current calendar

11 months, 1 week ago by hps in Special Category A, Calendar Development


.. 🌴 🌴 🌴

. .🌴

h. g. sri hari das - Dear Maharaja, pamho. agtsp. Maharaja, as you mentioned you are going to Houston around April 16th, when are planning to return to Nashville. Ys shd

hps/asa - agtSP... paoho...

how are you? how is your japa 📿

. . . sattvica principles?

. association?



twitter, kapi-dhvaja,

. blog 🐸



the sun 😎

is now at 2.36am, murfreesboro []TN[].

our body🐷

. . is at about 15-25% energy.

but we are charging.



. . 💥

krsna krsna.

.. hare hare...



. we have been trying to communicate that our formerly unpredictable body [dukhalayam asvasvatam] has now become rather more unpredictable.

[[[guess the same for you]]]

struggling to chant 16-enthusiastic rounds.

paralyzing headache last two dazes.

but good at heart.

. . . and recharging, setting up campsite 🎪

🏳🔴🏳🏳🔴 🏳🏳🔴 🏳🏳🔴 🏳🏳🔴 🏳🏳🔴 🏳🏳🔴 🏳=} plans

  1. be gbc of our bead bag for the next breath. sit properly.... kkhh
  2. tweet, blog [whatsapp] - team building 🐒
  3. 🐒 🐒🐘
  4. based in The Boro at least [?] until Sita devi avirbhava 16 May.
  5. . . . die after our current breath.
  6. team build [tb].
  7. go with you, ngd, abhiseka d, shyama sakhi dd, subhadra dd. . ., for day trip, to Houston? ramanavami??? tb with houston ISKCON.
  8. rent store front.
  9. purchase land/buildings for NIOS Campus Development.
  10. publish, books, movies [pablo, raul, raul, raul, artd, smdd...]
  11. cooperate with KRSNA's plan, work, kkhh. 🙂

⚡ ⚡

and your reverend self 👑 ??? . . . we were making our plans, perspective, attitude in terms of your comment that you expected to arrive 5th April ☁


thank you. 3.36am. one professional monkey hour = 226 🍌

Invitación a podcast

11 months, 1 week ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Calendar Development

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Todas las glorias a la aparición trascendental de Sri Nityananda prabhu y de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu que salvan a los más caídos  

Querido Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias. 

Primeramente expresamos nuestras oraciones al Señor Nrisimhadeva para que su energía sea óptima para su sankirtana. 

Le envío la invitación de prabhu Vanamali para una entrevista para un podcast que tenía pendiente desde su última visita a Ciudad de México pero no se pudo. 

Propuesta de tema "La importancia histórica del Siksha Guru y la aplicación adecuada para el futuro de Iskcon".

Duración del podcast 1:15 minutos 

Qué le parece Gurumaharaja?

Sabemos de algunas complicaciones que surgieron últimamente en relación a su salud, la invitación está abierta en cuestión de fecha porsupuesto después de unas semanas de su regreso a Murfreesboro, prabhu se puede acomodar a un espacio libre en su agenda y óptima energía, sujeta a cambios si es necesario, su salud es lo más importante pero sabemos que el sankirtana le nutre. 

Otro tema, UD mencionó estar tramitando su atención médica estatal, es de buena calidad? Por este lado del mundo no es buena. 

Algunos hermanos espirituales me dijeron que está el deseo de apoyar incluso económicamente en la medida que se pueda con sus chequeos médicos para prevenir algunas situaciones de enfermedad que se puedan evitar para su sankirtana, UD siempre nos hace recordar lo que Śrīla Prabhupāda dijo este cuerpo es una enfermedad pero también estamos seguros que tenemos un gran porcentaje de responsabilidad karmatica de estás complicaciones, Usted ha dado y continúa entregando su energía en la predica y por nosotros. 

Ayer conocí a madre Govinda Dasi en su habitación cerca del templo, una de las primeras discipulas de Śrīla Prabhupāda y esposa de Gaurasundara das, está anciana con problemas de salud pero es fuerte y activa desde una silla de ruedas, nos dijo que pudo ver qué Śrīla Prabhupāda hizo tantas austeridades por sus discípulos y por todos, nos contó un sueño asombroso que tuvo con él y lo han plasmado en una pintura que nos mostró. 

