ASA Calendar 2024 January 26


General Principles

  • 'So, you can make plans for serving KRSNA, but better to just chant Hare KRSNA' (and watch that Kirtan make, and broadcast, the plans).
  • Deadline for inclusion in this Kapi Dhvaja Calendar = Ekadasi before Full Moon.


o  Full Morning Service is 4.30-5.30AM at, 737 859 341 and, Live Channel, Houston.

o Sankirtan.

o FES - 6pm Nila-madhava Temple. Sri Sri Radha Natabara Sanga 8pm


o  Tuesday & Wednesdays 7.30AM = Local Houston Srimad Bhagavatam Class. Mayapura TV.

o  Thursday

8.30AM = ISKCON Ministry of Education, BOEX.

10AM = SB, ISKCON Hawaii,, (Details in Blog Posts/Tweets).

o  Friday 7.30PM (< 26th February) = ASA – Bhaktivedanta Library Seminar.

Anything we or you want to talk about based on the Bhaktivedanta Library.

-- We have discussed SP's general perspective on Librarys,

-- An analysis of SP's BBT titles and how we use them,

-- Rama avatara, for Rama-bhumi-puja 26th January.

-- Next: The BhVed Library and World Classical Literature.

Host and location may Change but usually Radha Nila-madhva/Mayapura.TV Channel, and Partha Sarathi Foundation hosting the Zoom distribution. Details Twitter and Blog.

o  Sunday 7.30AM– SB Workshop,

Upendra Das, CC;

HpS General Stuff.

Spanish and English. www.GoToMeeting 737 859 341

Singular Events


27/Sa = Home Program [HP, 11am, gotomeeting] - 11am, Sriman Prananatha Gauranga Das.

30th Mo = Gopala Bhatta Goswami Disappearance. CC 3.13.133[?]


2/fr = HP Rasikindra Das 7pm.

3/sa = HP Ksitis Kapoor, Sugar Land.

4th Sun = Sunday Feast, HpS, BG, MTV Houston

6/tu = ekadasi.

7th We = Rice University.

9/fr = BhVed Lib Seminar at Texas A&M University at ~7pm [Blog/Tweet].

10/sa = HP Vanamali Das.

12th Mo = AMD goes to Mayapura.

13/Tu = Sarasvati Puja.

15/Th = Srila Advaita Acharya appearance day.

16th  Fr = 7.30PM, DTC 4 (India) Release, https://www/

17/sa = HP Sriman Devendra Krsna Das and Family, Katy, Texas.

19/mo = ekadasi

20th Tu = Varaja Dvadasi

21st We = Nityananda Trayodasi. Visit from Murfreesboro Yatra [?]

23/fr = madhava purnima. Kapi Dhvaja

26th Mo = IAH to BNA (Houston to the Boro), 8am to 9.50am.

Distant Future

End of February to Tennessee for Gaura Purnima. Based there for developing the Sankirtan until we leave our body? Visit Spain? Go to Radha Kunda in a jar, or to leave our body there?

dtc 25[th]

10 months ago by hps in DTC

agtSP. paoho. . 🐵



brother ass 🐿

reached his 'blog' work limits. 🐸



16r, 4pr, fms.

nice Posts from subhadramayi dd et al still to answer.

try to publish 'kapi dhvaja'

thank you.

need more and more your mercy. 🌴 🌴 🌴


Manuel's Report 01-2024

10 months ago by manuel in Special Category A

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and his sincere and determined disciples, like you.

Excuse the silence of these last few months, I have been involuntarily put “in the freezer”, but now, due to the inspiration of the activities around your Vyasa-puja made to Glorify you and the Parampara we are returning with many power.

These last few months, ARTd has been trying to be useful in building the NIOS website for the Hispanic world (it is 80% ready).

Four more points have been absorbing the Thakurji's energy these days: SOLARIS No 8, the Spanish edition of WOD, a book of comparative eastern epistemology, in Spanish, by Miguel Polo sponsored by NIOS and finally developing a strategic dialogue of identity about Who I am? about us? and what is NIOS?

ASA/HpS 😲 👍 👍👍

In this report I am going to focus on the Hispanic NIOS website, and the dialogue about the identity of NIOS.

Let us begin.

Now that H. H. Hanumatpresaka Swami has retired from all administrative work (in NIOS and also in ISKCON

ASA - He is still trying to do as much as he can but with more informal commitment.

to dedicate himself, mainly, to “Kirtaniya sada Hari” this implies that his leadership, in this field, has to be attended, as a team, by All of us who identify 108% with preaching in the academic world, clear, according to our humble possibilities.

Although we are very far from continuing with the academic Sankirtana, for the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada, as H. H. HpS has been doing in recent decades, still, out of respect, appreciation and reciprocity with him we are going to do it on 2 levels (one practical and the another conceptual and strategic).

At the first level (in practice) we think that the best way to maintain and grow all the seeds that SS HpS has sowng and cultivated in the academic world in Latin America and Spain is with excellent communication and organization through a page web, this is, the main reason for giving priority to this endeavor.


