6 years, 8 months ago by jayanta in Calendar Development

Querido Gurudev: Pamho. TgSP y sus seguidores fieles.

Bueno, lo he estado siguiendo en el blog y no he querido escribir hasta que mejorará sus molestias en el ojo.

ASA - Gracias!

Sigo con el deseo de ser un buen devoto (en el futuro [Pronto!]). Ahora simplemente estamos luchando contra  Maya e intentando tener buenas relciones con los devotos.

ASA - Eso es suficiente ir a Goloka!

En cuanto a su viaje necesito saber que lugares quiere visitar, 13 dias no es mucho. Quizás  Madrid- NVM- Barcelona? Parece el itinerario menos loco. Entiendo que llega el 29 de Agosto y regresa a EE.UU. el 13 de Septiembre. Necesito que confirme las fechas y si está de acuerdo con el itinerario. Así podremos ir concretando el calendario.

Tenemos ganas de disfrutar de su asociación.

Su sirviente

Jayanta das

HpS - Hare Krsna!  Si, 29 Augosto hast 12 Septiembre. Puede ver que 3 Sep es Janmastami.   Por favor consulta con El Yadu Swami. La demas estan en esta Blog.

ASA Goes to Iberia? (Your Vote!)

6 years, 8 months ago by purnamasidevidasi in Calendar Development

Dear Gurudeva:

Please, accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you for your answer. I am very happy to know that you will come to Spain soon. Those dates sound great to me. I will be back to school the 3rd of September. But until then, if Krishna wants, I could follow you and listen to your instructions.

Hoping your eyes are better when reading this letter.

Your servant,

Purnamasi devi dasi

HpS - Talking with others the dates seem O.K.   So far. Can Jayanta Das check with the Yatra authorities.   School starts Sept 3rd.     Krsna appears (Janmastami) on Sept 3rd.

READERS:   Is O.K.    ASA >>>  Spain ~29th Sept   ....   Janmastami    3rd Sept   ....   Spain>>>>  USA 12 Sep.

Spain 29 Aug to 12 Sep??

Dear Gurudeva:

Please, accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

How are you? Thank you for your frequent communication through Twitter. It helps me remember my position in this world. 

HpS - AGTSP. Sorry that it has taken 2-months to answer!  Getting little regulated in Tennessee after all this travel. We will ask Brother Ass to Tweet regularly.  He knows three songs: 1) I am here (so he doesn't lose contact with the flock, 2) Here is food, 3) Here is danger.

I am very busy all day long (Sadhana, family, School Teacher, CPO, Gurukula... ), but I am happy to be very connected to Krishna devotees.

I would like to know if you are considering to come to Spain. Surely, I am being very selfish...

HpS - Yes, we are looking for ticket now. What about August 29th - Sep 12th?   The ticket is about $850 from East Coast to MAD or BCN.   That would be $55/day.  Is it worth it?   Could we contribute enough in that time?   It would be Janmastami.

Hoping you are fine when reading this message.

Your servan,

Purnamasi devi dasi

HpS - Our respects to Jayanta Das, Nimai and all the devotees. We would like very much to come to Spain!

We will follow you

Dear Maharaja
pamho agtsp
Thank you very much for the invitation to Lima for Art and the Sacred. We are truly honoured. After much consideration with my good wife Dhanesvari we are thrilled to inform you that we accept your invitation. We have purchased our tickets already. My wife, our two daughters and I will all be in Lima from approximately 9th - 29th October 2018. We are very much looking forward to meeting with you again and assisting with this grand event in anyway possible.

HpS - 'are Krsna, Mate!!!     AgtSP.    We just got back to Murfreesboro, our Base Camp, and things do seem to be sorting out. Had to pay the gardener, pay the smog tester, pay the auto registration, chase out the rat, pay the auto insurer, deposit the NIOS donations, pay-refuel our Body, Buddy .... Can The Dhanesvari Devi Dasi, Mother of Two, write to the Abhirama thakura Das and get you all into the Event Management Team?    I think you will find that there is a LOT of FUN work to do. You can even bring Primitive art from Australia.

We should have the link up for the S U P E R promo video that Oscar did in just a few moments.

A story.