Recuerdo que en la niñez me extrajeron un diente, fue tan terrible pensé que la dentista quería asesinarme, a los pocos días problemas con la garganta y varicela!!, estuve llorando mucho, ahora también sufro cuando me enfermo, sin embargo verlo a usted con tanto control priorizando el bienestar espiritual propio y y de los demás es verdaderamente un ejemplo. 

Muchas gracias Gurumaharaja y por favor perdone nuestras faltas. 

Vuestra eterna aspirante a sirviente

Asta Sakhi dd. 

Comparto algunas fotos de nuestro servicio en el festival del Señor Nityananda, junto a mi esposo nos tocó vestir a Sus Señorías Radha Madana Gopal y Goura Nitay.


All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to the transcendental appearance of Sri Nityananda prabhu and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu who save the most fallen

Dear Gurumaharaja

Please accept our respectful bows.

We first express our prayers to Lord Nrisimhadeva so that his energy is optimal for his sankirtana.

I am sending you Prabhu Vanamali's invitation for an interview for a podcast that I had pending since his last visit to Mexico City but it was not possible.

Topic Proposal “The Historical Importance of Siksha Guru and Proper Application for the Future of Iskcon.”

Podcast duration 1:15 minutes

What do you think Gurumaharaja?

HpS - I know very, very little about “The Historical Importance of Siksha Guru". I really don't understand the question??? It seems that Siksa guru always has importance in any historical situation. It is transcendental.

Maybe Prabhu can amplify the question.

Thank you!

We know of some complications that have arisen lately in relation to his health, the invitation is open in a matter of date of course after a few weeks of his return to Murfreesboro, Prabhu can accommodate a free space in his schedule and optimal energy, subject to change If necessary, your health is the most important thing but we know that sankirtana nourishes you.

Another issue, you mentioned that you are processing your state medical care, is it of good quality? On this side of the world it is not good.

HpS - It is good.

Some godbrothers told me that there is the desire to support even financially as much as possible with their medical check-ups to prevent some situations of illness that can be avoided for their sankirtana, you always make us remember what Śrīla Prabhupāda said this body is an illness but we are also sure that we have a large percentage of karmatic responsibility for these complications. You have given and continue to give your energy in preaching and for us.

Yesterday I met mother Govinda Dasi in her room near the temple, one of the first disciples of Śrīla Prabhupāda and wife of Gaurasundara das, she is old with health problems but is strong and active from a wheelchair, she told us that she could see what Śrīla Prabhupāda did so many austerities for his disciples and for everyone, he told us an amazing dream that he had with him and they captured it in a painting that he showed us.

I remember that in my childhood I had a tooth extracted, it was so terrible I thought the dentist wanted to kill me, a few days later I had problems with my throat and chickenpox!!, I was crying a lot, now I also suffer when I get sick, however seeing you with so much control prioritizing one's own spiritual well-being and that of others is truly an example.

Thank you very much Gurumaharaja and please forgive our faults.

Your eternal aspiring servant

Asta Sakhi dd.

I share some photos of our service at the festival of Lord Nityananda, together with my husband we had to dress His Lordships Radha Madana Gopal and Goura Nitay.

HpS - Amazing!

March Class

11 months, 2 weeks ago by hps in Special Category B, Calendar Development

[2/20, 11:55 AM] Balimardana Das: Maharaj - would you join as a guest speaker for Bhakti Vaibhav second batch on March 3rd Sunday 6:30 am pst ? 30 mins is good enough and this batch just finished canto 1 into chapters 6 —- thank you maharaj.

[2/20, 3:47 PM] HP Swami - Prof HHR: Always, agtSP, nice to get your association! 


Can we make it Bilingual?

We have a very substantial weekly SB workshop at the same time.

They could, would like to, join the same time.

[2/20, 3:51 PM] HP Swami - Prof HHR: Even more important, our physical condition is becoming more erratic day by day.

So, could we have an alternative speaker ready if HpSwami has a mechanical failure at the time of the Class? 


[2/20, 3:51 PM] HP Swami - Prof HHR: Hare Krsna. Hare Rama 🙂

No more travels urgent

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva AGTSP PAMHO

Gurudeva, I am writing regarding your long distance travels. In my humble opinion You shouldn't travel long distances anymore. This may affect your ears, heart and increase your vertigo. You have traveled for many years to many countries. It is our time now to make the effort and visit You.

