Sunday Feast, 14 March

3 years, 10 months ago by balaramadasa in Calendar Development

Okay, Maharaja. Glad you can speak to the San Diego congregation via Zoom.

HpS - Hare Krsna. Was very nice to receive your Whatsapp words, but unless we deal with stuff here we have no chance of handling our mail. Thank you.

Do you have a particular topic you’d like to discuss? Please let me know ASAP so we can announce.

March 14 7.00 to 8.00pm PST


Tech man/devotee, Tapas : (619) 212-1913

HpS -ASA -- "Topic: Interfaith Dialog, Krist and Krsna. Bridging the resources"?

Will most of the audience be from Indian background, non-Christian?

Your servant,

Balarama Dasa

Response in relation to March 14 San Diego talk

3 years, 10 months ago by balaramadasa in Calendar Development

:>>HpS -ASA -- "Topic: Interfaith Dialog, Krist and Krsna. Bridging the Resources"?

Will most of the audience be from :>>Indian background, non-Christian?

Fine. Sounds good.

The crowd will be folks who are familiar with Krishna consciousness. Devotees mostly.

It will be a mixed crowd, Indians not coming from Christian backgrounds and westerners some coming from Christian backgrounds and some not.

Your Servant,

Balarama Dasa

HpS - O.K. Sorry a little slow to answer. Always Whatsapp us to highlight any letters here in the Blog.

We have already been thinking about the class.

Did you send the link yet? Announcement here? I can look for it in the Calendar category if you did. Our focus is to really improve the Sankirtan of Srila Prabhupadas followers. We hope that we do that.

URGENTE - ¿Qué hacer antes de viajar a Perú? (Piyari Mohan das)

3 years, 10 months ago by bhaktapiero in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Please accept my respectful obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I need to know your opinion regarding my stay in the temple.

I want to travel to Peru, apparently I will have to wait until I can get the vaccine, I have heard that in June everyone will be vaccinated in Chile.

I wanted to ask you if I can travel to be with my family this time, or if I better stay serving in the temple as I have been doing.

At home it is difficult to lead a spiritual life, in the temple we are protected, getting up early and singing good rounds is easier.

In the temple I feel guilty when I make music, write, sing, etc. I am uncomfortable thinking that I may upset others or that I am not doing practical temple service, instead doing selfish practice.

On the other hand, at home I have the freedom to advance in these aspects, but we know that I become an easy prey for Maya.

I am concerned about not being able to serve you in these areas, I am not very expert yet and I think that I should have more experience, tools and artistic material.

I would love to advance the book that connects Don Quixote and the Vedas, maybe record a film or documentary with my father and work on the first musical album. There is so much that can be done, but I am willing to put it off if you want me to remain here in the temple until it is time to travel.

Thank you very much Gurudeva

Hare krishna

Your clown servant

Piyari mohan das

HpS - ASA -- It sounds like both situations are needed. You just have to balance them at this stage. Later you will see how they are related to each other and it will be natural to use them both. Talk with Temple authorities and work out some practical schedule of visiting your family for working with them. That would be our suggestion.


Hare Krishna Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Necesito saber su opinión respecto a mi estadía en el templo.

Quiero viajar a Perú, al parecer tendré que esperar hasta que pueda ponerme la vacuna, he escuchado que en junio ya todos estarán vacunados en Chile.

Quería preguntarle si es que puedo viajar a estar con mi familia este tiempo, o si mejor me quedo sirviendo en el templo cómo lo he estado haciendo.

En casa es difícil llevar vida espiritual, en el templo estamos protegidos, levantarse temprano y cantar buenas rondas se da con mayor facilidad.

En el templo me siento culpable cuando hago música, escribo, canto, etc. Me incómodo al pensar que puedo molestar a los demás o que no estoy haciendo servicio práctico para el templo, en vez de ello hago una práctica egoísta.

En cambio en casa tengo la libertad de poder avanzar en estos aspectos, pero sabemos que me vuelvo presa fácil de maya.

Me preocupa no estar apto para servirle en estas áreas, no soy muy experto todavía y pienso que debo tener mayor experiencia, herramientas y material artístico.

Me encantaría avanzar en el libro que conecte el Quijote y los vedas, tal vez grabar una película o documental junto a mi padre y trabajar en el primer disco musical. Hay tanto que se puede hacer, pero estoy dispuesto a postergarlo si usted quiere que siga aquí en el templo hasta el momento de viajar.

Muchas gracias Gurudeva

Hare Krishna

Su sirviente payaso

Piyari Mohan das

ASA Travel and Ashramas

3 years, 11 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

[March 1, 2021] Panca-tattva: PAMHO, AGTSP HARE KRISHNA GURUDEV; they have connected us internet in the asram. I hope it will be helpful to assist you.🙂

Regarding what we have been talking about about the visa.

Yes, I have a Bachelor's degree. 🙂

Yes I have father and mother two Brothers and one sisters..