This morning we drove to Brisbane. Passing us with great speed were two motorcycle riders who had thrown caution to the wind. Swerving in, around and through the array of vehicles moving in unison, it was like we were nothing but a stage for their selfish thrill seeking. The first rider to pass us was the alpha. He slowed to the legal speed in front of us then he sat up, lent to the side in a relaxed position and put his left hand on his thigh as if to say “65mph is my casual speed”. Arriving shortly after was the second rider who’s body language was timid and who appeared to be being pulled along by the influence of the first rider. Initially I was angry. How could they be so disrespectful to put the lives of myself and others in danger? After passing the fixed speed-camera check point they raced off weaving through the four lanes of traffic, putting all the weekend drivers on alert and on edge again. In watching this display I remained angry at them for a few moments until I realised that I do this also. In fact many of us do. If our commitment in life is “me” then everyone else around us, every other personality and object becomes the extras, the stage and the props for the “me  show”. Not only do we then need others for our “me show” we actually think it is our right to have them. The motorcycle riders disappeared from relevance and we proceeded to the Brisbane Jaganatha Ratha Yatra where thousands gathered to pull Jaganatha back to Vrindavan in time for the eternal Radha Krishna show.
Dhruvananda Das

ASA - Such an incredible story!     I remember some poetic lines coming on just that theme when I was stranded in the San Jose airport in Costa Rica for 5i-hours in transit. One young woman was walking back and forth with that kind of egoistic attitude, very well dressed.

I can I be a Temporary Standup, Standout,  in your Spectacular?
Can I be an Extra in your Movie Show?

But the bizarre thing is that when you acknowledge peoples false egos, they feel really flattered and then they are willing to listen to other comments!

Prabhupada says in like Canto One where M. Yuddhisthira is seeing ill omens, about Chapter 13 or 14, that when the asses run in herds striking the ground with their feet that feel very respectable, "We are the asses!".

I saw two biker guys like that waiting for the light to change in front of our Temple in San Jose, reving their engines, and saluted them and they saluted back, "Another guy you dresses and lives like he wants to live. Hare Krsna, Dude!".

Prabhupada: A demon does not have to be an extremely ugly person or someone with fangs or horns. He can be very handsome. A demon is someone who is concerned with his own sense gratification even at the expense of others.

Great fotos.    The picture of the Boar Hunt is a Super Classic. One thing it makes you think of is the fight between Lord Varaha and Hiranyanksa.

Thank you.... Sir.


6 years, 9 months ago by YugalaKD in Calendar Development

Hk pamho
Gurudeva We are very happy for your next coming, please give us your blessings and honor us with your presence. This is Mother Sita's program as was her wish:
The highlight is our humble request that at the opening of the event of words of glorification to Mother Sita Devi and if she had the film "The Taming of the Shrew" the devotees of Chile say that you have a translated copy.

(APRIL 21-23)

12 PM Opening of the event
Words of His Holiness Hanumatpresaka Swami for Homage to Mother Sita.
Yugala Kishora Dasi "A current look at the devotional stereotype"
Rukmini Devi Dasi "Challenges for a young woman in her training as a devotee and teacher"
Ganga Mayi Devi Dasi and Diana Devi Dasi "trip to Brazil and the GBC College
2 PM Prasadham
4 PM Workshops for mothers:
 Workshop sharing the wisdom of women:
 Workshop on preaching programs:
 Pujari workshop and the art of home:
6 PM Artistic numbers:
6:30 PM Gaura Aratika directed by mothers.
7:00 PM Movie: Shakespeare's "The Taming of the Shrew".

HpS ... TlgaSP.   Pfanrh... Nuestra copia de Taming.. no funciona. Otra película o leyendo del Ramayana_

10:00 AM Class of Srimad Bhagavatam by His Holiness Hanumatpresaka Swami. Fire ceremony - Initiations.
10.30 AM Breakfast
11:00 AM Power yoga with Loka Pavana Das
2 PM Prasadham (donation of three suns)
3 PM Art and artistic numbers contest award.
Monday 23: Appearance of Mother Sita Devi.
Offer service for Sita in the pujari.
(Call everyone to participate - Communicate with mother Nitya Kinkari).

This event has been organized by the education department of Chosica
Under the guidance of Hanumatpresaka Swami.
 Karuna Krsna Das
 Gandharva Das
 Yugala Kishora Dasi
 Nitya Kinkari Devi Dasi (Board Member of Chosica) and Head of Communications Department of Lima Hanumatpresaka Swami: Candra Mukhi Devi Dasi.

HpS ... Claro estuvimos planificando participar en una linda program en La Cantuta lunes pero esta cancelado por cerrar la universidad. Entonces podemos presentar clase por la manyana o media dia lunes si quiere. Ambos va a ser demasiado, no?

Hk pamho

Gurudeva Estamos muy felices por su próxima venida, por favor denos sus bendiciones y hónrennos con su presencia. Este es el programa de madre Sita como era su deseo:

Lo resaltado es nuestro humilde pedido uno que en la apertura del evento de palabras de glorificación a Madre Sita Devi y si tuviera la película de “La fierecilla domada” los devotos de chile dicen que Ud. tienen una copia traducida.



(ABRIL DEL 21-23)


12 PM             Apertura del evento

Palabras de Su Santidad Hanumatpresaka Swami por Homenaje a Madre Sita.

