DTC 14(Feb)

7 years, 11 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna. Hare Rama.

Like one a.m. In the Delhi airport. Brother Ass is drinking the dregs of life dry. 45-minutes in line for check-in and security. We were chanting and dancing. People watched. Some said "Radhe".

Little leg pain, heart ache, stomach, eye ache. Mataji's upgrade seems to have got us more luggage space? But still Economy Class. This tour had been incredible. Today we flew from Kolkata to Delhi. Gave Rupees 50,000 to Sthapatyam and got a receipt and 10-copies of the magazine.

Yuddhisthira Govinda Das hosted us super excellently. We went to see Lokeschandra, Director of the Indian Council on Cultural Relations. He was impressed with our education, books and Solaris and said they can pay to send 3-5 Indian scholars to go to Peru for Art and the Sacred in 2018.


We change to our USA chip. We have international texting.

DTC SA(11)

7 years, 11 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna.

It is 3am. Seven rounds and some travel planning done. Our roommate Sukadeva Swami is just getting up. Were are in Mayapura.

We meet Mathuresa Das yesterday and agreed that it Jayapataka Swami called him we would both to to visit. We are in the last few days of this India tour. It has been heaven and hell. Spent six hours editing Man Making book with Dr. Samaresh.

Writing on our cell phone. Prahlada, Dhruva, Dhanesvari Devi Dasi et al here. Now we go to bath then Samadhi arati.

SGGS starts today.

DTC 8(We)

7 years, 11 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna!!!

AgtSP...   Paoho....   It is 2.36AM in room 303 of the ISKCON Kolkata Guest House.  Fan is grinding out a torturous noise, the only place to charge the cell phone and this computer is an outlet high-up on the bathroom wall, above the toilet.


Improvisational Theater.  Next lifetime we will be in Goloka???   Maybe Gokula...   ... ... Pune, Navi-mumbai, were all very successful. We met with Prof. Joe Periera who created and manages the Kripa Foundation. They help people with AIDS and chemical dependency etc. He runs one of the three Jungian Centers in India. He also was awarded the Padma Sri in like 2009.

Our vision is going pretty fast.

Respiration is not deep. We learned a LOT from joining a Sub-Mumbai Rathayatra: You CAN chant and dance from your soul. It doesn't have to be super intense, but nice, for Krsna. We applied this in chanting our Japa on the airplane. If you can chant and dance for four hours in front of Jagannatha, then certainly you chant chant and dance for two hours while sitting  on the airplane. It worked. We had to chant slower but it was deep. Like internal Kirtan.  [infernal kirtan]

Can't hear much at all on the airplane. Injun Roars!    Gotta cover your ears to chant.

= = =

This is the last week of this India Tour. Still no news from Delta. Guess we take the Pathway Through the Valley of Death (Economy Seating Alone) on the way back.

Haw!   Haw!   Hare!

we got six rounds done. we got the rhythm of this splendid kolkata temple pretty well. maybe get seven rounds done before mangala arati. then the rest during b'cari japa sanga after mangala arati. meet with doyal, purusottama, get soap and razors to shave. iron our silchar set for presidency college. get the pptx ready. meet with mukund and dr. samaresh. print the promo brochure for NIOS's books and our tickets for CCU-DEL and DEL-IAH.  hk, hk kkhh / hr, hr rrhh . . .

= = =

The Big Brown Bear would wash his hair in creek spanked water Sunday.
So bedecked he would say, "What the Heck!" and go to the Temple quite Dunday.

"Hurray Krsna!   Hurray Rama!"

 Always hear Nama Radha-Shyama!

[Battery 50%] Back to the toilet to recharge... =]]]but no, or maybe one, mosquitos. not hot. fresh water. private cave. TPP Composition Book on page 67. ]]]-  

     Where is Sita?     Presidency College???

Will Miguel Polo Edit an even better 'Solaris II'?

             Raquel the Rabbit?

The Blue Babboon?    Ulysses. Merco -Sur?       No URGENT letters on the Blog.   Presidency College.

DTC 5 (Su)

7 years, 11 months ago by hps in DTC

Navi Mumbai.
Hare Hare, Hare Krsna!!!
We are in Navi Mumbai. The area is Mumbai and Navi mumbai, then all kinds of subdivision. If we want we can re-localize society in the village, country and things can be quite nice. There can be village crafts, musical instrument makers, village, back-yard, foundery casting Kartals, scissors etc. Yes there can be televisions, Srila Prabhupada says, 2-3 dozen for the whole world.

We just smashed our foot against the leg-foot of the bed in the the middle of the side of the bed for the third time!   It is like where it should not be. This time we scraped by a piece of skin the size of a big match head. On the Vraja-mandala-parikrama it was happening all the time, foot scrapes, punctures. We learned to ignore them. Thoughts of illicit sex will trail us to the point of death because of the birth we have taken, but if we engage in devotional service they won't bother us.

