Last Itinerary URGENT

6 years, 9 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


I can see through the videos and photos that Vrsabhanu nandini is sending to me that the programs in Cordoba are pretty well, we can perceive the peace and goodness in Madhavendra, Ambarisa , their wives and their children as well, we are so fortunate to be their friends¡¡¡

Rama Navami was so nectarean, also the avant premiere was a big success, in attachment some photos.

ASA - Thank you!!!   AGTSP...

The itinerary bellow [below] was discussed with Abhiram, Yugala and LAD we just need your approval in order to do the poster.

ASA - Not with the Temple Presidents in Chosica and Wilson??? Gotta get their approval, no?

The details of Chosica's festival were requested to be posted here by YKD

ASA - Ah! Yes, as we remember Karuna Krsna Das said that she was co-ordinating the festival for Chosica.

In that regard we have not heard anymore from LAD or Mataji, Chosica Treasurer, about (Nitya-kinkari DD??) about the Weekly Puja Sponsor program.


FRIDAY 20th:

Arrive in the morning 8:45am. All day in Callao, rest.

ASA - ... and maybe meet with Ramon et al.


FMP in Callao. Then Srimad Bhagavatam Class at ISKCON Chosica (stay in Caitanya Candrodaya’s house).

ASA - This is O.K. with Wilson???  I heard we were going to do the SB class there on the way to Chosica.

SUNDAY 22nd:

 All day in ISKCON Chosica (Festival in Honor to Sita devi)

MONDAY 23rd:

Sita devi’s appearance day, Program in la Cantuta University. (10 am to 1pm).

  In the afternoon return to Callao.

TUESDAY 24th: All day in Callao. Last coordinations.

Wednesday 25th: Return to the USA :(

ASA - 5PM is the flight to Mexico, not USA. Give us gifts to take to Mexico.






Organized by the Education department of Chosica

(Karuna Krsna Das, Gandharva Das, Yugala Kishora Dasi) and Candramukhi dd who is in charge of communications.

Saturday, April 7th

Contest announcement (Mataji’s art) on April 21st.

Theme: Offering to Sita or tribute to women.


Drawing, poetry, singing, music, essay, story, storytelling.

Saturday, April 21st

8:15 AM               Opening


Welcome speech

8:30 AM               Srimad Bhagavatam class by His Holiness Hanumatpresaka Swami.

Theme: Tribute to Stri dharma due to the appearance of mother Sita.

9:30 PM               Placement of art exhibition and stand for matajis.

All collected in the stands: one half will be a donation for Our Lordships Sri Sri Radha Madham Bihari and the rest for the stand manager.

10 AM                  Breakfast at temple by Laksmimayi Devi Dasi

11 AM                  Presentations: (Maximum 20 minutes and 5 minutes for questions)

Senior matajis were invited, but this needs to be confirmed. Presentation of women based on Srimad Bhagavatam or biography of mothers who have left their mark on the movement.

YugalaKishora Dasi “A current look to the stereotype of a devotee”

Rukmini Devi Dasi “Challenges for a young woman in her formation as a devotee and teacher”

1PM                      Prasadam

2PM                      Workshops for mothers:

After registration, limited vacancies. There will be a moderator and a secretary for each workshop.

                               Workshop Sharing women’s wisdom

(Etiquette on service to the Guru, among devotees, temple etiquette, self-esteem, parents ‘workshop)


                               Workshop of Preaching programs:

(Food for life, harinama, sankirtana, namahathas, Bhaktivrksa, Rathayatras, music concerts, event organization,administration y RRPP)


Workshop about pujari and the art of home:

(Simple puja at home, recipes, healing plants,Tulasi care)

4PM                      Power yoga with Loka Pavana Das (half an hour)

5 PM                     Artistic presentations:

                               Bharatanatyam dance by Luz (Hindu dance teacher)

                               Story telling dedicated tomothers by Prabhu Narayana

6:30 PM               Gaura Aratika by mothers

7:00 PM               Movie: Shakespeare's Taming of the Shrew

ASA - Our copy of this is not working!


2 PM                                     Event closing: Art contest award. The winners by areas will present their art.

2:30 PM               Kathak dance and music with Caitanya.

