Head or Heart is Vedanta - II

11 years, 9 months ago by msrinu in Other

Hare krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisnaces, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

First of all my sincere thanks for the reply/guidance and it helped me a lot to understand about my confusion (a bit about goal of the life, these quota, Karma etc) and able to know a bit the difference of a "true feeling" and a feeling like feeling (through my intelligence).

What I understood, is with this conditioned body/life, a "true feelings" comes in glimpse and to make it longer, lot of endeavor on ones part and the mercy of Krishna, Spiritual master and other devotees.

The more I read and all are point to Krishna (what else is there other than the LORD) and to really to know krishna, there is nothing other than "serving the lord"

Please help me to correct my self and to be worthy to serve the LORD.

Your humble servant

-Srinivasa (from Richmond)

                HpS - Jaya!    AGTSP.   Paoho.  We are back in USA as you may see in the DTCs. Your understanding seems very nice.   Another way to look at it is that the sun is shinning from the left.  We are following a path through the woods. Sometimes it comes to a little peak and we can see the mountain where we are headed in the distance, so we have enough indicators to keep on the path and we can see that we are getting closer.  As we get closer the view of the mountain is more often and with more detail.   Jaya! Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!!          See you very soon!            Send us some news of your regular work, Karma yoga.

About the studies

11 years, 9 months ago by Christian in Other

Hare Krishna Maharaja!!

Please accept my forced-to-be-humble obeisancess at your lotus feet

            HpS - ASA - Cherry Blossom Feet.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

I´m sorry for not being specific enought in the last letter, and also i will follow your advice to write everything for the blog, so your instructions can be for the benefit of others, rather than just for me.

Well, about studing philology, it's not in the school Aravinda P. is doing for SP books, its a normal society University, yesterday i signed up in the university of Irapuato, so i will start the 1st semester in august, (thats ending the SB course here in Cueramaro) and my clases there would be only the saturdays, so the rest of the week i can keep my service for the reprinting of SB, and sundays i think sankirtana at least half day with your blessings!

That was the other reason i was asking about the idea of Brahmacari ashram, because, i already made Aravinda P. think twice if its the best for me to take it or not, because of my behavior, and of course, if i study in karmy University, i will be in touch with woman. My desire is to please you and Krishna, i will push myself to do it, as the way you tell me to do it.

Your dumb servant:

Bh. Christian

                HpS - Jaya.  Thank you.  In our opinion if you are dealing properly with women as Sankirtan, not talk with them alone, and you have been following nicely for 6-months you should wear saffron as a proper communication to devotees of what is your status, but this varies according to local standard.   To us your work seems nice, balanced.

HPS Lectures

11 years, 9 months ago by srinivasacarya in Other

Respected Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your feet.

             HpS - ASA --  AGTSP!!!            Paoho....

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

If it is acceptable to you,  could you please put the notice below on the blog?

Dear devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada

lotusfeet.ws hosting Hanumat Presaka Swami's lectures was hacked about 6 monhts ago and all the content was completely deleted.  I lost many DTC scanned copies and few years worth of nicely organized HEDs as well. I also lost all the lectures I collected from Houston and Radhadesh. I was able to find almost all of the Boise lectures from the backups from past 10 years. All these are temporarily accessible at: http://bhati.org/lotusfeet/

If there are devotees who know web programing (PHP, MYSQL or other) and are seriously committed to spend some time in organizing/managing current and future recordings please contact me at [email protected] We can either develop a sub site on bhati or I would be happy to pay the hosting costs for a new site. It would be great if there is a committed devotee who can work with me to develop and manage the site.

Your servant

Srinivasacarya das

                 HpS - ASA -  Thank you for the news.    I think as long as we have the KRSNA book we are in good shape!           Everything else we can just reproduce as Krsna dictates it too us in different realizations.           We do not feel that anything we have done is worth leaving to posterity to much.  We more feel that our lectures  and such are expressions of our current level of education and then people can see how to help us, correct us, engage us.      Raghava-pandita Das (Bh. Richard of Amsterdam) was trying to post some of these classes at ISKCON Desire Tree .com.  There is a section for Iskcon-gurus-brahmanas lectures to be posted there.
We do want to write some or our ideas and if people hear our lectures and give us direction that will be wonderful

Secta en Chile

11 years, 9 months ago by rodrigo hernandez piceros in Other

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada
Todas las  glorias a Usted Gurudeva

Querido Gurudeva
Por favor acepte mis más respetuosas reverencias

Aquí bhakta Rodrigo de Santiago de Chile. Muchísimas gracias por su última carta. En especial por decir: HpS - ASA -  Si, pero usted esta avanzando... es un hecho, eternamente!!”.

Que Usted diga esto es muy inspirador para mí. Si estoy avanzando es sólo por su misericordia infinita.

Tal vez usted no sepa, pero entre marzo y abril se dio a conocer en los medios de comunicación la terrible noticia de una secta acá en Chile que mató a un bebé de tres días de vida. Se trataba de un grupo de jóvenes medios hippies profesionales, con bastante educación y de  familias con mucho dinero.

