Tomorrow Narayani Devi Dasi = SB

4 years ago by hps in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Maharaja, and Isvari mataji. PAMHO AGTSP. This Monday Narayani Mataji will speak on verse 1.8.39.

HpS - Wonderful devotee!

photo at:

Project: Agroecological and Cultural Village "Nueva Asokvan"

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami!!

All the members of this project have resolved the fundamental questions: Who are we? Can we work as a team, and how are we going to make this project come true?

To date we are: p. Raghunatha, p. Uddhava, p. Gadai Gauranga and his wife his mother Nadiya, Nitya-kisori mataji, p. Laksmi-Narayana, Maria and me.

Summary of progress made.

ASA - Many hands make light labor!

1. With Prabhu Uddhava, disciple of Prahladananda Swami (he is a forestry engineer, an expert in agrarian issues with 40 years of experience) we are in the preliminary stage of locating and formalizing the property.

We have located two properties, one in Zuñiga (Cañete), to the south, three hours from Lima and another in Pativilca, to the north, at 3 or 3.30 hours.

We are also evaluating, Canta, Huarochirí and San Mateo. As you mentioned that Pamashto is very far (20 hours from Lima), we are locating the property within a radius of no more than 4 hours from Lima, okay?

ASA-Uncle Gismo - It must be within 45-minutes of a city where there is a university, no? Must be land for ASA and other land that friends of ASA can buy. Water. Maybe in Ecuador???

2. With the Ecological House of the Catholic University and Walter Leon we are seeing a project to build ecological houses, we are baptizing this model as RAM house (Rural, Anti-seismic and Multipurpose). They will also advise us on the use of wind energy and solar panels. Any suggestion?

HpS - Grass converts solar power, oxen and bulls eat grass and provide work, no? Good solar power?? Can develop property so that it will be attractive to other buyers, not just Hare Krsna buildings, then can sell and buy other place if better?

3. With the La Molina Agrarian University we are in very good conversations so that this project is evaluated for its organic and ecological crops with permaculture, they will make a soil evaluation and investigate our production model as a model to be replicated. Any suggestion?

ASA - Puede tomar apoyo del Maharaja Bhakti purusotraya Swami y su proyecto???

4. Nitya-kisori is a business administrator and her brother Franco is a planning expert trained in France, both of them, starting in January, begin to design the administrative and legal structure of the project and an annual work plan for the next three years . Any suggestion?

HpS - Good.

It is a fact that we have to have a place where we can practice the way of life that we preach: "Simple life and high thinking." I have been talking these last weeks with different types of people, academics, artists and businessmen, they all agree that the creation of these ecological and cultural villages is the best way to live in goodness and to properly face this pandemic and all those that seem to be looming.

ASA - They are all Krsna's mercy. Bhakta Fred thinks that Krsna has given power to people in the Kali-yuga to develop industrial power, yantra vidhi, but now they are destroying the Earth, so He is finishing it. This pandemic will mutate and in the end the industrialized life style will be destroyed. Peopl will be successful who live in nations based upon village, rural life. Village, Town, City, County, Nation.

The will be 80% self sufficient just from their village life and not travel too much or too far, but will be very well connected if need be.

Normal Dvapara yuga life.

HARE KRISHNA GURUDEVA, her useless servant, Abhirama Thakura dasa.

HpS - ASA --- Thank you many!!!!! ASA Asokavan, Peru, Radha-kunda.


Proyecto: Aldea Agroecológica y Cultural "Nueva Aksovan"

Todos los integrantes de este proyecto han resuelto las preguntas fundamentales: ¿Quiénes somos? ¿Podemos trabajar en equipo? y ¿cómo vamos a hacer realidad este proyecto?

Hasta la fecha somos: p. Raghunatha, pág. Uddhava, pág. Gadai Gauranga y su esposa su madre Nadiya, Nitya-kisori mataji, p. Laksmi-Narayana, Maria y yo.

Resumen de los avances realizados.

1. Con Prabhu Uddhava, discípulo de Prahladananda Swami (es un ingeniero forestal, experto en temas agrarios con 40 años de experiencia) estamos en la etapa preliminar de ubicar y formalizar la propiedad. Hemos localizado dos propiedades, una en Zuñiga (Cañete), al sur, a tres horas de Lima y otra en Pativilca, al norte, a las 3 o 3.30 horas. También estamos evaluando, Canta, Huarochirí y San Mateo. Como mencionaste que Pamashto está muy lejos (a 20 horas de Lima), estamos ubicando la propiedad en un radio de no más de 4 horas desde Lima, ¿está bien?