Better for You may be staying in Nashville

Thank You Gurudeva for all your effort through all these years

Trying to be your disciple


HpS - Thank you, CMDD. Our regards to your Sister and family. What are they doing?

If we do go to Spain or Radha-kunda it will be will due diligence for Brother Ass's condition.

Business class allows for a bed and priority boarding. Then an attendant.

Yet like you say.

Evaluate the impact on the donkey.

"This material world is like a stool room. A gentleman does his business and gets out", Srila Bh. Siddhanta Sarasvati Thakura.

Have you finished your business?

Every day we are here KRSNA is lacking our unique service in the spiritual world.

We are like peppermint.

As long as we are in the material world Radha has no peppermint to use in Her cooking!

Of course, if KRSNA wants us here then this is OUR BUSINESS.

Upendra Das in Houston

1 year ago by hps in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna. Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to srila prabhupada.

Hare Krishna, I will be reaching Houston on February 14 and leaving on February 22. Thank you. Hare Krishna

ASA - The, agtSP, ground shakes under our feet as we post this in our Calendar! 🐵





of Bhakti




🔦 🔦🔦🔦 🚀

ASA Calendar 2024 January 26


General Principles

  • 'So, you can make plans for serving KRSNA, but better to just chant Hare KRSNA' (and watch that Kirtan make, and broadcast, the plans).
  • Deadline for inclusion in this Kapi Dhvaja Calendar = Ekadasi before Full Moon.


o  Full Morning Service is 4.30-5.30AM at, 737 859 341 and, Live Channel, Houston.

o Sankirtan.

o FES - 6pm Nila-madhava Temple. Sri Sri Radha Natabara Sanga 8pm


o  Tuesday & Wednesdays 7.30AM = Local Houston Srimad Bhagavatam Class. Mayapura TV.

o  Thursday

8.30AM = ISKCON Ministry of Education, BOEX.

10AM = SB, ISKCON Hawaii,, (Details in Blog Posts/Tweets).

o  Friday 7.30PM (< 26th February) = ASA – Bhaktivedanta Library Seminar.

Anything we or you want to talk about based on the Bhaktivedanta Library.

-- We have discussed SP's general perspective on Librarys,

-- An analysis of SP's BBT titles and how we use them,

-- Rama avatara, for Rama-bhumi-puja 26th January.

-- Next: The BhVed Library and World Classical Literature.

Host and location may Change but usually Radha Nila-madhva/Mayapura.TV Channel, and Partha Sarathi Foundation hosting the Zoom distribution. Details Twitter and Blog.

o  Sunday 7.30AM– SB Workshop,

Upendra Das, CC;

HpS General Stuff.

Spanish and English. www.GoToMeeting 737 859 341

Singular Events


27/Sa = Home Program [HP, 11am, gotomeeting] - 11am, Sriman Prananatha Gauranga Das.

30th Mo = Gopala Bhatta Goswami Disappearance. CC 3.13.133[?]


2/fr = HP Rasikindra Das 7pm.

3/sa = HP Ksitis Kapoor, Sugar Land.

4th Sun = Sunday Feast, HpS, BG, MTV Houston

6/tu = ekadasi.

7th We = Rice University.

9/fr = BhVed Lib Seminar at Texas A&M University at ~7pm [Blog/Tweet].

10/sa = HP Vanamali Das.

12th Mo = AMD goes to Mayapura.

13/Tu = Sarasvati Puja.

15/Th = Srila Advaita Acharya appearance day.

16th  Fr = 7.30PM, DTC 4 (India) Release, https://www/

17/sa = HP Sriman Devendra Krsna Das and Family, Katy, Texas.

19/mo = ekadasi

20th Tu = Varaja Dvadasi

21st We = Nityananda Trayodasi. Visit from Murfreesboro Yatra [?]

23/fr = madhava purnima. Kapi Dhvaja

26th Mo = IAH to BNA (Houston to the Boro), 8am to 9.50am.

Distant Future

End of February to Tennessee for Gaura Purnima. Based there for developing the Sankirtan until we leave our body? Visit Spain? Go to Radha Kunda in a jar, or to leave our body there?