Request from Austin, Tx, Hare Krishna Temple of Austin

4 years, 1 month ago by satyasaradas in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Dear Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to you and Srila Prabhupada!

Thank you very much for your reply and for kindly agreeing to do give class for our congregation. As per your message, I will try to contact Ajaya-govinda Prabhu.

We would like to humbly propose the following possible dates for your class. Could you please let me know what works best for you. Or suggest a date that suits your schedule.

31st, January, 2021

7th, February, 2021

I am eagerly looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you very much Maharaj.

Your servant,

Satya-sara das

HpS - Hare Krsna! Prabhu, Servant of the Cream of Advice. What is that? Never see the beautiful form of Govinda standing in the moon light at Keshi ghatt?

Thank you for your letter.

31st January sounds very nice.

We put it on our calendar and we can develop the program in the next few days, no?

Declinar representatividad de devotos de México_Decline representativeness of devotees from Mexico

4 years, 1 month ago by dolores lalita chavez in Calendar Development


HpS - Gracias por esta carta. Creo que somos un poco lentos en responder.

En general, la política, la administración en Kali-yuga, es deficitaria. Podemos simplemente mirar SB 1.17 y ver que la administración en Kali-yuga es un compromiso.

Por otro lado, cantar, individualmente y en conjunto, ¡es muy efectivo!

Mirando más detalles en su carta ...

El año pasado, fui convocada a una junta por algunos hermanos espirituales para formar un equipo de trabajo diferente al que ya estaba funcionando, cuya fecha se remonta antes de su visita y evento del 16 diciembre 2019.

Me pareció bien, dado que, en los eventos académicos, yo cumplo con mi parte, de contactar y conectar a los invitados, entre ellos: Mtra. Itzel Barrera De Diego, Dr. José Luis Valencia y la Mtra. Malintzin Pitzahuac (Marina Prieto).

Desde entonces, algunos devotos/as estuvieron manifestando su inconformidad con la organización de otra madre.

Ahora, en noviembre 2020, me eligen como su representante y me piden que organicemos otro equipo.

Yo le escribo a usted y usted autoriza esta forma de organizarnos. Ahora, dicen que existe una división de los discípulos, cambian de opinión y están inconformes con ambos equipos.

Como me eligieron su representante, he notado muchas diferencias de opinión e inconformidades, de parte de algunos miembros. Por tanto, estoy tomando la decisión de renunciar de representar a cualquier grupo.

Todo lo que ha surgido en estas horas parece surgió de la respuesta que yo le di a la mataji AstaSakhi, porque consideraba que era una falta de etiqueta vaisnava no responder a ese mensaje.

HpS - Estoy confundido. ¿Hubo una publicación de blog de Asta-sakhi Devi Dasi a la que respondiste y luego ella no respondió?

Por lo tanto, ante estas conductas anti-vaisnavas, prefiero no participar en organizaciones de equipos y renunciar como su representante. Tanta volatibilidad e inmadurez, demuestran nuestra incapacidad total de prestarle un servicio digno de usted.

Si usted lo permite, de forma individual, trataré llevar a cabo mi servicio a usted y a Srila Prabhupada y elaborar una humilde ofrenda para glorificar el parampara. Lamento no poder servirlo a usted y a los devotos como se merecen.

Hare Krsna

Su inútil sirviente

Lalita Gopi DD

HpS - Creo que todos nuestros Acharyas también renuncian a todos los puestos gerenciales y administrativos varias veces al día, pero después de la purificación adecuada en la modalidad de la bondad, canto, Prasadam, descanso, vuelven a retomar el trabajo como lo hizo Maharaja Pariksit.

Por favor, todos, escríbanos (aquí), contáctenos mientras deambulamos de aquí para allá bajo la influencia del Paramatma, y les responderemos como podamos con gran felizidad.

Aparte de eso, tenga una idea clara de la administración de su propia vida. Sus propios tres pasos de tierra, y luego desarrollar relaciones con otros devotos, amistades, desamistad, y si eso llega a las relaciones institucionales. OKAY.

He pasado por el mismo trabajo con mi amigo, el Secretario de GBC, H. G. Virabahu Das, el GBC Regional Latinoamericano, durante las últimas semanas, mes, tambien. Cada vez mas experto.




Last year, I was summoned to a meeting by some spiritual brothers to form a different work team from the one that was already working, whose date goes back before their visit and event on December 16, 2019.

It seemed good to me, since, in the academic events, I do my part, to contact and connect the guests, including: Mtra. Itzel Barrera De Diego, Dr. José Luis Valencia and Mtra. Malintzin Pitzahuac (Marina Prieto).

