DTC 18(Fr)

8 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

H'are Krsna, Mates!    AGTSP.....   paoho.....   How are ya?    We are still here in Raleigh.  Big, beautiful college program at 'North Carolina University at Raleigh' last night. About 25-members of the Bhakti Yoga Club and new guests.

We did psychology and the Sacred and some of the Graduate Engineering Students from India were even nodding when we quoted from Albert Camus. If the steps to Krsna, ISKCON, worked for us, they can work for others. Of course, we can give advice about how to relate to or even avoid some of them.

HOw are You??

We've answered all the mail to three days ago.  It is 3.43PM. We have been working without break since 3AM. Finally got Rama-giri-dhari Das on the phone. Called Dr. Samaresh. Class to the house folk! Very nice!   Eating Prasad once a day = Peas porridge with carrots, little butter, salt, fruit and yogurt.  During the day water, air, dancing and maybe some Fennel tea without sugar.

Lots of letters.   You can see the one we posted about Kolkatta preaching.

Seven university programs so far.

We have not done Disciple Reports for a while.  Other stuff, but no stomach for it now.    Class tonight on NOI!!!       and another on Sunday ....   Sunday Feast is permitted!    ....  Oink!    ... . .
We have a lot of work to do but seems that it is getting done.

If we have missed something important, let us know.

We want to buy all the South America tickets before we leave for India.  

South American Education Symposium in Rio is little weak (19th - 26th April) because seems Jagat guru Das has not got the same time to work on it as last two years. We need to get committment from at least one other leader that he will go, then we can be sure that we will have someone to associate with during that week.

Psychology and the Sacred 2017 (26-29 June) is strong because of Sattva efforts and so much response from Miguel, La Catolica, Ramon, Eduardo et al.

Seattle conference is supposed to happen first part of May, but Mataji's pressure cooker blew up and was medical emergency, so Rama-giri-dhari Das could not talk with Seattle for final dates.  That would be Boise, San Jose, Sacramento etc also.

O.K. Chant Hare Krsna and be happy.

2-gayatris and 15-nice rounds done.

Walking around on the cement drive way in our bare feet with the slanting sun, we could not help think of Vrndavana in Kartika. Big lots here. Opulent homes.

Hari Bolo!

DTC 15(Tue)

8 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna,

AGTSP paoho.  We are depressed, with stomach ache etc. etc.  Haw!     Haw!   Haw!     Our Donkey.   It is 5.25PM and dark and cold outside.  No people.  We started just eating rice and beans prasad today, once a day and so far it is good. It is depressing, but we learn to substitute water and little exercise, dancing.

Out visit to D.C. has been wonderful. All cities so far have been wonderful.  We are cementing 10,000 times stronger relations with the ISKCON leaders here.  We have done programs in 6-colleges and universities so far.

Tomorrow we fly to Raleigh.

While we were tackling our Letters and Essays, Abhirama Das called from Peru. We talked to him for about 30-minutes. He has very practical work he is doing there. We are developing very good relations there with first class university people.

We also got a very thoughtful letter from the Catur-atma Das about his work in the administration in Peru and we were advising him to adjust in terms of his age but continue until 50-years old with his mental strength, then continue with his intellectual contribution.

We feel very happy that we followed this once a day eating all Kartika and now are stepping it forward for Katyayani vrata. The purpose of all of this is to increase book distribution. Doesn't mean just quantity but also quality.

O.K.   Here we go to the temple. The Temple has about 20-acres of land here. It is one of the riches area. One cow, now.

Hare Krsna!!!

DTC 11(Fr)

8 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna!

AGTSP   paoho   &  BW
Our life is hell, but I guess yours is the same. I can't see that anyone could be happy in this world . . . sitting in a sterile, five story modern university library at 7PM Tuesday with a half eaten do-nut and luke-warm coffee with three papers due.

We are struggling with our eyes, respiration etc. etc.   We think we are greedy, pigs, but it is also a fact that it is very hard to control your tongue and belly when the arrangements for Prasadam are changing every day.

Our schedule and service is changing daily.

Yet, Managala arati and SB class, full-morning program in ISKCON is pretty steady. Then we have your association in this Blog, texting with our sponsors etc.

We answered a ton of letters.

Now 4.10PM.   We got 20-minutes to shave, shower and prepare to leave for the university program tonight.

