(KDPC) Priya Sakhi dd

4 years, 6 months ago by priyasakhi in DTC, Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja.

Mis respetuosas reverencias


Respondiendo a Sus preguntas de mi carta anterior; la clase que dió el lunes 6 de julio, del Srimad Bhagavatam me gustó mucho. Una de las cosas hermosas que dijo ese día fue que la mirada de Krsna está en las flores.

Con respecto a mi familia, ellos estan bien. Mis hijos no salen de casa hace 4 meses, pero hemos tenido suerte y no se han desesperado tanto. Realizando tareas en casa, cantando juntos, ellos ven dibujos animados con horarios restringidos, y juegan mucho juntos, y nosotros también jugamos con ellos. Honestamente a mi me cuesta a veces jugar pues tengo muchas cosas que me preocupan y me cuesta cambiar el chip, pero los días que no tengo mucho que organizar las cosas fluyen mejor. Estoy adaptando 2 días a la semana para leer SB con Sukadeva. Y bueno, todas las noches leemos, sagradamente, el Krishna Book.

Tengo mucho que aprender como madre e intento hacer lo posible por educarlos, amarlos y entregarles lo mejor. Es una tarea difícil, llena de culpas y de desafíos. Es claro que si no tienes una infancia sana lo cargas en tu vida adulta. Así que aquí estamos tratando de no seguir los patrones aprendidos de nuestros padres.

Jagannatha ahora tomó mayor responsabilidad en ISKCON Chile, pues hará el servicio de presidente por un tiempo. Fue una difícil decisión familiar, pero esperamos que pueda aprender mucho de éste servicio y pueda ayudar a la comunidad de devotos, y bueno, saber sobrellevar ésta nueva etapa con sabiduría.

Jagannatha sigue con su trabajo y gracias a Krsna hemos estado todos bien de salud.

Eso Guru Maharaja.

Muchas gracias por Sus respuestas y por Sus preguntas.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Priya Sakhi Devi Dasi

HpS- Muy bien!!! Nada es obstaculos para Hanuman!! Todo es oportunidad mejorar nuestra servicion eternamente!!!!! !!!

!! !! !! ! ! ! Reverencias al Senyor Jagannatha!!! Presidente para 5 anyos. GBC for 5??? Sannyasa :>>> Llevar su esposa, abuelos, hijos, vecinos a Goloka!

DTC We(8)

4 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP paoho (TB/BW here!)

9.30AM. We are struggling with the material energy, our selfish attachments, at least as much as you all, maybe a little more (or less).

AgtSP! Four principles grossly observed in a strict fashion, but we do become overwhelmed by "peanut-butter and apples" when they stare us in the face and the pressure is on, unless we have a good arrangement to control ourselves (Monkey and Piggy [Mind and Body]).

So . . . yesterday was a very intense day with a lot of work and a lot of decisions and a lot of heat in the street, and we did do a GOOD job of it ... but we took three cups of sherbet rather than one and some hot milk at the end of the day ... and Brother Ass was rolling and tossing, from hoof to tail, with 'ner a wink of real sleep, and so we PUSHED to get up by 2.30AM but could only chant 10 to 15-minute rounds, with bodily energy low, and inflamed (Pitta imbalance) throat, and tried to pull through for SB class ... but in the end died.

We typed a Twitter notification but neglected to push the Send Button!


Up and fighting again!

We got a good Whatsapp from Srinivasa-acharya Das:

"[7:39 AM, 7/8/2020] Srinivasacarya Das: Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, PAMHO AGTSP

[7:40 AM, 7/8/2020] Srinivasacarya Das: We are waiting for you. Doing some kirtan

[8:52 AM, 7/8/2020] Srinivasacarya Das: Guru Maharaja, several of us, English speaking devotees read a section from Krishna book Chapter 82 where Krishna teaches Gopis on ABAT and tells them to see Him in everything. Then I connected that with SB 2.1 through 2.3 and Lakshmana Prabhu and others shared their realizations as well

[8:53 AM, 7/8/2020] Srinivasacarya Das: I am assuming your internet is not working and you are doing fine. Please send me a word of your wall being when you get a chance"

As we explained, it was physical fatigue, not electronic flutter, and it was "well being" not "wall being" ie fell into a well, not crashed into to a wall. 😎

The Devil's Advocate: He didn't follow the regulative principles of hearing and chanting (NOI 3) strictly by missing SB!

