ASA in Houston

8 years, 2 months ago by hps in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna. We have edited the following. What is the Calendar for the event?  We arrive Wednesday, 7th December,  at 11.45AM. Maybe the CCD can give us transport to Nila-madhava Dhama.

Then, we can beg three paces of land from Saranga-thakura Das for accomodation until 12th, Monday, when we fly back to Nashville at 7.15AM.

Thursday, 8th is the only day for the Gala? Can we present something on 'Education with ISKCON' during that time in co-operation with Radha-Krsna and Subhra Devi Das and Radhika-raman Das?

Then, what shall we do for Gita-jayanti? 9th, 10th and 11th? We might do 'BG as Cited by the Acharyas in Cantos One and Two of the SB' and other Bhakti-vaibhava work with RKDas, your good self, Caitanya Das and The Hari Lila Das. Bh. Vai. could actually start Wednesday evening.

<hr id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1479240860960_11193" size="1" />

From: Hansa Medley <[email protected]>
To: [email protected] 
Sent: Sunday, November 13, 2016 4:42 PM
Subject: ISCON 50 gala
Dear Maharaja,

Pamho. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Would you kindly look at your bio below & edit it as you see fit please?



Prof. Huber Robinson. Visiting Professor with the Institute for Oriental and Occidental Classical Studies (IECOO), Ricardo Palma University, Lima, Peru. General Secretary, NIOS (North American Institute for Oriental and Classical Studies), Tennessee, USA. In ISKCON, he is a guru, a member of the Regional Governing Body Commission in Latin America and of the Executive Board of the Ministry of Education. Currently he has been a principal contributor to the development of Pre and Primary School education on the principles of classical Bhagavata education, university diploma education in India's classical Srimad Bhagavatam and international publications and seminars on Psychology and the Sacred.


Praying this meets you well.

Your servant

Guru Bhakti Dasi

Invitacion por ASA Lima

8 years, 2 months ago by hps in Calendar Development
<dl id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1479240860960_4661" role="presentation"><dd id="yui_3_16_0_ym19_1_1479240860960_4660" role="presentation">

From: Rodrigo Otero

</dd><dd> </dd></dl>

Message body

Queridos amigos, familiares, compañeros.

Aqui les envio una invitación para la única función que haremos de nuestra película Los Ojos del Camino, antes de su estreno, que será en marzo. Será una función para los amigos e interesados en el cine y en la cultura peruana, para que la puedan ver, ya que han estado cerca a nosotros y siempre con curiosidad por verla. Estan invitados con pareja, hijos, etc.

Será en la sala La ventana Indiscreta de la Universidad de Lima, el sabado 10 de diciembre a las 11 am.

Para entrar a pie, solo van a la universidad de lima y dicen que van a la ventana indiscreta.

Para los que van en auto, hay que ir a la entrada grande que tiene la universidad por la calle cruz del sur (vendría a ser paralela a Javier Prado) (vean un mapa antes).

Pasaremos la película en DCP y en sonido 5.1.

Por favor, si pueden confirmen asistencia...

Un abrazo a todos

Rodrigo y Maja.

Guruji's North East Inia visit (Manipur) from 18th Jan. to 26th Jan.2017

8 years, 2 months ago by mukta singh in Calendar Development

All Glories to Guruji Maharaja, Sripad Maharaja and  A.C.Prabhupada Maharaja

Radha Krsna Ki Jay and Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay,
Dandavat Pranam,
Please accept my humble obeisanses unto Guruji Maharaja's padmacharan that I got Guruji Maharaja's latest letter accepting extension of one day e.g. 26th Jan. 2017 for Thoubal. All programme were set up through  consultation with Haridas Prabhu. Now he is in Imphal, so I will meet him today and will show Gurujis acceptence letter to him.  The new initiation programme is not yet finalised for Brahma Diksa two members were finalized. I will talk the expected bhaktas personally within two / three days only then I will inform Guruji Maharaja and Haridas Prabhu. Shortly I will arrange a meeting of all initiated bhaktas for final shape of the three days programme.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das


HpS -  Dandavats, Sahaab!   Hari-nama Sankirtan in Manipur. You will go with us on the trips to Silchar etc???      We received the following letter from The Hari-Das Das:

Dandavat pranam Maharaj, 
Please accept our most humble obeisances. All glories to SPP, SG, SSG & LSK. 
Hare Krsna Maharaj, 
This morning we have a discussion about your merciful North East India Tour Programme. Everything is O.K. Maharaj except the date of Manipur leaving because 26TH JAN'17 being Republic Day of India which is opposed by all the extremist groups of N/E India and observe BANDH all over N/E States, plying of vehicles on the roads are almost restricted and no one wants to take risk of untoward incident, hence, BANDH becomes successful.

We, therefore, pray your lotus feet to stay one more day in Manipur and leave for Delhi/Vrndavana next day on 27TH JAN'17. Kindly have a mercy upon your Manipur/ Thoubal disciples & devotees and advise us so that we can proceed further to arrange Air Tickets etc. Regarding initiation programme, we are seeking mercy of your lotus feet soon within a day or two. 
Thanking you and assuring you of our best services always. 
Your servant, 
Hari dasa, 
Manipur ISKCON, Imphal. 

Date : 08.11.2016.


HpS - Hare Krsna.  So, we will plan to leave from Imphal on the 27th for Delhi, Vrndavana early in the morning.

"Vrndavana-dhama-mahimamrta" by Prabhodananda Sarasvati:
Sataka One
5 Think of Vrndavana with love. Roll in its dust. Love it ardently. Please its moving and non moving residents. Worship Sri Radha’s birthplace. With all your heart take shelter of Sri Vrndavana, the best of all holy places.

