...mayas lap...
All right Gurudev,
As requested, my pettiness placed upon the Warrior Monkeys Blog. Nothing sobers one up than placing their laundry out in the public forum.
ASA - AgtSP! Again, you don't have to say, "My shirt is dirty". You can say, "There is dirty laundry".
What we must do, what we must do. Please excuse my offenses and again thank you for your valauble time
Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami,<o:p></o:p>
please accept my humble obeisances, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!<o:p></o:p>
A meager note updating our scattered progress’ and regress’<o:p></o:p>
We’ve pursued our latest school opportunity and it seems our plans for London have been delayed for some reason, we are still keeping plan“C” for Mayapur in order. We have been invited to a seminar with Maharaja Bhakti Caru Swami in late May and he has some connections in Mayapur dham, we’ll chat then. Our sources in England said work applications for foreigners are withheld due to Britain’s high unemployment (kinda’ like Amerika).<o:p></o:p>
Alternately though, some have mentioned “Australia” also has needs for assistance in their Avanti Krsna schools. Maybe you may have more input on this since you’re in their neighborhood. Oh, if you see Mathuradish Prabhu please offer him my humble obeisance’s.
ASA - Where will the seminar be??? Content???? We hope to keep up with the Blog mail now. We fell sooo far behind with the trip to the North East of India. Now we are just four days behind. We like to be maximum three days. 2) Yes, we saw a poster saying Krsna avanti schools come to Australia. We don't know who is doing it. We can try to ask... But ask from your side as they must know better than we.... 3) We saw Maturadesh. It sure seems that he asked about you and we told him that you Subhra were doing quite well considering all the challenges that we all face in this world.
New Jagannatha Puri has purged another Temple President, our great TP Sunanda has been re-assigned, will miss him (rumor has it he’s headed to the ISV area).I believe Lord Jagannatha is purifying these great souls who try to fill the void in Berkeley’s diverse congregation, why else? Their sincere efforts do not go in vain. Vaisesika Prabhu was kind enough to offer me a chance for NJP’s service, though I declined for now, am not qualified as yet…I think he was kidding…no?! Also at NJP, I’ve been asked to build 3 palanquins for Lord’s Jagannatha & Baladeva with Lady Subhadra. Need your blessings on this one, major task and Ratha Yatra’s coming quick.
ASA - I got a letter from Sunanda Das, and I didn't read the details, but I think he was just tired. When is Rathayatra???? You see the dates for our visit on the ASA calendar, no??? ? ?
Still working at the sign shop and even asked Prabhu Braja-Vraja to help on a special one, he’s way over qualified for his job, probably be happier in a more brahmanical position, regardless he’s receptive and tolerates my dull-self. Do like the artistic side of my job, but not the politics and sudra mentality. Now I’ve gotten all prepared for the computer graphics career field and now have time to possibly complete algebra and a couple of classes for an AS degree. Even Subhra Devi is getting through the insanity in the public schools… why we may as well just stay here in Modesto… Right...my dreams of B.T.G. art and writing, compiling all ISKCON and related illustrations to a single data base for any ISKCON media project; This is what I was BORN for!! <o:p></o:p>
Then a couple of weeks ago Srila Prabhupada came in a dream and said I should “cook”. Now I’m really confused, where is my dharma? Though am even more curious what the Good Lord has planned.<o:p></o:p>
So much approval in your efforts with any who have had your association, all I meet praise your kindness. Max mentioned you and is back in Fremont, Calif with his new wife and is thinking of moving back, met Partha Sarathi Prabhu at ISV during Gaura Purnima and he has relocated to the South Bay for now, he mentioned missing you, I was glad just to talk with them… such great souls we are fortunate to meet, though I too am missing your association.<o:p></o:p>
Seems here in Modesto I tend to reminisce on past mundane activities more and more, though keeping 16 – 4, would prefer closer devotee neighbors, regardless still distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books, with faith that this may continue in an atmosphere more conducive to bhakti.<o:p></o:p>
All for now, need to complete rounds and rest, so much appreciate your tolerance and compassion,<o:p></o:p>
your unqualified servant,<o:p></o:p>
ASA - Thank you so, so, much. You should be a journalist. Do graphics to sell the things you cook! Have Max help with extreme art design. What about making fortune cookies?????????????????? What about getting an orchard where you are????? Oooof Who is that girl? Dangerous....