Diet urgent

8 years, 7 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



Please send us iur diet...

We will be at the airport waiting for u. 

Today we have a meeting for coordination. I talked with lalita gopi dd !

C U soon

Iur eternal servant 


HpS - ASA -- Prasadam.   Basically kitri of split peas and oatmeal if it is available with carrots and or celery.   Local, sweet ripe fruit, milk.

las bendiciones del Sankirtan

NitayGouraPremanande¡¡¡ querido y siempre recordado Gurudev,

Todas las Glorias a PatitaPavana Srila Prabhupada¡¡¡

Siguiendolo atravez de los ojos, de las noticias que envian constantemente mis hermanos espirituales.....peroooo,       ya lo extraño mucho!!!!.........

ASA - AGTSP!  Paoho.   En nuestra altar es Sr. Nrsmha deva de Max Meirs. Hanuman de no se quien. Prahlada Maharaja de Jagat-bandhu Das de Mexico      -y-     Monkey and Piggy de Jambavati Devi Dasi. Altar/photos de Gaura-Nitai, Giriraja y Vrnda-devi de Jambavati Devi Dasi....  Cada manyana poco Tulasi arati para Ella.

...el Servicio en Vani es muy elevado para mi, pues, mis ojos necesitan verlo y recibir su sagrado Darshan!!!............aqui en México nos sentimos desamparados en Separación de ud......perdone nuestras ofensas y torpezas que cometemos, por lo que no reunimos la cualificación suficiente para tener el privilegio de su visita......aun asi, me agarro fuerte del Sankirtan,.....unos dias de Sankirtan es el oxigeno para todo el mes, continuo en el desarrollo de una carrera empresarial que alivie en el futuro el cuerpo viejo¡¡¡.....mi enfoque es tener una casa de retiro en Vrindavan¡¡

ASA - Ya esta! Solamente el tiempo separa la de Vd.

....talvez lo logre o talvez quede a medio camino.......pensar en Vrindavan hace que me llene de fuerzas para desempeñar las actividades materiales necesarias.....el tiempo pasa y mi Padre esta mas debil y enfermo.....mi sueño era llevarlo a Vrindavan, pero, talvez no lo pueda hacer......Recuerdo cuando ud. me dijo; "aprende a encontrar Vrindavan en los pies de Loto de Srila Prabhupada" ....entonces pienso que el Sankirtan me lleva a Vrindavan y por consecuencia a mi anciano padre tambien, él canta todos los dias los Santos nombres que aprendió de un libro de Prabhupada, apesar de que no tiene una Japa el siempre canta los Santos Nombres y lee el Bhagavad Gita,......y por su infinita misericordia querido Gurudev, mi Padre ha desarrollado un apego por ud. siempre lo recuerda y me pregunta cómo está y en donde está...... me siento muy afortunada de ver la mano compasiva de Krishna al ser mi Padre favorecido de recibir unos instantes de su santa Asociación.......Brahmande Brahmite kona Bhagavan  jiva Guru Krishna prasade...... ..eternamente agradecida a sus divinos pies de Loto..

su inútil y torpe sirvienta

m. jambavati d.d.

HpS - ASA --- Padre, Madre, Gato y Dog... We will chant dance in the dust of Vraja even if we must become hogs. [Vamos a cantar y bailar en el polvo de Vraja, aunque debemos ser cerdos.]

Vamos a SU Peru 15 Junio. Poco mas de 2-semanas de hoy dia. Y regresamos por Mejico el 13 Julio. Unas horas en transito con Vds.

Como esta El Aravinda y La Banda Cueramara?
Va Houston para el seminario de educacion con nosotros 13 Julio?

Piensa claro en lo que quiere!    SB 4.9.31 !       Organizar sus austeridades como penetrar mas y mas profundo en el servicio de Radha y Krsna. No important si tiene cuerpo como Super-Pero, Padre anciano o no. Cual es su servicio eterno manifestado en esta mundo material????

This will work out!

Hare Krishna Gurudev,

Priests are available this weekend, next weekend, sadhu sanga weekend (although I won’t be attending sadhu sanga in Boone), June 4th, the 11th weekend. Whenever you say!

Huston is going to be a bit difficult as I’ll be attending an interfaith environment conference on behalf of ISKCON dc in new Orleans then.

Your fallen servant,


HpS - Ooof!  (Spanish version of Awk!). We just can't fly on these weekends. Will die. The mounting pressure for Peru etc. is too intense, but we can be present by Skype etc. What we really need now is the beads.