2:45 PM               Play: Sita Devi’s pastime.

3 PM                     Prasadam by temple’s administration.

About workshops for mothers:

The previous registration will be as people are arriving, vacancies are limited.

                               Workshop coordinator: Gandharva Das

Workshop Sharing women’s wisdom: Lavanya mangala Devi Dasi – Patty Palomino


Workshop of Preaching programs: Tarangaksi Devi Dasi–Jessica Mendoza


Workshop about pujari and the art of home: Gaura Karuna Sakti - Jayada Gopi

(Simple puja at home, recipes, healing plants, Tulasi’s care)


Some mothers, previous coordination, will begin the workshops by presenting a particular topic, and then, the rest of all will comment according to order, maximum 5 minutes.

Note: This is the first outline of the program and will be detailed and improved in future meetings with coordinators,speakers and devotees who offered to speak at workshops about specific topics.

Thank U so much Gurudeva

Hope to see U pretty soon

Your useless servant


ASA - What about the role of lady devotees in ISKCON administration: Temple President, Wife of Temple President etc??

What about Initiations???

Answers to your questions

6 years, 9 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Calendar Development

Hare Krisna Gurudev, 

Please accept muy humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Thank you so much for your answers, 

The sunday feast will be at the rural community.

Ok then we join your saturday 10:30 SB workshop and the rest of the days except sunday we discuss Narada's instructions. Which chapters of seventh canto? From 11 to 15? Do you have a ppt? What do you want me to print/prepare for this?

Then after harinam on Saturday do you want to make FEP and give lecture there?

At your service,

Nikunja bihari das.

Urgent additional notes

Hare Krisna Gurudev,

Please accept my humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

I forgot to tell you that we are reading SB second canto chapter eight during the morning SB class.

Another topic for SB discussion could be MOE work and viplavah.

We are trying to develop a Gurukula here!!

At your service,

Nikunja bihari das.

HpS - we can deal with all these topics. Maybe Saturday after the Sankirtan and Sunday before and during the Festival

Urgent Mar del Plata calendar

6 years, 9 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Calendar Development

Hare Krisna Gurudev,

Please accept muy humble obeisances,

All glories to Srila Prabhupada,

I think today you arrive to Argentina, Hariibol!!

Sorry about purchasing tickets to travel on Ekadasi. I checked all the calendars we use here and they say Ekadasi is on the 11th, so according to this info you won't be travelling on Ekadasi.

HpS - Yes, Ekadasi is the next day.

But anyway please apologize me!!

HpS - No, your actions are fine.

Your Mar del Plata calendar is settled. Before I post it I want you to confirm everything is ok (O.K.).

You arrive tuesday 10 th at 18:30 hs. You will be staying at Sri Govardhan Mandir. Mangala Aratik there is at 5 am. 

Wednesday 11 th  in the afternoon you will have an interview with the mayor, bishop, renowned journalist or chambers of commerce. 

Thursday 18:30 hs there is a conference at El Torreon del Monje which is a classic spot by the sea. The title is ideal leadership, i thought about Prtu Maharaja teachings. This is organized with a local politic party, and we invited all young people who is interested in polítics.

HpS - ASA -- We can work on this.

Friday 13th at the grand classroom of the National University a conference about Psychology and the Sacred. Science, psique and spirituality (i Didnt mention Jung to much cause here is super psychoanalisis school). But we are there, they accepted us in the main room, so i think lot of students will attend.

Saturday 14th at 5 pm we will go out on Harinam to the commercial center of Sierra de los Padres, the area where our farm is. The idea is distribute books and invite people to the sunday feast.

HpS - Saturday at 10.30AM we have online SB workshop.

Sunday 15 th lecture at the feast at 13 hs.

HpS - In the city or at the Rural Community?

Monday 16th you leave to Bs As at 19:10, have to be at the airport at 17:40. There is nothing scheduled for that day. 

The big question is whether you are going to give SB lectures at 8 AM. Cause I know you don't give two lectures on the same day.

