Gaura Purnima Dates

12 years, 6 months ago by saranga-das in Hot Topics

Dear Maharaj:

Pamho. AgtSP. Hare Krsna!

As you already know, I'm making an in depth study of Vedic astronomy including the lunar calendar and the Vaisnava lunar calendar. In addition, I'm studying the Caitanya Caritamrita. In this regard, I have been able to determine accurately the date of the Lord's appearance; namely, February 18, 1486. See ch. 13, Adi-lila, text 89. Using other tools which are available online, one can easily verify the details of the horoscope presented in the purport. It now appears that the greater Vaishanva community has deviated from the particulars of the time of his appearance. I would like to discuss this matter further.

Sincerely, YHS, Saranga Thakur das

 ASA -  AGTSP  paoho.    Oooof!   We don't know much about this.  Have to find astrological dudes in ISKCON.   Search fro Patita pavana Das


12 years, 6 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Todas las glorias a Sri Caitanya Y Sri Nityananda!

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias Maharaja.


Soy Bhakta Pablo de el Parikrama, de España.

Espero que se encuentre muy bien Maharaja, y que la salud este bien tambien. Que se recupere.

Yo sigo aqui en Madrid Mandir disfrutando de los ultimos momentos de la asociacion de Bhakta Jose en Madrid Mandir, los Bhajanas de Jagat-Mohana y las clases de Jayanta.

Acaba de llegar Yadunandana Swami, y estara unos dias, intentaremos aprovecharlo al maximo.

Es un nectar el Japa-Joe, que bueno ese Sadhu-Sanga. Muchisimas gracias Maharaja y a Sus discipulos y seguidores.

Yo poco a poco voy para adelante con mis cosas, o eso creo. Varuna bien.

Intento gracias a Su asociacion e instrucciones, y discipulos, profundizar en mi sinceridad de servicio y en mis metas y su naturaleza.

Por favor Maharaja prodria explicar los motivos internos de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu para quedarse en Jagannatha Puri adorando  y bailando como un loco de amor, a Jagannatha-Baladeva-Subadra, cuando, segun yo entiendo, el objeto de Su amor incondicional es Sri Krsna Sri Vrndavana, y Jagannatha en un sentido no comparte esa naturaleza totalmente, no?

Muchisimas gracias Maharaja.

Perdone mis errores y ofensas, por favor.


HpS - ASA   ---  TlgaSP    Pfanrh.   Aparece tiene super asocacion en Madrid y ya viene el verano y oportunidad para mucho Kirtan, Sankirtan!       Jagannatha es Krsna en Dvaraka anhelando volver a los pasatiempos de su ninez y juventud.  Entonces su concentracion en estas pasatiempos es de una manera mas intenso que si esta actualmente involucrado en ellos.  Senor Caitanya disfurta esta modo de Radharani en separacion de Krsna!

Bhakta Rodrigo Hernández

12 years, 6 months ago by rodrigo hernandez piceros in Hot Topics

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada
Querido Gurudeva por favor acepte mis más respetuosas reverencias.

Aquí Bhakta Rodrigo Hernández  de Santiago de Chile.

Espero que Usted se encuentre muy bien de salud en Argentina.

Yo estoy bien de salud. Este último tiempo estoy meditando mucho sobre mi propia vida.

Básicamente mis mayores problemas vienen de mi propia mente. ¡A veces mi mente es mi peor enemigo y a veces es mi mejor amigo!!!

Actualmente voy al gimnasio para hacer deporte y a clases de yoga para principiantes. Todo esto ayuda a mi cuerpo para que mi mente pueda estar más tranquila.

La mayoría de mis sufrimientos vienen de la ansiedad, siempre estoy deseando cosas y apegado a ellas. Tengo que aprender a renunciar a los frutos de mis acciones como enseña el Bhagavad-Gita.

Terminé de leer “Las enseñanzas de Kapiladeva” de Srila Prabhupada. Mucho néctar en este libro, mucha filosofía. Tomando notas de frases importantes. Por ejemplo Arjuna dice a Krishna: “Por favor perdona todo lo que haya por locura o por amor”.

Pienso en mi vida y yo debería decir: “Krishna por favor perdona todas mis ofensas que haya  hecho por locura o lujuria”.

Pienso en mi vida (37 años),  desde hace 4 años practico Conciencia de Krishna, entonces ahora me doy cuenta que he cometido muchos muchos errores en mi vida.

