9 years ago by raktak in Hot Topics, Calendar Development

Respected Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

I was very worried when I came to know that you have stomach cancer, but later, I could heave a great sigh of relief when you mentioned that it is not so, I have personally witnessed that you eat and sleep very little, you are on the way to become a Goswami.  As a disciple, I cannot tell you what you should eat or how much you should sleep, but certainly, I can request you to eat a bit more.

HpS - ASA - We have thought you have been kidnapped by Kangaroos. No news for so long!

I had a plan to join you with my whole family during your Indian trip, Priya is saying that it is not good.  She says that if we all go, then instead of serving guruji, I would be serving them, so she says that I can go alone, and she would take vacation from her work and would look after the children and I can go to associate with guruji for two weeks.

ASA - Your wife is a saint.

Can you kindly guide me that where I should join you, for Mayapur/Manipur or Mumbai or Vrindavan.  I was thinking that Mumbai is good, since you are going to be there for a week, and then you are going to be in Vrindavan for 4-5 days according to your present calender, am I right? Priya said that better I ask you that where I can be some productive in your service.

HpS - Did you see the last proposal? http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/node/6016  We will buy the Delhi - Kolkata ticket just now: 21st Feb, Sunday. After that you can see that things are still being fixed, but no objections to the broad plans. Thinking Manipur 4-7th March, Friday to Monday.
What do you think?

Lakshmi said that why guruji does not come to Australia? It has been more than three years since you were here last time and I believe that your Australian experience was not bad, the devotees here loved your association very much.

HpS -   See attached Donkey picture.  North America, South America, Europe, India ...   dead-donkey....   We meet soon.  Get Narada Muni donkey.

Govindanandini said that guruji should come to Azerbaijan -------and the devotees there would be in ecstacy.

HpS - Do they have toothpaste and Tilak mirrors?

Everything is up to you, you are our lord and master, whatever you say, it would be carried out accordingly, your wish is our command.

HpS - ASA ---- Ha!  Ha!  Hare.  Chant 16-enthusiastic rounds daily, follow the four principles strictly, keep a full morning and evening program, and join Lord Nityananda and Srila Prabhupada in Their siddha-svarupas in Sankirtan of the Holy Names.   O.K????? <img alt="devil" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/devil_smile.png" title="devil" width="23" />

Thanks a lot.

yours servant,

Raktak Das

HpS - ASA - Ayodhya-pati Das, Bhakti brhnga govinda Majraja was here yesterday. We talked about P Das and everyone. How old are the children? Vanaprastha?  Sannyasa???   You can become a Sannyasi and travel to the Moon to open ISKCON centers.

Waiting for you travel thoughts!

Schedule for Vraja trip

PAMHO AGTSP My dear guru maharaja: I had the opportunity to go to Govardhan for the Seminar of Sacinanda Maharaja some days ago and I met Prasanta Mataji, who is the person who manages the VIHE in Vrndavan. I told her that you would be here next march and about the possibility of imparting a seminar at that time, she was very interested since they are imparting now the Bhakti Vaibhava course and told me it would be very good if you could give a summary or a seminar about this Bhakti Vaibhava. She asked me to call her as soon as I have the exact date in which you will be here and also if you are willing to impart this seminar. On the other hand, Radha Carana and Cakori Radha are trying to contact Janardhana prabhu to also see the possibility of a seminar in the temple, maybe in the Balarama Hall instead of the one in VIHE. So please let us know what would you prefer to do and your schedule here, if you have already any, so we can help you somehow to organize a nice visit to Vraja next march. Hoping to serve you soon Your (trying to be humble) servant Tungavidya devi dasi.

HpS - ASA -- AGTSP  paoho...   We have been working so hard to try to adjust this India calendar. We saw your letter and have been waiting a little to try to fix things. Can you see the suggested calendar that we just posted?   We will talk with Rama-giridhari tomorrow and write to Manipur right now to try to get their opinions fixed.
We want to do this within this week.

As it stands we would be in Delhi on 19th and 2oth of Feb. Maybe we could go to Vraja then. Then on the 21st we have to go to Calcutta/Mayapura for the ILS meetings.  After that maybe Manipur and Calcutta with Prof., then Bombay side and back to Delhi Friday 25th.  We could go directly to Vraja, then return to Delhi 29th. Our flight is late night 29th.

That is just four days in Vraja. We could do some seminars, no?  Make a day trip to Govardhana.

Sounds O.K?

Next visit maybe we can focus on Vraja.

Super Urgent -- India Calendar - Last Chance

9 years ago by hps in Hot Topics, Calendar Development

Hare Krsna.

AGTSP   paoho....   This India travel is a little hard because really the only fixed program is the ILS meeting in Mayapura from 24 Feb - 2 March.

So here is our proposal:

18th Arrive Delhi

21st Sunday - Fly to Calcutta.

