HpSwami - Phone Number

10 years, 4 months ago by hps in Hot Topics

AGTSP paoho

If you have to reach us you can call Bhakta German, pronounced Herrman. at +51 99 275 3391. He is with us most of the time.

About Advice About Getting Married

10 years, 4 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Special Category A, Hot Topics

Hare Krishna, Esteemed, Gurudeva,

pamho, agtSP,

There is a very nice book The Third Partner by Vijay venugopal das and Prema Padmini dd which gives wonderful advice about grihasta asram. They are leading bhakti vriksa programs in middle east and russia with huge success.

mataji was here and left us this book, i liked it a lot.

it can be purchased online in the ISKCON congregational development site.

it is only in english though.

at  your lotus feet.

Bhakta Nicasio.

                       >>> ASA - AGTSP... paoho.... We got swollen feet. !   Thank you so much for the news!!! 

What about this Web site, some one can write a review?


urgent being harassed

10 years, 4 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Hot Topics

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:



Well, I just wanted to inform U that someone, I do not know if it is a man or a woman, is harassing me on facebook he/she is posting nonesense about me, like I drink alcohol or I do not dress properly.. <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" /> That made me laughed yesterday.

However I have like two doubts:

1.- There is a lot of activities that we can engage in like reading, chanting, etc and this person created an account on face just to harassed devotees because it is not only me and this person uses  a photo of a devotee who is a young girl. why people do that??

            ASA - AGTSP. paoho.  Could be many reasons, no? Could be that they are really lonely, afraid, scared and don't know how to have positive relations. They are afraid to make friends so they try to get attention, make enemies. We just chant HK / HR and see if we can help them, Krsna, everybody acheive their proper goals!

2.- It is kind of suspicious that this started just a few  days before ur arrival. Someone does not want me around??

                     ASA - Maybe??  Doesn't seems so. Really seems to just be crazy.

jajajaja it is funny. I am going to take advantange of the association of such a pure devotee of Sri Krsna and Prabhupada the much as I can. This is my right. " Los patos que estan mas cerca obtienen mas pan" I just wanted that U help me to understand why these kind of things happen??

I am telling U this because it seems that someone likes me so much, maybe they wanted to bother U, talking about me. One thing I can be proud of is that U know EVERYTHING about me so I do not have fear about anything at all. I just want to inform U, am I that important???

Thank U all so much for iur support

THis year for me was for A LOT of purification 

Krsna really loves me

Thank U again

Trying to be sincere and ur disciple always

Candramukhi dd

                  HpS - ASA --- Yes, we, who have Sahajiya tendencies, try to take all this stuff toooo lightly. Maybe is best to devote a little effort to keep things clear. Thank you for informing us about this mis-information,or otherwise people might thing that Candramukhi has become a transvestite alcoholic punk Rtvik priestess, and try to help you!!!

Hare Krsna Maharaja!

10 years, 4 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics


Hola Maharaja, Hare Krsna!!!

Vivan Radha y Krsna!!!


Hare Krsna!

Soy Bhakta pablo del Parikrama, de españa.

           HpS - Jaya, Sri Vrndavan Dhama!

Espero que este mejor de salud su cuerpo, y Usted este perfecto en todos los aspectos.

Yo sigo con mis cosas, en general va para adelante bien gracias a Radha Krsna et al.

La finca va bien, parece que gracias a Radha y Krsna et all al final llegara a buen puerto, y dara muy buenos frutos, es solo cuestion de tiempo.

              HpS - Puede llevar unos a Radha Govinda candra, otros?  Si, no puede ofrecer a un foto de Ellos.  Mmmmmm!

Varuna esta bien, dentro de poco tiempo estaremos de vacaciones de navidades.

             HpS - Cuantos anos? Que nivel en escuela? Puede buscar partes del Caitanya-caritamrta leer a el.

Yo, Maharaja, estoy bien. Aqui en el campo poco a poco voy en contrando mi sitio. Estan siendo dias duros pero estan acabando dulces.

Pienso mucho sobre diferentes aspectos filosoficos, llevo meses pensando que personalismo, realizacion personalista, consta de realizacion localizada y onmipresente. Y me hace pensar mucho en mis pasos y en como centro mi consciencia en Krsna. Lo mejor para Krsna!!.