2. Con la Casa Ecológica de la Universidad Católica y Walter León estamos viendo un proyecto de construcción de casas ecológicas, bautizamos este modelo como casa RAM (Rural, Antisísmica y Multipropósito). También nos asesorarán sobre el uso de energía eólica y paneles solares. ¿Alguna sugerencia?

3. Con la Universidad Agraria La Molina estamos en muy buenas conversaciones para que este proyecto sea evaluado por sus cultivos orgánicos y ecológicos con permacultura, ellos harán una evaluación de suelos e investigarán nuestro modelo de producción como modelo a replicar. ¿Alguna sugerencia?

4. Nitya-kisori es administradora de empresas y su hermano Franco es un experto en planificación formado en Francia, ambos, a partir de enero, comienzan a diseñar la estructura administrativa y legal del proyecto y un plan de trabajo anual para los próximos tres años. ¿Alguna sugerencia?

Es un hecho que tenemos que tener un lugar donde podamos practicar la forma de vida que predicamos: "Vida simple y pensamiento elevado". He estado hablando estas últimas semanas con diferentes tipos de personas, académicos, artistas y empresarios, todos coinciden en que la creación de estas aldeas ecológicas y culturales es la mejor manera de vivir en bondad y enfrentar adecuadamente esta pandemia y todas las que parecen que ya se avecinan.

HARE KRISHNA GURUDEVA, su sirviente inútil, Abhirama Thakura dasa.


4 years ago by abhiramdas in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All glories to Hanumatpresaka Swami!!

To guarantee the continuity of SOLARIS, we have formed an editorial technical team that covers Latin America, the United States, Spain and India, we meet every 3 weeks on Saturdays, Miguel participates once a month, you can participate whenever you want, any suggestions ?

ASA - Who are they?

We are currently in the process of developing the website following the indications for indexing in LATINDEX.

We are also developing an annual calendar of activities that will be submitted to the NIOS board of directors for their approval, okay?

ASA - Yes, and then they may want more connection, meetings etc.

Basically the objectives to be met are:

1. Guarantee the publication of the magazine in May and November, that is, twice a year. It's okay?

ASA - Seems fine to me? People get it before the school year ends.

2. Finish designing the web and inaugurate it at Nityananda Trayodasi as an offering to Sri Nityananda Ram. It's okay?

ASA - Details. Who will be the Web-master?

3. Expand participation of academics who write in English so that SOLARIS content is 40-50% in English. Any suggestion?

ASA - We need to ask friends and relations from India. Of course, Prof. Samaresh, Prof. Harsh... Miguel must contact them.

4. Achieve by 2021, between 500 and 1000 registered people and 100 subscribers and by 2022, 2000 registered and 300 subscribers. The difference between registered persons and subscribers is that registered persons only receive information via e-mail, while subscribers also receive the printed version of the magazine. The goal is to make SOLARIS self-sufficient based on its quality and its number of subscribers.

ASA - What are similar magazines? What is their subscription?

5. Pass the first indexing at the end of the year.

Gurudeva there is a new member in the NIOS-Peru team, he introduced himself as a Bhakta White Rabbit, he will be in charge of all the fortnightly reports and for that purpose he has called himself “Snowball”.

ASA - Is this him? Was he a hippy, now a devotee?

That's it for now GURUDEVA, HARE KRISHNA !!

His insignificant servant, Abhirama Thakura dasa.

AGTSP! Servants of your servants.


Para garantizar la continuidad de SOLARIS, hemos formado un equipo técnico editorial que cubre Latinoamérica, Estados Unidos, España e India, nos reunimos cada 3 semanas los sábados, Miguel participa una vez al mes, usted puede participar cuando desee, alguna sugerencia?

Actualmente estamos en el proceso de desarrollo del sitio web siguiendo las indicaciones de indexación en LATINDEX.

También estamos desarrollando un calendario anual de actividades que se presentará a la junta directiva de NIOS para su aprobación, ¿está bien?

Básicamente las metas a cumplir son:

1. Garantizar la publicación de la revista en mayo y noviembre, es decir, dos veces al año. ¿Está bien?

2. Terminar de diseñar la web e inaugurarla en Nityananda Trayodasi como ofrenda a Sri Nityananda Ram. ¿Está bien?

3. Ampliar la participación de académicos que escriben en inglés para que el contenido de SOLARIS sea 40-50% en inglés. ¿alguna sugerencia?

