert a rape, God is a very large red Hog with a big club, carbon dating is wrong, people did live to be 1000 years, the sun is closer to the earth than the moon. After school education!!! 😎 Srila Prabhupada left a little work for us.

Please, devotees with experience in the educational field (Purnamasi dd, Radhika Raman, Laksman Agraja, Gandharva, Abhiram Takhur Prabhus, etc) also your input is welcome.

This is the link to download a pitch of the project. (if you can not download it, please tell me where I can send it)


HpS - Does not load. Needs a Sign In??????

For further inquiries please contact me at [email protected]

Thank you,

Your servant,

Nikunja Bihari das.

Hare Krishna Gurudev,

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias,

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada,

Quiero mostrarle un borrador de un proyecto de Gurukula que tengo. Le agradecería mucho si pudiera darme su aporte, opinión, consejo o perspectiva.

La enseñanza en la Universidad me mostró que es mejor centrarse en la educación de niños de 10 a 17 años. Son lo suficientemente maduros para manifestar su naturaleza / varna, y lo suficientemente jóvenes como para modificar su carácter.

Pienso en una escuela como complemento del sistema educativo nacional, y para todos, no solo para los niños de Iskcon. Con un departamento central que manifiesta todo, y escuelas en todas partes.

Por favor, devotos con experiencia en el campo educativo (Purnamasi dd, Radhika Raman, Laksman Agraja, Gandharva, Abhiram Takhur Prabhus, etc.) también sus comentarios son bienvenidos.

Este es el enlace para descargar una presentación del proyecto. (si no puede hacerlo, por favor indicar donde podemos enviarlo)


Para más consultas, pueden contáctarme en [email protected]


Su sirviente,

Nikunja Bihari das

Happy Birthday Guru Maharaja

4 years, 8 months ago by Dhanisthadevidasi in Other

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All Glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitay!!!

All Glories to You!!!

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeissances, Happy Birhtday Guru Maharaja, I hope You have a nice day,

Your sevant,

Danistha devi dasi, Santiago, Chile

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!! Happy Birthday to you also! When is the anniversary of the birth of your current body??? Not in our records!!! What year? May 1520? Are you a grand yogini?????

Ofrenda de Vyasa Puja

4 years, 8 months ago by Victoria in Other

Hare Krsna Gurudev, please accept my humble obeisances ____o_

All glories to Srila Prabhupada🌷

All glories to you🌼

Because of you, I begin to understand Srila Prabhupada's books. I remember hearing your classes for the first time and feeling how everything became to have sense and depth meaning.

Because of your effort to keep us busy in Krishna consciousness, to constantly inspire us, to be so exemplary and transparent is reason that I can make some advance in spiritual life.

Your words guide me through this vast philosophy, in which I would be lost if it weren't for the perspective you show us.

The power of your realizations give strength to my faith.

You are a living proof that this process is genuine and works. Your unconditional love, your patience and generosity feed my bhakti creeper, which struggles to grow in the middle of so many weeds.

I want to offer you my existence, I want to leave all selfishness, illusion and obstacles to be a useful particle in this great Sankirtan movement.







Your apprentice servant

Vrshabhanu Nandini dd

P/D: Happy Birthday!!

HpS - Thank you. Trying to answer all the letters!! Thank you, but 90% of our potency is just the mercy of Srila Prabhupada to do something with bad tools! AgtSP~~~ You explain things in your circle now! "Yare dekha tare kaha..."

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias,

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada,

Todas las glorias a Usted.

Gracias a usted es que pude comenzar a entender los libros de Srila Prabhupada. Recuerdo escuchar sus primeras clases y sentir como todo cobraba sentido y mayor profundidad. 

Gracias a su esfuerzo en mantenernos ocupados, en constantemente inspirarnos, en ser tan ejemplar y transparente, que yo puedo hacer algún avance. 

Sus palabras me van guiando en medio de esta filosofía tan vasta, en la cual estaría perdida si no fuera por la perspectiva que usted nos muestra. 

La potencia de sus realizaciones fortalecen mi fe.

Usted es la prueba viviente de que este proceso es genuino y funciona. Su amor incondicional, su paciencia y generosidad alimentan mi planta del bhakti, que lucha por crecer en medio de tantas malas hierbas.

Quiero ofrendarle mi existencia, Quiero desprenderme de todo el egoismo, de la ilusion y las trabas para ser una partícula útil en este gran movimiento de Sankirtan.

Su aprendiz de sirviente

Vrshabhanu Nandini dd

New text - Dr. Samaresh - Wikipedia

4 years, 8 months ago by Carlos Rold in Other

Hare Krishna Maharaja!




At the end of this message: proposal of new text about Dr. Samaresh biography for Wikipedia.

Thank you very much for letting me try to be an instrument of our Eternal Lord.

I just wanna be your servant,


HpS - ASA --- Thank you for the patience to deal with our sincere but slow moving efforts. Thank you. Sent your the very nice PDF of the award ceremony for Professor and the accompanying bio-data. If you integrate that with this information, especially citing a source besides NIOS, then it should pass the Wiki-police, no?


