DTC 20(Sa)

9 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

A  G T S P !   (paoho... <img alt="devil" height="23" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/devil_smile.png" title="devil" width="23" /><img alt="angel" height="23" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angel_smile.png" title="angel" width="23" /><img alt="cool" height="23" src="http://www.hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/shades_smile.png" title="cool" width="23" />)   6.18PM.  Smell of fish and crabs cooking from the restaurant across the street. Smells really bad.  Yuck.    I think the Karoki Bar is closed. No activity there for a week and a small sign on the door. That's about the view from our window. Lots of cars passing.

This material world is BOORING!

Gosh!!  Booring.     I guess everyone tries to live in their house with their family and B I G   screen TV and movies and Sports and Politics.  We see the Television at NGD home when we go there. Manjari and Abhiseka have sports stuff on. Lots of advertisements for Car, Food, House (furniture), Movies ... making heaven on earth... Vikarmis.

Did some calling for July 29th Conference and have some more to do. Very weak???  Had granola and fruit and little milk?   Hmmm.     Nitai-gaurasundara's Nurse Practitioner is on vacation so he has. 1.7 times as much work at the Mental Hospital as normal. He works seven days a week and gets called in the middle of the night quite often. He listens to many, many, many lectues on line from Mayapura TV etc.

We answered the letters to the Blog up to three days ago.    We will try to send some letters for request for papers for Dr. Samaresh'a next NIOS publication and then call him tonight.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!

G - 2, R - 12, FMP, FEP, TPP-CB(20) - page 61... HK/R!!!!

=When you chant the world explodes and you want to be with Gopal in Goloka!=

DTC Fr(19)

9 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP    paoho    &  bw.....        How are you.  We are dead as usual.  Spent all day doing the banking, for NIOS and ASA. When you have to close the books for the year it takes time. We are helping. Not so hot today. Overcast.  Finally got ahold of Tom Osborne, general repari guy. He is incredible.  But he is in Seattle!   So, we have to tackle our wrecked deck our selves. Should be O.K.    Really we started to write for Chaitanya, RRD's son. He like six years old or so. I guess by the time we write somethng usefull he will be old enough to read it.

Monkey: I know how kids think!

Piggy: Yeah, that's becaue you have the mind of a ten year old.

O.K. We go to NGD's Ashrama and chant rounds before the Evening Program. About 20-people are there every Friday. It fills up the room!  See you at Start Meeting.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.

Mail answered up to 3-days ago.

Also, sent of Visa letters for Mexico!!

DTC Su(14)

9 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP paoho

Follows a letter to Dr. Samaresh and Harsh and Girivaradhari gopal in India. Describes our days activities. One Urgent letter from Asta-sakhi Devi Dasi. We will answer it but our heart pains a pretty substantial so other letters we will let sit.

We can smell the cinnamen rolls being cooked at the bakery about 1-km from here.


Hare Krsna,

Esteemed Professor, Harsh, Girivaradhari-gopal Das et al,

Please accept our respects and best wishes. It is now 7.39PM. We have been working very, very hard all day. It is 31`C and the sun sets in about 40-minutes. We are feeling a lot of pain and even heart palpitations so I guess we must let Brother Ass rest and enjoy life.

We sent letters of thanks and invitations for papers to all the speakers listed on the event Program. It was a LOT of work: Collecting the addresses, finding the Program and then we added a personal note to each letter. Such nice people. Such great people.

Should we also send a request to Mukundakam Sharma?
Now we have to see to whom we need to send a request for a paper from those who did not come.

We will start traveling on the 24th so we are struggling to get the accounting done before we go and also to send the copies off for review to the big journals of Asiatic Studies.

We got the current list of monkey transfers to Prof. so far.

We also have such good news from Peru. The Director of the National Museum has heard of these efforts and is not only giving the Museum as Venue for a week long program in August but also wants to write for the event. They are demanding fotos of the Delhi Release Event so also at great effort I sent four with captions and general event description.

Alejandro Salazaar, our chief proponent there went to a friend who is a rather good astrologer to see when it was good to inaugurate the event. He told him that really on the 10th of August at 11AM was auspicious.

Alejandro then got a call from the Director of the Museum apologizing that the time we had asked for for our Press Conference to start the even would have to be changed because the new Minister of Culture need to use the Museum at the hour we had requested. Alejandro asked what time was available and he said that really the only time was 10th of August at 11AM.

Falling at the lotus feet of Sri Lalita Devi, Visakha Devi and all the Gopi girls of Vraja who continually serve the lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha Murlidhara we ask for your continued mercy.



DTC Su(7)

9 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC


We are in Guest House, "Self Discovery Center", in Temple complex in Atlanta. Yesterday was furious Rathyatra. They have found no good place to do the festival so they did it downtown which has very few people on weekend. Yet, there were some there and the congregation devotees also got prolonged assiciation with Temple devotee.

Jananivasa Das from Mayapur is giving class at 8.30AM.
Today is celebration of Pannihati Festival. It is the big annual festival here. about 500-devotees here with many personal booth. Our GBC Secretary, Tamohara Das is here. We raided th refrigerator here and found old oranges, bananas, p-nut butter and marmalde. We cleaned the refrigerator.

Nitai gaura sundar and family and most of the devotees from Nashville are here. Several devotees from Pery, Tarapota, are here.

We showed the NIOS book several times.    O.K. Lets go for class.

DTC Fr(5)

9 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP paoho.     Got up late but had nice Mangala arati but could not do the rest of the program online.  Then packing and travel to Atlanta and here we are in the Atlanta Temple. Jananivas Das from Mayapura and Sruti kirti Prabhu are here. So many devotees. Loud Kirtana. We rode with Manis and wife and two kids. NGD family has also arrived.
Answered all the mail up to 3-days ago.
Saturday is Rathayatra and Sunday is the Pannihati Festival.
Time to take rest. BIG day tomorrow.

As Prabhupada says, 'Devotees are always overwhelmed buy the amount of service to be done."

DTC Th(4)

9 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP paoho

10.08PM    Bed time. Long day. We looked up Claudio Naranja on the Wikipedia from Sananda Devi Dasi's letter. Interesting person. It is amazing to us if people have not encountered ISKCON by this point, this Hare Krsna movement.

We should be accepted into the academic community. Our content is so nice. Guess it just proves that most people are crazy.

Hmmmm.   Time for lunch and to write some poetry?

(Guess we are mad. Talking about lunch at 10.08PM).

Hare Krsna. Surrender to the Holy Names and they will lead you to the land of the living. Happily living. Hanging out with Krsna. Using all the crazy things in this puppet show for Him.