Bhishma pancaka

Dear Gurudeva, please accept my humble obeisances To your lotus feet! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

All glories To You!!🙏💥🌻🌼🌷🏵🌸💐🌹🌺

I hope you are doing very well and that you had a beautiful month of Kartika! and so many festivals! I am immensely grateful for your wonderful answers. I feel somewhat relieved to know that my relationship with you is eternal and that I will be able to see you again! Even though I cannot travel to see you now. I will always continue forward with even more strength thanks to your Immaculate mercy.

HpS-ASA - Please send a one minute audio clip of your Japa!

Thank, agtSP, you.

Thank you for your instructions in my dear Dance service💕

I always heard about this Bhisma Pancaka fast that begins today on this Uthama Ekadasi. Could you tell me what is good to do these days? Is it a grain fast? And to break Ekadasi?... Thank you for your answer and time.

HpS/ASA - We understand that Bhismadeva only lived on air or water and Hari kirtan for five days, but devotees like us maybe just more strict with regular ISKCON Damodara service, and maybe after breakfast with some piece of chapati do ekakasi prasad for five days etc.

May I continue dancing happily in the wonderful dust of Your Lotus feet, dear Gurudev, eternal thanks.

Your servant eternal: J.P.Radha Devi Dasi

P.D : Here I am sending you photos of the drawings and arts that my Gopal💕🎶

I made you in clay! My first deity of You Gurudeva🙏🌷🌼🌻🙏

I think they are wonderful! I hope to be able to cultivate his arts and be a good mother to him.

HpS - Inspiring sculptures and drawings.

Hope his art develops from his heart.

Any work from Swami Franco?

Vyasa puja dates doubt

2 months, 4 weeks ago by candra108_mukhi in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva:


I hope this meets you in good health, energy and happy

I have a doubt Gurudeva your uncoming Vyasa puja is related to Jiva Goswami's disappearance day or Locana das Thakura appearance? and day will be ? Because as far as I understand the actual day will be on January 2nd

Thanks for your time



HpS/ASA - AgtSP. Paoho. 🙂🙂 🙂

31st December. Locana Das Thakura.

Current ASA Calendar

3 months, 1 week ago by hps in Calendar Development


2024 october 23

Camped at NVM (New Vraja Mandala), Spain

Until 3rd December. Only day trips off Campus. Physical body 70% finished. Mind little hazy. Intelligence increasing. Japa, Kirtan improving. Heart O.K.

Can die at any moment.

Hospitality and association great.

After Reporting to Rama, Hanumatpresaka, Hanuman rested during Kali - yuga and stayed on Arjuna's flag pole.


• 1.08AM - Up and Chanting, Writing.

• 3.00-3.30AM - Radha-Natabara on line.

• 4.30-10.30 AM - Full Morning Service [FMS] with Mangala arati, Japa, class prep, SB class, breakfast, meeting with devotees.

• Napping - Correspondences - Calendar...

• 4.30PM [?]- Temple Room - Bhajan, meeting with devotees, walks somedays.


24 - App Radha Kunda.

27 - Ek.

29 - Visit Brihuega, Mayor, Stationary Shop.


2 - Govardhana Puja.+

5 - Disp. Srila Prabhupada.

6 - Arr. Carlos Rold [3 dec . Chile).

9 - Srinivasa Acharya.

12 - Ek. Gaura Kishore Das Babaji.

15 - Purnima.

27 - Rohini kumara Das arr. NVM


3 - Madrid to JFK, New York, with Rohini et al. Night in posh hotel with Subal Sakha Das near airport.

Carlos > Chile.

4 - Train to Richmond.

6 - Odana sasti.

11 - Ekadasi

13 - Richmond to Nashville

15 - Purnima

17 - Nashville (BNA) to Houston

18 - Disp. Srimad Bhakti-siddhanta Sarasvati.

20 - Vijaya < India.

25 - Hari-lila Das < India (?).

30 - Amavasya

31 - Locana Das.


1. Kirtaniya Sada Harih. Get back to real work in Goloka.

2. Fix SB class schedule weekly with Yadunandana Swami.

3. Visit ISKCON Madrid and El Prado with Jayanta Das et al.

4. Symposium on Varna-ashrama-dharma with Yadu Swami.

You can make plans for serving Krsna, but better just to chant Hare Krsna.

Visit to Nueva Vrajamandala

Hare Krishna Gurudeva!

Please accept my respectfull obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope you are well and in good health. I have followed your stay in Radha Kunda, Vrindavan Dham, and your return to Spain on social media. It's very exciting and inspiring to see you so active in your preaching and sankirtan!

I'm writing to tell you that I will be able to visit you in Nueva Vrajamandala. I already have the flight tickets. I will arrive in Madrid on November 6th and I have a return flight to Santiago on December 3rd. After buying the tickets, I checked the Vaishnava calendar and realized that the day I will take the flight from Santiago, November 5th, commemorates the day that Srila Prabhupada left his body. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I've been in communication with your disciples in charge of the service related to your visit in Nueva Vrajamanadala, my friend Yugala Kishor DD and especially with Yasoda DD who is supporting me and guiding me with all the procedures for my stay in Nueva Vrajamandala.