Durante mucho tiempo yo deseaba: “yo quiero ser el mejor poeta de mi generación”, “yo quiero ser un poeta famoso”, “yo quiero ser el más surrealista de los surrealistas de Chile”, “yo quiero tener la mujer más hermosa”, etc etc etc

Pienso que soy todavía un tonto, pero gracias a Usted y su misericordia yo estoy aprendiendo a tener una vida espiritual en un mundo material. Usted me salvó de una vida sin sentido! Yo tengo una deuda eterna con usted.

Todavía tengo muchos anarthas que superar, pero gracias a Krishna ya estoy en el proceso. ISKCON es el mejor hospital!

Esperamos que usted pueda visitar Chile este año. Es importante saber fecha para conseguir buenas conferencias en lugares importantes.

Querido Gurudeva muchas gracias por todo lo que usted hace para beneficio de toda la humanidad.

Jaya Srila Prabhupada!! Jaya Hanumatpresaka Swami!

Su aspirante a sirviente,

Bhakta Rodrigo Hernández Piceros

HpS - ASA  -  Jaya,   TlgaSP    pfanrh.  Desculpa demurra responder.   INTENSO las actividades aquie en Buenos Aires.  Siento que Vd es mucho mejor en salud todo.         Usualmente cuando mantemos el "runway"  desocupado de pensamientos locos,   y buen salud, entonces Krsna puede "land His airplane", de buen inteligencia alla.   Entonces espera buen plan para su vida.   Krsna no va a perdir ninguna experiencia. Va a utilicar todo!!

Question about "Chocolate"

12 years, 7 months ago by Bhakta David Vinces in Hot Topics

Pamho, agtSP,

Dear Maharaja,

I hope you are better now and you feel very well. I just have a little question. It is about "chocolate." I wanted to know if the devotees can eat it. As far as I know it breaks principles since it has caffeine so it's considered a drug, but in spite of it some devotees eat it claiming that it's allowed or authorized. Well, I wanted to know what is the truth about it.

ASA -  A G T S P !      As far as we know from Uncle Gismo it is not caffein, but theo-bromides. The effect is a downward stimulation. It squeezes energy from the lower part of the body, sexual energy. Thus we've seen several letters from Prabhupada and he was saying that it cannot be offered to the Deities, it is not for B'caris, but the Grhasthas might take some. Many times he was asked and then one letter he said, "No chocolate, no chocolate, no chocolate". There was GBC law against it that was late removed, as we understand. So, it appears that it is marginal, food for emergencies when you are being chased by cannibals on a desert island the boat is about to leave on the other side.

My news are that I'm studying "office automation" in an Institute and my associate is studying English in the ICPNA of Iquitos with the goal of being better prepared for the collect in the future and doing also of course a better service to Krishna. I've just finish the first application package with sufficient grades to get the certificate, my final average was 16.3 from a maximum of 20 and the pass-grade is 14. I'm chanting 6 rounds every day but Sundays 7 as you told me Maharaja, reading daily the Bg. and also reading the Mahabharata. To my associate and I is very difficult to live in a place where there is no devotees, devotees friends, but we celebrate every important Vaishnava date preparing some offering to the Lord and cheering each other up in our spiritual life.

Trying to serve you

b. David Vinces

ASA - Very nice, and Gopa-kumar Das is back in Peru. Have you talked with him much?  Do you have relatives in Lima?