My mother and father live together in Buenos Aires both are retired but still are working. Mother is bilingual secretary in a private School and father work with my brother in odontology dentures..

My elder brother has registered me as a worker with tax contributions with the country. I could get a work certificate for a few years possibly to present if necessary.

Surely we are not going to get the visa for tomorrow but if we start the process we may get it for when you return from your next trip to Peru. And possibly we can meet in Peru and work on the subject.

your servant Ptd🐵

HpS - ASA - Yes, we dream sometime of a B'catri like you here and the things that we could do. It is a fact that I should not drive anymore, but also a good strategy seems to be to get the second Karuna-virus shot on March 15th and then see if we can go to Peru by Rama-navami, 21st April.. Actually it would be good to get there by first week in April so that we can be in quarantine for two weeks.

It would be good to get a one year visa as a teacher, and start a rural project, New Asoka Van, where everyone could visit (after two weeks in the garden house just outside the village gate). Maybe in Vallejo Sagrado???

Then maybe three months back in the USA. Three months in Spain, and then New Asokavan in Radha kunda and then. . .  Hare Krsna.

Everyone welcome to travel with us.

Urgent - Initiation Date

3 years, 11 months ago by cdhulipati in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Maharaj.

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am writing to you regarding the initiation date. We were thinking of dates of March 25th – March 31st or April 11th – April 18th, Maharaj. I am able to travel to Srinivas Prabhu's place on these dates, as I have exams during other weeks. Please let us know if you can kindly conduct the initiation on any of these dates, Maharaj.

Your insignificant servant,


HpS - AgtSP. Paoh... Why not have the initiations on Sunday the 28th of March. That same day we are presenting the Sunday Festival lecture for Srinivasa Das and family local temple?

Mayapura T.V.

3 years, 11 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

Querido Hanumat Preshak Swami

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias. Toda la gloria a Srila Prabhupada.

HpS - ASA = TLGASP pfanrh.... Claro que si. Voy a poner esta carta en nuestra ASA Blog y esperar para sugerencias de temas de nuestra communidad. Esta edad somos consolidando cosas, entonces tenemos que eligir temas cual unificar nuestra contribution de una manera global.

Posible introduzcar nuestra Sankirtan y invitar la gente unirse con nosotros.

Quienes somos nosotros? Cuales son nuestros instituciones? Cuales son nuestros esfurzas de Sankirtan?

Esta bien?

45/15 minutes presentation/diagalo?

Podemos hacer varios videos. Uno puede ser una clase en relación a Mayapur, Lord Caitanya, el movimiento de Sankirtana.

Otro puede ser una presentación acerca de sus instituciones y sus esfuerzos y proyectos en habla hispana (pueden ser varios videos, videos cortos tienen un mayor numero de visualizaciones).

En vivo a que hora?

Usted decide cual es la hora que su comunidad prefiere. Yo ya le hice administrador del canal de Youtube. Así que puede ir en vivo cuando le convenga.

Necesitamos a alguien que cree una pagina de FB para Mayapur tv español y de esta mantera podemos promover las clases.

Si hay alguien que tenga experiencia con Fb y quiera desarrollar la pagina, seria buenísimo.

Muchas gracias.

Hare Krishna!

Un servidor,

Radhika Nagara Das

On 21 Feb 2021, at 22:00, ASA .. wrote:
Humilde respuesta en:
<img src="" alt="Emoji" height="16" width="16"><img src="" alt="Emoji" height="16" width="16"><img src="" alt="Emoji" height="16" width="16">
On Sunday, February 21, 2021, 09:29:06 AM CST, Radhika Nagara Das> wrote:
Querido Hanumat Preshak Swami
Por favor acepta mis humildes reverencias. Toda la gloria a Srila Prabhupada.
Hemos comenzado con el canal de Mayapur TV en Español.
Podría dar alguna clase en español? Puede elegir un tema de su gusto o unte ma en relación con Mahaprabhu y Sridham Mayapur?
Que le parece?
Lo podemos hacer en directo, o usted graba la clase y nosotros colgamos el video.
Muchas gracias.
Hare Krishna!
Su sirviente,
Radhika Nagara Das


2021 March 1

Estimado R. N. Das et al,

Por favor acepta nuestras reverencias humildes y desculpa Espanyol horrible.

Aqui todo en el Blog y podemos ver si hay una respuesta de alguien quien puede ayudar con la pagina de web, no?

"Podemos hacer varios videos. Uno puede ser una clase en relación a Mayapur, Lord Caitanya, el movimiento de Sankirtana.

Otro puede ser acera de ASA.

Pienso que podemos unirse ambos temas, amplificando como ASA es relacionado con Sr. Caitanya etc. y claro, es asi.

Entonces, vamos a utilizar su cuenta de ZOOM, mostrando un show de power point?

Cuando lo hacemos?