Conferencia Carl Jung en Chile.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

Vanca Kalpa Gurudeva. Acá Bhakta Rodrigo de Santiago de Chile.

Disculpe que no haya escrito antes. Muchas actividades de fin de año y muchas cosas ahora los primeros días de enero.

Muchas gracias por permitir que este burro necio como yo pueda hacer servicio devocional para usted.

Muchas gracias por su confianza y apoyo, pese a nuestros errores y ofensas en nuestro servicio. Gracias por su infinita misericordia.

En mi carta de hace 10 días atrás hablamos sobre el nombre de su conferencia. Usted dijo que estaba bien nuestra propuesta: “Psicología y lo Sagrado: Carl Jung y la tradición Védica”.

Ayer martes surgieron algunos problemas de última hora, problemas que escapan a nuestra voluntad, problemas con el lugar donde va  a realizarse la conferencia.

Usted llega mañana jueves a Santiago de Chile, entonces podemos hablar en persona en el templo, si Krishna y usted quiere.

Espero para mañana jueves tener buenas noticias.



Su aspirante a sirviente

Burro bipolar surrealista nacido en Chile.

HpS - Si, estamos hablando de todo aqui.  Muy bueno ver Vd.  Quedar aqui.   Por que no Tri-polar???  Va  ser mas interesante, no?

India Calendar- BOM - DEL

9 years ago by hps in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna,

Just bought the next ticket.

Bombay to Delhi, Air India 864, 7AM to 9AM, Friday 25th March. Then I guess we go directly from the airport to Braja, and then back to the airport 29th night, and fly 30th morning at 2.30AM

Amual report from vraj

All glories to Rai and kanai

All glories to Srila prabhupada

All glories to you Pamho Dear gm.

Sorry that I don't write ofthen,

ASA - You are like Clint Eastwood also, you don't talk much, but when you talk, your paint brush talks for you.  -[;o)

I try my best to get in fmp with my bad internet. This year was very good full on changes, thanks for your guidance we are following the 4 principles , japa but not much into the temple much work to do, and the crowd its hard for us to deal means we have to develop more tolerance:) we go to other temple and parikram.

HpS - ASA --- Its a fact. It is nice during the afternoon when the Temple is closed to outside people, then at 4.30PM

By the time we are working in cow projects to protect the and regular basis (food and medicines). It's amazing how wonderful and mistreated they are of course in the streets. Also we joined the sublime foundation (its a NGO that is focused in to green transition and selsuficiency working together with Bliss in iskcon ) so if radharani allow us we will start preaching soon in a small level to create awareness about the situation in imfia.

And give easy and useful solution we are invited for ELS meetings its only one week. I want to ask you so may things but I will. ask when you come :0). By the way we spoke with prasanta mataji about any seminar that you could give so we need dates to arrange the programs, everything according to what you prefer to teach. I'm been lit bit sad because I'm leaving soon so I'm trying to keep my mind full busy even if I know I will take vraj with me.

HpS - Afects a lot!  Hmmm.  It can make you go mad.  Better to never leave Braja, just go disappear in the forest and die of exposure, than leave Braja, but....  if you don't go out, how will other people learn of the wonderful land of Vrndavan???  As long as you have any little thought of Braja while traveling outside, the Gopis can keep you on the remote control and you will be connected with Braja.

It's affects a lot, so I'm learning acupressure and biomagnetism to help other. It's not easy so much to study and I have memory deficiency. Please take care I heard your health its not good so I will try to look afther you from far maybe some reiki will be good if you allow me Ys Vraja bhandar Rcd

HpS - ASA - We are posting the details here in the Blog, but we arrive in Delhi roughly the 18th night and leave for Kolkatta the 21st morning. So I guess we will stay in Delhi or maybe squeeze in a trip to Vraja.

Later, the, 25th - 29th we will be in Braja!

India Calendar - Vraja

9 years ago by hps in Calendar Development

Our visit to India has been a little complicated, but now we are getting it fixed. We will arrive in Delhi, Friday, 25th March. We can get an early flight so we can be in Vraja early to teach in the afternoon if you like. Then we have to get back to Delhi by late 30th, Wednesday, night, so we could teach from 25th afternoon to 30th afternoon.
We are doing a lot of work with Bhakti-vaibhava. We are members of the Executive Committee of Ministry of Education. Also, we are doing a lot of preaching using Light of the Bhagavata and Carl Jung as outreach tools, This has allowed us to do programs with Nobel Laureate candidates etc.
We have very intense study of NOI also, I guess Bhakti-vedanta level.
Finally we taught NOD, Southern part at Radhadesa for many years, and we integrate it with Western theater tradition for using it also for personal development and as a preaching tool.
We could give Teacher's seminar???   We could introduce people to the these courses.
Carl Jung and the Bhagavata.
Ministry of Education Development.

Please engage us as you can. We would almost certainly have many disciples and friends who would also want to join the courses.
Nitai-Gaura, Radhe Shyama, Jaya Krsna-Balarama!
Hope to meet you soon.

On Tue, 12/22/15, Damodarashtak das <[email protected]> wrote:

 Subject: Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education
 To: [email protected]
 Date: Tuesday, December 22, 2015, 2:05 AM
 Hare Krishna
 Respected Maharaj,
 Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories
 to Shrila Prabhupad.
 I am writing you on behalf of VIHE Director, H.G.
 Prashanta devi dasi.
 We received information from one of your
 disciples some time back that you would be in Vrindavan soon
 and are interested to offer some seminar at the
 I wanted to know the dates when you will be in
 Thank you very much,
 your servant,
 Damodarashtak das
 Vrindavan Institute for Higher Education

India Calendar - Del--CCU

9 years ago by hps in Calendar Development

Land Delhi 10.45 PM, February 18th. Go to Temple. Zzzzzzz. Harsh booking room for us 18, 19, 20th nights. Surely one or two more can squeeze into the same room.  Maybe go to Vraja for the day, but really is short time.

21st, Sunday, we have Jet 903 at 8am or so to Calcutta. Next we will fix a night there and look for a Huzar Duari ticket on the 22nd. That gives us 23 to prepare then ILS meetings etc. for one week.

One extra day or so after in Mayapura and then to CCU airport and maybe direct to Manipur!! for few days...   ... 

urgent mumbai calendar

9 years ago by harsh_horse in Calendar Development

hare krsna maharaj,
Pamho, AGSTP

You are the lense through which we can receive light of bhagvat..
i will be short..
i propose that you kindly visit eco village and chowpatty temple in mumbai, this time in ur mum trip ( ). There are many benefits of that as i see
--> this is the education program under guidance of Radha nath Maharaj,   it may be help to you , and moreover you may be help to them
--> we see ur archeves can be succesffuly implanted in course tuaght in temple.
--> the eco village has very good vision of bringing braj to mumbai, it will refreshen you
--> this is the best temple we have seen practically given the constraints here. but we also see that your academic vision can help the devotees there.
you may want to discuss with Ram-Giridhari prabhu about this and tell us .

if you say yes, then I would try to look for accomodation for u.


P.S. compilation of 1-2 cantos  summary  under their guidance :

we have bought this as gift for u for ur mum visit

HpS - We can fix that after we arrive in India, no???         Will we meet you in Delhi??  Can you get a room for you and me at the Temple? 18th, 19th, 20th February night?