DTC 30(Th)

2 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna. Aun esforzando conversar un poco con unos devotes de sus situaciones particular hoy!  Ayer afuera como dos tres horas para comprar la ropa etc que nececitamos para la queda en Sta. Aulelia. Clase por internet. Primero vez revisando todo el calendario con ArtD.  . . .  Hoy, clase para Hawaii, viene Raul Zeballos etc. 🙂


Hare Krsna. Still trying today to talk a little with some devotees of their particular situations!

Yesterday outside for two and three hours to buy the clothes etc that we need for the stay in Sta. Aulelia. Online class. First time checking the entire calendar with ArtD. . . . Today, class for Hawaii, comes Raul Zeballos etc. 🙂