
Dear Gurudeva:

Please, accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

How are you?

HpS - AGTSP!!!  Paoho.  Just like you!  Always in anxiety for Jayanta Das.

Last Saturday, we had a nama hatta at home with Yadunandana Swami and 20 more nice devotees. It was a very nice day with very nice assotiation. The children played a theater play called "Sanatana Goswami and the touchstone " and sing and danced a song called "visitando el Templo". They did it pretty well and everyone enjoy it.

HpS - Ahhh!  Now you should show it at the Municipality and sell momentos at the event.

My sadhana keeps stabile: 16 rounds, four principles and 3 Gayatris. I have to improve the quality, of course.

My service until today is doing children sessions at my home every Friday (minimum), translating English children Iskcon material with Mexican devotees and being Navalakunda Secretary.

I am trying to assist to the Temple Sunday program once a month (with the children of the Gurukula and my family). We go to the lunch program some Saturdays too.

Thank you so much for everything. Without Srila Prabhupada and you I could not be in this beatiful and sweet train of Krsna Consciusness and my life would be worthless. Thank you also for sharing with us the mangal aratic. Sarasvati and me enjoy it a lot.

Happy Vyasapuya and thank you again for you humility and love. 

Your idiot servant,

Purnamasi Devi Dasi

HpS - Nos es igual, nos es igual, nos es igual!!! Esperamos visitar a Espana fin de proxima ano (en 9-dias, "proxima ano"). Hermoso fotos.

Madrid Vyasapuja Schedule etc.

Hare Krisna dear Gurudeva. Please accept my  humble obeisances, dandavats. AGTSP.

Thank you so much for your answers to my letters.

We already get the Jacobo's beads at last. We have the Bhakta Marco's and Jacobo initiations on Dec. 23th at 18:30. This is the program:

18:30 Bhajan.

19:00 Words about "Guru and spiritual Initiation" by Yadunandana Swami.

19:30 Initiations

20:00 Hanumatpresaka Swami's Vyasapuja

20:30 Prasadam

If you want we can connect throw Skype. I have you in my Skype and you can be during the celebration. Are you agree?

HpS - ASA - Jaya!   AgtSP. Si, vamos a ser disponible en Skype desde 12.00 horas aqui, 18.00 horas de Madrid, El Capitol!

I'll follow yours recomendations about you told me in your last email. We are working to be better, but I have somethings driven in to my heart. This is the hardest year in my life and almost all the pain comes from devotees, some of them senior devotees. Only a little pain from no devotees. But I'm not complaining. I have to purify myself. I'm sure I have done so many many evil things in my life and previus lifes, and now I have to pay for that. I accept it. I can't be all day thinking why?. It's clear for me. I only ask your patience, Prabhupada's patience and Krisna's patience to understand which is my position as a soul in this world. Maybe Krisna will let me to serve to His devotees (dasa anudasa).

Thank you for all Gurudeva. I hope you can connect with Madrid on Dec. 23 at 18:30 (Madrid Time) via Skype. I'll have Skype ready.

Please, forgive my offenses. Your humble servant.

Dandava Das.

PD. Piture of our some people of our Bhakti Vriksa group. In order: Patricia, Carcika, Carlos, Bhakta Jacobo and Mr. Donkey (me). :-) 

HpS - Jaya! Mr. GRAB Donkey. 


10 years ago by bhaktanicasio in Calendar Development

Hare Krisna gurudev, pamho, agtSP,

10 to 10:30 am is perfect. I think skype is better so we can use video unless your internet connection is not so good then startmeeting will be a better option. Whatever you decide is ok.

Thank you so much for your precious association,

Your fallen servant,

Nikunja Bihari Das.

Tom Brown - Done Deal!

Peru Disciples Urgent ¡¡

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:



Thannk U for your DTC it help us a lot ¡¡ Utsahan ¡¡¡

Gurudeva due to we are going to have a Guru tattva program with you in wilson (Gurupuja for Guruparampara.. Glorification of Guruparampara).

This 23rd your disciples from lima are going to have a nice reunion with mahaprasadam, lots of Krsna katha, Guru uvaca, Sadhusanga etc... on RED HOUSE ¡¡ it will be at 5:30 pm. We have seen that many places have requested some time for darshan ...SO  we also humbly ask for some mercy, I read that for next KD you will fix the schedule ¡¡ SO please give some time for Pay roo ¡¡ 

Skype or Startmeeting ??

Thank U in advance dear Gurudeva ¡¡ your association is our most valuable treasure ¡¡


Always trying to be your disciple 

Candramukhi dd

HpS - ASA - AGTSP Paoho. I think we will start at 6.30PM Nashville time (7.30PM Lima Time) with English. Then 7PM Spanish, then 7.30PM Chaos. 8.00PM all good Monkeys and Piggys off to their roosts.

Start Meeting accomodates 50 people on line, so it should be O.K.  For call in by telephone about 1,000 can join.


10 years ago by bhaktanicasio in Calendar Development

Hare Krisna esteemed and beloved gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Next sunday 21st we will celebrating your auspicious vyasa puja at El Loft.

Class is scheduled between 9:45 and 10:30 am Murfreesboro time.

Everybody here will much appreciate your darshan and wisdom.

So will it be possible for you to give at least a ten minutes class through skype that day at that moment?

I dont know wether you have that day the Nios Nashville program at Global Mall or proper internet connection.

See you for sure on tuesday 23rd,

Trying to reach your lotus feet,

Nikunja Bihari Das.

HpS - AGTSP paoho. We have to call India like 9.30AM our time, so we could be online from 10-10.30AM. Is O.K? You want to use Skype or

URGENTE Vyasapuja Conneccion

10 years ago by sarahii in Calendar Development

Querido Gurumaharaja. Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias!

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Muchas gracias por Sus respuestas.

Hable con prabhu Vanamali sobre la trasmisión online del martes 23, queremos preguntarle a UD, si es posible que la conexión sea a las 7:00 PM ? por favor, para que todos los invitados que asisten a la clase del Bhagavad Gita puedan escucharlo. Unas palabras de Ud por 15 minutos son suficientes, para dar oportunidad a otros hermanos de otros lugares.

ASA - AGTSP paoho. Gracias a Vds. Pienso va a pasar muy bien. 7.00-7.15PM, Hora Mexico. 23rd Deciembre. En el calendario. En la proxima Kapi Dhvaja podemos afilar todo!

Luego nosotros continuamos con proyección de video y teatro de predica:"la historia de Valmiki" como una ofrenda para UD. También necesito saber si en el horario de conexión con el templo de Sri Sri Radha Madana Gopal se pueden conectar otros discípulos de Monterrey, Guadalajara, Uruapan y tal vez Jambavati ?. Cuantas conexiones via skype pueden haber como máximo desde México??

HpS - Por telefono, llamada a EEUU, puede 1,000 personas connectar. Solo audio. Por internet, con visual es 50 personas. Entonces 5 de Mexico no es codicioso, no???
