Scheduing Your visit to SAC Preaching Center
Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja! All the devotees at the SAC Preaching Center are hoping you will visit us on at least one occasion during your next tour of No. CA in 2015. Who establishes your schedule? At what e-address or phone number do I reach him? or it may be Rejeswara Prabhu would contact him as he is responsible for scheduleing speakers. Hopefully by then, Dave Prabhu and me will be located in larger dwelling, more condusive to sadhana and closer to Sac and you could possible stay with us and we could take your shelter and serve you.
Lila has fallen very ill. I have literally been up with her once each hour each night for 3 weeks. We are trying to find out what is wrong with her and if there is a remedy.
Wow! Turkey. My old stomping grounds! Will be most interesting to see what Krsna is arranging!
Question: The devotees call me "Kalindi Mataji." I would prefer to be called Kalindi Devi dasi, although I appreciate their affectionate "nickname." Most of the female initiated devotees usually are called by their full, three or even four part, lengthy names whereas the uninitiated female devotees are called by their birth first name along with "Mataji."
They are mostly Indian, very sweet, very fond of me, very respectful to me, both matajis andprabhus. I do not wish to offend them. I have studied Kalindi Devi quite a bit in shastra. I feel "Kalindi Mataji" is a personal term of endearment whereas "Kalindi Devi dasi" reminds me constantly of who I really am and what is my true position.
But perhaps it is just my false ego. Is it ok to ask them to address me as"Kalindi Devi dasi?" I think "Kalindi Devi dasi" is good, Viasnava etiquite? unless one is in a hurry to get my attention, in which case "Kalindi Mataji" is understandable on occasion. Please give me your opinion and I will follow it,
All glories to Mighty Srila Prabhupada! All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga! pamho
YWS, Kalindi Devi dasi
HpS - AGTSP. Esteemed Kalindi Devi Dasi, Prabhu,
Thank you for your letter. You are kind of like St. Francis and the wolf. Taking care of an UNUSUAL spirit soul in a dog body. Usually dog has to become human then go back to Goloka, but maybe Lila is going to get a "Booster Rocket".
Our Calendar is just fixed here in the Blog. Really no where else. Now we are just looking at:
January-Feb 11 - South America.
Feb 11-March 5th - Nashville, Houston, (?) Chicago.
Then based in Nashville and MAYBE Peru again in July and Houston, West Coast - End of July through Janmastami.
Janmastami, August and then back to Nashville and Fall Winter in Europe, India, (?) Australia.
So, no details for Sacto etc now.
3). We could not find it, but in Hamlet the Danish King receives the Norweigian minister and asks him, "How fares our Cousin, Norway?". So, the King is called by the name of the country and the Minister is ofter called by the name of the King.
If someone calls you Kalindi Mataji, you can take it as, "Tall Mataji", or "Intelligent Mataji". "Kalindi" is this sense is an adjective. What kind of Mataji are you? You are a Kalindi Mataji.
You are a Mataji in terms of Kalindi, who is your Mistress.
Do sincere service to you and She will certainly reveal Herself to you. She is the liquid form of Visaka Devi, no?
Best of luck in your service!