DTC 25(Su)

3 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC


- Brown


- White










FIRST THERE WERE ONLY UPPER CASE LETTERS FOR THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, THEN EMPEROR CHARLEMAGNE added lower case. . . . alsonospacebetweenwordsthenthemonksadded spaces.

Sunday 9.02PM.


Witch - 7

HpS et al - 3

4-regs but behind on some rounds.

Joined the ISV, Bh.Vai. workshop. Heard how Indra killed Vrtasura, but was actually the loser.

No one to walk with so walked along the river alone.

. . . it was spoooky. only a two guys and they were really big black dudes with tattoos. We tried to look beyond the effulgence of their bodies and minds and offer our service to their mental attitude and desires.

Took a long time to write a response to Mother Guru-govinda Dasi's super-letter. Because it is Kali-yuga is there greater opportunity for girls to become heroes that guys? Not like guys, but in the pursuit of their own Dharma.

One of the 3-1/2 most confidential servants of The Lord.

Then some other letters and the Radha Natabara Evening Program. We are reading the KRSNA book for five minutes during the program: Kamsa, Public Enemy Number One, has had insomnia and hallucinations. Is he our long lasting material attitude that is in fear of death now that Krsna and Balarama have appeared through the KRSNA book?

Good night. Good night. We gradually get a lot of little things done eg. Improving our Altar, regular laundry, getting letters of for book distribution.



DTC 22(th)

3 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama,

Nice letters from devotees.

We are sorry we are not stronger.

We joined the Hawaii class today as audience and afterwards the discussion went for 20-minutes. Then we had personal phone call with Madana mohana Das about it etc. for one hours, the Ramananada Das, President, for 1/2-hour.

Spent fair amount of time making a PPTX for tomorrow night and quite talk with RRD and Art Das about NIOS.

Walking with Dr. Desai and Vijaya. NgD and family left for Chicago to see his children and grandchildren.

Drought, plague, civil violence, old age continue, but that is completely normal.

It is like annual growth and by product and death of corn plants.

Krsna kindly maintains this hospital.

Hare Krsna!!

Hare Rama!!

Win a battle with Maya right now.

DTC We(21)

3 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

🐽 Oink! Oink!

🐵 Whoop! Whoop!

O(only) I(diots) N(eglect) K(rsna)!

FMP, Breakfast, SB class about Brahmara-gita! It opens a lot of more investigation for us.


1-hour with Jagat-guru Das from Santiago. News about the family and Yatra, especially some anxiety that M. Guru-govinda Dasi is feeling! We hope it can be resolved.

Rufus delivered some Boga for The Lord while we were on line.

Then half and hour with Bali-mardana Das about ISKCON Ministry of Education and upcoming Viplavah conference.

Then 1/2 hour with devotees in Houston about personal problems and Bh. Vai.

Then going for a walk with NgD and Dr. Desai with a new route and man named Fallon stopped his bicycle and asked us if there was a Sanga (Sangha) here. He said he saw us walking in our robes and hoped he would have a chance to run into us.

We talked for a while and gave him our address card. Hope he contacts us.

Then, letter writing. FEP online with Radha Natabara. then, now!!!! 😊 😊 😊

Thank you for the letters and news of your Sankirtan!!!

If we chant Hare Krsna we are all packed up together eternally.



. 🌴 . . 🌴.....


DTC 17(Sa)

3 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC









.............a ! Hrdayananda Swami is giving class on the Radha Natavara, local Yatra, Zoom account as we write. Full day. We stayed awake all night, last night, and then pushed through until class but started having more and more intense headache, so we rested instead of organizing the SB class. We talked to Upendra about the class and heard that Art Das organized, Upendra and Laksmana organized his presentation and Radhika ramana Das talked more about the Vedas Personified.

Everyday walking!

Today one and one-half hours of marriage counseling.

O.K. . . . Hare Krsna!

Hare Krsna!

"Radha pray to Krsna to engage us in His service".



DTC 15(th)

3 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

🐷 - Oink! Oink!

🙈 - Whoop! Whoop!

AGTSP! Paoho/bw.... We want to write more, but our eyeballs are beginning to feel strain.

Best to let them rest so we can do a few more letters before we go.


Preaching to Phil Ochs!

DTC [8]Th

3 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna!

We rested the body and mind a little today.

No administrative, thinking, planning, organizing tasks.

We walked along the river path with NgD and Dr. Desai. It is so so so much like Vrndavana. V. is Adivan. The original forest.

Dr. Desai's good wife cooked five course lunch for Lord Nrsmha deva. It was very, very nice. She makes the best chapatis we know!

Was a little too spicy for Him

and not enough wet subji.

But so nice.

Experience Krsna's beauty, qualities, by the opulence of the foods devotees cook for him.

Tomorrow is Srila Bhakti-vinode Th appearance day! Also, Gadadhara Pt.???

Singing and Dancing until noon!!!

