Jaiho! Jai Ho!

9 years, 11 months ago by bhaktakenny in Calendar Development

Dear Swamiji,

PAMHO. AGTSP.  I don’t know if you remember me, this is Bhakta Ken from Bezerkeley. After years of exile I’ve surfaced in Bali, Indonesia. I’m trying to get the nectar of the association of the devotees here. I would like to invite you to visit us here and give us the mercy.

your servant,

Bhakta Ken

 HpS - Jaya! AGTSP.  I don't remember you specifically. Any pastimes we shared? What years were you there? Who else was there? Bali, Bali, Bali.... if God wants we will be there in a flash. Other wise it would not be in the near future!!! But hearing from you about the Sankirtana there is wonderful.

Visit Denver this summer?


Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

I just read in your latest Kapidvaja that you are considering Denver at the end of July or beginning of August.  Please do.  The invitation is there. We are working on developing a Bhakti Sastri course.

Your servant, Jayasacisuta dasa

    HpS - ASA --- Jaya!  Jaya!   Jaya! Srila Prabhupada!   Paoho. What is your phone number. We have tried to call you. It would be like 1st or third week in August. Is O.K???

Urgente Visita Houston Saranagati Dasi

10 years ago by sarahii in Calendar Development

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Todas las Glorias a Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu!!!

Todas las Glorias a Usted!!!

Querido Gurudeva por favor reciba mis respetuosas reverencias a sus pies una y otra vez, estamos cantando 16 rondas, cuatro principios y asistiendo a Mangala artic lo mas constante pocible (aun es un problema para mi el Mangala artic), tubimos mucha micericordia al poder tener su asociacion para Goura Purnima, tambien Prabhupada me dio la miscericordia de poder cocinar para, SG Mahatma Das y poder servirle por 15 dias se que no soy la mas cualificada pero pude tomar ese servicio gracias a las bendiciones de los devotos.

Ahora con nuevas noticias Gurudeva, estoy planeando un viaje a Houston por 4 semanas, todo se dio muy rapido por la micericordia de Krishna, mi visa Americana fue aprovada en solo 3 dias, y un viaje gratis hasta Houston se ha manifestado, solo que ahun no se que dias Usted estara en Houston me quedare si Krishna quiere hasta despues de la Inaguracion, estableci contacto con Madre Unmada Devi Dasi para ver si podia ospedarme con ella, ella es dicipula de SS Guru Prasad Swami ella es de Peru, pero solo podre estar en su casa dos semanas por que ella alojara a mas devotos para el festival, ella me sugirio que le escribiera y le comentara esto, para pedir su orientacion de como podria encontrar un lugar para ospedarme las dos semanas restantes ya que no conosco como es la politica del Templo, tengo una carta de recomendacion del templo para mi, pero no se si eso sea suficiente para quedarme bajo el refugio del templo en Houston o con alguna familia de devotos que vivan cerca, por favor Gurudeva pido su orientacion e instruccion, estare llegando a Houston el 15 de Abril si Krishna quiere y regresare a Mexico el 20 de Mayo, espero poder verle y poder servirle si Krishna y Usted me lo permite.

Su aspirante a sirviente Saranagati Dasi 

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP paoho. We have ticket to be in Houston from 14th-21st. Innauguration in 16-18th. Viernes a Domingo. If you don't speak English it will be difficult for you unless you have a devotee friend who speaks English to help you.

All the contacts I have would have to communicate with you in English. The Teacher Training program will be the third week in July.


From Chicago

Dear Gurumaharaja.


Dear Gurumaharaja!

Sadhana is very strong in the Chicago temple, 15 bcaris, a lot of preach increasing in spring and summer times.  I’m the new halwai of kishor kishori, making diferent sweets for them. A lot of services in the temple and a lot of preaching. It is so difficult to be balanced, the days turn very short. I opened a bhakti club in Truman Collage where I’m studying and I’m taking care of one bhakti club in Loyola University, the students are very enthusiastic. I’m preaching profusely in order to expand Latin preaching through harinama, book distribution, advertisement. Rick Warren’s book about how to lead a church is very helpful to me now a days.

I started 2 Canto Bhakti Vaibhava, and giving complete sections in SB classes about 6 canto in the temple. It’s hard to digest all that knowlege.

