Proposito Para Visita a Mexico

Hare Krsna.

Estimado Asta-sakhi Devi Dasi et al,

Estamos en Mexico 24 Dec - 30 Enero.
Cual es el PLAN?  <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" />

Nuestro proposito es unos dias en: De Cristo a Krishna y De Nuevo (y otra vez). Podemos expressar nuestra ideas finalmente en esta area. Utilizar la misma para el simposium en Tirupati, Enero 1-4, y relacionar con Navedad, Los Tres Reys, y distribuir regalos del Oriente (libros de BBT).

Esta bien???

Dr. Samaresh Report

Hare Krsna!!

Esteemed Professor,

We have finished a week in Chicago. It was 6-7 degrees at night and they had not started the heating in the building, so we sat infront of a little fan and heater on the floor like Himalaya Yogis and did your work. We have built very good relations with our good ISKCON authorities and Bhaktas there. Several are in the University and we had two university programs as well as about 800 guests for the Govardhana Puja Program. Subal Das' wife in PhD in Education and we are continuing to work with here.

We tried to contact Rama-giridhari Das on Tuesday as planned, but discovered that he has left for Vraja with 75-devotees from his Navi-mumbai program. He Skyped us that he will be back on the 10th and planned very seriously to get in touch with us all then.

We feel very bad that we have not been able to move ahead with these weekly calls. We are always pushing our priorities, but we have realized that too much anxiety only results in too much eating and passionate effort.

Did you get our previous letter with the Photo links for the "Man Making" Book?

Has Sri Hari Das sent the print outs?

Did you get copies of our letters to him with ISBN and resend of Didhiti Bisvasa letter?

We have to work on the Foreward.

South America, even on the second try, is facing great problems in translating some of the articles, but I have expressed, and even our UN members agree, that we should at least format and circulate what we have, which is substantial, to our Editors and more intimate contacts, then move ahead with good advice to the next issue.

So, Abhirama has planned to have a good, formatted copy available by this weekend with photos.

With him we are also working on getting a page of bio-data for your good self on the Wikipedia and the review of our books in Spanish language journals.

Our work on Jung is slowly but realistically advancing. Our priority sending an effective letter to Professor Shyamdasani.

Our dates for India are more and more fixed:

Dec.  31st - Arrive Delhi 11.45PM

1st - 4th - Tirupatti - Vaisnava x Christian Dialog. We are writing for circulation a paper: From Krist to Krsna, and Back Again (and Again).

4th-9th - Madras - Srimad Bhagavatam Symposium. We will present for 25-minutes with: Teaching SB in the Industrialized West.

9th - 18th - Kolkatta. We have answered Acharya-ratna Das letter but he has not got back to us about Kokatta Temple.

18th - 20th - Tripura North / Ananda Bazaar

21st - 23 - Cachar, Silchar. I have informed the organizers that you have very good friend in Asaam and the we MUST organize a very nice program with him for NIOS. Is Prof. Palit in Museum in Guwahati or Silchar at the University? [  ]

24th - 26th - Manipur Thoubal.

26th - Feb 1st - Delhi, Vrndavana.

1st - 8th - Navi Mumbai/Pune

8th-10th - Kokatta

10th-13th - Mayapura

13th - Mayapura to Delhi

14th - 3.15AM - Delhi to Houston, Texas.


Please any advice on this Calendar.


We will plan on calling on the 10th if that is possible!!! but you can always call us for any service.



Fixing Calendar for Northeast

8 years, 2 months ago by mukta singh in Calendar Development

HpS - ASA -- We would like to stay in the Northeast forever. It is so simple. So pure. So much Krsna consciousness. We have noted the following agenda into our Paper Calendar and hope to put it on the Website Calendar in the next few days. As per your suggestion we are adding 26th January to the days for Manipur, Thoubal.

Dr. Samaresh has a very good friend in Assam. Prof. P. Palit. Either in Silchar or Guwahati. We will begin to investigate more details, but he says that it is VERY IMPORTANT that we contact him and he can arrange a nice progam for all of us in the Museum or University and we can meet many nice scholars and others.