The India Tour continue. Here it is 87% local temple programs. Was the same in Pune, but here we have the broader association of Rama-giri-dhari Das x MOE, Goloka Education. The new ISKCON temple here is growing 8-stories tall by 10 acres fat!  Now we are going to Rathayatra. Where ever we go people have a loud Kirtan and garland to greet us and then special seat of honor. They we have to say something extraordinary. The only justification for all this we can assume is that Srila Prabhupada has made a silk purse out of a sow's ear.   NIOS - DSB - Psychology and the Sacred work continues.

DTC 1(We)

7 years, 11 months ago by hps in DTC


Hare Krsna!    AgtSP.    Braja visit was very refreshing. We were able to do everything properly in the worship of Braja and then went to Delhi for the night - BG class for 1-1/2 hours. To the airport at 7AM. Flight delayed for 1-1/2 hours for THICK fog. Arrived here at the small, old, sweet smelling Temple, bath, Prasadam (after 22-hours) and then Brahmacari class = about 65-b'caris, devotees, 3.30-4.45PM. Now a little more fruit and sweets and our head-ache is gone and we will rest (do light work) until Arati at 6.45PM. At 7.30PM Radhe-Shyama comes from the New Big Temple for a visit. We feel bad that he is coming to us and not us to him!!!

He has hundreds of disciples, students. He started with nothing and built an entire empire based on education.

While waiting for the flight we answered the excellent, "URGENT", mail and did our BhSastri and SB for the week reading. Only thing failing is doing some work with Dr. Samaresh.

Prahlada Nrsmha Das from this Blog called. We will see him soon.

O.K. Rest our eyes and brains.

We hope your lives are as exciting and successfull as ours. Much more so!   You are more sincere than we.

Tom Brown - Buck White



       wHOOOOP!         Oink!


DTC 21(Sa)

8 years ago by hps in DTC

DTC 21(SA)

[Especially written so that ART Das can forward is to Ramon]

1.12AM – Brother Ass is doing pretty well. It is rather cold here in village, Ananda Bazaar, cold and foggy mornings. We are typing on our platform-bed under a THICK blanket with our arms sticking out. We have a room in The Tribal Guest House. Now the water has ceased to flow but the one lamp and one plug, across the room, are working. No heat. There is a wedding party gaily blasting their music across the village.

At 4AM we will take a sponge bath from a bucket of well-water, go to Mangala-arati in the Temple down the hill, dance to keep warm and insure good digestions and at 6.30AM we leave for Silchar. It is about 60Km from here but the road moves like a snake in the jungle, so we won’t arrive until noon.

So far this India Tour has been very productive. Three weeks completed, three weeks to go, a good way to die.

We met with Dr. Kalyan Kumar, Dr. A. P. Dutta and Śriman Yuddhisthira Das in Delhi. Respectively they are Director of the National Academy of Fine Arts (Kalyan Academy), Director of the Indian Council on Philosophical Research and Assistant Director of Communications for the ISKCON-Birla Foundation Glory of India Cultural Complex. We can develop our NIOS publications and symposia with all of them.

Next we went to Chennai and participated in a symposium on The Bhagavata Purana – Its Art and Its Impact, co-sponsored by the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies and the University of Madras. We were variously informed about the research and appreciation of the Bhagavata though illustrated manuscripts, the millennial tradition of different scholastic-yogic commentaries and made our own presentation titled: PASCHATYA DESA TARINE – Śrimad Bhagavatam and the Scientific Mind Set. We have a pile of Name Cards and contacts to process of related scholars.

Next Kolkatta where we of course were deeply involved with the ISKCON Albert Road Temple and Professor Dr. Samaresh Bandyopadyay, Principal Advisor to NIOS, and former Professor and Head of the Department of Ancient Indian History and Culture at University of Calcutta. With the former we did several lectures on the Bhagavata, introduced our NIOS work and lectured at Asutosh University to a packed room of 120-Psychology students and five professors. They will begin to study Jung and participate in writing for Solaris projects. With the later we focused with intensity on the next academic book by NIOS, SIKSHA-DRSA – Education in Ancient India and Man-making in Modern Times.

Finally, hours of flying and driving in the Himalaya foothills from Kolkata to Ananda-bazaar. It is a kind of Shangri-La if we look at the industrialized world. Milk and fruits and vegetables, grains and beans, houses and heat still come from the local fields and forests. Here we joined The 11th Annual Festival of Loving Exchanges as a Sannyasis-guru, Chief Guest.  Both sides of the rode were lined with men and women, boys and girls, with candles, Kirtan, when we arrived. The Kirtan is with drums and gongs illuminating the traditional hymns and prayers.

We formally Baptized, gave Diksa to twenty serious students and again joined the lecture and ritual Kirtan process along with local ISKCON Pandits. Our cell-phone provider, Voda-phone, does not work here, so we have had excellent chance to rest our eyes – Simple and Refreshing.

Tomorrow we will have internet connection and we can see if Prof. Shamdasani from the Philemon Foundation has answered our letters. If not we are already drafting one more letter. We have been promoting the Foundation wherever we go and we consider Jung essential for building this bridge between East and West. We are looking for friends who share this appreciation to divide up the work necessary . Beverley Zabrieskii of the Foundation has already given us good reading materials to work on. We need more Officers, Directors, Advisors for NIOS in the USA.

2.00AM – Review this Diary Post and “Chant One Round”.