...mayas lap...

11 years, 9 months ago by chas d lind in Other

All right Gurudev,

As requested, my pettiness placed upon the Warrior Monkeys Blog. Nothing sobers one up than placing their laundry out in the public forum.


             ASA -  AgtSP!    Again, you don't have to say, "My shirt is dirty".  You can say, "There is dirty laundry".

What we must do, what we must do. Please excuse my offenses and again thank you for your valauble time

Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami,<o:p></o:p>

please accept my humble obeisances, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!<o:p></o:p>

A meager note updating our scattered progress’ and regress’<o:p></o:p>

  We’ve pursued our latest school opportunity and it seems our plans for London have been delayed for some reason, we are still keeping plan“C” for Mayapur in order. We have been invited to a seminar with Maharaja Bhakti Caru Swami in late May and he has some connections in Mayapur dham, we’ll chat then. Our sources in England said work applications for foreigners are withheld due to Britain’s high unemployment (kinda’ like Amerika).<o:p></o:p>

  Alternately though, some have mentioned “Australia” also has needs for assistance in their Avanti Krsna schools. Maybe you may have more input on this since you’re in their neighborhood. Oh, if you see Mathuradish Prabhu please offer him my humble obeisance’s.



             ASA -  Where will the seminar be???  Content????    We hope to keep up with the Blog mail now.  We fell sooo  far behind with the trip to the North East of India.   Now we are just four days behind.   We like to be maximum three days.  2) Yes, we saw a poster saying Krsna avanti schools come to Australia.  We don't know who is doing it. We can try to ask...  But ask from your side as they must know better than we....   3) We saw Maturadesh.   It sure seems that he asked about you and we told him that you Subhra were doing quite well considering all the challenges that we all face in this world.

   New Jagannatha Puri has purged another Temple President, our great TP Sunanda has been re-assigned, will miss him (rumor has it he’s headed to the ISV area).I believe Lord Jagannatha is purifying these great souls who try to fill the void in Berkeley’s diverse congregation, why else? Their sincere efforts do not go in vain. Vaisesika Prabhu was kind enough to offer me a chance for NJP’s service, though I declined for now, am not qualified as yet…I think he was kidding…no?! Also at NJP, I’ve been asked to build 3 palanquins for Lord’s Jagannatha & Baladeva with Lady Subhadra. Need your blessings on this one, major task and Ratha Yatra’s coming quick.



             ASA -  I got a letter from Sunanda Das, and I didn't read the details, but I think he was just tired.          When is Rathayatra????             You see the dates for our visit on the ASA calendar, no???  ?              ?


   Still working at the sign shop and even asked Prabhu Braja-Vraja to help on a special one, he’s way over qualified for his job, probably be happier in a more brahmanical position, regardless he’s receptive and tolerates my dull-self. Do like the artistic side of my job, but not the politics and sudra mentality. Now I’ve gotten all prepared for the computer graphics career field and now have time to possibly complete algebra and a couple of classes for an AS degree. Even Subhra Devi is getting through the insanity in the public schools… why we may as well just stay here in Modesto… Right...my dreams of B.T.G. art and writing, compiling all ISKCON and related illustrations to a single data base for any ISKCON media project; This is what I was BORN for!! <o:p></o:p>

   Then a couple of weeks ago Srila Prabhupada came in a dream and said I should “cook”. Now I’m really confused, where is my dharma? Though am even more curious what the Good Lord has planned.<o:p></o:p>

   So much approval in your efforts with any who have had your association, all I meet praise your kindness. Max mentioned you and is back in Fremont, Calif with his new wife and is thinking of moving back, met Partha Sarathi Prabhu at ISV during Gaura Purnima and he has relocated to the South Bay for now, he mentioned missing you, I was glad just to talk with them… such great souls we are fortunate to meet, though I too am missing your association.<o:p></o:p>

   Seems here in Modesto I tend to reminisce on past mundane activities more and more, though keeping 16 – 4, would prefer closer devotee neighbors, regardless still distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books, with faith that this may continue in an atmosphere more conducive to bhakti.<o:p></o:p>

  All for now, need to complete rounds and rest, so much appreciate your tolerance and compassion,<o:p></o:p>

your unqualified servant,<o:p></o:p>


                  ASA -  Thank you so, so, much.   You should be a journalist.   Do graphics to sell the things you cook!         Have Max help with extreme art design.           What about making fortune cookies??????????????????   What about getting an orchard where you are?????              Oooof  Who is that girl?    Dangerous....


Question on "Cultivating Human Spirit"

11 years, 9 months ago by msrinu in Other

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

We are so glad seeing your reply Maharaj (for a second, I thought what is this feeling as if I got a big promotion and  is this much I'm waiting to see your reply. For not seeing your reply for couple days I thought so many things, may be my letter is missing or something, how poor the mind is think and how much anxiety I have).

And thanks for the "tip" and I'm trying to make sure my rounds will be finished ASAP before anything.

