Hare Krishna Dear Maharaj

8 years ago by srivasangan in Other

Hare Krishna Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga and Srila Prabhupada.

:-) :-) This is Sujata from Houston, in the last post seeking blessings of Your Holiness and all devotees. New Srivasangan is the name of our humble dwelling.

HpS - ASA -- Ahhh!   Very nice.  Are you still in the apartment where we visited?  You must have very nice Gaura-Nitai there!  Our respects to Mr. Gopal and Mera (?). 

Very much looking forward to your visit 23rd and hopefully 30th at airport.  We should be in Houston, unless  we get bitten by the travel bug suddenly.

It is very difficult for me opening up on a public forum like this, this is accessible for the whole wide world to read. Have never done it, thanks to our conservative Indian upbringing. Please forgive my anonymity.

Respects and obeisances from Gopal p and Meera,<img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" />

Your aspiring fool of a servant,


HpS - It is like a meeting of the Goswami Academy School Board. You introduce yourself as you have and then just post any news or ask questions in a general sense. In a Sunday Feast class someone may ask, "What is the standard for Diksa in ISKCON?".   So we answer and 200-people also get that question answered. Then afterwords maybe 11-people come up to the speaker and ask more personal questions, and the same person asks, "What is your more specfic standard, Maharaja?", and again we answer and maybe five more people in that group who had the same question get the answer also. That's what this Blog is like.

Very nice, very useful. Then same person may ask to have a few words individually and he explains that he has a pretty strong attachment to garlic, so we talk about it individually.

Three levels of questioning a Brahman, no?

Don't have to go over the basic idea every time...  Oooof!
So, maybe be see you Friday if no bugs bite your household.

Thank you,

HpS, Monkey/Piggy et al.

Humble obeisances to HH and all esteemed Vaisnavas

8 years ago by srivasangan in Other


Agtsp, Agtssgag,sp!

This is my first time blogging here and am grateful to HH and all Vaisnavas for allowing me this access. Please pray for this fallen soul.

Thanks again,


HpS - ASA -- Thank you Srivasangam [Das}  Who are you??? How can we serve you?

Vyasa Puja Diet

8 years ago by Bhaktina Romi in Other

All Glories to Sri Sri Radha Krishna!
All Glories to Sri Sri Gauranga Nityananda
All Glories to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada
All Glories to you
All Glories to devotees

Please acept my humble obeisances to your Holy Lotus feet.

ASA - Lettuce Feet

I writing because we want to know what you want to eat for your Vyasa Puja.

HpS - ASA - Nrsmhadeva Prasada!   He likes, Peas Porridge: Split Peas with Oatmeal, some Carrots, Butter and Salt.

Hot milk after everything.

Some sweet, ripe, local fruit before everything.

And whatever else is made with love!

And if u have so special instruction about this celebration.

HpS - We posted the link to a Power Point show that we did. You can look at it. We can comment on it. We hope to present it in Texas and Mexico!!!   We consider 'our' vyasapuja as an opportunity to glorify the Parampara from Krsna to you!

Thank you so much for your answer hope this letter find you healthy.

Your servant

Rati Manjari DD

ps. I will wrote other letter more personal! About sadhana etc etc!

ASA - Keep chanting softly, softly, all the time you work and Krsna will engage you in wonderful, marvelous secrets of his Sankirtan!

We look for the other letter!!!!!

missing vraj

8 years ago by radhacaranadasi in Other

​​​All glories yo guru and gauranga

All glories yo Srila Prabhupada 

All gloríes to you even if you don't like to be glorified <img alt="angel" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angel_smile.png" title="angel" width="23" />

HpS - ASA -- We like being glorified, but not falsified!


dear gurudev

seems long time since I left vraj, my heart still there and my lovely seva it's improving it's a very good team, I'm helping from far to get funds for it. I wanted to tell you that since 2 years I got a very strange desease

. . .

I'm living in mexico (cancun) for a while to get a treatment Which is dificult to find a doctor, anyhow somehow my mind it's strong ...buy I need to put more efforts in the sadhana that I had before. by the time I get recovered I think I will be here I have good friends that helping me a lot.... I accept any advice that maybe can help to continue my seva . I would like to keep this letter as confidential since some of my god brothers could get worried.

this is my email if you can reply radhacarana. . .

please forget my offenses



HpS - AGTSP paoho. We sent a more detailed answer to you at your address with copy to Japa nama rama Das.

We edited maybe confidential details, but the rest seems blogeable to us, no?

HpS' Sister Writes

8 years ago by hps in Other


<hr id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1481841802682_23948" size="1" />

From: Brenda Zaborac
To: jayarama108
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2016 8:36 PM
Subject: New Address

Hi Hube;

Don’t know if I got a chance to let you know but I moved out of California. Larry and family were trying to get me to move to Washington since Joe died and I finally decided to make the change.  I now live with brother in Auburn so my address is the same as his. Also, the phone number is the same as his home number, I did not get a separate line.

So far, so good here. It is now starting their winter season and has turned a tad cold. Had the first snow fall for Auburn last Thursday, just enough to cover the lawns and cars. Friday morning it started raining and turned the snow to slush.

Larry belongs to the Auburn Eagles (veterans group) so I joined the women’s auxiliary and so far has kept me pretty busy. When I moved here I decided not to go back to work so I am finally fully retired.  Enjoying the free time.

So how are you doing? Are you in the US or travelling?

Drop us a line and bring us up to date.

Love, Sis


Hare Krsna!

Thank you for the news.  We are drowning in work.  I am part of the Mnistry of Education for ISKCON.  You saw the Temple in Seattle. There are about 400 temples in ISKCON. Some in India are hundreds of acres. Estimate is about 125,000 schoolage kids, so we are very busy with pre, primary, secondary and univesity education.

We publish a newsletter every two weeks. You can see it and get a notification of its release at our web-page at www.jayarama.us.

Right now we are at our base in Nashville, Tennessee. 24th we go to Mexico for a week, then 6-weeks in India. we are roughly scheduled to be in Seattle the second week of July. Will you all be there?

Nice verse from the Bhagavad-gita:
Bg 2.13 — As the embodied soul continuously passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. A sober person is not bewildered by such a change.

It is available at Bhaktivedanta Vedabase Online. A cite we develop personally.

Please let us know if there is any service for us!

Sanskrit syllabus for children

8 years, 1 month ago by YJd in Other

Dear Maharaja,

Hare Krsna. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I hope this meets you well. 

My name is Yamuna Jivana das, disciple of HH Romapada Swami, living in St. Louis, MO. I was recently on a yatra in Dwarka with some devotees from Murphreesboro. They overheard me speaking about homeschooling our kids and especially trying to teach them sanskrit. They then recommended we reach out to you because you apparently have a sankrit syllabus developed for children. Is this accurate? If so, would it be possible to get a copy? 

Thank you very much for your kind attention to this request. 

Your aspiring servant,

Yamuna Jivana das

HpS - Hare Krsna!   AGTSP.  We don't have a curriculum personally, but we are intimately involved with Goloka Eduation. They have a curriculum for Kinder through 3rd grade and are publishing 4-6th next. Write to Golokaeducation.com and ask for Vaisnavi. Can mention we referred you. You can also contact Subhra Devi Dasi, Headmistress of the Goswami Academy in ISKCON Houston. They are using the Goloka Education Curriculum.

You can Giggle, Google, Gaggle most of these people and addresses. Specifically the books are available thorugh Krsna.com in Houston.

We are starting a study group here in Nashville so maybe we can learn Sanskrita together. It is a conversatin approach.

Mama nama Hanumatpresaka Swami. Bhavatu nama kim?