DTC th(10)

4 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC



RE K R S N A! .,.,.,. Was like 97% perfect day. As LaD says in his Vanara Ashrama Dharma letter, don't expect more!! Just chant Hare Krsna and transcend mundane time and space, and find your little ever lasting place in Krsna's Kirtan!!

Jaya Radhe! Jaya Krsna! Jaya Vrndavana!

DTC th(3)

4 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna! This world is 'dukhalayam asasvatam': A place of suffering an unpredictable!

Yet, we can use all this 'dukha' as chance for austerity for Krsna!! Using the sources of distress for Krsna is purifying.

We have so many things that we want to do. Eg. we want to write up the Board of Director's Meeting Minutes, but... everyone is asking that we have Karuna Virus test since NgD tested positive.

He has had fever and cough, but joins the Kirtan in good voice and work every night and says that maybe he is a little better.

So, we started the work of taking the test and just as we expected it was TWO HOURS on the phone from office to office: Press One, Press Two, Please Stay On The Line. Go back and tell them...



BlueCross Care

Medicare.... but finally we go it sorted out!!!! We also pre-pared/sented the SB with ISKCON Hawaii today. Lot of work. We have no fever symptoms. Seems our work (as described in the Kapi Dhvaja) is on schedule. Our understanding of SB is growing, GROWING, G R O W I N G, with all these classes.

Thank you for your news. Sankirtan Reports. "Where is Sita? Here is Rama's Ring (BBT)!"

DTC mo(31)

4 years, 5 months ago by hps in DTC


Dark clouds are coming. It is 5.12PM. Our Boss may have Karuna virus. It is agitating the village. Thunder storms with lightening are threatening. Neighbor of NgD house got hit by lightening. Fire Men had to come to extinguish it. Just blew off part of the roof:


We got a lot of rounds done. We've done very nice Bhoga offerings. [Must be mercy of Hari Das Thakura]. We are writing the DTC(p) for Jayananda Das. His association is the best, but now we are tired.... want to rest...

The Good Soul: DON'T rest! Push on to death. Keep chanting!

Us: O.K. Got our rounds. SB class. Lots of consulting. Look for Krsna in the forest with the boys to see Them play!!!!

[Some mail left. Letter from Jagat guru Das about Programa with Catolica!]

DTC 29(Sa)

4 years, 5 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna.


Paoho. We have a stomach ache. How about you?

Reader: Yes, also!

ASA: Back and neck and eye ache from the computer?

Reader: Yes, yes!!

Was very good day today. Maya's army was able to drag us boy our tongue and belly, but not genitals (AGTSP), into several defeats. But by His Divine Grace and a little, little, little.... effort we were able to have many victories.

TB - ??

HpS - Sixteen good (not very good) rounds. 4-principles, NIOS Board of Director's Meeting. Blog mail!! Enough. It is 9.36PM. We are so, so tired, but we can see that there is really possibility of winning battles for Krsna, of getting Srila Prabhupada's Purports to nice, deep, people!!! Thank you. Harsh's articles are great, no? So many nice people in ISKCON.

DTC 21(Fr)

4 years, 5 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama,

We are low on energy! Hk/HR.... 4.08PM and we still have five rounds to finish.

 We get a lot done even on our worst days. AGTSP! Yet, we have so many things that we want to do for Sankirtan!

  • We want to mail a package to London for Sonu Shamdasani.
  • We want to investigate re-subscribing to GoToMeeting for another year.
  • We want to write our article on Prof. Gregory Benford for 'Viplavah'.

.... but we just need ....






.. Kirtanya sada harih!

Thank you for re-minding us. You are very merciful.

O.K. We chant constantly even it is a slow as molasses in January. (In Norther USA).

DTC su(16)

4 years, 5 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP paoho

Sunday Festival, Ki Jai!

Was so nice being with everyone today. Scanned the DTC(p) for Lokannatha Das, cut and bound it and now we have to distribute it.

Got a headache. Maybe need for water.

Kitri with a buternut squash for Lord Nrsmhadeva today and 96-1/2oz packest of "Stretch Island" fruit leathers. They seem like great way to distribute Prasdam.

Agt Caitanya-caritamrta Das and Subra Devi Dasi.

O.K: Bath and off for a walk with Dr. Desai. NgD has gone to Chicago with everyone for the weekend to see the grandchildren.