8 years, 6 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



We just have talked with Padam padam and LaD prabhus.

Is it ok july 15th 6am peru time?

Padam padam needs the confirmation. So he may invite the other devotees.

M Lalita was very happy with us and viceversa 

Thank U for always engaching us in iur sankirtan

Trying to be useful


ASA - It is very good. We have put it on our Calendar and hope to hear how we can participate.  Thank you so much for these efforts. Will you have the same service in Vaikuntha?    How is your Yatra?   All the people you meet in work or play?   Are you educating them in spiritual values irregardless of the religious formalities?


8 years, 6 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:



I have just seen photos from U in Cuzco, read your report... Jaya thank U all so much for ur inspiration ¡¡

HpS - ASA --- We are inspired by your saintly behavior.

Param padam told me to ask U if it is possible to have a meeting this Friday at 06:00 am PERU TIME.. by startmeeting or if U can suggest another date or time

Thank U in advance 

Trying to be useful


HpS - ASA -  That's 7AM here in La Paz and SB starts at 6.45AM, so we could not join it, but we could give someone else the Access Code to be the Host. Then they could control the meeting. We would be available Friday and Saturday after 7.45AM La Paz time.
Thank you so much for your participation in the Psych/Sacred event. Was Lalita-gopi DD satisfied with all the arrangments?

Canvassing a certain swami

8 years, 7 months ago by Janard1108 in Special Category A, Calendar Development

Hare Krishna Maharaj


Thank you for your considered response with regards to my career dilemma which I appreciate.

I am currently enjoying your lectures via ISKCON Desire Tree, and am surely interested to know whether you plan to come again to Australia soon, perhaps after CA?

I have learnt that Dhruva and Dhanesvari are in and around Brisbane. I have not had the good fortune to meet them yet. Maybe I can canvass them to get on your case for a visit?

Which tactic would you recommend Maharaj?

Your not-so-humble servant,

Jay (aka Janardan Das).

HpS - Hare Krsna. AgtSP. Paoho. How did you get this wonderful name Janardana? These long flights are getting very difficult for us, and really seems we should be sending books, movies, rather than our body.

Haw haw haw Hare.

Our first and second disciples are both in Australia.

If we can push on our little Sankirtan for Prabhupada that is where we must all go, no?

News of your Yoga and Sankirtan.

Taking Shelter

8 years, 7 months ago by David Presta in Calendar Development

Dear Maharaja


All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

I enjoy reading the letters sent to your grace and posted here.  The energy, activities,  personal notes, and affection for you that is displayed in the letters is insperational and enderaing, as well as facinating.  We are all very greatful for the many lives you have enriched by your generous mercy.

HpS - I think it is the colossal effort of Srila Prabhupada to use every resource.

  Our visit to the Boise Temple was spirtually energizing.  The deities are beautuful and the devotees are terrific.  It was so nice to take your association.  Thank you.  We have family and grandkids visiting from Colorado next week.  Hopefully we can make a difference in their lives.  I must admit I am disappointed that our other grandkids are not very interested in taking advice from us.  There is so much I could help them with.  You can lead a horse...  They're good kids so I don't worry about them.

We would be delighted and  fortunate if you could come for a visit.  There are many devotees who are more deserving of your association and many homes more appropriate than ours for you to stay, but all of the devotees here pray that you can find the time to come for a visit.

I remain your unworthy servant,  Dave pabhu

HpS - It was so nice seeing asked spending time with you. You have such a wholesome perspective on life. Your home and association is super but just for geographic we are looking more at the Easy coast.

Please send it's news as it happens. Are you in a city?

Urgent Reply to your 06/06/06 west coast invite response

8 years, 7 months ago by kalindidevi dasi in Calendar Development

06/07/16  pamho  agt  SP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Esteemed Guru Maharaja:  Yes, we were very fortunate to have your darshan in Sacramento last year about this same time.  And, you did say you wouldn't be visiting the West coast this year.

Seeing this unforseen opening in your schedule, we could not help inviting you again - especially since the spare room is ready (Dave would sleep there and you would take his room.)

Please do what is best for your physical-spiritual health.  We will be sad not to see you but will most definitely support your decision.

Your Aspiring Servants,

Dave P and Kalindi Devi Dasi

HpS - ASA ---   Man proposes God (Lord Siva) disposes!   Also, we can all get association by projects, Start Meeting etc.

06-05-16 Dave said he will fly you here Oct-Nov ok? URGENT

8 years, 7 months ago by kalindidevi dasi in Calendar Development

06/05/16   Hare Krsna Maharaja:  paoho  agtSP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I told Dave about your blog statement re. looking to stay with devotees during Oct=Nov for San Kirtan.  He wants to pay your fare to no. Ca.  You are welcome to stay some of that time here.  (You can stay all of the time, but we think you will prefer to move around.)  Shashi Prabhu and family desperately want you to stay with them in their big house.  They are desperately seeking to find a spiritual master.  There is Govinda priya and Shankaranand Das.  There are others as well.  Plus probably some in San Jose.  Maybe I could even arrange a meeting with Dr. Little, no?

We have spare room now since Radha and Gopinatha are in Their puja room.

Your servants,

Kalindi dd and Dave P.

HpS - ASA --- Hmmm.    We were thinking of just jumbling around on the East coast, since we already went to the West coast: Richmond, D. C., Chicago, Franklin, TN.   Let us see in a few more days waht plans emerge.  Thank you so, very much.   I hope Krsna makes His plan for us fools clear.