Me gusta mucho pensar en la relacion entre Los Santos Nombres, Hari y la separacion de Krsna, El en mi recuerdo.

Intento recitar Hare Krsna constantemente. Un Gran Yoga.

No se que mas contarle Maharaja. Espero que se encuentre muy bien y que todo le vaya muy bien. Es muy divertido leer sus actividades.


HpS - Primero oir. Austeridad. Entonces Krsna enviara buena gente oir de nosotros. Despues abrir su propio Templo.

Standard for Initiation - Reply from Gunagrahi das Goswami

Best wishes, Prabhu.

Srila Prabhupada ki jaya!

For diksha, the standard of following is 6 months only, not one year, so you qualify - unless I read what you wrote wrong. Thus there doesn't seem to be a problem. Even if it was a year, I think you should be initiated anyway, even though it is not my decision to make, because of your unique situation. 
Your wellwisher, Gunagrahi das Goswami

HpS - ASA - AGTSP. paoho. As I experiences and even saw letters from Prabhupada the standard for Hari-nama Diksa was six monthe duing Srila Prabhupada's physical presence. When Prabhupada and the Vedas say "One Year".  That seems for sure to be second initiation. Of course, we should follow long enough to be sure that we can do what we are promising to do. If after 2-years we honestly are still not sure that we can follow the principles for our whole life (barring unexpected tricks from Maya devi) then we should wait.

"I promise I will pull you out of the water if you fall in. I won't let you drown". This is serious promise, but practically speaking if we see that we have done it and we simply expect we can do, it then, yes, make the commitment.

Here at the ASA we also think Bh. Nicasio should take 1st initiation if he feels ready.

Standard for Initiatin - Letter to Gunagrahi das Goswami

10 years, 4 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Special Category A, Hot Topics

Title: opinion about open secret in ISKCON Hare Krisna!!!

Please accept my humble obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Esteemed Gunagrahi das Goswami,

Recently i finished the disciples course which is now a requisite to take initiation within our institution. i felt very satisfied taking the course, and i think everybody should take it. it is a very nice opportunity for an intense and funny sadhu sanga while learning about guru tattva and the standards in ISKCON. I really appreciate how ISKCON as an institution is working hard to make everything more clear and establishing clear rules and procedures in order to protect the position and teachings of the Founder Acarya Srila Prabhupada. We are maturing. Gives confidence.

Although the course is very clear and it covers many subjects that you can say it is much more than a mere disciples course, there is something that still it is not clear to me. when it comes to selecting a guru the course defines the steps to take and it says: one should engage in favourable devotional service, follow the four principles STRICTLY, chanting sixteen rounds, and a full morning program. During this period one should focus in SRila PRabhupada as prominent siksa guru. after six months of following the above one can select an authorized diksa guru and take shelter. after a minimum of six months of having taken shelter one can accept vaisnava diksa and it says that the guru is not obliged to iniciate de candidate.

So this is pretty clear, in theory. but in the practice i can notice that there is different deffinitions of following STRICTLY, and specifically regarding about sex life. It is an open secret that there are two different standards about illicit sex within ISKCON. a few months ago you sent an article regarding this topic, "Family Matters" by Matsya-avatar Prabhu. The lower standard is having regulated sex life within marriage and the higher is having sex life only after garbadhana samskara.

Then there are some gurus within ISKCON that give initiation to devotees that are following the lower standard, and there are other gurus that only give initiation to those devotees who follow the higher standard. So in our yatra we have a devotee which is very involved and commited to the mission, actually he is one of the leaders of the yatra. He is chanting sixteen rounds, having morning program, involved in favourable devotional service, and following the lower standard for seven years now. In the present time this devotee is following everything strictly according to the higher standard for six months and will be eight months of following when his gurumaharaj visit the yatra. he is asking to be initiated to give strength to his spiritual life. he has the benediction to be initiated by the local yatra leader mahajan prabhu, maha hari prabhu, president of ISKCON argentina and even by yourself.

His gurumaharaj initiates devotees who follow the higher standard only. what do you think maharaj? should this devotee be initiated as a special mercy to him or he must wait until he follows everything for one year? please comment on this topic.

your humble servant.

Bhakta Nicasio.