But if you do give the SB class I would like you to choose a specific topic like Pada Padma, Queen Kunti's prayers, Kardama muni and Devahuti, Prahlada's teachings, etc. I can prepare a hand out for atendees. 

Thank you so much Gurudev for coming to Mar del Plata. Is wonderful to have your saintly association here. I hope many devotees come also.

At your service,

Nikunja bihari das.

HpS - Thank you for messaging us on Whatsapp. Since Friday we have not had time to breath. Four classes, workshops a day!   As we were writing Adi-yajna Das came in a said you called. Very nice, thank you. We can do light classes in the morning if there are outside programs during he day. We can discuss Canto Seven, Narada's Instructions on Society and Politics.

On to your next letter.



Por favor acepte mis reverencias.

Estimado Gurudeva, el sabado 31 de marzo haremos por la mañana la ceremonia annaprasana de mi hija Govinda Lila, en el templo de Bs As. Quería invitarlo a participar, seria muy agradable contar con su presencia.

HpS - Aparece bueno, pero tiene que co-ordinar con La Rati-manjari Devi Dasi por que hay otros programas.

Sigo haciendo servicio fijo en la organización del Ratha Yatra Bs As, y este año estoy haciendo servicio en el departamento de educación del templo y colaborando con comunicación de Iskcon Argentina.

Estamos muy felices porque en unos días se estrena la película Hare Krishna! en nuestro país. Estoy agradecida de poder hacer servicio en la difusión de la película, todos deberían ir al cine a verla! 

Retomando sadhana, 16 rondas (hay días en los que cuesta terminarlas, con bebe pequeña es difícil cantar temprano!) Principios bien, estrictos!

HpS - Cantando ser buena Madre.

Como le dije en su ofrenda de VP, se que soy torpe y que no siempre sigo sus instrucciones en tiempo y forma, pero en mi corazón, Usted es mi maestro espiritual, y espero poder servirlo siempre. Me gustaría que me acepte como su discípula, poder tener una foto suya en mi altar y cantar su pranam mantra. 

Estamos aguardando su llegada!

Quien desea servirlo,

Bktn Lali .

HpS - Hare Krsna.

SCHEDULE PAroposal and little report Urgent

6 years, 10 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



I have friends in Bolivia, Brazil so I had the opportunity to watch some videos about your visit. JAYA

Things at work are more sane. I wanted to wake up late but jaja my body was accostumed to wake up at least at 5 am. So we are doing mangala artik at that hour. As U tell me in order not to become stupid.

Tomorrow I will go to Chosica. JAYA Sri Rama

Calendar Proposal April:

April 20th (Friday): Arrival at night, rest in Callao

HpS - This is a confusion that maybe Monkey and Piggy generated. The flight arrives in the morning at 8.45AM from EZE.  So, we can do some work in Lima and rest in Callao or other place if it is better.

April 21st: (Saturday)FMP Callao Then after lunch go to chosik -

HpS - We talked with Karuna Krsna and Gandharava Das and Yugala-kishora Dasi and Saturday night we were thinking of a cultural program with three major aspects and a few minor on Sita Devi and women in ISKCON.

April 22nd: (sunday): FMP IN CHOSIK, SB CLASS. Festival for the pleasure of Sita devi and the Stri dharma

HpS - Variety of programs. Maybe some informative of situation of women in ISKCON Peru, South America, in administration, dance, music, a ladies handicrafts bazaar...

Caitanya Candrodaya and his family were requesting many times, if U may stay in his house. He has plenty of room. So that will be ok?  

HPS - It seems fine with us.

April 23rd: Monday FMP CHOSICA

Cantuta in the morning. Noon arati for Sita devi. In the evening back to Callao.

April 24th: Tuesday Bg Wilson?

HpS - Seems fine to us.

April 25th: Wednesday last meetings. Depart for Mexico at 5PM

Last moment: Today I talked with Patrakji He was asking also if this time may U stay at his home ?

HpS - Problem with staying at his house is having the Full Morning and Evening Programs and many visitors during the daytime, no? Can his sister and mother accomodate all this??  Cooking, internet????  Printer?

Thank U Gurudeva

Looking forward to serve U properly

Your useless servant

Candramukhi dd