Thank you and Finding our Mission.

11 years, 7 months ago by Kadamba Kanana das in Other
Dear Hanumatpresaka Swami,
please accept our respectful obeisances,
all glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Thanks for your association in Barcelona.
Sorry for not saying Haribol but we had to leave for the airport during the fire yajna.
We are in England and try to stay here for a year, it has more advantages than disadvantages and there is lot of service opportunities at this moment.
               HpS - ASA -  AGTSP.....   Paoho.    It was very, very nice to meet you, Kadamba Prabhu...    Very nice.   We met Bhakta-rasa Das and his good wife in Radhadesa right after we left Barcelona.   They are from Newcastle where you are going, no?  Nice devotees.
You said we have to find our varna. Can you give some hint how we can begin this? And is there any quick method in it?
                HpS - ASA - With whom do you like to eat?
And how can we understand that we have to find our mission?
You mentioned Srila Prabhupada's example, but He got His mission from Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura.
              HpS - ASA - Yes, but certain things become obvious. Prabhupada said that his idea was to accumulate money and then preach, but Krsna's idea was to preach and money would come.  Prabhupada said that it was an old argument between him and Krsna, but in the end Krsna won!                So, just looking into your intelligence and then submitting the idea to your Diety, what is it that Srila Prabhupada wants you to do for his mission. It may be something simple like, "Paint", or a general service like take care of the devotees.
your servants:
Sri Radhe devi dasi
Kadamba Kanana dasa

hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna.

11 years, 7 months ago by Bhakta Jorge España in Other

hare krsna Maharaj pamho agtsp.

buenas noticias.. sigo en este esfuerzo cantando japa leyendo los libros contemplando la forma del señor, recordando. siempre encuentro muchos obstáculos pero bien por la misericordia sin causa de krsna tengo una pequeña determinación así que seguiré adelante con mucha paciencia ceto-derpana-marjanam.

Maharaj muchas gracias por todo, por su apoyo y por el programa de japa es muy agradable entrar hay y compartir con todos los devotos muchas gracias.

hare krsna haribol..

AgtSP pfanrh. Hemos vuelto a oficina de Nios despures de 4meces! Claro hace unos dias ser sentado y idetificando los prioridades y adelantar con el Sankirtan de Iskcon! Esperamos la misma resultado por su Japa. Japa va a Sankirtan.

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj

11 years, 7 months ago by Gopal C Biswas in Other

Hare Krsna Respected Guru Maharaj,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

                    HpS - AGTSP!!!         I think we don't have lotus feet yet, after a LOT of austerity we may read the encyclopedia about mundane history rather than the KRSNA book.   Maybe we will have lotus feet soon if we push!!

    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Guru Dev, Bhakti-sastrai is not started yet, but have started study as your Syllabus for

    I also searching for your one lecture on "Yogesham vahavyam.....".

    Do you have any archieve of your lectures.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

                 HpS   -    Maybe there are some at tree from ISKCON Juhu!!!    We are just leaving for airport.    22-hours to Franklin, TN.  Any study partner??

From Madrid with love

11 years, 7 months ago by Sananda in Other

       Hare Krsna dear gurudeva:

     paoho, agtSP!!, agt you!!

     Thank you sooo much for visiting us, we do not deserve your mercy. <img alt="angel" height="20" src="" title="angel" width="20" />

      We are really praying to be empowered to follow your instruction, and  have some good news about our service soon.

      I hope our cooking was not that terrible.

      your eternal servants,

      Bhadra Vardhana Das and Sananda Devi Dasi  <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" />

            HpS -  AGTSP     paoho.    We hope you and Bhadra are really beginning to realize that this Yoga means that we are going to become very elevated people.  We can't think of being ordinary people.  Externally we may or may not seem ordinary, but at least internally we are going to become very elevated by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Nityananda.  Go ahead!

Gaura Narayana Visnupriya and Laksmipriya

11 years, 7 months ago by Ambarisa Maharaja Das in Other

Hare Krsna!


all glories to you guru dev.


i share this photos from the main altar in the Yoga pitha in Mayapur, because i could not share the other day in japa joe. here they are.

Lord Caitanya as Gaura Narayana with his two wives, Visnupriya and Laksmipriya, along with a small four armed deity of adhoksaja Visnu. This Deity was discovered in 1934 by Srila Bhaktisidhanta Saravasti Thakur during the excavation for the temple in the yoga pitha (birth place of lord Caitanya). and this is the archeological evidence of the true place of birth of Lord Caitanya. this Adhoksaja Visnu was the worshipable deity of Jagannatha misra (the father of lord Caitanya), and he sits in front of the deity of Gaura Narayana. He is black in color and about 18 cm tall with four arms holding the symbols of lord Visnu: disc, club, conchshell and lotus. and with laksmi devi and bhu devi.

this is good to explain and do parallels with the sri sampradaya in south india. that Gaura and Narayana are not diferent.

that also why BSST started intalling Gauranga beside Radha Krsna.

the strategy was that the pujari can explain who is that person with Radha Krsna. 

Sankirtan yajna ki jay!!

thank you guru dev and vaisnavas 

your servant Ambarisa m Das

          HpS -  Jaya!   Thank you.   AGTSP...  Please advance more and more!    We all need your association....   We also noticed in our Temples in the West that Indians will come and give a donation of a few dollars in the Donation box.  Then we had some nice small book, Upadesamrta, and little Maha-prasad ready and we would give them to them. If they would say, "Oh, I already have your nice ISKCON books", then we would tell them to read a little and then give it to some Western or Indian friend. They would agree. Opportunity for even a dog to preach!


11 years, 7 months ago by Bhakta Jorge España in Other


hare krsna Maharaj pamho agtsp.

yo solo acepto el 50% por ciento del karma derivado de cometer afensas a los pies de loto de los devotos del señor krsna... el otro 50% por ciento es asunto de srila prabhupad patita pavana.

     ASA -  TlgaSP   "The process of speaking in spiritual circles is to say something upheld by the scriptures. One should at once quote from scriptural authority to back up what he is saying. At the same time, such talk should be very pleasurable to the ear. By such discussions, one may derive the highest benefit and elevate human society." BG 17.15

 todas las glorias a Srila prabhupad…

cuales glorias? de que o ke????

las glorias de que yo este aqui.

jorge: sii que bien gracias Srila Prabhupad.

el tiene la completa culpa.

jay srila prabhupad!

no tiene sentido abligar a alguien a aser algo.


                seguimos en el esfuerzo!!! de cantar hare krsna.

     bhj -  Oooof!    Pero no se preocupe no hay perdida en este almuerzo esentusiasmo!

estoy leiendo el articulo del guru-tattva esta bien gracias maharaj.

muchas graciaSS por TODO hare krsna haribol..

aqui un champu con bendiciones incluidas! !!


jaya Sri Krsna Caitanya…HK/HR!

     Hare Krsna!!                  Hare Krsna....      Maha     -      MAHA    -     M  A  H  A      Mantra   ...            ...   Hare Hare / Hare Krsna, Hare ...

tom brown ---   hmm?  no entender moo-cho.  pero lea el KRSNA book media hora cada dia?