4. Lograr para el 2021, entre 500 y 1000 personas registradas y 100 suscriptores y para 2022, 2000 registrados y 300 suscriptores. La diferencia entre personas registradas y suscriptores es que las personas registradas solo reciben información por correo electrónico, mientras que los suscriptores también reciben la versión impresa de la revista. El objetivo es hacer que SOLARIS sea autosuficiente en función de su calidad y su número de suscriptores.

5. Aprobar la primera indexación al final del año.

Gurudeva hay un nuevo integrante en el equipo de NIOS-Perú, él se presentó como bhakta Conejo Blanco, él estará a cargo de todos los reportajes quincenales y para ello se ha autodenominado “Snowball”.

Eso es todo por ahora GURUDEVA, HARE KRISHNA !!

Su sirviente insignificante, Abhirama Thakura dasa.

V-puja w/ Australia

4 years ago by hps in Calendar Development

'are Krsna, Mates!

AgtSP! paoho..... there will be V-puja participation with Dhruva, Dhanesvari Devi Das' et all from





on Friday the 15th, 7~7.15PM, at GoToMeeting.Com.

'are Krsna! 'are Rama!

Vyasapuja - Manipura

4 years ago by hps in Calendar Development

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Please accept our dandabat pranams,

Yesterday at 2 pm, H.H. Bhakti Anandamai Haridasa Guru Maharaja and Banamali Prabhu, Sadhubhusan Dasa and Brojendro Prabhu came at Thoubal and discussed the modalities, program and finalised everything for your Vyasapuja.

Around 50 we are arranging Prasadam. Programme will start from 8.30 a.m. and Prasadam at 1.00 p.m.

Please suggest any item to be added.

Yours fallen sarvent,

Yamunesvara Das.

HpS - Thank you for the news! AGTSP. So nice to hear of the devotees in Manipura. First, we are only supporting a HpS Vyasa Puja if it is viewed as our effort to glorify, illuminate the entire parampara: Krsna, Vyasa, Lord Caitanya, Narottama Das, Srila Prabhupada, Us, You et al.

What is our place?

We offer our obeisances to everyone.

Sing the Bhajan by Bh. Siddhanta Sarasvati, no?

Here is our Vyasapuja Offering to Srila Prabhupada this year.

"We offer our humble obeisances to His Divine Grace Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, author of the book, KRSNA: The Supreme Personality of Godhead, and Founder Acharya of the International Society for Krsna Consciousness.

Srila Prabhupada, we suspect that our attempts to illuminate your glories on your Vyasapuja day are like a candle trying to illuminate the sun. The flame just becomes invisible. On the other hand if we are allowed to consider the task like a fire-fly trying to illuminate some of the features of your lotus feet then we might be able to make a small contribution to today's activities.

When your divine grace was in Berkeley. California in 1975 we heard from your lips that anyone who chants the Pancha-tattva Maha-mantra and follows it with the Hare Krsna Maha-mantra has achieved the perfection of life, but if they wanted to preach they should probably read your books.

Then, when asked by a reporter what would happen to your movement when your divine grace died, you answered firmly that you would never die, you would live forever in your books.

These two statements are our life and soul.

Thank you.

We try to always be chanting Maha-mantra internally and externally under the shelter of your divine grace's lotus feet and over and above that read and preach from your books.

Now we read Caitanya-caritamrta daily before Mangala-arati, and it is 90% a novel experience for us. We understand it with so much more depth than before. We see that your divine grace's book is deep beyond our abilities to plumb.

Then after Mangala-arati we read and discuss a little with the devotees in Spanish. Before we were doing Nectar of Devotion, but now we are read a verse a day from the Light of the Bhagavata. We find the purports as direct truth, illumination, on such topics at Veganism, administration in ISKCON etc.

We keep a daily Srimad Bhagavatam class. Sometimes it is with an online group, sometimes local temples. We are integrating our study with the development of questions for the Bhakti-vaibhava diploma with your ISKCON Board of Examinations.

We cite your books from and the concepts we have learned therein in our humble attempts to preach in the university, Jungian, world classical literature and interfaith communities.

They are the guide for devotees advancing from adau sraddha, sadhu sanga... to prema.

Thank you Srila Prabhupada. We feel we have always been a heavy load that you have had to drag forward in our purification, but we are experiencing practical advancement.

We hope that we can be a little, pleasing, grain of sand under your lotus feet, in the sandy path that is your ISKCON, helping your Sankirtan expand and expand and expand.

Thank you.

Your very fallen servant, Hanumatpresaka Swami

11 March 2020."

At you service.