6 If the Vedanta does not directly describe Vrndavana, why should that matter to me? If the faulty logicians, who are like serpents living in the Vedic literatures, ignore Vrndavana, why should I care? If even the devotees of the Lord do not understand the glories of Vrndavana, how does that affect me? Even if my heart were pierced by thousands of thunderbolts, I would never leave Vrndavana.

7 I meditate on Vrndavana, where the cuckoos sing the fifth note, the flute plays splendid melodies, peacocks sing and dance, vines and trees bloom, splendid and charming forests are wonderful with many birds and deer, and there are many splendid lakes, streams and hills.

See you in 10-weeks. Let us make a lot of good arrangements so that the visit is very productive. Eventually we can all continue this forever. Radha Govinda Chandra Ki Jai.

DC preaching Tour Update

8 years, 2 months ago by sarita108 in Calendar Development

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabupad.

We got the college programs all sorted out for your time in DC. !!

Wednesday Nov 9th – American University at 6:30pm

Thursday Nov 10th- George Mason University 7pm

Friday Nov 11th (veterans day) – University of Maryland 6pm

Saturday Nov 12th  – Education in ISKCON Seminar at the DC Potomac temple

Presentation 9:30-10:30 am

Discussion 10:30-11:30am

Anything else we can try to fit in? A walk to the memorials? Harinam? Cookies?! Please let me know if I can be of any service maharaj.

Thank you for your mercy!

Your attempting to be servant,


**Japa nama from Panama is working on some amazing posters...

HpS - ASA - The Supreme Comando of ASA is also pleased with you.  Photos also added below.  If you have the case of NOIs and some TLCs that will be very good armament.  See you in less than 120-hours. We will come out of the Sky on a Great Iron Bird.

Updates about the Congress (161102)

Dear gurudev,

Some news about the congress.

  1. Just today we received the final invitation from the devotee encharge of Vraja Bhumi, Nrisimhananda, to Hanumatpresaka Swami and other one to Rama Giridhari prabhu. He already reply and said that he could answer the next week. Are you received this letter well?
  2. HpS - Yes we got a letter from him but we also got one earlier. We asked before into what airport we should book our ticket. We will need a Visa, no?  Anything else.   Did his invitation go to Rama-giridhari Das???
  3. The dates to the Congress will be:
    1. 19TH Wednesday > 21TH Friday April morning > Private meeting about curriculum and exams in “Bhakti” Programs.
    2. 21 TH Friday evening > 23TH Sunday noon, Festival to the South American Community of devotees. A different name?  
    3. HpS - ASA -- "LEARN SOMETHING" In one lecture Prabhupada Srila Prabhupada commented that we should come to these classes not just as a ritual but also to learn something. Then he looked at the audience and said, "All right, come as a ritual but also try to learn something". So come to teach, learn something based on Srimad Bhagavatam and how to apply it in Sankirtan, Primary School, Congregation Preaching etc.
    4. 23TH Sunday evening > 23TH Wednesday morning, workshop and led conferences and talks to brahmanas, teachers devotees, temple presidents, brahmacari and bhakti vriksha leaders, etc.
  4. My “not complete task” now is the aims and secondary aims of the congress with this general planning that I put above to Chandramukha Swami. But when this work is done I’m planning make a brochure in .pdf with a nice design to invite senior devotees. It will be finished this same week. Could I show you this advance this Monday 7:30 pm?
  5. HpS - A little earlier?  We will have some evening program here. We are in Washington D. C. hour. Main thing is who has committed to come and what they want to hear and explain.
  6. Baladeva and Param Padam, Ananta Sayana sent to me their topics in the congress. But in my last travel to Italy I missed my phone, and they sent to my throught whatsapp. So now I ask them again in mail. So now, I only should ask the topics to Dhanvantari Swami, Aravinda, Rama Giridhari, yourself.
  7. HpS - We want to discuss preaching and teaching in the universities, especially with Psychology and the Sacred, and the ISKCON Ministry of Education which includes Pre and Primary School, and Sastric Education.
  8. Dhanvantari Maharaj says that if we invite devotees like Hridayananda das Goswami (in his condition of senior preacher in South  America) or Jayapataka Swami (in his condition of the GBC) could be complicated to the organization because, like too much devotees could come, also a lot devotees could leave the place after this devotees leaved and that even he should go outside because he would be like a host because they would be at Brazil.
  9. HpS - ASA -- Seems true, but maybe they could do a video clip for the program!!!!!!!


  1. This is the minimum cost for Vraja Bhumi with prasadam included, according the place when the devotees sleep. (To 10 guests will be free):
  1. Festival Congregacional

Viernes – Domingo = 2 noches y 3 días.

  1. Chalés= 570 Rs / $120.997 / 181 USD
  2. Hotel = 480 Rs / $101.892 / 152 USD
  3. Hare & Camping = 300 Rs / $63.683 / 95 USD

ASA - Damn cheap, Bobba!

  1. Brahmanas y Ksatryas

Viernes – Miércoles = 5 noches y 6 días.

  1. Chalés = 1140 Rs / 362 USD
  2. Hotel = 960 Rs / 305 USD
  3. Hare (some devotees houses) & Camping = 600 Rs / 191 USD


  1. Ksatryas

Lunes – Miércoles = 2 noches y 3 días.

  1. Chalés= 570 Rs / 175 USD
  2. Hotel = 480 Rs / 148 USD /
  3. Hare & Camping = 300 Rs / $63.683 / 92 USD

Hare Krsna gurudevm thank you for encourage us to serve.

HpS - ASA --  The ASA Absolute Undifferiniented Commado is Please With You!  Go ahead with full intelligence. List of Participants and their topics. We will prepare.

Photos below.