URGENT:Regarding North East trip

7 years, 5 months ago by Bishal Singha in Hot Topics, Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj

Dandavat Pranam unto your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu.

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Mukta Pravu and Rituraj Pravu who are organising your Manipur and Shillong trips respectively have been contacted by my father and after discussing and deliberating, finally have come up with a tentative schedule for North-East (from 25th Oct to 7 Nov) given below:

28th Oct- Arrival at Manipur

28th to 30th Oct- Stay at Imphal, Manipur

31st Oct- Flight from Imphal to Guwahati and then to Shillong

01st Nov- Stay at Shillong

02 Nov-Shillong to Guwahati and then flight to Silchar

03rd Nov- 5th Nov- Stay at Silchar

06th Nov- Silchar to Kolkata/Delhi etc.

Guru Maharaj, I must concede that the above schedule doesnt contain any information regarding your visit to Mayapur, Kolkata as they have no contact with the authorities concerned. So we all have a prayer unto your lotus feet that you kindly scrutinize the above mentioned and inform us any required changes as accordingly we shall be making preparation for your tour.  Also the 3rd Nov-5th Nov is the duration of stay at Silchar so Guru Maharaj, if you desire and presuming everything is conducive, the seminar may be held on any of these two days(most likely at 3rd Nov). Please forgive us and we are awaiting your further instruction.

Dandavat Pranam unto your lotus feet.

Hare Krsna

HpS - Hare Krsna!   AGTSP. Paoho.  Your work is of the highest quality. We are very inspired by your association and hope it continues naturally so that you can make great contribution to the movement of Lord Caitanya.

First, how is your Pita-sri, esteemed father? He is guru for all of us!  Mother, family? Friends?

Second, we talked with Dr. Samaresh in Kolkata and Tapan-misra Das et al from Mayapura. Mayapura is one of the most important places we have to visit for developing these Bhakti-sastri, Bhakti-vaibhava programs. They will be available in Mayapura from the 5th of November, so best we think of finishing the tour in Mayapura from 4th through 7th. Then we go to Delhi 7th morning and camp at the Temple during the day and go to the airport at 9PM.

Next 31st is Ekadasi on our Calendar so that is a very bad day for travel.

Then, we arrive in Kolkatta after 19-hours of travel through four countries at 12.20AM on the 26th with a 70-year old American body.   Hmmmm.    Best it stay in Kolkatta for Thursday to Saturday nights at least and then go to North East returning to CCU (Kolkatta) by the 4th morning LATEST. We have to check with our Authority, Dr. Samaresh and see how many days he wants us to stay with him. If he wants to travel with us.
If we travel too much we will only be in autos and airplanes.
Maybe only one place in Northeast this time and then other places in March.
O.K. This is becoming more clear. Next we check with Dr. Samaresh.
I think because it is so late that we cannot organize any Symposium but we can organize Colloquia. That means we meet with the Professors and their friends and anyone else who can conventiently come. Jaya!

Urgent Australia 2017 Re. Tickets

7 years, 5 months ago by Dhruvānanda DAS in Calendar Development

Dear Maharaja,


We are very enlivened to see you have tickets! Thank you very much for considering us here down under. Arriving in Melbourne evening of Thursday the 12th Oct. Maybe we should adjust a little the schedule like this:

Friday 13th – Tuesday 17th Melbourne.

  • Friday 13th Yoga centre
  • Saturday 14th  Urban Yoga temple outreach program
  • Sunday feast temple 15th
  • Monday 16th is (ekadasi)
  • Fly to Brisbane Tuesday 17th

Wednesday 18th – Saturday 21st evening after feast or Sunday 22nd morning.

  • 18th evening at University of Queensland
  • 19th or 20th we can consider a program with the Gold Coast Bhakti Centre.
  • 21st Brisbane has Saturday feast instead of Sunday
  • Drive to Murwillumbah evening 21st or morning 22nd

Sunday 22nd -  Wednesday 25th Murwillumbah.