El ser humano

12 years, 7 months ago by radhikas in Hot Topics

Respetado Maharaja y lectores: Pamho, AgtSP. Revelando mi mente y mis experiencias personales . Muchas veces queremos ser perfectos ante los ojos de Dios y de la sociedad, queremos sentirnos buenos, para ser apreciados , respetados y amados . Pero el camino es muy largo y conseguimos que nuestros propios amigos, familiares ponen obstaculos en nuestros pies para provocar nuestra caida y asi disfrutar de su supuesta alta posicion o su postura ante los demas. Pero conseguimos muchos errores, que se pueden ver en cualquier escritura sagrada como reprochables ante la gente en general y Dios , en cada uno de nosotros por que somos seres humanos con tendencias a errar, engañar, caer en ilusion...... Aun asi seguimos caminando para alcanzar la felicidad que corre detras de los principios religiosos ! Soñamos que somos puros y en ocaciones teniendo pezadillas que estamos destruyendo el mundo ! Los principios religiosos que son? La tolerancia , la humildad, la no violencia , la sencilles de corazon , la gravedad , quien puede cumplirlos, sino solo aquellos que luchan por ser nacidos por segunda vez! Pero quiere decir que ya lo somos ? Somos Brahmanas ? Estamos estudiando y muchas vecez no pasamos los examenes! Gracias a Dios durante las clases hay vacaciones donde podemos liberarnos un poco y practicar lo que estudiamos ! y si no pasamos la prueba no queda de otra que aprender de nuestros errores y volver a estudiar el capitulo y presentar el examen nuevamente! .… asi ha sido mi vida ! Recuerdo que al comienzo de mi vida espiritual soñaba con Srila Prabhupada ! Dandome instrucciones! Soñaba que sin El y su movimiento todo era fantasmal! Y era mi mal karma que aunque luchaba por estar con El siempre me quedaba atraz. La consciencia de Krsna llego a mi a traves de un hippierezagados de los 80 quien me dio un maravilloso libro que me ilumino , y libro de la ciencia de la autorrealizacion. El cual le dio sentido a mi vida a la edad de 18 años . Srila Prabhupada Ke Jay! Cuando leo la vida de los acaryas, como usted HpS, S. Virabahu M. Y otros oro porque pueda lograr en esta vida volver con krsna y eternamente tener esa buena asociacion. No soy nadie importante en este mundo , solo para mis hijos y esposo ,quisas existe algun pequeño servicio hacia Sri Sri Radha Krsna que ellos hallan disfrutado , eso espero , pero no tengo la seguridad ! Finalmente mis 23 años de servicio en Iskcon Venezuela, Iskcon Costa rica, Iskcon houston, iskcon Guadalajara, iskcon Vrindavan, Iskcon Miami, poco o mucho interrumpido y no interrumpido han sido para mi vida la mayor riqueza y felicidad , junto a mi esposo e hijos ! La asociacion con almas como usted no se valora hasta que maya te tiene bien atado y desesperado espero que los lectores de este Bloq aprecien la riqueza que por ahora tienen de Usted! Y que vean la asociacion con devotos puros no es facil de obtener ! Krsna nos bendiga , Hare Krsna! Su eterna sirvienta Maha Bhava Cintamani dd Maharaja gracias por ser quien es!

HpS - ASA -  Jaya.   Podemos entender como 87%     Es muy bueno entender poco mas de Vd.  Yo tengo muchos anartas.  Estamos descanzando mucho aqui en Mar de Plata, peo pienso no es completamente Maya.    Eso es una vida deficil, siempre viajando, como Sannyasi, como Srila Prabhupada, y siempre cambio de gente, proyectos, comida, Sadhana, clime . . .     Entonces no es sorprese si el cuerpo requiere mas tiempo purificar y refrescar, pero pienso que puedo reducir.  O.K. Adelante.    Gracias su carta.
Ha!    Ha!     Ha!  (re)     Leyendo del Nobel Laureatte, Albert Camus, "El que no revisa sus escritos al minimo seis veces es un cobardo!"     Ooof.
Para todos, quien es su estimado esposo, familia?   Poco bio-data.

Christ and Krsna and HpS

12 years, 7 months ago by hps in Hot Topics

HpS - Wrote to his brother and sister:

