DTC 6(Th)

8 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

If a six-month sick dog had then been run over by a truck and still could move, that might resemble our body at this moment.

Hare Krsna. AGTSP.


When we write this we smile. It is a fact. We fight, fight, fight, every day.   Do you do the same?    I think that you may even fight more bravely than we do. We did FMP today. Read before it for the NOD class. We wrote in the CB. We did a Calendar Session and cleaned up many details. Then we answered Urgent letters and there was one that took a lot of effort.

It was useful, we hope. Such a thing can make your whole day worthwhile. Then we gave the Hawaii class. It also was nice. Then cooked for the Lord, offered Bhoga, Gayatri, honored Prasad. Looked at Ajata's NOI transcriptions. Extracted them. Edited the first one for like an hour. Then the whole file just disappeared even though we were saving it from time to time. Looked, Looked, Looked, blamed Krsna for not taking care of us, but came to the conclusion that He was taking care of what we asked to be cared for.


Found our notes on Vais. last BhVai class. They were too detailed to even begin working on them. All the time our senses weak, eyes dying.
Then looked at two more of the Solaris English article translations hoping that the articles might be more simple and better translated, but the translation is barely, barely comprehensible. It is very strange that anyone could speak English so un-naturally. Maybe the translators was only used to converstional English. She seems like a nice person. Maybe she can translate conversations, but this academic stuff seems like it was run through www.translate.google.com.

Hmmmm?    NoI, Vais, Solaris..  also talked with Srivasa Pandita and after some struggle sent a file to him with our effort to track down who has what records from our BhVai. group.

So, this diseased, run-over dog read some historical fiction and sees that we may have 20% success today, but at least we know the condition of these different projects now and thus we can make practical decison about how to use our limited strength to achieve practical results.

First, priority: Always chant Hare Krsna!!!       We always fall away from that, but there is no other priority for us to try for.  It has wonderful results, no?

Very specifically that means to chant 16-good rounds, follow four principles, get up early...

Is there anyone else who holds these principles the same as we do, amongst our God-brothers?

One of our greatest concerns in that ISKCON Sannyasis become pets kept by pious ISKCON householders to satisfy the Grhastha's sentiments: Here is my parrot, here is my cook, here is my Guru.

If you are a Sannyasi you should have a passion to do something new, no?  Then, how can the Institution support you, because it is something new, so the Institution has no existence there yet.

None of the instruments we have in ISKCON now will let us move forward.
We try to contact senior men A...,   N....,   P.....,   T.... about their projects and their vision. We try to contact R.... in Peru.

No one seems alive on this level, so the only solution is to go back to the roots of our life in Krsna consciousness.   Hmmm.  Does God have a plan?   Does He know the future?  Is a war coming, that will break all the rules and leave us only the inspiration of the Paramatma to do anything in this comedy?

Ekasma Das left last evening, back for Nashville, with Bhakta Jesse. He is a very nice artist. It seems like we had about 3-hours association each day he was here. As you get older you collect your experiences into structures, like houses or machines. These you can show to younger people.

Any obstacles we face are Krsna's efforts to put us on better and better paths.

DTC 3(Mo)

8 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

Witch - 7
Monkey/Piggy - 5

... but we do seem to be making progress, and The Witch is not an easy opponent.

It's 5.44PM now.  We got the mail caught up to one week. We are trying up to three days to squeak.
We offered Lord Nrsmha-deva apple-sauce and p-nut butter for Breakfast and Baked sweet potato, carrots and split peas for lunch.
If our cooking doesn't kill Him then He must be God!

Board of Director's Meeting yesterday came off like 75% successful. We are doing so, so much work for NIOS that should be being carried on by the Officers and Directors, but we can't find anyone who knows those jobs naturally, and our work as a teacher is not inspiring people to act that way.

Squeezed the Kapi Dhvaja out.

Squeezed 17-nice rounds out.

Ekasma Das took the Cutlass for tire-air, a bath and vacuming. We are trying to sell it.

We really feel that we have to eliminate many things.
Actually, old age eliminates many things automatically.
What do you want?     What do you want???   What DO    Y O U    WANT?

= = = = =\

Tom Brown - Service!

= = = = =/

O.K.  See you in Sankirtan!