  • Sunday 22nd Govardhana Puja
  • Tuesday 24th Srila Prabhupada Disappearance
  • Wednesday morning 25th leave for airport

I’ve left it quite open for now. We will focus in on things as they develop further.

Your servants

Dhruvananda Das

HpS - ASA -- Awesome!      AGTSP....     We will try to see if we can get any other contacts. The Raktaka Das' esteemed Consort and Descendents. Pujari Madhu-manjari Devi Dasi?

Indradyumna Das (travel to Vrindavan)

7 years, 5 months ago by Indradyumna Das in Calendar Development

Dear Guru Maharaj


It's a good news, I'm was booking the tickets to Vrindavan. 26 Sept.arriving there.I am very very happy to be in Vrindavan and see you again. It's look like that you will be there for very short time. With your mercy and permission I'll try to be with you ,all the time until you are in Vrindavan.

Your servant

Indradyumna Das

Hare Krishna

HpS - There are two more letters from you!!!   We will try to get them tomorrow!    Yes, we can meet in Delhi and Brndavana.   You can help us with the work there.   How is your sister???????

Manipur Report India Schedule

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada Maharaja!!   All Glories to Sripada Maharaja!!  

All Glories to Gouranga Mahaprabhu and Goura Bhakta Vrinda Ki Jay

All Glories to HpS Guruji Maharaj !!

Please accept my humble obeisanses unto HpS Guruji Maharaja’s padama charan that I had read recent reply of my previous letter regarding the inauguration of my newly constructed house. I can imagine Guruji's impression of material world. In my openion, as a grihasta it is the responsibility of a father for his childred. I will try to follow the systems of Banaprastha and Snyasa after retirement from service and completion of my son and daughters's marriage ceremony. Everything is possible only after the blessings of Guruji Maharaja and Gouranga Mahaprobhu. 

I came to know from the blog that the last part of Guruji's tour in India is planning for N.E. India specially Manipur. Which date will be more convenient of Guruji's programme in N.E. and in which places? 

I could not get any communication from Haridas Swami because He was also on tour at Bali or somewhere.  If possible I will try to take His suggestions also. What will be about Tripura, Silchar, Guwahati etc.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das


All Glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja and Gouranga Mahaprabhu

Radha Krsna Ki Jay and Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay

Guruji Maharja! Dandavat Pranam,

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji Maharaja’s padmacharan that in last letter I had mentioned that on the Ratha Jatra I narrated the 9.4.50-64 of Bhagavatam in an audence of above 70. In the narration not only the sloka and the translation, the purport of A.C. Prabhupada I took references from Gita and Bhaktirasamrta Sindhu in relation with the character of Ambarisa a true bhakta of Krsna. Broadly discussed the qualities of a Brahmana and the the differences of a Brahmana and a Beisnava. As mentioned in the Bhagavatam clearly that Durbasa Mahamuni was a Brahmana he was not a Beisnava. The meaning of Bhakti and seva. Again on the 23rd July, my turn is comming, so I am now preparing for the difficult task and related explainations.

HpS - Those are very advanced subjects. Very wonderful you have audience to discuss those things!    Is there some sequence, system, that decides which verses, Cantos, you are discussing?

We want to know Guruji's planning of N.E. India programme for our planning.

Yours fallen servant,

Yamunesvara Das


All Glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja, Sripada Maharaja and A.C. Prabhupada

All Grories to Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu and Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki Jay

Radha Krsna Ki Jay,

Dandavat Pranam Guruji Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji's Padamacharan that last Sunday the 23rd July, 2017 I had narrated the Bhagatam 9:5:1-15 slokas as a rotation among our four bhaktas. 

Now I am reading the Bhakti Rasamrita Singhu 1 : 2 : 58 in the sloka about the prema bhakti. In the last part of the sloka referred Bhagavatam 10:33:6 in the purposrt of the sloka Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura states that Devaki, besides being the name of Vasudeva's wife, is also a name of mother Yasoda, as stated in the Adi purana: dve namni nanda bharyaya yasoda devakiti ca. "The wife of Nanda has two names - Yasoda and Devaki".  What it exactly means? Please explain.