Samaresh Bandyopadhyay (born May 3rd 1942 in Calcutta, now called Kolkata) is an indian Doctor of Philosophy, scholar and professor. He belongs to an illustrious family of scholars famous for patriotism and philanthropic activities. In his youth, Professor Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay was a brilliant student of the University of Calcutta. He has received several scholarships, research fellowships and a gold medal for classifying First Class First at B.A. (Hons.) in Ancient Indian History and Culture. University of Calcutta is his alma mater and he served in that institution for over four decades in different academic areas and retired in 2007 as a professor emeritus. He has written 10 books, 25 essays and more than 300 research articles published in indian and foreign specialized magazines. 

He has made several featured contributions to different aspects of Indology in specific areas such as Literature, Numismatics, Epigraphy, Architecture, Iconography and Sculpture. In 2002 he was the General President of the Numismatic Society of India, later, during 2003 he was the General President of the Epigraphical Society of India, and in 2012 the General President of the Indian Art History Congress. His work is considered as an invaluable contribution to the study of the History of Science.

He is associated through different functions (Honorary Fellow, President, Vice-president, Advisor, Editor and Member) with different learned institutions in different states of India and other countries. Professor Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay is now a Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, also a Member of the Advisory Board of Sthāpatyam (Journal of the Indian Science of Architecture and Allied Sciences) from New Delhi, and he is the Principal Advisor of the North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies (NIOS), USA, which promotes worldwide the study of the History of Science building bridges between the ancient knowledge from West and East.

One of the outstanding Indologist of present times, Professor Dr. Ian W. Mabbett of Australia, have been published two books in his honor: "Abhivādana (A Volume on Aspects of Early Indian History and Culture in Honour of Professor Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay)", published in 2008 in Kolkata; and the second, entitled “Prācyaprajñapradīpa (Professor Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay Felicitation Volume on Early Indian History and Culture)”, which is commended as “a precious gift in the new millennium to the scholars of Early Indian History and Culture”, published in 2012 in U.S.A.


- Āchārya-Vandanā (D.R. Bhandarkar Birth Centenary Volume), edited by Professor Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadhyay, released by the then Prime Minister of India, Her Excellency Indira Gandhi, and commended as "one of the best Indological publications of the century and the best of the type" by Sir Harold Bailey of Cambridge University, U. K. 1985.

- Thoughts on Synthesis of Science and Religion, also edited by him with Dr. T. D. Singh of Berkeley University (U.S.A.), incorporates contributions from as many as five Nobel Laureates. (YEAR OF PUBLICATION?)

- Bhārara Saṁskriti (Presentations at the Three Day International Seminar on “Importance of Early Indian Culture in Making a Better World”), published from the U.S.A., 2015.


- Nelson Wright Medal of the Numismatic Society of India (Varanasi). 2012.

- Honorary Fellowship of the Ancient Sciences and Archaeological Society of India, Mysore, Karnataka. (2014?)

- Jñānanidhi, of the Government sponsored Academy of Sanskrit Research, Melkote, Karnataka. (2015?)

- Sir Achārya J. C. Bose Memorial, Bose Institute Main Campus (Kolkata) for his outstanding contribution to the history of science and archaeology. 2016.


- www.niosnimbus.org

- www.caluniv.ac.in

Kapi Dhvaja 7/Mayo

4 years, 8 months ago by Patrak das in Other

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada y a Usted!!!!


Hare Krishna Querido Gurumaharaja... Como esta?

HpS - Jaya!!! Mismo como describiendo en el Kapi Dhvaja. Luchando con lujuria el cambiando de un cuerpo a otro, predicando!

Estamos aquí en nuestra Cubil (casa). Hoy cumplimos 55 días en cuarentena. El presidente anuncio que estaremos dos semanas mas (hasta el 24/may).

Continuamos dando clases diarias de manera virtual, es mucho más agotador. En la pedagogía que trabajamos no estamos de acuerdo con la exposición excesiva de las pantallas, asi que estamos haciendo un equilibrio de horas.

EL BOLETIN YA ESTA LISTO!!! en español e ingles a la pagina de facebook


Gracias por la gran oportunidad de servicio

HpS - ASA --- Somos motivado mejorar la revista por que esta traducido de manera pronto!!! Gracias!!!


Equipo de traductores ( por ahora mi hermana y yo)

ASA - Ella tiene nombre???!!!

Domestic life

4 years, 8 months ago by yajnasenidd in Other

Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances and all glories to Srila Prabhupada. Maharaj, my marriage was arranged by my Krsna conscious superiors. I experience frequent physical violence in this marriage for 2 years. Is it right for me to continue on like this?

Your aspiring servant,


HpS - ASA --- Hare Krsna! AGTSP paoho. Of course, this is a frequent encounter and yet one question is who is being violent. I knew one person very intimately who was never physically violent with his wife during marriage, but she bit him with intention to do physical damage two or three times.

Of course, it maybe the exact opposite with your situation. Maybe the husband is biting the wife.

Eventually she filed for divorce because she required him to eat meat with the family etc and he told her in strong terms that he would never do it.

Talking with him many years later he felt that she was actually a very nice person, but neither of them knew how to adjust the social situation back in 1974. At that time if you were a vegetarian in here common, family society it meant that you were probably a Communist or a Homosexual also!

Knowing what he knows now, he feels pretty certain he could have adjusted things.

Looking in our asa-encyclopedia we found the best source are the Verses and Purports starting with SB 7.11.25. They are fanstastic.

Please read and discuss them (with your other real advisors), and please give us some more thoughts on the matter.