Now we can start to work on the tickets. Maybe some other devotees also want to travel with us, Harsh, Girivaradhari, our good maternity Doctor Sahaab.


All Glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja,

All Glories to Gouranga Mahaprabhu and Goura Bhakta Ki Jay,

Radha Krsna Ki Jay

Dandavat Pranam,

I am enclosing the suggestions of Guruji's North Eastern India Tour Programme proposed by Haridas Prabhu and the reply from my side. Guruji please  suggest me the best possible way. This time, we are not yet fix Initiation Programme, I will discuss with other senior bhaktas and will reply shortly. 

Guruji Maharaja ! we need atleast 3 days not more inclusive of Arrival and Departure. So  please extend one more day starting from 17th Dec. 2016 or extending upto   26th Dec. 2016.

After Guruji's reply we will purchase Air Tickets so please select convenient fly timing.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das.


My dear Mukta Prabhu [Yamunesvara Das]


Thank you very much for the message about Maharaja's almost fixed Tour Programme of India. Out of his tight schedule, Maharaj is ready to spare 8 days time for eastern parts of India. Maharaj is so merciful to us by extending us to have a darshan of his lotus feet as per schedule below, if necessary little deviation may take place in his duration of stay either in Manipur/ Inphal or Cachar / Silchar, otherwise, this given schedule will stand still :


1. Tripura North / Ananda Bazaar - 18th to 20th January 2017 .............. 3 days. 

2. Cachar / Silchar - 21st to 23rd January 2017 ...............3 days.

3. Manipur / Thoubal - 24th & 25th January 2017 ................ 2 days.

The above is for your kind information and attention of the all disciples of HH.

Thanking you once again and assuring you of my best cooperation always. 

Your servant, 

Hari dasa, 

Manipur ISKCON, Imphal. 

Date : 29.10.16.


Dandavat Pranam, Haridas Prabhu.

Thank you so much for your kind co-operation in executing Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaja’s Manipur visit, but I could not say yes for such a short time for Imphal. Not only that I don't know when Guruji's flight will reach Imphal Airport then Thoubal Mandir holting one night then morning flight for Delhi. Prabhuji, we need atleast 3 days for coming and back. Please try to adjust. This time we want a long discussion in different topics with the initiated bhaktas seperately and another session jointly with all devoties. I will reply only after consultations with other main devoties of Thoubal.

I am enclosing another letter from Guruji Maharaja for reference.

Thanking you once again.

Yours kaniska vhakta

Yamunesvara Deas 

Update from Pune on October 25, 2016

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,
    Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    All glories to Guru parampara.

    Gurudev, am back in Pune on October 24, 2016. By your best wishes, the trip was super hit.
    Everything done by "Bhakta Prami"-Madav only, he was doing everything and at the end he has
    given me the credit also (for everything). i am amazed how the whole trip went. Literally, he
    was doing everything (i know my limitations) still amazed. May be i don't be able
    to forget.

    Spent days at Pakhanjore (North Baster District - Kanker), down town of 195 villages.
    Schedule and programs were back to back (completely packed). Meet with teachers, students, house holders,
    senior citizens etc. Response was un-expected.

    There were many house hold programs.

    Inaugurated a Book distribution center. SP books will be distributed from that center.
    Started weekly house hold programs.

    Hope to visit again in next 4-6 months and continue so. we have to prepare ourself for the
    next trip based on feedback received from this trip. Have to explore similar ways for you and SP.
    we just see the way you are doing and.... we gives the actual strength. i won't be able to pay you.

    Hope your India schedule / programs are structured now. Hope we would have clear dates.

your fallen servant,
Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - Thank you for the reports!    Man proposes and God disposes.   We try to give whatever we can, be sincere and Krsna does what He thinks is best.  Draupadi never lost faith that all that was happening was part of a larger plan of Krsna (although she expressed her complaints).   Your report is so nice.

You can see in other letter that the India Calendar is now 77% fixed. The dates for Navi-Mumbai/Pune are basically fixed. Do you have any suggestions then about filling up this time? Of course Rama-giridhari Das has some thoughts and Dr. Samaresh will have some contacts.