HpS - ASA -- I don't know. Sometimes it is like that. People call you by different names.  Of course "Devaki" means of, daughter of, Devaka, which can mean celestial or divine and Yasoda can mean she gives "Yasha" or opulence. So Yashoda is also celestial.  People can call you "Mukta", "Yamunesvara". 

Guruji, I could not hear Guruji's amrtabani for the two to three weeks, I think you might be very very busy. What about Guruji's health? May Krsna helps you.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das 

HpS - If you look at letter from Ambarisa Das about "NIOS Movie" today, we write in detail about our health, energy. We feel very bad we cannot answer all you letter immidiately. You are representative of Manipuri which is great state!! Your are one really nice guy!

We feel like we can be of service.

We have similar requests about schedule from Rtu-raja Das and Bishall.  Here is what we wrote to Bishall!

HpS - Hare Krsna, Bishal et al.    In other letter on NIOS movie I give our current health and energy report. We saw the other letter, but could not answer. You have seen our Calendar, no?

Sept 28-Oct 25th = Delhi, Vraja, Ujjain, Bombay, Australia.

25th - 7th = Kolkata, Mayapura, North east.  Two weeks.  We would, could, just stay with you in Silchar and get good results but our assigment now includes other parts of India, Spain, USA, South America.  What about Manipur and Rtu-raja's Temple?   How can we use those two weeks best for the benefit of everyone?

Yamunesvara Das:  What do you think?  How should we use those two weeks?

Silchar - India Calendar

7 years, 5 months ago by Bishal Singha in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj

Dandavat Pranaam unto your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Sri Gouranga Mahaprabhu.

Dear Guru Maharaj,

I had sent you a letter(with 'urgent' on title; I think so!) may be around a week before regarding the prospect of organising a seminar at Silchar with Professor Dr. Projith Kumar Palit, History Dept, Assam University during your North East India tour this year. I had mentioned his contact details (right now I dont have) as he wishes to directly communicate with you on this matter. Dr. Palit is the Professor you had mentioned in a letter 9 months before(http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/node/7111). I and my father had visited him last month. He is a very enthusiastic person and really eager to cooperate for holding a seminar. Kindly please inform us if you had received the letter and instruct us accordingly for further course of action. I shall again resend the contact details of Dr. Palit very soon.

Dandavat Pranam again unto your lotus feet.

Your ignorant servant


HpS - Hare Krsna, Bishal et al.    In other letter on NIOS movie I give our current health and energy report. We saw the other letter, but could not answer. You have seen our Calendar, no?

Sept 28-Oct 25th = Delhi, Vraja, Ujjain, Bombay, Australia.

25th - 7th = Kolkata, Mayapura, North east.  Two weeks.  We would, could, just stay with you in Silchar and get good results but our assigment now includes other parts of India, Spain, USA, South America.  What about Manipur and Rtu-raja's Temple?   How can we use those two weeks best for the benefit of everyone?

URGENT - Monday Europe ABC

7 years, 5 months ago by Namacarya das in Calendar Development

Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!


As you are back to your Tennessean base, you may be thinking that we continue with our StartMeeting sanga at Monday 20:30 (Croatian time). I am very excited about that. Just one thing to consider is that although in house we have quiet fast Internet, there are 15(+ more) people using it and the experience is that it can slowdown sometimes. These all depends of how many devices are connected and downloading at the same time. During slowdown, audio and video communication is not really working.

Your servant Namacarya das

HpS - Jaya!     I feel great pain everytime I cannot connect for our "ASA European ABC Workshop", 20.30 Croation Time.   Next Monday we should be able to do it.   Then we can go over our Indexes for BhVaibhava.   It is so, nice to have a good index of verses and purports that we use at hand.

Our health, lust, is improving a little. After one week of no traveling and no snow we seem to be having coming back to our normal 70-year old self, Donkey.

Monday, tomorrow.