It will be very interesting to meet the devotees there and especially H.H. Yadunandana Swami and H.G. Mahajana Das. I've seen online classes and talks and they are great scholars, with a lot of sensitivity.

I'm very happy with this opportunity to see you and try to serve you directly and personally once again and perform service for Nueva Vrajamandala during my stay. I would very much like to have some conversations with you, with those dialogues I want to write and publish a book. I think that if we don't have enough time, maybe we can start in Spain and continue later online, God willing. Everything depending on your mood, health and disponibility of your time.

Thank you very much for everything, Gurudeva, please accept my respectful obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Hare Krishna!

Your aspiring servant,

Carlos from Iskcon Chile

HpS/ASA - AgtSP. TB and BW et all welcome you to the circus!

Hope we can get some good Sankirtan from your visit.

Narottama's New Letter

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja, PAMHO AGTSP

How is your health?

How is Spain?

How you feel?

HpS/ASA - After, agtSP, 25-hours of hard travel with six devotees, we have reached Radha-kunda from Madrid.

Every place or cataracts, deafness, and dementia are increasing.

They are good friends.

Hope they push us to develop Radha Krsna Bhava.

Be with Nimai and Srila Prabhupada in Nadiya in our next body.

Sorry for being disapear this days, many stuff happend. Also I didn't pretend to annoy you with the not so important histories and little adventures of this little monkey.

HpS/ASA - 🐒

But the ones that are the most remarcable are this ones:

I have my tiket to Spain, I will travel there the 12 of November and I hope to bring some presents from a few brothers that can't travel there.

(I have worked a lot to get the money for all of that)

HpS - Seems like a very god investment!

I finally join in the moring program, I love to see you, and I feel very bad that in few or more time this bodly figure will no be able to see you any more.

Also I have one very strong experience with Jesus Christ, I even cry in that occasion, was... very strange, I usually don't have this tipe of experience with Jesus, maybe is because I have meet a few Mormons and seems to be that they are really nice people, also more they know about them I see that we have some things in common, what is your opinion about them????

HpS - Yes, of all the religions they seem the closest to K.C.

I also hope to do a working hollyday in Germany, I should get better at my german 😅 and with that I feel mych gratitude towards Krsna (as always one most do) but this time I think I could notice better his hand behind everything, since I arrive herr in Chile I have meet a lot of german people and many of them were very nice when I told them that I was traveling to there. I just need to make some adjusments to travel there and be able to get a job with devoties in the south of Germany, let's hope that the war don't go very far, I hope too for your blessings.

A few days ago I also got stolen in the store, nothing really serius but it's a crazy history to tell, Chile is turning a little bit more dangerous this days, maybe move to Scotland or something else will be very good for me.

Also I remenber one time that I tell you long time ago to send a few pictures from my Bhakti Shastri, I have not been able to send them, let's say that using a cellphone is not very good idea, spacially if the cellphone is not in a good condition.

(With the cellphone thing the last one broke very badly and now I'm with one that is not very good but I will love to show you the pictures in person if the oportunity is given)

And lastly I have not being very good with my rounds this lasts months, my own mind was my enemy for some time, now I think we make a truce or pact of peace, and chant while working is not also a very good idea, now I'm better but now I don't feel the "nice" experience while chanting probably I'm just thinking in other stuff, for now the only thing that really moves my hard heart is reading the Srimat Bhavagatam.

HpS/ASA - Seems are we go up everyday, more and more attachments come out.

So, we have to remove them eternally based upon our Japa work, illustrative stories from SB etc, no?

And yeah, I hope to see you in Spain, always I feel a little nervous while I writte you, I still remenber when I ask you why one feel like this with the spiritual master was something like "one still feels like a little demon" or at least somrthing close to that, is more present the felling of what you said rather than the actual quotas, one of the things that I more lament is lost the last phone, I haved tons of quotas of you, many of them I hope to get back.

I hope there they have a lot of phisical work to do (in Spain) I'm like Zhu Bajie, I usually enjoy good and abundant food before (or after) a good amount of work 😅😂

With few to nothing to add I say Hare Krsna and see you in Spain :D

HpS - 10:13AM in Radha-kunda. Our eyes have reached their computer quota.

Thank you, so much.

Hoping you see some strategy from Krsna for your part in this war with The Black Witch:

SB Workshop reading details for September 1st, 2024) from CC ** Chapter 9 (Madhya Lila)

5 months ago by upendra1 in Calendar Development

Sunday Morning Srimad Bhagavatam Workshop will start reading Caitanya Caritamrta Madhya-lila, Chapter Nine: Lord Caitanya's Travels to the Holy Places. We will start reading 9.133 verses onwards. We should be able to complete reading another 30 verses.

Thank you to H. G. Mitravinda Mataji for being there to help with translation.

It is the mercy of Maharaja, to engage everyone in reading books of Srila Prabhupada.


Upendra dasa