Jay Radha Madhava ki jayy!! Happy Vyasa-puja .

11 years, 11 months ago by Caitanya candrodaya das in Other

nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhu-tale

srimate bhaktivedanta-svamin iti namine

All glories to Srila Prabhupada .

Please accept my most respectful obeisance into you lotus feet.

Dear Gurudeva... I want to apologize with you because i didn't send you my sadhana's report   but i will do my best and again start to do it.

Happy vyasa-puja!!! Happy birthday!!! Feliz cunpleanhos!!! Jay Srila prabhupada ki jay!! I’m very fortune to have such a spiritual master and by Krishna’s mercy i got you and i am so happy for that.

 By your mercy i will advance in the science of Krishna consciousness because you are very expert and advance. I want to learn how to serve Krishna and his devotees and you are the best example. That’s why I took shelter in you lotus feet because you are already with Krishna. You know this science perfectly and you are very dear to Him.

Now by you mercy I’m doing this bhakti sastri’s course and i like so much because I’m learning a little bit about the supreme personality of godhead, Krishna and by the mercy of Srila prabhupada and his books we can learn and advance in devotional service very easily and by practicing devotional service gradually as you say we can get prema-bhakti. I always remember when I asked you for blessing for study bhakti sastri you told do it for Krishna. “Krishna is so merciful.”

I want to be sincere with you. I’m very fallen and I don’t understand so much the science of Krishna consciousness but i just need take you instruction for develop my practice in Krishna consciousness but I need you because I need to qualified myself by your instruction.

When I’m in difficulty… i just think in you and automatically Radha and krishna picture come to my mind. Please Dear Gurudeva forgives me for commit so many offends to you and I’m not good disciple. ..Sometimes i don’t write to you frequently but I want to let you know that you are very special for me and i remember you all the time because i feel a little bit love for you.

I have picture of Radha Madhana bihari, Radha Madhava, Panca tattva and Nrisimha deva and also I have your pictures and my family’s pictures posted on the wall of my room. I pray every day for Krishna’s mercy and Krishna’s protection.  All of you are my inspiration for keep in Krishna’s consciousness.

I always remember that you say to your disciples “Wake up for mangala artik and chants your 16 rounds”, I still working in that and one day i will get a perfect sadhana and I have so much desire for get it.

For speak about your qualities there is not end.

Thank you for give your time for all you disciples and take care of them.

Jay krishna-prema!!

Vanca kalpa…….!!

                HpS -  Jaya!    You are still in Mayapura?           So nice!            Is great mercy to see Radha and Madhva and all the Gopis in Their night dresses.  Sets a very intimate relation for service the whole day.  Thank you very much for writing.  We will be in Maypur soon. See Calendar link.  www.jayarama.us/kd/cal.txt

Vyasa puja offering

11 years, 12 months ago by sarad-bihari-dasi in Other
Hare Krishna Gurudeva Please accept my obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada, all glories to you.
  On this special day I just want to thank you for all you has done for us, you are an example in every way and that's what makes you always want to haveyour association and to improve as a devotee and diciple , you are our inspiration , I havent have  much more to say, you are simply wonderful !!!thank you  for so lovingly serve your  spiritual master and teach us how we should serve you  , and for  being so humble, appreciative, understanding , there is not enough words to describe a soul as beautiful as you, jaya Srila Prabhupada! jaya Gurudeva! who wants to serve you Sarad Bihari Dasi
    HpS - Hare Krsna.   We are really demoniac and greedy and heartless but we have the perspective of Srila Prabhupada and the Saints. We want to thank you for all the austerity you have undertaken to be a good mother and good wife and good devotee.  Thank you.


11 years, 12 months ago by Muraridasa in Other

Dear Gurudeva

On the auspicious day of your Vyasapuja I remember deeper  these prayers and thank you sincerely for your mercy and hope one day to be his dignified disciple

The lotus feet of the spiritual master are the abode of pure devotional service. I bow down to those lotus feet with great care and attention. My dear brother (my dear mind)! It is through the grace of the spiritual master that we cross over this material existence and obtain Krsna.

 Make the teachings from the lotus mouth of the spiritual master one with your heart, and do not desire anything else. Attachment to the lotus feet of the spiritual master is the best means of spiritual advancement. By his mercy all desires for spiritual perfection are fulfilled.

 He who has given me the gift of transcendental vision is my lord, birth after birth. By his mercy divine knowledge is revealed within the heart, bestowing prema-bhakti and destroying ignorance. The Vedic scriptures sing of his character.

O spiritual master, ocean of mercy, and friend of the fallen souls, you are the teacher of everyone and the life of all people. O master! Be merciful unto me, and give me the shade of your lotus feet. May your glories now be proclaimed throughout the three worlds.