We all keep our basic standard and then increase it, and then go out and share our good experiences with others. Krsna will pay the bills for a Sankirtan devotee.

DTC 4(Nov)

8 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC


Hare Krsna.   14 rounds. We will chant more on the way to the evening program. We made it to Richmond, Virginia. Had Srila Prabhupada festival last night!!  About 25-devotees here in Subal's home.

Honoring Prasad once a day has been great advance for us. It is austere, but we can handle it and then our health is better, we can see how to eat better because it is simple and clear program.

Now sun has gone 15-minutes ago.  We have to bathe and pack.  Prepare for class, Bh. Sastri, tonight. We answered a ton of letters. Mostly Calendar things.  We also answered 2-Annual Disciple Reports!

In today's letters you can see our Priorities. We wanted to finish ur accounting today, but no time. Tomorrow?!!

O.K. >>>  Bh.Sastri in Divyanama Das' home.

DTC 1(Tu)

8 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna!

Sannyasa is tough. It is 5.24PM.   It is now getting dark outside. It is a cold impersonal city, old grey cement.
We have no claim on any institutional support. It is tough but it is good.   We brought our quota of letters up to 3-days old. We answered two Disciple Reports.  We ate only once today.   We ....    pretty good.

Now we will jump into the river, bath, tilak and get to Gaura arati.

After that there may be class with devotees.

Then ... Hare Krsna...

Many very good discussions in today's letters.

We will see this place a happy place for Krsna!!

DTC 29(Sa)

8 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna, Mates!

AGTSP! ... -[;o]/\_____   paoho / bw...

Here we are, Mon(k)ey/Piggy, in ISKCON Chicago. It is like a mad-house, but what is the surprise about that. Everyplace we go in this world is a madhouse.

Again, no problem, because we have [[[SECRET]]] knowledge: This is a Mad-House!

Shhhhhhhh!    Don't tell anybody else.       . . .      Unless they are ready to begin reforming themselves and going back to the real world!

It is more cold and dark here than Nashville.

Our "room" is a nicely appointed section of the conference room that is partitioned off from the rest by a few 6-foot tall panels. So, no little heater will heat our section. There is no heat in the big building for a few more days until Winter really comes. It is a gigantic four story church. We adjusted by sitting in front of a little electric fan-heater, like a Sannyasi in front of a little fire.

It works. (Pretty much). Devotees taking very, very  good care of us!

Tomorrow is Amavasya and the Kapi Dhvaja goes.

So, many programs here.

We left Nashville, rushing to pack, finishing off working with Robbie Robinson and his son, hoping that nobody breaks into the garage that they fixed and painted, and steals Abhiseka's bicycle. We left all the faucetts dripping so the pipes won't break while we're gone if it snows.

Wednesay, Arrived here and only thirty minutes after we arrived, because it took one hour to get from the airport with traffic, rather than thirty minutes that was planned, we left for a Russian Bhakta Vrksa program. They had harmonium and Kartals but no Mrdanga. Had to talk slowly. One new boy. Very nice group.

Next day, Thursday, two university programs and SB class in the morning. About 12-intense B'caris here. Temple has a Prasadam distribution program at 4-universities. About 400-full plates, packages, a day. Students make a reservation on the internet and pick it up the next day, $5.00 for a $10.00 meal. After a meal like that you think much, much better.

Friday, SB class, then Bhakta-vrksa about 45-minutes from here at 7PM. Another intense program with very practical questions about how devotees coming from India background can relate to their traditions of Varna-ashrama (I am Brahmana) and demigod worship.  One thing that came out of that was that many of the traditions are not exactly according to Vedic standard, then that has to be accepted and the concoction can be put aside, and the authorized worship can be accepted, and it is progressive, amenable to Vaisnava perspective.

Example, Halloween comes from All Hallows Evening, or All Saints Evening, because the next day is All Saints day, it is a day to honor, invite for a feast, all the departed Christians, who have be members of the Saints in heaven, from our family etc. Some USA churches even now have observances of this festival.

We are still taking Prasada once a day. Maybe save a little from these evening programs and then take Prasada once a day in the morning with the devotees. Breakfast is always easily cooked in the Temple, home. It is more in the mode of goodness.

Then we establish a rhythm.

Tonight is Interfaith Dialog from 6-8PM, so Noche Sabado Directo will be at 8PM!

Hare Krsna!

A little sample of our life.