Ellos fueron engañados por un falso Guru. Al principio hacían yoga, meditación y terapias alternativas. Este grupo de personas vivían en comunidad fuera de Santiago, en el campo cerca de la Cordillera (Andes Mountain).

El líder del grupo les hacía experimentar con drogas, en especial tomaban un líquido o preparación de “Ayahuasca” que es una planta que crece en Perú y es un alusinógeno algo parecido a tomar “Peyote”.

Este falso Guru o falso profeta les hacía creer que él era Dios o un enviado de Dios. Tenía relaciones sexuales con todas las mujeres y castigaba con golpes a sus seguidores.

Yo conocí a una de las muchachas, Josefina. Ella tiene 24 años y toda su familia vive cerca de mi casa. Sus abuelos, padres y hermanos son personas muy buenas. Josefina junto a algunos amigos fue por lo menos dos veces al Templo de ISKCON Santiago. Y la madre de Josefina y su hermano fueron a la Conferencia que Usted dio en el diario LA NACIÓN.

El líder de la secta se suicidó, su cuerpo fue encontrado en Perú y todos los jóvenes de la secta están presos y serán juzgados por ser cómplices o encubridores del asesinato de un bebé. El líder de la secta les hizo creer que en diciembre del 2012 se iba a acabar el mundo y que ese bebé (su propio hijo) era el anticristo!

Cuesta creer que en el siglo XXI todavía existan personas ‘tan inocentes’ que sean engañados por falsos Gurus.

Mi tristeza es que si Josefina se hubiera quedado con nosotros en ISKCON Chile, ella no estaría en la cárcel. Ella estaba en una búsqueda espiritual, pero lamentablemente eligió muy muy muy mal.

Yo he leído varias veces que Srila Prabhupada siempre dijo que tenemos que tener cuidado con los engañadores, los falsos Gurus.

Para mi era importante contar toda esta terríble historia a Usted.

Con mis eternas reverencias,

Su aspirante a sirviente

Bhakta Rodrigo

                  HpS - TlgaSP...     pfanrh.   Muchas gracias la noticias.      Ha pasado cosas similar aqui.         Es un hecho que eso es Kali yuga, no?         La gente, que no quiere oir y dejar su egoismo puede incrementar a un nivel increible, y va a ser mas y mas fuerte como la Kali-yuga adelanta.         Es oportunidad de Krsna como los locos (nosotros) podemos VER los resultados de esta locura.              Una punto interesante es todos estas Sectos que yo conozco son asi llamada "Christiano" en sus horrors.   Vd. dijo piensan el bebe era "el anti-cristo".            No es que somos libre de horrors en Hinduismo pero tenemos que evitar la problema que todos los Sectos son no-cristiano. 

               Pienso no hay esfuerze especifica, no?   Solamente tenemos que adelantar con todo lo que estamos esforzando.

Thank you and Finding our Mission.

11 years, 9 months ago by Kadamba Kanana das in Other
Dear Hanumatpresaka Swami,
please accept our respectful obeisances,
all glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Thanks for your association in Barcelona.
Sorry for not saying Haribol but we had to leave for the airport during the fire yajna.
We are in England and try to stay here for a year, it has more advantages than disadvantages and there is lot of service opportunities at this moment.
               HpS - ASA -  AGTSP.....   Paoho.    It was very, very nice to meet you, Kadamba Prabhu...    Very nice.   We met Bhakta-rasa Das and his good wife in Radhadesa right after we left Barcelona.   They are from Newcastle where you are going, no?  Nice devotees.
You said we have to find our varna. Can you give some hint how we can begin this? And is there any quick method in it?
                HpS - ASA - With whom do you like to eat?
And how can we understand that we have to find our mission?
You mentioned Srila Prabhupada's example, but He got His mission from Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura.
              HpS - ASA - Yes, but certain things become obvious. Prabhupada said that his idea was to accumulate money and then preach, but Krsna's idea was to preach and money would come.  Prabhupada said that it was an old argument between him and Krsna, but in the end Krsna won!                So, just looking into your intelligence and then submitting the idea to your Diety, what is it that Srila Prabhupada wants you to do for his mission. It may be something simple like, "Paint", or a general service like take care of the devotees.
your servants:
Sri Radhe devi dasi
Kadamba Kanana dasa

hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna.

11 years, 9 months ago by Bhakta Jorge España in Other

hare krsna Maharaj pamho agtsp.

buenas noticias.. sigo en este esfuerzo cantando japa leyendo los libros contemplando la forma del señor, recordando. siempre encuentro muchos obstáculos pero bien por la misericordia sin causa de krsna tengo una pequeña determinación así que seguiré adelante con mucha paciencia ceto-derpana-marjanam.

Maharaj muchas gracias por todo, por su apoyo y por el programa de japa es muy agradable entrar hay y compartir con todos los devotos muchas gracias.

hare krsna haribol..

AgtSP pfanrh. Hemos vuelto a oficina de Nios despures de 4meces! Claro hace unos dias ser sentado y idetificando los prioridades y adelantar con el Sankirtan de Iskcon! Esperamos la misma resultado por su Japa. Japa va a Sankirtan.