Since then, some devotees have been expressing their dissatisfaction with the organization of another mother.

Now, in November 2020, they choose me as their representative and ask me to organize another team. I write to you and you authorize this way of organizing ourselves. Now, they say that there is a division of the disciples, they change their minds and are dissatisfied with both teams. Since I was chosen as your representative, I have noticed many differences of opinion and disagreements on the part of some members.

Therefore, I am making the decision to resign from representing any group. Everything that has come up in these hours seems to have arisen from the reply I gave to the Mataji Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi, because I considered it was a lack of Vaisnava etiquette not to respond to that message. Therefore, faced with these anti-Vaisnava behaviors, I prefer not to participate in team organizations and resign as their representative.

So much volatility and immaturity, demonstrate our total inability to provide a service worthy of you.

If you allow it, individually, I will try to perform my service to you and Srila Prabhupada and make a humble offering to glorify the parampara. I am sorry that I cannot serve you and the devotees as you deserve.

Hare Krsna

Your useless servant

Lalita Gopi DD

Urgente fechas presentación de libro

4 years, 1 month ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

He cambiado a categoría urgente porque la librería solicita la fecha lo más pronto por favor, dísculpe las incomodidades.

Propuesta de fechas para presentación de libro 


Lunes 21 y 28

Martes 22 y 29

Miércoles 16, 23 y 30 

17:00 hrs Nashville y México

Miércoles parece que es el mejor día. 

Adjunto copia de libro.

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

HpS - Thank you. AGTSP!!! ! ! !! ! paoho. Miercoles 30 aparece bueno como hay tiempo para preparar.

Vyasapuja Calendar - Time and Participation Updates.

4 years, 1 month ago by candra108_mukhi in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva:


I just read the DTC :(

Well it is a fact that this world is sukha dukha. People who come for gem therapy talk to me, and the majority say that they want to be happy. But they do not how, or they just think that if they have lots of money, I cute husband or wife, a comfortable house they will reach that happiness.

I also see that they do not want to make any sacrifice. They want that a stone or quartz do all the job for them.

I can contemplate that we are too selfish, and we want that things to go well for us, and we do not think that we have lied or hurt others and that the universe will not give us that back.

Old age.... we all are going to face it, or not. Nevertheless, in your case these problems with your brother ass are really painful for us. I have one contact that Harinam Prabhu has in India, he told me that she is an awesome doctor. She is an ayurvedic doctor. She works with diet as well as with medicine (organic). I have her WhatsAPP I do not know if you accept her help.

HpS - We already have good advice. It is applying it that is the challenge. A lot of it is just social adjustments. We are doing well. Learning things that she cannot teach us so easily. The rest we already know.

On the other hand Jayadvaita Maharaja accepted the invitation to your Sri Vyasa puja. I am attaching a screenshot of His response.

He has these web links. Maybe you find it useful

"Staying Connected through Srimad-Bhagavatam"

Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 8-9 pm, New York time


"Istagosthi: Interactive discussions for applied spiritual wisdom"

Thursdays, 7-8 pm, New York time


Your eternal servant

Candramukhi dd

HpS - Aww! We just sent him and invitation also, but after reading his response below we sent another letter thanking him and now suggesting the event should be timed:

6.00-6.30PM (Nashville Time) for Bhajan Kirtan,

6.30-7.30PM for presentations. Then Maharaja could present and comment from 6.30-7PM!


Hawaii Class

4 years, 1 month ago by hps in Calendar Development

Maharaja Prthu is still going back home, back to Godhood!

Get on board the boat.

Become a better service goat.

www.e-sanga-org, HpSwami - ASA, Dec 6, 10AM, SB 4.23.28

Teaching for Mayapura Institute

4 years, 2 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

On Sunday, November 22, 2020, 09:21:37 PM CST, Radhika Nagara Das wrote:

Dandavat Pranams Maharaja, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you for support

Yes, 20-30 students from Anjana Suta Academy should be fine.  As far as possible they may be active listeners but passive questioners.

Kindly give final confirmation that you will be taking two Units Bhaktivedanta as per our schedule:

Mon Feb 01 – Fri 05

Unit 12

Mahārāja Sagara, Lord Rama

canto 9 chap 8 to 12

HH Hanumat Preshak Swami

Mon Feb 15 – Sat 19 

Sri Advaita Acharya Apperance Day- Fri Feb 19

Unit 14

Mahārāja Yayāti, Kṛṣṇa the Supreme Personality of Godhead

canto 9 chap 19 to 24 

(End of canto 9)

HpS - Yes, by His Divine Grace we will teach these modules, but you we still don't know any timings, who are our students, the media to be used. Thank you.