Houston Travel

1 year, 5 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna!

Looks like best arrangement would be for Srinivasa Das to travel with us from Nashville to Houston.

We want to be there for Romapada Swami's LoB symposium, 22-26th November, so we are ready to travel anytime before that and then stay for at least two weeks if not three months.

Departure dates open.

Any suggestions?

Full Morning Service - Current Kirtan Leader Schedule

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva 🙏🏻

Please, accept my humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

This is the current schedule of devotees for leading kirtan on Full Morning Service:

● MONDAY: H. H. Hanumatpresaka Swami.

● TUESDAY: Govardhana das, Priya Sakhi devi dasi, Mitravinda devi dasi.

● WEDNESDAY: Yugala Kishora dasi, Jagad Guru das.

● THURSDAY: Tarangaksi devi dasi, Caturatma das.

● FRIDAY: Abhinanda das, Deva Vrata das.

● SATURDAY: Isvari Radha devi dasi, Karuna Sakti devi dasi, Guru Govinda Dasi.

● SUNDAY: Candramukhi devi dasi, Parasurama Avatara das.

Priya Sakhi devi dasi and Guru Govinda Dasi have been added to the list of leaders.

Two more devotees are yet to confirm their participation as well.

I have been sharing with the leaders devotees your instructions about kirtan: They have to learn word by word meaning of Sri Sri Guru Astakam and have to maintain a regular Brahma muhurta program.

Thank you 🙏🏻

Your aspiring servant:

Mitravinda dd.

tb/asa - hare krsna!!!! hare krsna..... if the building has a good foundation it will naturally become amazing, no?

Balarama Purnima

1 year, 5 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

[8/27, 2:48 PM] Kevin G. Boro: 🙌 I was wondering Maharaj would you like to see the deities Nitai Gauracandra at the farm for Lord Balaram's appearance? Some devotees will be visiting.  A new girl Kayla is a devotee who just moved into farm also. I might bring a friend

[8/27, 2:50 PM] Kevin G. Boro: Camp over night at Murari? Just a thought 🙏 I could drive you also Maharaj, Hare Krsna

🙏Kevin 🙏

HpS/ ASA - AgtSP paoho. Thank you! Was thinking about it.

Any fixed time to go and return?

Need to consult with Sripada NgD et al.

Instituto Jaladuta Argentina 2023

Hare Krishna dear Gurumaharaja,

Please accept my humbles obeinsances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Quite some time has passed since the last time I wrote to you. I was having some difficulties with the password to access the website. Today, I tried again with a different password and it worked.

asa - 🙂


Currently, we are living in Cordoba, Argentina. About a year ago, we managed to purchase a place where we could live and at the same time carry out educational projects. It's a 3.5-hectare property with 3 houses, each of them varying in size. Thanks to the infrastructure of the houses, in early 2023, we were able to host Bhakti Bhushana Swami and accommodate 30 devotees.

asa - 👍

In the middle of last year, along with Dhanvantari Swami, we conceived the idea of establishing the Jaladuta Institute here on our premises for the year 2023. After a lot of effort, we were able to bring the project to fruition. 13 devotees from different parts of South America enrolled, and since May, we have been conducting the Bhakti Sastri course in our home, which will conclude by the end of November 2023.

Maharaja Dhanvantari stayed with us for 3 months at the beginning of the course, teaching his Bhakti Sastri curriculum.

The course is progressing very well; we have fixed morning programs every day, along with open Sunday programs for the community.

The Jaladuta Institute project in Argentina is inspiring many individuals, and we have received excellent feedback from local yatra authorities.

Being fully engaged in this project has brought tremendous enthusiasm to my family and me to serve in Srila Prabhupada's mission and to continue assisting in the field of education within ISKCON.

We offer this service at the lotus feet of our Gurudevs and hope to be able to continue serving in this area.

Maharaja Dhanvantari has the idea of conducting the Bhakti Sastri course in person every other year in Argentina, alternating with a year in Brazil, one year in Portuguese and the next in Spanish.

We would greatly like to extend an invitation for you to visit Argentina and spend some days here during this year.

HpS/ASA - 😦

Are you reading the 'Kapi Dhvaja'? 😃

It is so nice to have the invitation, but looking at at least three different factors we are estimating that we will be leaving this old, tired body, donkey, about September 2023.

Tired dog.

But happy.

At least we only travel now if someone picks us up at our door and brings us back.

Certainly we are considering invitations to talk about Krsna and go places, but we have to put them in proportion to our energy. 🚥

Such nice, news. Hear Srila Prabhupada's books, read the to others.

Nothing else needs to be done, no?

Please engage us in your Sankirtan as you see our nature and strength!

Thank you.

Thanks to, Mataji, all the Cordobites!

Thank you!!!

Your servant,

Devaki-nandana Das

Visiting the Boro

1 year, 5 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development




Jay Gurumaharaja, we have already booked a house 20 mins away. With 3 bedrooms and full kitchen we can organize a small program there also , we may cook some pizza for you as well as anything else, we were wishing to be calm and close to you mainly, so I think it worked out perfect. Thank you


Very nice. Srila Prabhupada mercy.

What is the location?

How do you find Krsna Consciousness?