HpS -  AGTSP!!!  We try to follow your example and be better servants.  Less lazy...

asked thoughts on NIOS

11 years, 12 months ago by Namacarya das in Other

from last KD: "We are focusing on making NIOS legitimate if someone wants to use it when were gone. So please let us know what you think."

Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

As you asked what we think, I will submit humble thougths...

Maybe it is enough and more proper to work through ISKCON organization than to register another association. Is ISKCON not an organisation through which such kind of activities NIOS performs could be performed. Of course, I do not know all the details. Maybe thorugh ISKCON that cannot be done.
But if it can, then way spend time and in registering another organisation  ?


Your servant Namacarya das

     AGTSP   paoho.   Well, there is the general ISKCON which is a movement like the communist movement or the ecology movement, and of course we would feel that any sane person could work through that movement. Then there are the institutional ISKCON organizations. The majority are local ISKCON temples in USA, India and other parts of the world. Specifically the USA ISKCON Temples are all IRS tax exempt 501(c)3 tax exempt Church corporations. So, practically speaking immediately they can have no deep relation with any university because they are churches. For this reason Srila Prabhupada started such groups as the Bhaktivedanta Insitute which is educational and not religious in both form and substance. We would be glad to work with the BI, but for one thing is is hard science focused and we are more cultural and literary. So we registered NIOS in January 2004 following in Srila Prabhupada's footsteps for this kind of educational work.


Bhadrasena das

Pamho agtsp haribol gurumaharaja Reporting from mexico still alive doing sankirtan and food for life. Reading, chanting,dancing, eating prasadam and being happy. Asociating with sital Tulsi dd jps very nice mataji i join in India . I met very nice godbrothers in bolivia foutains of inspiration advaita thakur p and yugal kishor mataji . Hope to see you soon . Jay srila prabhupada

HpS - ASA -  Jaya!  TlgaSP.  Pfanrh...     Muy bien oir se Vd.    Vd. es nuestra discipulo de Argentina?????

Ofrenda de vyasa puja!!!!!!!!

11 years, 12 months ago by btna andrea in Other

Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitay!!!!!

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!!

Todas las Glorias al auspicioso día de su aparición querido Gurudeva!!!!!

Mis respetuosas reverencias a sus pies de loto una y otra vez!!!!!!

Respondemos a las preguntas….

Estamos siguiendo los 4 principios estrictamente!!!! (esto es una gran ayuda para calmar nuestra alocada mente y mantenernos firmes y determinados ante cualquier circunstancia)

16 rondas diarias!!!! Entusiastas un 60%, esforzándonos por que sean un 100% entusiastas!!!!  (mangala-arati es una gran ayuda para cantar buenas rondas)

Nuestra autoridad administrativa en ISKCON, son Prabhu Amara Gouranga y Prabhu Omkesavaya los devotos encargados de la administración de ISKCON CHILE ( gracias a ellos es que podré recibir la misericordia (si la bella Radharani así lo quiere) de iniciarme con usted durante este año!!!!)

vida tras vida hemos estado vagando….hasta que hemos encontrado el refugio adecuado….

Hemos empezado un nuevo camino, una nueva etapa en nuestras vidas,  una segunda oportunidad para hacer las cosas bien, usted siempre ha estado a mi lado Gurudeva instruyéndome, aunque yo no era capaz de darme cuenta….

Recuerdo una vez que soñé….  usted estaba en un bus con los devotos y yo estaba abajo observándolo, en sus manos tenia una flor blanca luminosa, y usted me la tiraba con fuerza y caia en mi frente como si me dijera despierta!!!hasta cuando seguiras así?, es gracias a usted que yo he podido tolerar de alguna forma todas las pruebas que se me han presentado, y es gracias a usted que estoy determinada a seguir hasta el final…..no tengo más refugio que el de sus pies de loto querido Gurudeva!!!! Y ese sin duda que es el mejor refugio que puedo tener!!!!!

En su última visita a Chile pude apreciar el impacto que tiene su presencia en las personas, su humildad, su renuncia, su sabiduría, su bondad, su humor inundan cualquier ambiente de pureza y amor , usted es capaz de calmar a las bestias y  santificar cualquier lugar….

Una vez le dije que no quería lamentarme por lo que hice o no hice, pero realmente de lo único que me lamento es de no haber seguido Sus pies de loto!!!!!

Gurudeva!!!Con una gota de su misericordia haga que este sirviente suyo se vuelva más humilde que una hierba. Deme fuerzas para tolerar todas las pruebas y dificultades, y libéreme de todo deseo de honra personal!!!!

Gracias por su infinita misericordia Gurudeva!!!! Mi único deseo es servirlo !!!!!

Eternamente agradecida!!!!

Bhaktin Andrea

Reverencias de Manjari y Giridhari ( él dice que ya encontró a su guru, usted!!!)

              HpS -  TlgaSP  Muchas gracias.  Fijada, fijada, fijada en su Papa, Srila Prabhupada. Actua como satasfacer a el!!!!