Report n ° 4
All Glories to Sri Guru and Gouranga
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
Please Maharaj accept my most humble obeisances.
I thank you once again for your commitment, concern and dedication to read one more of my reports. After the storm the sun always shines,
ASA - Well not always, sometimes after the storm there is a plague! Ha! Ha! Ha!
. . . today I find myself enjoying those warm rays and thanking day by day the mercy of Prabhupada and Sri Krsna for keeping me at His feet and in the service of devotees.
HpS - !! ! ! ! !
Devotees are like trees of desires, and I am actually living it; Thanks to the prayers of the devotees I have been able to stand again to follow the course.
From all bad experience there is learning.
HpS - Hmm! Look at the first verse of NoI. A fourth class man even having all bad experience, still does not learn. I feel like that many times, but maybe we are sincere enough to get a slow education by being hit on the head again and again.
Learning, is to glorify Krsna, through the chanting of His Holy Names. The chanting of japa has become something nectareal, and my attachment to it is my motor of life. It is beautiful as the heart is purified, the mind is quieted, and material desires are gradually stopped, the meaning of life becomes high.
HpS - ASA -- Wow!
The last time I lived very beautiful events, such as knowing and sharing through harinama sankirtana, to Maharaj Maha Visnu Swami & Harinama Ruci. I also lived my first Ratha Yatra, through congregational singing, dragging Lord Jagannatha's chariot and seeing people's interest in Krishna Consciousness.
One of the challenges that I have imposed during the last days has been to develop tolerance. Just as you mentioned in the previous report, intelligence is the weapon that Krsna gave to Arjuna to face the battle. Tolerance is also intelligence, be understood through association and choice of devotees with whom to perform devotional service. Through it, I need to ask you about the constant contact with people that cause us to reject; How to eliminate those anarthas by singing, and if they are too visible, how to avoid generating an unfriendly coexistence among devotees, relatives, friends, etc.
HpS - Hmm. Cannot understand the exact question? How to can Hari-nam eliminate the bad effect of depressing people?
I often relate tolerance, not deepen in subjects that will not be positive in my spiritual life, in order to avoid offenses. While the process is individual, association with devotees (as Prabhupada mentions in his books) is essential to have that drive toward an improvement of loving service to the Lord.
HpS - Tolerance is in Text-3 of the NoI, Upadesamrta. Dhairyat. It is essential but should follow, Utsahan, Enthuusiam as mentioned in the same Text. For example, if we are enthusiastic to inspire depressing devotees, people, to see Krsna and be inspired to love Him, then automatically we will add tolerance as a necessary item to achieve our enthused goal.
Then another question arises, how to choose and determine with what devotees to relate?
HpS - ASA -- !! NoI-4 and 5 !! Perfect, great, practical details! They will change your life.
I am happy to return to the practice of sankirtan, it revitalizes me. And so, we are preparing engines with the devotees resident of the temple, the December marathon. Haribol!
Dear Maharaj, I am very grateful for your association through these reports, so it is essential for me to read your words, instructions and feel that Prabhupada and Sri Krsna manifest in your person. Thank you very much for having me in your prayers.
I believe that I have never sent you a photograph of me, so I sometimes speculate that you should not remember much of my appearance. Attached some pictures.
I hope to serve you in the not too distant future.
Your would-be servant.
Bhakta Miguel Ángel. Hare Krsna!
HpS - Nice hat!!! You seem to be in the right path!!!! Are you living in a Temple? Peru? Chile?????