DTC We(1)

9 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna, Hare Rama

Jaya Radhe, Jaya Shyama

Made it to Boise. By next to me on the airplane had continuous questions.

Nice lunch offering, nap, Blog. Still got calls to answer, in 16-minutes ISOPANISHAD at Sugopi's house, the FEP on line at Srinivasa Das (same) house, on line.

Answered all the mail.

Got 11-rounds done. Guess the rest after FEP walking to the river. Sunsets here at 9.30PM

DTC Mo(29)

9 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC

paoho - Am insane!   Aaaaaaaaaaaaeiaa!      (more than normal)    .     looking back      .      we got up early saturday morning for our 4.30-5.30 am, on-line program, then sandhya arati here in srivasa, malini and gita das' home. then we had our online bh-vai program on-line. we reviewed all six cantos. then drove to the San Jose Temple and gave class from 7.30-9.00 with about 25-55 devotees and big on-line audience. then back to newark, dave picked us up and we drove for three hours to sacramento on hi-way 80. There were thousands of cars and somtimes the super-expressway was crawling at five minutes per mile for 15-minutes. Of course, LOT of wonderful 'guhyam akyati prcchati' with dave and then 60-70 - devotees, full hall, for the regular saturday program in sacramento, drove to Dave and Kalindi's home, got settled into their new home, waited up  a little late for Jaya-krsna Das to come with our Japa beads that we had left in the rush in the downtowm Sacramento center. Up Sunday morning for mangala arati, FMP, on-line. Then home program with 40-devotees, youths, families, new people who had had out of the body experiences. INTENSE questions, challenges, local plums, oatmeal and cream, back in the horse-less carriage and back across the Central Valley in the beautiful semi-arid savanah with golden hills to Fremont where the pipes had  broken and water was gushing down the stairs out into the street.

Crocodiles had come to play but Gita (age 7) didn't let them bite or smoke cigarrettes. Rested and then Dave took us to the San Jose Temple. While Srivas and Mother Malini called the contractors. The San Jose lecture was Isopanisad and again, packed Sunday Feast lecture of software engineers and Silicon Valley executives. Had to cut the Question and Answer session short because the arati was starting. Went outside under the trees during the arati and about 15-devotees followed us and more intense personal questions, presentations of 'In God We Trust' documents that we kept trying to collect properly. Good-bye to Dave and another devotees took us back across the Bay to Fremont and ***rested*** (after a bowl of ice-cream).    Ooooof!

Piggy: And you don't have any time for anything else, no?

HpS: No...  We have all the pressure of the programs in Texas and South America etc, but as you can see, we just don't have the psychological and emotional strength to deal with these things.

Devil: Look, this Texas program is your idea, HpS, and unless its a big success we are going to cook your soul in hell for ever!

HpS: Aaaagh!   We agreed that a committee would do the work and we would just have to give direction.

Devil: No, excuses, so what if people have other engagements.

Piggy: Hari Bolo! Haw!!   Haw!!

... Srivasa Pandita Das just came and said that M. Malini has made pancakes for all of us.  O.K.  We will take some.  Got 14 rounds done today (3 from yesterday) and full morning program. Didn't get any call from Peru and we were to weak to push the class.   Guess we are doing O.K.  We have kind of manageable paperwork load today. Or new phone is doing well.

Hare Krsna.   See you in a minute.


Things are just the same for you, no?

Haw!   Haw!!!!       Haw Ray!

DTC Fr(26)

9 years, 6 months ago by hps in DTC


Paoho ...  6.01 PM.   In Srivasa Pandita's ashrama in Fremont, California. Most of the day Uncle Gismo was directing Brother. Srivasa Pandita Prabhu offered us a Nokia 1520 as upgrade from our 520. It is heavier but the screen is bigger. The 520 was deadly on our eyes.

So, we had to go get a SIM card, chat with ATT twice to upload the new card etc. etc.

Also, we still have so much to learn about offering and honoring Prasadam. Yes, we are lusty to enjoy a rasa with our tongue and body by good food and good drink, but... it also is just a matter of deeping our experience of serving Krsna (good food). So, we ate a little too much and then our breathing, Prana, is shallow, so we must work on that by pranayama. Hold your breath while you work and force your body to pull "air" from a deeper level. Ass maintanance for Krsna!

O.K. Lets look at the Yahoo.mail and then at 6.30PM we get read to go on Hari-nam Sankirtan in Palo Alto (Stanford University).

DTC Mo(22)

9 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP!!!!!! ! ! !   !  !           !

paoho & bw..... . . . .  Hare Krsna.   All the mail is caught up.   It was 100 degrees farenheit today. That is the limit. Beyond that our brain starts to overheat. We had to sit within the tiny blast of our fan and work on whatever we could, but that is O.K.   Jayananda Das told us that it was not always extremely important what service you were doing. Just try to always be engaged in some service. So we were able to read ISO for Wednesday. Do a PPTX for SB for Hawaii for Thursday. Answer 1-1/2 hour call from Peru, Laksmana Das and 3/4 hour call from Abhirama Das.

We offerened fruit, milk, nutz to Lord Nrsmha deva today except for a soup of one potatoe, one zuccini and salt and ghee (boiled, cooled a little and into the blender).

No real TPP writing!

Monkey is in a lot of anxiety about the Houston Conference, but Piggy told him (as Winston Churchill said) there are two kinds of problems: Those that solves themselves and those that cannot be solved, so focus on what you can do nicely, not dog-hard.

How Can I Assist You

9 years, 7 months ago by kalindidevi dasi in DTC

Dear Hanumatpresaka


Please forgive me for not sending this correspondence sooner.  It would be a great blessing for me if I were able to drive you from the Bay Area to Sacramento for the June 27 program at ISKCON Sacramento.  But I will be happy to serve you in any way that is helpful.  It is about a two hour drive from Newark to Sac.  I could pick you up at any time on any day that is convenient.  I am sending this message through Kalindi Devi Dasi's account because my account is not working.

Your servant, David Presta

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!   So, so, so nice to hear from you!   Just put URGENT in the Title field and we answer these letters sooner.  I just talked to Srivasa Pandita Das and he said that, "Yes, this had been the arrangement as far as he knew". Oooof!   A lot of driving for the Dave Prestha. Maybe we can improve he arrangement. We will call you on Thursday!

Thank you. Very nice to see you soon!!

DTC Su(21)

9 years, 7 months ago by hps in DTC

A G T S P !
Paoho & Bw!!!     We are sitting on the porch. Cars rush by on Medical Center Parkway. Not so many because it is Sunday. There is a one x four foot hole in the porch because one stringer rotted and collapased. Ricky (Ricardo) was supposed to come today to work on it, but we never saw him.

The BhVai examination was very enlivening. Now we are looking toward four weeks of cleaning up our details, lost examinations, our Chapter Study Guides, Verse Book, Course Description and Structure. We hope we can present those in the National Conference at the end of July.

Is very hot but with the fan and sitting on the porch we are comfortable enough to work. We could have got an airconditioner for one room, but we are only here for a few weeks and then practically speaking we are not back until middle of September.

Talked with Nimsar in the morning. They are intoxicated with joy that ASA is registered with the National Council of ISKCON and now starting the public legalization.

O.K. We will send some letters for NIOS for Dr. Samaresh and go for a walk. There is other work to do also.

Some very nice letters and questions.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!!!