Lalita gopi dd's accomodations urgent

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:

AGTSP ¡¡¡¡


I hope U are fine ¡¡

Gurudeva nowadays I am feeling really good ¡¡¡

Sadhana is OK, FMP helps a lot, 4p strictly, 16 rounds, but I need to improve my concentration a lot ¡¡ but  I am working on that

I am doing seva in Wilson just 3 days noon time, teaching Bhakti sastri on line, and one student come to my house and it is very nice to discuss the content of SP’s books and realizations , he also has some suggestions about for example update the content of NOI for our time ¡ He wants to discuss this with U when U come ¡

I am helping Abhiram in translation some emails and communication on the spot jaja is really funny in some point I am doing like 3 things at the same time… on my tablet, cellphone ¡¡ so I realized what my coach told me.. about my male energy sometimes is too much jaja, so I am working on connecting with my female energy as well. I am working on my priorities ¡

We are really looking forward to help in the Symposium, we are already working on that ¡meetings, etc we hope to be useful in some way.

I took the service of hosting lalita gopi dd very seriously, I did not reply earlier because I was looking for other possibilities. I talked with Girvana dd, she is going to help me, M Lalitagopi may stay at red house or in a place of her friend.. in either of the cases lalita gopi won’t have to pay anything and also I will be with her as her servant… I will move wherever she goes. And try to serve her as much as I can. I hope this is ok for U and her …

Other news.. On  Sita devi’s appearance day we have the class in Wilson, there were not many people it is a pity to see how much has decreased the preaching there, but I remember that SP said you will see results if you do an endeavor ¡¡¡¡¡

We are also hanging out more with our family and healing the bounds specially with the females , we had an amazing MOTHER ‘s day.

I am attaching pictures:

Sita devi’s on her appearance day

A photo of HpS : I like this photo of yours because U are always happy, and I want to share with all my Godbrothers and sisters

Ledesma’s team

Thank U all so much Gurudeva

See U soon

Trying to be iur disciple


HpS - Hare Krsna! All we can do is fight our own Maya and then help others fight theirs and then get the good news out to innocent people as much as we can and see what magic Krsna wants to do.

You sadhana, all sounds very, very nice. I guess it is very normal for such a masculine person as your father to color his daughters with the same perspective.

Please, if you need some extra investment to arrange nice accomodations for Prof. D. Chavez, then don't hesitate to ask. NIOS has reasonable funds for this!

URGENTE: Jayananda Thakur Dissaperance Lecture

8 years, 8 months ago by in Calendar Development

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Dear gurudev, 

I upload a flyer about your lecture online on thursday. Do you prefer skype or starmeeting for this meeting? At least we could have skype meeting in hte question section, darshan.

Regarding the time will be 7pm. Now in Chile, a couple a days ago, we had a change of time, so now we are  Just 1 hour forward Peru and not 2. Just 1 hour.

Thank you very much for give us your time gurudev

Hare Krsna.

HpS - ASA - Oink!   Thanks for reminding us. Start Meeting is good because we can record it and I think there is more control of participation than Skype. Anybody who has the Meeting Number can join:, Meeting ID 992 055 489.

We are the same hour as Lima, so that will be 6PM here, Thursday 19th, May.

Hare Krsna!

Proposed Bolivia Travel

8 years, 8 months ago by hps in Hot Topics, Calendar Development

Mathuresh dasa writes:

Dear Maharaja:
Pamho, agtSP
Thanks for writing. Yes, pls visit us at that time.
I was looking at flights and the direct flight in avianca rrives al 1:30 am.
So, I would like that you consider the following:
Coming the 28 and doing a stop over in Cusco for the evening. Devotees there will be very enlivened to see you and organize a preaching program that evening in Cusco. On the 29 you come early in the morning to La Paz. The proposed itinerary is:

Detalles del vuelo
15:20 Lima, Jorge Chávez (LIM)
16:30 Cusco, Tte. Alejandro Velasco Astete (CUZ)
Tiempo de vuelo: 1h 10min
Aerolínea Peruvian Airlines| Nro de avión 212|
07:40 Cusco, Tte. Alejandro Velasco Astete (CUZ)
09:40 La Paz, El Alto (LPB)
Tiempo de vuelo: 1h
Aerolínea Peruvian Airlines| Nro de avión 331|

10:40 La Paz, El Alto (LPB)
12:20 Lima, Jorge Chávez (LIM)
Tiempo de vuelo: 2h 40min
Aerolínea Peruvian Airlines| Nro de avión 330|

Please let me know if you are confortable with this idea.
We can do programs in La Paz on Wed, Thu and Fri you fly to Cochabamba until next monday when you return to La Paz in the evening to catch your flight next day back to Lima.
Awaiting for your comments, I remain your servant,
Mathuresh dasa

ASA - Hare Krsna! Very nice to hear from you. We posted you letter to the Blog so we can get the opinion of the Monkey Horde.

Is it possible to communicate through that media, ASA Blog?

Your proposal sounds SUPER-EXCELLENT. Let's make a profound contribution toward Lord Caitanya's movement in Cusco, La Paz and Cochabam ba ba.

Awaiting comments on the Blog.