I heard your lecture on "cultivating human spirit" and I have a question (Please pardon my ignorance).

How "Karma" is in relates "quota" that you explained in the lecture. If a person is rich and still getting rich, is it because of his past Karma that, Krishna is providing him more and more and on the other hand a person is "lazy/ignorant" and not earning much and becoming poor.

In this situation "how the quota" works? Is this where we use our intelligence to draw a line to say "this is enough" or because you have the ability to earn more (due to the past karma) and use that in the service of Krishna.

Then anothe question pops-up, Do we earn enough (as per the necessity) and spend more time on Krishna service directly (more of a personal growth, reading more sastras, more rounds of chanting etc.) or earn more and help to Krishna's service (indirectly, charities, organizing things, book distributions etc) and bring more people to Krishna (less personal growth and more society growth).

I personally beleive "everyone is special in Krishna's view and given certain talent to serve "Krishna" in his own way", but knowing that talent and using it for Krishna is the main difficult part.

Am I wrong Maharaj? Am I proud? Please pardon my ignorance and correct me. I have a burning desire to serve Krishna and desparatlely looking for help.

Your Humble Servant

-Srinivasa (from Richmond, VA)

                  ASA - !!!!!!!!!  So, so, so , soooo  nice to hear from you Prabhu!    AGTSP.   You can see from the DTC that we are in Sydney.     Your question is really the content of the whole BG, so it is not an easy question to answer in complete detail, but basic principle is that we are getting rich, poor, because of our past karma AND our present efforts.

Now...  our present efforts, how much we can change the situation are also dictated by how we used free will in the past.

Eg.  You have Karma to make $35,000 this year and that may be COMPLETELY fixed. You can't increase or avoid it, or it maybe that this is weak destiny, to that you can increase it o $50,000 by your effort or only $15,000 will come unless you make some reasonable effort.

It's simple, no?         We have free will and we create specific future and also how specifically how much we are DESTINED to have free will.

Of course, when we get connected to the Kings, Krsna, then it becomes a personal thing. At the time of initiation, Durga hands our Account Books to Radha. Our Karma continues, but now is under the supervision of Radharani and She can change it as She sees fit for our Spiritual Advancement, Krsna's service.

O.K????    We are trying to fix tickets pretty soon for September.

about the origin of chanting Hare Krsna

11 years, 9 months ago by Kadamba Kanana das in Other

Hare Krsna Hanumatpresaka Maharaja,
please accept my respectful obeisances,
all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

At first i'd like to thank you for your very useful answers, help and example.

and here is a new question about japa:
We know that Srila Prabhupada gave us the (@least) 16 rounds, and Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gave 64, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu also chanted His rounds.
My question is that where this chanting process comes from?
Who introduced it to the human society? Is there any information about the origin of chanting Hare Krsna?

Thank you very much,
your servant: Kadamba Kanana dasa

      HpS - AGTSP   paoho.   Well the verses like "harer nama, harer nama...", in Caitanya caritamrta Adi Seven the mention by Lord Caitanya to Prabodhananda Sarasvati how his guru gave him Japa.  In BG chapter 10 mentions japa, no?

In so many Puranas, Tantras etc. well find it.  Narada's instructions to Dhruva in the 4th Canto.  The sources for the specific Maha mantra is also in purports in ADI seven also I think.  Read that Chapter. I think you'll find it SUPER!

Question :)

11 years, 9 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Other
All Glories to Sri sri Gaura Nitai!!
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All Glories to you!!
         ASA - Oink!   Oink!    WhooP!    whOOP!     E=mcxc
All Glories to devotees!!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja:
                                    Here I'm, stealing your time :) I want to know about 
why differents devotees have different atractions for Krsna avatars?
        ASA - Maybe because of bodily formation.  But maybe because they are made that way constitutionally by Krsna as they come from Him.
...and if it's  more advance who worship in the heart Radha Krsna? because it's the most important relationship. Thanks for answer my question! Thanks for your mercy and for your time.
I hope your throat, get better soon.

        ASA - Radha Krsna is the most elevated but they like to play as Sita and Rama, so if that is our position, they joining Them in that work is the most elevated service for US.  Understand?  The most important service is YOUR service.

Trying to serve in Krsna Consciousness
Rati Manjari Devi Dasi 
        ASA - Thank you for your association.  We are in Argentina-ISKCON world, just by your letter and participation en Japa Joe!

Dear Hanumatpresaka Swami

11 years, 9 months ago by Schwarzesteine in Other


 Estimado Hanumatpresaka Swami.

Le escribo para comentarle respecto del correo que le mandé anteriormente, en donde le preguntaba acerca de participar de charlas de maestros pertenecientes a otras instituciones. 

Usted me recomendó leer los versos 4, 5 y 6 del libro Upadesamrta, y conversar con los devotos Amara y Arjuna. 

