Please Give Lecture

4 years, 5 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

We are requesting Maharajas and Senior devotees if they can give a Sunday Feast Lecture or a Festival lecture on Zoom for ISKCON Miami temple congregation. Our humble request is if you can kindly allocate for this Sunday 7PM or for Radhastami or for any Sunday depending on your availability. We will be honored by your association. 

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Your servants

Sri Radha Vallabha das

Jai Sri Radhe!


HpS-ASA -- AGTSP!!!..... paoho...... so nice to hear from you after all these years. Of course, we are seeing you now more that your good daughter has married into 'our' community!! Kind of like the marriage of Nimai and Visnu Priya. 😎

It is an honor to be invited to lecture at New Naimisaranya Dhama!! Sri Sri Radha Braja-bihari Ki Jai!!

7PM Miami is 6PM Nashville. O.K.

We can only do Zoom if you have an account with a telephone number for us to use for audio. We can do visual over the internet but not the audio.

Can you record the class? Can our strange followers join?

We try to fix our Calendar in the Kapi Dhvaja (www.JayaRama.US/news.htm) by Dvadasi each fortnight. So Sunday is fixed for 23rd and 30th of August. Radhastami is fixed for Chile. Shall we look at 6th September??? Got a theme? Topic?

Thank you.

This Blog ( is the best way to communicate with us and our bestial mail managers.

Diksa en Mejico

4 years, 5 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development

Querido Gurumaharaja: 

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

En esta oportunidad es para retomar el tema de los candidatos para primera y segunda Iniciación de sus aspirantes en ISKCON México. 

Govardhanesvari me informó hace un tiempo que terminando la contingencia la autoridad del Templo se reuniría con los aspirantes. 

Actualmente el templo ya abrió las puertas al público en general observando el protocolo del gobierno, así que prabhu Vrajaraja me recomienda que este tema lo debe atender prabhu Tejasvit , quien está fungiendo como administrador y apoyando con labores de presidencia, el Templo continua sin presidente pero se está buscando, es la información que nos dieron recientemente. 

Gurumaharaja, si Usted está de acuerdo puedo presentar el tema al nuevo administrador para poder obtener las cartas de recomendación para los aspirantes que se considere. 

Como sabemos la situación de la pandemia continua de diferentes formas en cada país, algunos de sus discípulos, con la protección de Sri Nrsimhadeva no hemos interrumpido nuestros servicios en el Templo, nos estamos cuidando personalmente y tomando refugio en Sus Señorias para seguir sirviendolos en esta situación. 

Estamos apoyando en los festivales. 

Está situación también es para los aspirantes, ahora hay el temor más presente de poder dejar el cuerpo en cualquier momento sin haber recibido la iniciación. 

Marco Antonio es un aspirante cuyo 2 hermanos han dejado el cuerpo en una semana, todo esto lleva a una reflexión. Gracias a Usted él y nosotros podemos observar un sadhana y asistir regularmente a clases. 

Respecto al tema de la desaparición de Dadhisara dd, ella se contactó con un devoto, por ahora quiere intentar esa relación difícil por su voluntad. 

Muchas gracias por su gentil atención, por sus instrucciones y constante ayuda que nos brinda, somos muy afortunados de su santa asociación, que Sri Nrsimhadeva siempre le proteja, es nuestra humilde oración.  

Disculpe cualquier ofensa por favor.

Quedo atenta

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd

Copia a mi esposo. 


Dear Gurumaharaja:

Please accept my respectful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

This time it is to return to the subject of candidates for the first and second Initiation of their applicants in ISKCON Mexico.

Govardhanesvari informed me some time ago that after the contingency ended, the Temple authority would meet with the aspirants.

Currently the temple has already opened the doors to the general public observing the government's protocol, so Prabhu Vrajaraja recommends that this issue should be addressed by Prabhu Tejasvit, who is serving as administrator and supporting with presidency, the Temple continues without a president but is being sought, it is the information that they recently gave us.

Gurumaharaja, if you agree, I can present the matter to the new administrator in order to obtain the letters of recommendation for the applicants considered.

As we know the situation of the pandemic continues in different ways in each country, some of his disciples, with the protection of Sri Nrsimhadeva we have not interrupted our services in the Temple, we are taking care of ourselves personally and taking refuge in Their Lordships to continue serving them in this situation.

We are supporting festivals.

This situation is also for the aspirants, now there is the most present fear of being able to leave the body at any time without having received the initiation.

Marco Antonio is an aspirant whose 2 brothers have left the body in a week, all this leads to reflection. Thanks to you, he and we can observe a sadhana and attend classes regularly.

