DTC Fr(4) - 3.49AM
A G T S P !
(((paoho))) 3.49AM - R(-3/32) ... Ooops! We missed Japa Joe this morning. 1st time this month I think(?). Too many cookies last night. We got confused in all the Rathayatra rush and ate too many too late! We apologize for our lust. We have to try to be sure that it will never happen again.
"Oh, I can control my senses. I can have delicious cookie Prasad hanging around and not be affected", said Tom Brown.
"Ha! Ha! Ha(re)!", said Buck White, "You idiot! Put it deep, deep, deep in your intelligence! Never have more than you need for Lord Nrsmhadevas direct offerings alone in your house. You must live life a Sannyasi not a Grhastha.
You may possibly be a pure devotee by effort, but not yet by spontaneous habit.
Live like a Madhyama-adhikari. You still have material attachments, but you can keep them under control by INTELLIGENCE and work very enthusiastically to remove them."
O.K. ... Unlimited service (based on Japa-nama) to day.
See you later.
P.S. We did our best to get to the mail yesterday but that was an honest failure. We just had too much work to do with the Hawaii, SB class preparation. It is at 11.30AM today.