Esteemed Older Brother, Sister et al,
Hare Krsna! Thank you for the four pictures and spiritual words. Thinking back on my own spiritual development, I think it started in this life with our esteemed Mother, Nadine Robinson, occupying me each night in say the Lord's Prayer before I went to sleep. Then later our Godmother, Aunt Sally, would give us Christian children's books, going to church each Sunday etc.
One significant point was when Mr. Taylor (our neighbor on Lemon Avenue)'s dog Susy died. I was only like four or five as I remember and I suddenly realized that I was also going to die. It made me sick and I couldn't really eat, nor could I discuss it with Mom and Dad because I knew that they also had to solution to the problem.
Yet, then, because of the daily, rote recitation of the Lord's Prayer, I prayed to God sincerely and analyzed the situation in terms of my simple inteligence and came to the conclusion that, "Yes, there was a Jesus, Jehovah, and they They were all powerful and could save us from death".
Oooof! Quite a relief. Our stupid life went on.
Different things. We were very committed as you may remember to going to church each Sunday. Usually it was booring, but sometimes, when they would recite the pastime of our Lord Jesus Christ during the Liturgy we would feel ecstatic. One time I remember a person came and talked to us children and he was more intense and informed.
Different experiences. When we graduated with our B.A. degree all of our money for school was finished. We had like $200. We had specifically chosen to go to Chicago and not L.A. for the PhD program because we wanted to get out of the State and try something knew. Mom and Dad were overseas in Italy or Arabia. We felt alone but then again, we thought about Christ, God, and especially the statements:
Look at thelillys of the field. Neither do they reap, nor do they sow. Yet Solomon in all his splendor was not so arrayed.
When even a little sparrow falls you heavenly Father knows of it. Do you not think that He knows of your well being, who woth so much more than these little ones?
So we went on. We becamed convinced, and our Mentor for the PhD, Donald Campbell, who was President of the American Psychological Society confirmed, that the PhD, Professor, route was for making money. If we wanted to do something worthwhile and creative then we would have to get out of the box and investigate other ways of knowing things, maybe, especially India and Asian.
Since we were little we were attracted to Chinese art, poetry, culture (but not food).
So, we left the PhD program. Went back to U.C.Davis and were hanging our there while Deborah Jane finished her BA. It was then that one Hare Krsna monk sold us the book, "KRSNA - The Supreme Personality of Godhead", a summary study of the 10th Canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam.
We were vegetarian on the principle of non-violence.
We started to read the book very carefully and two things happened. 1) Every philosophy that we had encountered was dealth with by the author very clearly and the conclusion was Mono-theism. There is one God who is the source of everything. 2) The book itself, as far as we could tell, was the Absolute Truth. It was so intense, so real, so humble, so beautiful, mystical.
Then we started to visit the ISKCON, Hare Krsna Center in San Francisco. It was really a strange thing contacting a different culture for our selves and out family. We sure didn't know how to deal with all the things we contacted.
However, we were working for Theron Stevens, a home remodler, at that time and he was an active Jehovah's Witness and he pretty much spooked us that we were being tricked by the devil and we were going to go to hell. Of course, his arguments didn't stand to well against what we knew about this India tradition, but it was certainly an important consideration.
So we were really doing our daily prayers, Hare Krsna rosary, very intensley asking for Jesus to give us advice. Then, one morning pretty early we had this very profound experience. We felt that Our Lord Christ Jesus was present behind us. The whole experience last just a moment, and the communication was directly on the level of understanding, not even on the level of thoughts or the mind.
We wanted to turn around to face him, yet we were awed and a little frightened by his majesty and purity. Then he communicated that we had been asking him whether this Hare Krsna movement was really spiritual or not, but we were going to have be a lot, lot, more spiritual before we could talk to him directly. That was really obvious. In his presence all of our most intense devotion was obviously just another kind of effort for fame.
Then he continued, "So, therefore, you just find and group that will help you purify your heart and join them". End transmission.
It was a perfect answer to my doubts, Theron's criticisms, "A house divided against itself cannot stand". The Hare Krsna didn't drink, smoke, fornicate, eat a glutton diet and they required healthy hours of prayers, hymns and practical devotion daily.
So, we continued in the Church of Hare Krsna but also, certainly tried to adjust within our stupid means to Deborah others needs.
That was kind of how we got onto this present track. It has many details just like traditional Christianity with St. Francis, Bernard of Clair Veaux, Teresa of Avilla, but it maybe be because I was maybe a Mexican Chinese Monk in my last lifetime who was born on Guam that I especially like the tast of this tradition.
The only other point is that there were still doubts about the relation between Hare Krsna and Christianity, but then, when he visited Berkeley, I heard A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, who is the Monk who did the missionary work for this tradition in the West, give one of many lecturers. There were many, many people there and he was talking about how a real devotee was merciful, sacrificing so much for others. Then he gave the example of Our Lord Christ Jesus and said, "He was SO merciful". Knowing how many austerities A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami had taken to bring this very profound religious and philosophical tradition from India and his intense level of personal devotion I could here in his words, real, realized respect for Our Lord Christ Jesus.
Later I heard from one Godbrother that while he was in India, one Indian gentleman was talking a little disparaginly about Christ and Christian moral standard compared to the high moral standard that most Indians keep, and A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami, Srila Prabhupada, commented, "Please do not talk that way about Lord Christ. He is my Godbrother and I love him as much as I love Krsna". The Indian fellow was stunned to tears and silence.
So that's about how we got here in terms of Christianty. There are so many other storys. Our family experiences. Personally Pilgrim's Progress.
Please you tell us a story now. Ha. Ha. Ha. Rays of moonlight will come from you words I'm sure.