We have our tickets: Delhi>Tirupati>Chennai>Kolkatta.

We hope you have good perspective from Krsna to go ahead with your specific preaching and how to fit it into a broad strategy for your life's mission.

India Calendar Kolkata

8 years, 2 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna, Prabhu,

I am almost crying thinking of the Temple in Kolkatt, Radha Govinda,B'caris, community, your self etc.
I hope we can have a little place in the Yatra eternally.

I just purchased our ticket.

We arrive in Kolkatta at 1.45PM, on Monday, January 9th, on Indigo 9E-992, from Channai.

Please start to think of service for us. Of course, we are working 100% with Dr. Samaresh. We are developing appreciation of Indian culture, Vedic Culture, Rupa Goswami, ISKCON, Srila Prabhupada, Science and the Vedas and especially this Peru - India connection and Psychology and the Sacred.

I will send you more information as it develops.

Our cellular is.....

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From: Acarya Ratna Das_ISKCONKOL 
To: jayarama108....
Cc: Harsh Pradhan, samaresh bandyopadhyay; Mukunda Lila P; Purushottama Keshava Das Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2016 4:29 AM
Subject: Re: HpSwami

Respected HH Hanumat Preshak swami maharaj,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I was very happy to watch small video on YouTube on psychology and sacred 2016. Congratulations for successful event for pleasure of Srila Prabhupada.

We will be very happy to receive your association in Kolkata, birth city of Srila Prabhupada. Kindly let us know your dates of arrival. I hope we can have more positive and fruitful discussions and hope we can move forward in NIOS services.

Thanking you,
Your servant,
Acaryaratna das

On 12-Sep-2016 9:42 pm, "jayarama108...." wrote:

Hare Krsna, Prabhu,AGTSP!    Paoho.   We have not heard much from you for a
long time, but of course you have also not heard much from us either.
Dr. Samaresh tried several times and ways to call the devotee whose phone
number you gave us and it was always, "Out of Reach", even on the weekends.
 Lamentably I could not follow up on that any more.
We really are hoping to get the association of all of you soon.
We have continued with this academic Sankirtan and by the unlimited mercy of
Srila Prabhupada there have been amazing results. The last thing we did was a
Symposium on Psychology and the Sacred in partnership with the National Library
of Peru. This is one of the most prestigious and interesting in the world, with
many ancient manuscripts and intense areas of artistic and scholarly
Please, go to and use the keywords: psychology and the sacred 2016,
to find a short and little longer, very illuminating, video extract of the
event. The Ambassador of India, the scholars, everyone, wants to develop this
I hope very much that you and everyone can take leading effort in this
Sankirtan, why else call your selves residents of Kolkatta, the City of Joy.
We got a Houston - Delhi - Houston ticket for only $785!    We will be in the
glorious land of Bharata from 1st January to 15th February.  The beginning and
end are tied down with 2-6 January and 7-10th in Tirupati and Madras with
Radhika-raman and Krsna-ksetra for a Vaisnava-Christian Dialog and a Bhagavata
Symposium, University of Madras.
Are you participating in these???
Then at the end like 10-14th February is the Guru, GBC, Sannyasi Sanga in Sri
Sri Sri Dhama Maypura.
What shall we do in between. We have calls from Rama-giri-dhari Das and Goloka
Education, Pune, and Manipur, but we are always very much at your
service!!!What city can be more enlivening than Kolkatta!

India Calendar Date 77% Fixed

8 years, 2 months ago by hps in Hot Topics, Calendar Development

Dec 31 - Arrive Delhi 11.35 PM

Jan 1st to Tirupatti - Vaisnava Christian Dialog
5th to Chennai - SB Symposium
9th to Calcutta

Above fixed

18th to 25th, Manipur etc.
25th to Feb 1st, Delhi Vraja
Feb 1st to 8th Navi Mumbai, Pune etc
8th to 10th Calcutta
10th to 14th - Mayapura Guru, Sannyasi, GBC Sanga etc.

14th Kolkatta to Houston.

Please circulate this and start to fill in the details or suggest changes.