Urgente sobre el calendario de SS Hanumatpresaka Swami
¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!
¡Todas las glorias al movimiento de Sankirtana de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu!
Querido Gurumaharaja:
Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias.
Muchas gracias por su misericordiosa asociación.
Siguiendo su instrucción, le escribo para preguntar sobre una información que nos llegó:
"Fechas tentativas de Gurudeva.
14 de noviembre Salida de Nashville a Houston.
13 de enero de 2024 Vyasa-puja en Cuerámaro México, su estancia seria corta, 3 o 5 días máximo.
18 de enero, regreso a USA (60% de posibilidades a Houston y 40% a Nashville).
Después de Gaura purnima 2024 salida de USA a España.
Tres meses en España.
En junio salida a Radha-Kunda, India.
Houston está confirmado, el resto de fechas cuando compre los pasajes estarían confirmados, HARIBOL "
Mensaje enviado por Abhirama prabhu a un grupo de WhatsApp de hermanos espirituales.
Gurumaharaja está información es aprobada por usted ?
Es una gran noticia que México tenga posibilidades para su sagrado vapuh, nos alegra muchísimo!
Sus discípulos de México hemos estado en comunicación estos días evaluando la posibilidad de su visita para mantener armonía en nuestros acuerdos, y justamente hoy aparece está información en otro grupo de hermanos espirituales, es increíble!!
Puede ser nuestros sentidos limitados pero no hemos visto ninguna invitación de prabhu Aravinda en el blog, kapi dvaja, ni Twitter, ha sido una gran sorpresa para nosotros, hemos desconocido totalmente este interés.
Querido Gurumaharaja usted es el dueño de nuestros corazones, nosotros iremos a donde decida profundamente agradecidos y felices, al mismo tiempo queremos expresar nuestros sentimientos de forma honesta: si existe posibilidades para México, varios de sus discípulos sobre todo los que vivimos en Ciudad de México, estadísticamente es la mayoría, estamos conversando y nos preguntamos si está tentativa de celebración de Vyasa-puja otorgue posibilidad para Ciudad de México por favor, un lugar que también necesita de su misericordia, cercano al aeropuerto y con posibilidades variadas de hospedaje para los visitantes que deseen venir. Como hemos mencionado prabhu Janardana le puede acompañar en su viaje, también podemos buscar un lugar rural cercano. Es una humilde perspectiva considerando varios factores, también puede ser un delirio mental, porsupuesto si Usted considera otro lugar más optimo, seguramente sera el mejor.
En estos días sus discípulos de México tuvimos variados intercambios de reflexiones acerca de sus viajes y salud, abrazamos respetuosamente cada uno.
Realmente nuestra reflexión principal de acuerdo a sus instrucciones debe ser el canto de nuestras 16 rondas y 4 principios regulativos y colaborar con su salud para el eterno Sankirtana de Śrīla Prabhupāda, pero debido a que ha surgido está información nos atrevemos a externar nuestros deseos de una manera directa y con mucho respeto para Usted y a todas las partes.
Muchas gracias por su infinita paciencia.
Por favor disculpe nuestro atrevimiento.
Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente
Asta Sakhi dd
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to the Sankirtana movement of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu!
Dear Gurumaharaja,
Please accept our respectful bows.
Thank you very much for your gracious partnership.
Following your instruction, I am writing to ask about some information that we received:
"Tentative dates of Gurudeva.
November 14 Depart Nashville for Houston.
January 13, 2024 Vyasa-puja in Cuerámaro Mexico, his stay would be short, 3 or 5 days maximum.
January 18, return to the USA (60% chance to Houston and 40% to Nashville).
After Gaura purnima 2024 departure from the USA to Spain.
Three months in Spain.
In June departure to Radha-Kunda, India.
Houston is confirmed, the rest of the dates when I buy the tickets would be confirmed, HARIBOL "
Message sent by Abhirama prabhu to a WhatsApp group of godbrothers.
Gurumaharaja is this information approved by you?
HpS - No, agtSP! 🙂 Some misunderstanding. Think it is pretty clear in the Calendar section of Kapi Dhvaja every fortnight, no?
It is great news that Mexico has possibilities for its sacred vapuh, we are very happy!
Your disciples from Mexico, we have been in communication these days evaluating the possibility of your visit to maintain harmony in our agreements, and just today this information appears in another group of spiritual brothers, it is incredible!!
It may be our limited senses but we have not seen any invitation from Prabhu Aravinda on the Blog, Kapi Dvaja, or Twitter, it has been a big surprise for us, we have been totally unaware of this interest.
HpS/ASA - It is the same for us (HpS) and others (Tom Brown, Buck White). No thoughts now of visiting Cuermara, although it seems like a great place.
Dear Gurumaharaja, you are the owner of our hearts, we will go wherever you decide, deeply grateful and happy, at the same time we want to express our feelings honestly: if there are possibilities for Mexico, several of your disciples, especially those of us who live in Mexico City Statistically it is the majority, we are talking and we wonder if this attempt to celebrate Vyasa-puja grant the possibility of Mexico City please, a place that also needs your mercy, close to the airport and with varied lodging possibilities for visitors who wish to come.
As we have mentioned Prabhu Janardana can accompany you on your journey, we can also look for a nearby rural place. It is a humble perspective considering several factors, it can also be a mental delirium, of course if you consider another place more optimal, it will surely be the best.
In these days, his disciples from Mexico had various exchanges of reflections about their travels and health, we respectfully hugged each one.
Actually our main reflection according to your instructions should be the chanting of our 16 rounds and 4 regulative principles and collaborating with your health for the eternal Sankirtana of Śrīla Prabhupāda, but since this information has emerged we dare to express our wishes for a directly and with great respect for you and all parties.
Thank you very much for your infinite patience.
Please excuse our forwardness.
Your eternal aspiring servant
Asta Sakhi dd
HpS/ASA - Very nice letter, news. Thank you! I had a short phone conversation with ArtDas couple of days ago and he expressed to me the understanding he expressed above and I said same thing.
No plan now Cueramara.
Right now we have started to get some serious headaches, and even chest pains.
They really seem to be related to how much work we do in management issues. Mode of passion.
Of course devotees work in all the modes as Krsna wants.
Battle of Kuruksetra was not in the mode of goodness, externally, but from Arjuna's perspective it was in Suddha sattva.
Killing Drona and Bhisma was good.
Like cutting the skin to open an infection!
The pain is pleasurable.
So, it is not really possible to plan too much in advance with much certainty.
Looks like we can make it to Texas 19th November, Sunday, but then we should expect maybe two weeks to just get our feet on the ground and get our body rooted in the Holy Dhama, and another few weeks to start working at full speed.
With that we may be able to see if we can make it to Mexico.
Right now I would say like a 35% possibility of we push our body a little.
Nice to travel with Janardana Das.
Of course, we will be on the same hour between Mexico and Houston, and some devotees can come from Mexico with Tamales and take peanut butter and jelly sandwiches back.
Thank you.
Always ready to serve your good selves, according to Krsna's wishes!!