Mary, Queen of Heaven (or Quan Yin, Bhoddhisatva {or Khadeejah, Mother of the Faithful [or Vrsabhanu Nandini]}): Yes, he stumbled, but he did not fall. He already read KRSNA book, "Deliverance of Mucukunda" and CC, "Lord Chaitanya in His Youth" before Mangala Arati, and NOD, "Qualifications for Becoming a Devotee" (and World Classical Literature) after Mangala arati. So now he should just look at his service priorities, make a Plan for today and get to work.

He has learned a bit and may yet become a real Goswami rather than a lower class American Goswami.

10.05AM - Post the link to this DTC on Twitter and a copy to Srinivasa-acharya Das, and Jaw Paw Paw!!

DTC 3(Fr)

4 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC


Paoho. Ayeee! Life is a battle of Kurksetra! We get shot down!!! We rest and get back up and fight as much as we can!!!

Answered letters from the Blog here. You can see we are developing integrated system with the ASA-Encyclopedia.

We also wanted to update the 'Letters to the Editor' descrption file for the KDh because people are making the same mistakes again and again!

We (Monkey/Piggy et al) look for letters with the Kapi Dhvaja Priority Code (KDPC) in the Title field first. Then we try to answer other letters looking at who sent them and the title.

The current KDPC is in the 'Letters to the Editor' section of the current Kapi Dhvaja. That means that you read the KDh and we don't have to explain anything that is in there again and again.

The KDPC is --NOT-- "KDPC"

Ha! Ha! Hare!

That is the like reading a label on a CD and thinking you are listening to it.

Then. If you are continuing with a dialog you still got to use the current priority code to catch our attention.

We are stupid.

Over worked.

And lazy! Good luck!!

Now we have to run to go walking with NGD! 5.45PM

Thank you,

DTC 29(Mo)

4 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

Well.... AGTSP!!! Paoho!!! Brown and White here!

Everyday is a Battle of Kurkshetra! It is you, me and Krsna, against The Evil One. (Photo Attached).

Our only shelter is making a descent place for Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet in our heart.

Offering him 5PM tea.

Rounds. DTC(p). Hour and 15-minutes with Art Das from Peru about, Solaris, NIOS. . . Letters to the Editor.

Sri Nrsmha! Jaya Nrsmha! Jaya! Jaya Nrsmha!

If Bh. Caru Swami goes. It will be very, very sad, but.... if that is what Krsna wants, then that is what we want, but... it will be very, very sad.


DTC (28)Su

4 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

Monkeys come,

Monkeys go,

But Rama-lila will always grow!

Because it is so much fun! Radha-Krsna, Gopa-Gopi, Want to play it in Vrndavana from Sun to Sun.

It takes place in Kamyavan.


Energy has be down to 5%. So we must chant slowly to pay the rent.

This Donkey is a rental car,

But if you use it properly it can take you far....

..... back home, back to godhood.

Hare Krsna. See you in 1728+++ Got 40 pages of 80 done for the DTC(p). Dedicated to CC, Subhra, Nandu, Syamasundara, Sarva... In Nila-madhava Dhama which is eternal!

Lettuce chant and join the 8PM Kirtan here in the Boro!

DCT Sa(27)

4 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

Oink! Oink Whoop! WHoop!





D! Yet, happy.(See attached photo).

ASA - How are you? Our eyes are dying. Our head does not ache. Our stomach is a little dull from a little too much lunch. Our heart is strong from the Mexico BBT, We Never Went to the Moon class, with Daitesa Das et al.

97+ Devotees.

Answered letters. Got 10/16 rounds done. Bro. Ass is starting to have muscle cramps and prolonged bruised (?) tendons. It is like an old tool, no? Eg. the thermostat on our heater broke, so we opened it up and soldered a wire around the thermostat and now it works when we plug it in.

So, happy when we can completely use up everything Krsna has given us! No wasting His gifts! Like M. Puri and the sweet rice.

Any more news?

We get our rounds done, we keep FMP and SB (and NOI at night) pretty well. Mail pretty well. Kapi Dhvaja. Walk/Talk with NgD. Building and equipment maintenance.


MOE - Viplavah

NIOS ---- Solaris ????? ! Maybe we should make this the last issue and focus on the ASA Encyclopedia?

LTE- Such nice letters today! Nanda goes to Dallas. Somebody else goes to Boise.

HAre KRsna, HAre KRsna... O.K. More Japa.