Conferencia para Chile

4 years, 5 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

El Jagad Guru Das escibio:

[9:53 AM, 8/7/2020] Jagad Guru das: 17:30 hrs. Nashville

[9:54 AM, 8/7/2020] Jagad Guru das: Is possible to confirm? We can use GoToMeetin because I can re-streaming what happened in GotoMeeting

[10:27 AM, 8/7/2020] Jagad Guru das: Or try with the phone given by Google Meet and just try

[10:28 AM, 8/7/2020] Jagad Guru das: In this case is a 10 minutes test whenever you can, gurudev.

HpS - Podemos hacer, TLGASP, pfanrh, a las 17.00PM Nashville hora.

gotomeeting es bien y podemos probar cuando quiere.

Classes to ISKCON Chile - Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja & Radhastami

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj,

My report is a quite delay like my whole life is a delay in some many ways.

I'm a messenger of the new managers of ISKCON Chile and they want to know if you could give the lecture to the followers of ISKCONCL in social media on (at, in?) August 12th in the evening. Probably, we are already delayed asking you this now, excuse us.

HpS - That is Srila Prabhupada's Appearance Day, no? What time? We need USA telephone number to connect! So nice!!

And the other invitation is considering your suggestion to have a special program for Radhastami. In that case, we thought to invite you along with Murti Murti from Buenos Aires (she agrees so much) and Vishaka devi dasi (Yadubhara's wife) to August 25th evening - Radhastami program (definitely to everyone this time). Of course, this event would be for the whole Latin American with previous registration.

In this case, it would be similar to the last "Día Internacional de la Mujer Vaisnava" with Rukmini devi dasi and Malati devi dasi (im editing the last version of the video). This one had a very powerful impact, like you predicted, because it was a good chance to start a massive interchange between north and south, English and Spanish.

For example, other programs only for spiritual souls inside women bodies and retreats with Prabhupada disciples, have been organized with very good results. My wife have been there in some of them, we recommended Nitya Kishori to translate too, and Carolina said that a lot of Latin lady devotees have been very happy with a lot of "aha moments".

I have too much to tell you but is not urgent. For now, We would appreciate if you can let us know if your calendar is available for these two dates.

Thank you for your efforts and devotion. We are trying to follow your steps, but in my case in a very slow rhythm, I think.

Your servant

Jagad Guru Das

HpS - 25th also sounds O.K. but..... same thing..... we need USA telephone num, num, number.

Srila Prabhupada said, that sometimes, slow to come, also means slow to go. We make fundamental progress. Slow but deep also. How is The Anandavardana Das tele-novela??? He is going to be dangerous when he wakes up!



Madana-gopal/ Clase Chile (PMD)

4 years, 5 months ago by bhaktapiero in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada


Gurudeva, le dejamos la invitación a dar una clase para Chile cuándo usted pueda. Se que los domingos usted puede. Prabhu Saci Suta es uno de los primeros devotos en Chile, es discípulo de Srila Prabhupada, el dice que el tema puede cambiar, lo que queremos es compartir con usted.

Mis reverencias

Su Payaso sirviente

Piyari Mohan das

HpS - Por que no integrar con los clases cuales ya existen????? Lunes SB es espanyol! O.K???

Regional Representation Report 18 (Madana-gopal which is the KDPC for this fortnight, but it changes tomorrow in the Kapi Dhvaja)

Hare Krsna dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

  • The Isopanisad and the importance of reading Srila Prabhupada's books class for Sunday August 9 at 8 am is confirmed. I have lost my previous cell phone so I do not have your WhatsApp number. I don't know if you can share your phone number with me via email to coordinate the connection.
  • On the other hand, it would be possible if you share with me the closed book questions that you developed for Canto 1? we are working on the Pada Padma program and they would be very helpful.

Hoping that you are very well

Your servant

Gandharva das

HpS 2020 Aug 2, 4PM... We just sent our phone number and copy of the Canto ONe questions with some comments to your email, Yugala and Isvari!

Our address book that was missig on Yahoo for two weeks, just reappeared!

"There are two kinds of problems: Those that can't be solved, and those that solve themselves". Winston Churchill.

-- We wait with great anxiety to start arranging the technical details of the class on the 9th.

We CANNOT connect for the audio by internet. Visual, yes, but audio NO! Thar requires a USA phone number!!

Janmastami Calendar, SB Class

4 years, 5 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

Dear Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances at your Divine lotus feet. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Maharaja would you be able to give ON LINE Bhagavatam class, U.S. central time 7.30 am to 9 am , Aug 11 , 2020 Tuesday on Janmastami day ?

We will appreciate if you can....

Please let me know maharaja..

Your servant,

Syamsundara dasa


Hps/ASA - AGTSP. Paoho... Thank you so much for the invitation but we are reminded of what Janaka Maharaja told the messenger when he announced that Maharaja Dasaratha had arrived at the palace door with the the Rama, Laksmana and all the others in the Wedding Party asking permission to enter Janaka's palace.

Janaka told the messenger to go back, and tell Maharaja Dasaratha, "We are so confused, why is it that the Master of the House is asking permission to enter own His Palace. Please step forward and order us how to serve you."

You want us to give the class, so that it is sufficient. By His Divine Grace we shall do it!

This son of Maharaja Nanda is born for the death of many Ksatriyas.

KDPC - Clase Chile - 9 de Agosto

4 years, 5 months ago by bhaktapiero in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Your chilean spiritual brother, Saci Suta prabhu, want to organize a class for August 9.

The topic is about “the different isms after the pandemic”. 

He explain here: 

ESPAÑOL - Para que se haga un simil o comparacion con eventos que se preparan en chile despues que se levanten confinamientos de esta pandemla, donde afloran movimientos políticos,anarquismo,feminismo,ambientalismo y toda clase de ismos que lleva a la gente actuar más en base al fanatismo o sentimentalismo sin ninguna base filosofica, esto traerá caos. Es necesario que los devotos en su prédica no se identifiquen con estos sentimiento y se apoyen más que nunca a nuestros principios filosóficos para enfrentar estos tipos de argumentos.

INGLÉS [Google traductor]  -- So that a similar or comparison can be made with events that are being prepared in Chile after the confinements of this pandemic are lifted, where political movements, anarchism, feminism, environmentalism and all kinds of isms that lead people to act more on the basis of fanaticism emerge. or sentimentality without any philosophical basis, this will bring chaos. Devotees in their preaching need not identify with these sentiments and lean more than ever on our philosophical principles to deal with these kinds of arguments.

The program would be on August 9 at 18.00 chilean hour. We start chanting Sundal artik and then Nrisimha pranam. Then the class start at 18.30. Prabhu Jagad Guru can be the master of ceremony and Sruti Priya dd the translator. 

Your eternal servant

Piyari Mohan das

HpS - AGTSP. Paoho. We already have a program organized by Gandharva Das that day. Also, the focus of the lecture is not very clear to us. I don't remember Saci-suta Das. Is he Chilean devotee??? Is he professional, lawyer, teacher? Thank you both.