DTC Tu(15) - 6.30PM
A G T S P ! (((paoho))). Well.... here we are in the Sannyasi Hilton in Nila-Madhava Dhama in Houston. The accomodations are so opulent, but also have a practical aspect. Up for Japa Joes, little nap, then to the airport at 8.30AM. By mistake checked in our Japa beads... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! So we had to chant our our fingers and note down our ronds on a piece of paper. Was slow but we were chanting chanting, cchaninting. Flight was at 2PM so we had from 9.00AM to 2PM in the Nashville airport then 2-hour flight then one hour to get to the Temple thenn... and now we are writing to you.
The swelling in our foot is less??! Maybe Laksmana's health in improving?
..... Nitai-gaurasundara Das just called. He is such a nice person. He is really a doctor. He cares about the health and well-being of several sannyasis. Its nice after a trip like this for someone you know just to call and see that everything is O.K. Maybe it is Krsna who inspires these things. Maybe He is very sad that we are not in the little village of Nanda in the big big forest of Vrndavana with Him?
Now is 6.41PM.
We showed the Mini-mala kits to Tiger, the son of devotees who picked us up. He took one.
WE MISSED THE LIMA CLASS AT 10AM today. We feel so bad. We could have called on the telefone from the airport but we forgot in all the rush of checking in!! And Mother Yugala nor LAD nor Jagat didn't call us either... HmmmF. It is because of the sincere devotion of those three, Candra mukhi and others that this BhVai is going on in Peru.
O.K. Let's go to the Arati and see what books are there to read.
When we got our beads back it was such a relief!!!!