              Yugala Kishora Dasi “Una mirada actual al estereotipo de devota”

Rukmini Devi Dasi “Desafíos para una joven en su formación como devota y docente”

Ganga Mayi Devi Dasi y Diana Devi Dasi “viaje a Brasil y el GBC College

2 PM               Prasadham

4 PM               Talleres para madres:

  • Taller compartiendo la sabiduría de la mujer:
  • Taller de programas de prédica:
  • Taller de pujari y el arte del hogar:

6 PM               Números artísticos:

6:30 PM          Gaura Aratika dirigido por madres.

7:00 PM          Película: “La fierecilla domada” de Shakespeare.


10:00 AM        Clase de Srimad Bhagavatam por Su Santidad Hanumatpresaka Swami. Ceremonia de fuego – Iniciaciones.

10.30 AM        Desayuno

11:00 AM        Power yoga con Loka Pavana Das

2 PM               Prasadham (donación de tres soles)

3 PM                           Premiación de concurso de arte y números artísticos.

Lunes 23:        Aparición de Madre Sita Devi.

                        Servicio de ofrendas para Sita en el pujari.

                        (Llamado a todos a participar - Comuníquense con madre Nitya Kinkari).

Este evento ha sido Organizado por el departamento de educación de Chosica

Bajo la guía de Hanumatpresaka Swami.

  1. Karuna Krsna Das
  2. Gandharva Das
  3. Yugala Kishora Dasi

 Nitya Kinkari Devi Dasi (Miembro de Junta de Chosica) y la Encargada del área de comunicaciones de Lima Hanumatpresaka Swami: Candra Mukhi Devi Dasi.


6 years, 9 months ago by laksmana-agraja in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna, dear (Dear) Grumahaja (Guru Maharaja), Pamho, AGTSP!

ASA - The same to you!!!  AgtSP. Paoho...

Well, I think there´s a little confusion regarding to Chosica program.

I've being talking to Nitya kinkary mataji about the program. Karuna Krishna prabhu is arriving soon from Brazil, so everything have to be confirm with him.

Coordinations are not very well and trying to explain that it is like a useless exercise. 

Anyway, M. Nitya and I were trying to emsemble different things waiting for P. Karuna. I presented your first suggestions but M. Yugala changed most of it. I don't now why.

ASA - Maybe see is applying what she, me, Gandhava, KKD discussed at the retreat before we left Lima.

This is the picture so far with my suggestions also.

Friday 2o you arrive and stay in Callao

Saturday SB class in Wilson. I suggest that you can stay for a little while there talking to people and go to Chosica and rest a little so you are ready for the evening program.

HpS - Yes, but probably chance to meet with people on Friday. Then, yes, Saturday SB in Wilson seems fair. Saturday in Wilson, Sunday in Chosica (A different kind of city).

According to M. Yugala...


9.30 am (you are not there) art exposition in Chosica

11.00 am presentation of the matajis (you suggested that for sunday)

2.00 pm Workshops for matajis the whole afternoon.

6.00 pm programa cultural

6.30 gourartik

7.00 movie.

But we have at 4.30 to 6.30 our Harinam program every saturday. So you can start your participation from there if you want.

It's confusing. That's why we think we have to talk soon by skype.

ASA - Last I heard from KKD, M. Yugala Dasi was going to organize the program. That's O.K. with me only this one change of giving SB class in Wilson in the morning.


whole morning program

After Govinda... 

9.30 am Initiations (includes a class)

10.30 kirtan yoga by temple devotees

12.30 Rajbhoga

1.30 Presentations of the Program "Your Week with RMV" (Mataji've been working with a team).

2.30 prasadam

3.30 M. Yugala presents .....prize giving ceremony of art exposition.

4.00 cultural program


Mangalartik with you and then we get ready for La Cantuta

La Cantuta to 12.30 am

Featuring You, Professor Borja, Professor Durand, Parama Karuna d, Caitanya candrodaya d, I, etc. We can talk about details later.

meanwhile in the temple....BG class, Abhiseka, Rajbhoga artik

After la Cantuta....

1.30 after Rajbhoga You give a class about Srimati Sitadevi

2,30 prasadam

heading to Lima

Well, I'm sorry for the mess.

ASA - Whatever the Temple Authorities decide. We can be available from Saturday morning until Sunday afternoon, then finishing the program in La Cantuta in time to join the program at noon time in the Temple!

Yes, let's have a call: Blue Baboon and Tom Brown!

Actually I told the Junta that this is Chosica program and you only present suggestions. Its up to them. That's what I think.

We can talk very soon to clarify it as soon as you can. If you think is necesary.

Please send me day and time to talk, if you want, by my new skype account...Luis Miranda Blanco. 

I think you are two hours ahead us, Perú.

ys LAD