Regarding the issue of Dadhisara dd's disappearance, she contacted a devotee, for now she wants to try that difficult relationship of her own free will.

Thank you very much for your kind attention, for your instructions and constant help that you give us, we are very fortunate in your holy association, that Sri Nrsimhadeva always protect you, is our humble prayer.

Excuse any offense please.

I stay tuned

Your eternal would-be servant

Asta Sakhi dd

Copy my husband.

HpS-ASA - Yes, please contact the Temple Authorities. Please post the communications in the Blog, that way we can get help and advice from Senior devotees, everyone. Thank you so. much.

Urgent Panama Temple wishes to invite you

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Panama Iskcon wants to invite you for this Sunday 23 of August for Bhagavatam class , 8:15am Panama and Texas time .

We will send you a zoom link and it will connected to Facebook (Iskcon Panama) , you will only have to click on the zoom link and we will stream the lecture or by go meeting and stream by fb.

Let us guru maharaja what do you think and lets make the arrangements for you

thank you so much.

your humble servant

Japa Nama Rama Das

HpS - ASA - AGTSP! Paoho. Please use the KDPC listed in the Letters to the Editor secion of the Kapi Dhvaja to get rapid attention to your letters. Very nice to hear from you!! It is too quick. Our Calendar is usually set like two weeks in advance. Look at the Calendar section of the aforementioned Kapi Dhvaja.

Do you have a cat?

URGENT Gurumaharaja templo de panama

4 years, 5 months ago by Juan Carlo Rosas in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna

Por favor acepte mis humilde reverencias

Todas Las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Gurudeva , Buenas Tardes El comitee del templo de Panama

quiere invitarlo este domingo 16 de Agosto para que pueda dar la clase de Srimad - Bhagavatam a las 8:15 am misma hora de texas, dejenos saber si es posible dentro su horario.

La Transmission sera a travez de Iskcon Panama Facebook.

Muchas Gracias Gurumaharaja

su sirviente

Japa Nama Rama Das

HpS - Demasiado pronto hacer todas las arreglas! Por ejemplo. No tenemos facebook ni conocimos como utilizar!! Hare Krsna, Hare Rama!!!!!!

Janmastami/V-puja Schedule

4 years, 5 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna! Hare Rama!

7.30am our Tuesday ASA class will be at 876 7398 2821.

A las 11AM -- ISKCON-Chosica, Lima-Perú le está invitando a una reunión de Zoom programada. Clase de JANMASTAMI a cargo de Su Santidad Hanumatpresaka Swami y Radhika Ramana Prabhu, Unirse a la reunión Zoom -- -- ID de reunión: 810 0879 7402 - Código de acceso: 108108 - Telefono: +1 312 626 6799 Estados Unidos de América (Chicago)

8pm to Midnight we will join the local program. Will tweet the YouTube link about that time. HpS will speak from 8.30-9.00pm.

5PM Miercoles uniremos con Jagad-guru das y Iskcon Chile para Vyasa-puja a (737 859 341). Pienso es 6PM hora Santiago.

Hare Krsna! Hare Rama!

Calendar: The Big Picture

4 years, 5 months ago by hps in Special Category A, Calendar Development

The Sage of the Deep South Wrote:

[2:37 PM, 8/8/2020] SDS: Yes. I agree. I'll be out of job by the end of this year. I have no interest in looking for another job. Not sure of what next.... I do want to go back to India... Unfotunately, I don't have enough faith to take total shelter of the lotus feet of Guru and Krishna...

Maharaja, when you do retire to live in Vrindavan, where would you live? Close to Krishna Balaram mandir or somewhere else?

HpS - ASA --- AGTSP! Paoho. BG 4.34 purport. "Blind faith ant absurd enquirey are condemed". Krsna gives us intelligence, no? Whatever we have comes from Him. Especially in the case of us former Hippy Americans!!

So, full surrender means to use practical intelligence. Of course, that has a esoteric dimensions also. Try making changes in work style gradually. Maybe moving to on-line project work. Work more directly related to SP's Sankirtan.

Krsna will help you if you chant mo' rounds bettah!


We don't know what is going to happen. Maybe we move into a village here in Nashvill with five more families and grow 90% of our food and only go out once a month for p-nut butter and drive in movies.

In general maybe we go to South America one more time. Big deal and stay one play for a year. Then go to Radha kunda Ashrama that Divya-svarupa Das is building?

Let us travel on Monkey and Piggy's boat everywhere!