DTC 2(Su)

8 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC


AgtSP. Paoho & bw!!   5.28PM.   Getting dark early now in the Boro.   Ekasma Das is staying with us today and maybe for a little longer.

We just answered all the Urgent mail and letters up to one week ago.
We have been struggling, struggling, struggling to organize the NIOS work the last few days. There has to be an Annual Meeting, filing reports with the Federal Tax Office.  We feel that we are being drown by this and then the writing work on Sankhya-Jung etc. doesn't go on.

The only center we have is to always chant HK/HR.  When we do that we smile.  Life is so, so difficult, but we have a little island with morning program and Japa and constant association of the Holy Names. Also, we do get so much help: Nice cave, auto, walking with NGD daily, Dr. Desai, Vijay...   You all on the Blog...   even the Gopis are not satisfied with the association of the Gopis.  Ha!   Ha!    Ha!!!   Our desire to serve Krsna more intensely will only go on increasing more and more.   Krsna is such an enjoyer!

Many problems with NIOS functioning. Seems that we may have to let it go so that we have time to write.   Hmmm!   There are plans to improve things.

We are just old men who want to have fun>>>>
The Kapi Dhvaja is two days late!  What will happen with it.  We had two hours nice classes with Ekasma Das, 1/2 hour with Dr. Samaresh, two hours of NIOS Annual Meeting and preparation, and now we go to NGD house for a walk with everyone.!

DTC 29(Th)

8 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna,  AGTSP, paoho...
It is 8.51PM.   We are in NGD living room. He is across the room from us. It is a very comfortable Grhastha Ashrama, compared to our Sannyasi cave, but also everyone running around screaming and yelling, loading and unloading. We could not concentrate to well on the two "Little Urgent" letters, but go them done.

We are really, really struggling to advance our service. Who are we? What is ISKCON? What is our little community, ASA, NIOS within ISKCON?  How can we control the tigers of our senses?
We still are not eating as well as we could and so we are causing permanent damage to our body. If you live less than 100-years you are sinful.

Of course, no meat, no fish, no eggs, no onion, garlic, but Chocolate? Condensed Milk???  Fruit at night...
... We, you, are evil. We eat too many sweets, pizza, popcorn... but then we get a little control. We start to keep a regular schedule. We follow our list of priorities.

Nehaabikramo naso sti..   We make a little progress in Sadhana, Vaidhi bhakti, and it is eternal.   We only 50% evil. Other 50% is that we are facing very, very challenging problems. Who else has a passion for our natural Sankirtan? Who else has discovered the best current works on Carl Jung? Of course, you have your passion and nature in Sankirtan. We don't know how to cook pizza, but it can be wonderful Sankirtan.

So, we are pushing, pushing, pushing: NGD, NIOS Board of Directors, North American GBC et al.  What is their Sankirtan.

DTC 26(Mo)

8 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC



What happened two hours ago?   I don't really know. Focusing on the present moment was the most important thing two hours ago and it is now also.
We have mild exhaustion, the computer seems to have updated Yahoo mail etc and now it is very difficult to read.

Frustration!    Madness!
Well, no.

Distress is expected in this world as a gift from God, but happiness will also follow it.  So, accept what we have now and act properly.

If you tremenous Sankirtan intelligence. Use it.

If now use what you have.

Number One - Chant Hare Krsna under the shelter of Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet and that will lead to all else!!!!
Mail answerd to five days ago.

DTC 25(Su)

8 years, 3 months ago by hps in DTC


Paoho...    At your lotus and lettuce feet.  Here we are in our cave.  It is 7.11PM and now DARK ourside.  Only insane people go out walking at this time. The cars move around like they have no drivers, but we have the Maha-mantra and your association.  Was so, so busy today: BG 15, Fifty-minutes of Vaisesika Das lecture...   NGD and everyone just got back from the ISKCON Doctors Conference at Gita Nagari. We are letting them rest tonight so we will pass the evening alone here.

O.K!   Thank you for your association.  We ahswered about five letters.  Many times we are just exhausted and don't know what we can do, but the desire to do something, a little bit of anything comes along and then we go forward. We will all die soon and then have another body. Only if Krsna comes and meets us will we meet Him and each other again, and then go on with new fun!