Le comento que leí los versos recomendados, y me encontré con comentarios relacionados con dar caridad a los devotos, aceptar lo que los devotos puedan ofrecer a cambio, abrir la mente a otros devotos, aceptar y ofrecer prasadam a los devotos, honrar mentalmente al devoto que canta el santo nombre del señor Krsna, ofrecerle reverencias, asociarse con él, y finalmente comprender que al devoto puro no se le debe entender desde un punto de vista materialista sino desde el servicio que realiza al señor Krsna.

Con todos estos conceptos en mente me acerqué a conversar con prabhu Amara. La conversación, además de extensa (jeje), fue bastante satisfactoria. Finalmente comprendí que el tema no se encuentra en visitar o no a devotos de otras instituciones, sino de cumplir y honrar los compromisos que voluntariamente uno mismo ha aceptado. Y además, cuando uno se encuentra con su corazón centrado en Krsna, nada debería poder desviarlo a uno de la meta final si el compromiso es sincero.

Aún tengo pendiente la conversación con prabhu Arjuna, pero pronto me contactaré con él para poder escuchar su opinión respecto del tema, y así complementar y enriquecer aún más mi visión.

También quería pedirle permiso para construir un perfil de facebook en honor a su libro llamado "Sonidos del Corazón" (heart sounds), y poder poner fotos del libro, y colocar los versos tanto en inglés como en español, con la finalidad de que todas las personas que por algún motivo no poseen el libro, puedan leer los hermosos versos que aparecen en el. Por eso quería consultarle qué le parece la idea, y si me da permiso para hacerlo.

             HpS -  TlgaSP.     No son versos de nosotros, son de Tom Brown, Monkey.  Pienso el no molesta. Que espera de un Mono. 

También quería comentarle que tengo la idea de musicalizar los versos de "Sonidos del corazón", ya que además de ser sicólogo, también toco la guitarra en un grupo de rock. Y fue este hobby musical lo que me llevó a pensar en poner música a los versos de su libro. Por eso también quería pedirle permiso para realizar esa tarea.

Espero que estas dos propuestas (la del perfil de facebook, y lo de musicalizar el libro) sean de su agrado y no lo ofendan en lo absoluto.

Se despide su colega sicólogo

Pablo Gallardo

Pd: me enteré que visitará Chile en Noviembre. Sería maravilloso poder contar con su presencia una vez más acá en estas tierras.

               HpS -   Chile, ISKCON.     Si piensa vale glorificar un Mono, aparece bien.  Pienso la poemas falta algo.  Son aun en la etapa de Aprendiz.       Habla con otros pero si es bueno, muy bien, pero, otro proyect es musica para Upadesamrta!  Buen foto!


Primera Carta

11 years, 9 months ago by Fiorella Cicchine in Other

¡Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Gaura Nitay! ¡Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada! ¡Todas las Glorias a usted Maharaja! ¡Hare Krishna! Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias Maharaja. Mi nombre es Fiorella Cicchine, soy de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Tengo 17 años y estoy en mi último año de secundaria y paralelamente estoy estudiando para dar el examen de ingreso a la universidad, ya que deseo estudiar Comunicación Social. He conocido la conciencia de Krishna a través de un amigo y de dos libros encontrados en mi hogar (“Meditación y Superconciencia” y “La Perfección del Yoga”) a principios del 2011. Fui por primera vez al templo para el Vyasa Puja de Srila Prabhupada de ese mismo año. Este año pediré a las autoridades para poder comenzar un servicio fijo en el templo. Con respecto a mis rondas, he prometido cantar 5 por día, muchas veces me cuesta cantarlas, pero ansío mucho poder incrementar el número de rondas y poder cantarlas con mas dedicación. Tuve el gran honor de conocer a sus discípulos de Buenos Aires quienes me han ayudado mucho y siempre tienen un pasatiempo para contarme de usted. Pude asistir a Su Vyasa Puja realizado aquí en el templo, en donde pude conocer más sobre usted. He visto videos suyos de cuando usted vino a la Argentina y he quedado maravillada. Por favor, quería saber si usted puede guiarme en mi camino espiritual, ya que siento que usted es el indicado para ayudarme en mi proceso. Le agradezco de todo corazón. Su sirvienta, Fiorella.

            HpS - ASA - TlgaSP....    Desculpa Castellano horrible.   Gracias su carta. Gracias su esfuerza servir a Krsna   NO ES COMMUN    Gracias.    Pues si lea o traduzca por Google los DTC (Diary of a Traveling Creature) puede entender mucho de nuestra persepectivo contribucion.   Por media de esta Blog. Nuestra boletin, Kapi Dhvaja, etc. podemos servir como un Patha-pradarshika guru. Eso es el tipo de Guru quien muestra el sendero.    Poco a poco tiene que entender quien somos, quien es Srila Prabhupada et al!   Jaya!
Esta inscrita recibir nuestra boletin, Kapi Dhvaja, por media del grupo de Yahoo?    Busca en "Peru" en nuestra pagina, www.jayarama.us para inscribir.
Tiene el libro Krsna??