22nd Monday - Hazar Duari to Mayapura

24th - 2nd - Mayapura: ILS, GBC, Meet the Vaisnavas.

+++++   Dr. Samaresh, Manipur (?),

18th, Friday - Kokata to Bombay (Harsh, Rama-giridhari, Giridhari Gopal??)

25th, Friday - BBY > Del (Delhi Temple, Vrndavana.. ?)

29th, Tuesday, Go to airport, flight 3oth at 2.30AM > Amsterdam.


Bs as Sankirtan Itinerary

Hare Krishna dear Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeissenses,

 All Glories to  Srila Prabhupada!!!

All Glories to Gaura Bhakta Vrinda!!

Hope your health stomach is super fine. 

Here i attach an aproximate calendar for your visit in Bs As. please tell me if its ok for you or want to change, remove or add something.  

Thursday14: Arriving Bs As at noon. Temple reception.

Class/Seminar in the evening program:

 Pada-padma - Embracing the Lotus Feet of Krsna. Canto One and Two of Srimad Bhagavatam (like you never knew them before)

Friday  15:  Srimad Bhagavatam Class.

In the evening: 

Meeting with group of familiar constelators and psicologysts from the Hellinger center. (still to be confirmed)

Saturday 16: Srimad Bhagavatam Class.

In the evening NIOS meeting, personal consultations?

Sunday 17: Sunday Feast. 

Moonday 18: 

In the evening program:

Pada-padma - Embracing the Lotus Feet of Krsna. Canto One and Two of Srimad Bhagavatam (like you never knew them before)

Tuesday 19:  

6 PM Interview with Dr. Klurfan and team ( the director of the mental health center)

ASA -  Maxi will be available for a phone call or questions during this meeting?

I asked Ambarisa to arrange that.

Wednesday 20:  Traveling to  Córdoba early in the morning.

*Its almost confirmed interview at the TV Program, in Canal de la Ciudad, the oficial channel of the Capital City.( they still dont give the exact date, waiting for that).

*Director from Jung center just wrote me , that he is traing to arrange for you to give a conference with there students (this is still to be confirmed).

*MahaHari Prabhu told me the Sunday 17 is the day he is going to pass the temple presidency talk aboutt his sucessor. To ask you if maybe could talk about leadership. 

You are co-ordinating with The Rati-manjari DD, no?

Yes we are working together, talking every week.

See you in a few weeks gurudeva, 

Merry Christmas, Jesus Christ Ki Jay!

your servant,

Madhavendra Puri Das

ASA - HpS - AgtSP. Thank you. Seems fine. Of course we are working toward this symposium in Peru in June, so we can hang a lot on that. Did you see the synopsis of our article for the magazine, Solaris? What about you? How can we serve you and your Secret Society? Nikunja is coming.

Jayanta/Madrid (Itinerario España)

9 years ago by jayanta in Calendar Development

HARE KRISNA: PAMHO. he encontrado uno 10,40 AMS-MAD (No es facil encontrar en esos horarios). Antes no encuentro ninguno.

BCN-AMS  8,55h. Llega a las 11,20 (creo que da tiempo) ¿Que opina? Los dos son vuelos directos.


Jayanta das

HpS - AGTSP  Super. Nos hemos enviado nuestras datos de pasaporte etc a su cuenta de internet con copia a su estimado esposa. tienen?

Jayanta/Madrid (Itinerario España)

9 years ago by jayanta in Calendar Development

Querido Gurudev: Pamho. TgSP y sus seguidores fieles.

Su propuesta de itinerario parece muy buena. Yo había pensado lo mismo (entrar por Madrid y salir por Barcelona). Ahora tenemos que saber si su billete a Amsterdam no está sujeto a cambios. Lo normal es que no. Entonces quiero confirmar que yo le saco los billetes (Amsterdam-Madrid, Barcelona- Amsterdam). Si tego que sacar los billetes es posible que necesite la fecha de caducidad de su pasaporte.

Este fin de Año lo pasaremos en NVM, en un festival de tres dias.

Sin mas y esperando se encuentre bien de salud se despide

su sirviente

Jayanta das

HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP.   Paoho.   We tried, intentaremos, comprar el boleto de aqui para 1/2-hora pero no exito.

Entonces:  Llegamos a AMS (Amstedam) at 8AM, on Wednesday the 3oth March on Jetairways from Delhi. Entonces, primero vuelo posible aparece Air Europa a las 11AM. Pienso vamos a tener un maleta abajo. One checked bag.

Salimos de AMS a las 3.20PM, Delta a Newark, 12 Abril. Entonces un vuelo muy temprano de Barcelona es bueno, no? Porque facturacion para EEUU es recomendado com 3-horas antes.

O.K. Buena suerte. Claro, si es muy gastoso podemo ayudar con los gastos.

Gracias!!  Hare Krsna!