   HpS - ASA -- AGTSP paoho.  Who is leading the Bh. Vai. programs?

The only reason why I’m doing this is because I have this sense of gratitude with You, Srila Prabhupada and Iskcon, other wise, I can not handle with this. However is very extatic also, and everyday i'm traying to increase my conection with the dieties and japa.

The temple president of Chicago temple wants to invite You. So he ask me about your email, but i dont know which e mail  I can give to him to be in touch with you.

I'm thinking that we can organize in northwestern or loyola university a program or even the community here the never hear about Ligth Of Bhagavata or how to present the book. Or a festival with the latin community which is big in Chicago. That's all for now Gurudeva

I hope you recive this letter good of health.

ys Etasa-krsna das

  HpS - Yes, Sadhana bhakta means to understand what are the priorities. It is a great art.  You can see our calendar on the Kapi-dhvaja. Maybe we can come to Chicago, but now we are just getting our foundation set here in Tennessee. Without that we cannot develop anything very substantial, always running the car in first gear.

Let us see how things go after a few more weeks. Already there is so much improvement. Regular diet. Regular writing. Regular eye strain. (Ha! Ha!).

Priorities, how soon will we have to leave this body....       

Itinerary for HH Hanumat Presaka Swami

10 years, 1 month ago by subrat108 in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna!

Through youtube I got introduced to the preachings of HH Hanumat Presaka Swami and have been deeply inspired.

I also found a treasure of his preachings on http://bhati.org/lotusfeet/ and I will consider myself very fortunate if can meet him.

So, if I can be guided to the annual itinerary for HH Hanumat Presaka Swami then I can make my plans accordingly.

Waiting in anticipation!


[email protected]

Bangalore, India.

              HpS - ASA - AGTSP. Paoho. Esteemed Subrat Ji. Our general schedule is in the Calendar Section of the Kapi Dhvaja, News at www.JayaRama.US.

We will be in USA until March and then go to South America for a few months then back to USA and to India in the Fall, Kartik of 2015 with a stop in Europe.

2016-17 we will be doing writing and based in USA with maybe trip to India for specific convention etc.

Request to consider a vistit to Richmond, VA

10 years, 1 month ago by msrinu in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupad and Gurudev.

It's been a while that I wrote anything on the blog and few changes have occured in my professional and personal life.  My personal life is going well with "Nitai Chaitanya Chadra" 's krupa. I'm regularly attending Bhakti Yoga club in VCU (weekly once) and discussing on different topics with students (from BG and Nector of Instructions). So far so good, at least 6 to 10 students became regular and we are doing Japa (small one 27 beeds) and Kirtan, a 15 to 20 minutes class and prasadam.

And also we started (past 8 weeks) a "conference call" (weekly once an hour) with devotees from different placess (join on the phone) and have a clsss primarly on BG, but we also discuss on Nector of Instruction and during festival times "Krishna Katha".

With all the above (including our regular Bhakti Vriksh) my reading became regular and I started reading BG and SB and my chanting became more focused (became my source of energy, especially when I'm puzzled).

Maharaj, Is there a posibility to consider a trip to Richmond, VA in your schedule? we are all (including our ISKCON of Richmond) sincerly requesting and we all feel blessed if you consider.

Please pardon my ignorance Maharaj, have question. In BG 9.4 Krishna says, "everything is in me, but I'm not not in them" and in Bg15.15 "I'm in everyone's heart". How do we understand these two statements Maharaj.

Always your humble servant

Subala Sakha Das

HpS - AGTSP paoho. Such nice spread of Bhagavata culture all over the world. Then greed for selfish pleasures decreases and the Earth becomes happy. 15.15 means the Paramatma, no? So Krsna is not exactly present as Gopal but as the Paramatma. It is like the person controling the front door over a security camera, but we can also consider what happens in the heart of a devotee. Like the Prince and Princess going into the prison.

We are just settling down after four months of travel. It was almost lethal, so we have to see how our body recovers. you can see the current ideas in the calendar link in the Kapi Dhvaja. We were thinking of going to Washington D. C.  How far is that from Richmond???

Thank yoiu for your association and all the work. We hope the kids are also seeing life from a high perspective!