  1. website
  2. magazine
  3. bulletin

At this point we would like to humbly ask H. H. HpS, Tom Brown, Buck White and the entire ASA crew for their advice and suggestions. All contribution is welcome.

asa - above. 😃

In a fact that HH Hanumatpresaka Swami was the one who gave and still gives the perspectives and lines of work in NIOS, that is the basis on which we are organizing ourselves (Leverage the benefits of theoretical and practical knowledge of the West and Classical India. Reflect and dialogue about what the Psyche or Atma is (Bhagavad-gita 2.12 and others). According to these perspectives, for NIOS, its central activity coincides with the beginning of the objective declared in the Bhagavata Purana: “to distinguish reality from illusion for the sake of everyone.” To properly apply these concepts we need to develop a systematic dialogue about the vision and mission of NIOS.

Finally, although I am an unqualified monkey disguised as good intentions, let me offer you, for your Glorious Vyasa-puja, a brief message:

His tireless dedication to serving Srila Prabhupada has illuminated the spiritual path of all of us who have had the great fortune to know you.

We are determined that his legacy continues to inspire an authentic spiritual connection in academia with Srila Prabhupada's books.

Thank you very much for Guiding us with Wisdom, Humor and Love.

(Muchas gracias por Guiarnos con SHA SHA SHA: Sabiduría, Humor y Amor.

Note: This part of the message, if translated, is not understood.)

Eternally at your service, Bhakta Manuel.

ASA/HpS - we attaching some photos. any of them belong to you (manuel)?

your perspective and effort seems to be on the path.

seems you are realizing deep yogic principles and austeridades

thank you.

thanks to all involved in these efforts!

expect substantial results.


Todas Las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada y a sus discípulos sinceros y determinados como tú!!

Disculpa el silencio de estos últimos meses, he sido puesto, involuntariamente “en la congeladora”, pero ahora, debido a la inspiración de las actividades en torno a su Vyasa-puja hechos para Glorificarlo a usted y al Parampara estamos volviendo con mucha potencia.

Estos últimos meses, ARTd ha estado tratando de ser útil en la construcción de la web de NIOS para el mundo hispánico (está lista en un 80 %). Cuatro puntos más ha estado absorbiendo la energía del Thakurji en estos días: SOLARIS No 8, la edición en español de WOD, un libro de epistemología oriental comparada, en español, de Miguel Polo auspiciado por NIOS y finalmente desarrollar un dialogo estratégico de identidad acerca de quién soy? quiénes somos? ¿y que es NIOS?

En este informe me voy a centrar en la pagina web de NIOS hispánico, y el dialogo acerca de la identidad de NIOS. Empecemos.

Ahora que SS Hanumatpresaka Swami se ha retirado de toda labor administrativa (en NIOS y también en ISKCON) para dedicarse, principalmente, a “Kirtaniya sada Hari” esto implica que su liderazgo, en este campo, tiene que ser atendido, en equipo, por todos los que nos identificamos al 108% con la predica universitaria y de acuerdo a nuestras humildes posibilidades. Aunque estamos muy lejos de continuar con el Sankirtana académico para el placer de Srila Prabhupada como SS HpS lo ha venido haciendo en estas últimas décadas, aun así, por respeto, aprecio y reciprocidad con él vamos a hacerlo en 2 niveles (uno practico y el otro conceptual y estratégico).

En el primer nivel (en la práctica) pensamos que la mejor manera de mantener y hacer crecer todas las semillas que SS HpS ha sembrado y cultivado en el mundo académico en América latina y España es con una excelente comunicación y organización a través de una página web, esa es la razón principal de darle prioridad a este emprendimiento. En este punto queremos pedirle humildemente su consejo y sugerencias a SS HpS, Tom Brown, Buck White y a toda la tripulación de ASA. Todo aporte es bienvenido.

En un hecho que SS Hanumatpresaka Swami era quien daba y aun da las perspectivas y líneas de trabajo en NIOS, esa es la base sobre la cual nos estamos organizando (Tomar los beneficios del conocimiento teórico y practico de occidente y de la India Clásica. Reflexionar y dialogar acerca que es la Psique o Atma (Bhagavad-gita 2.12 y otros). De acuerdo a estas perspectivas, para NIOS, su actividad central coincide con el comienzo del objetivo declarado en el Bhagavata Purana: “distinguir la realidad de la ilusión por el bien de todos”. Para aplicar apropiadamente estas perspectivas necesitamos desarrollar un dialogo sistemático acerca de la visión y misión de NIOS.


Finalmente, aunque soy un mono descualificado disfrazado de buenas intenciones permítame ofrecerle, por su Glorioso Vyasa-puja, un breve mensaje:

Su dedicación incansable por servir a Srila Prabhupada ha iluminado el camino espiritual de todos los que hemos tenido la gran fortuna de conocerlo.

Somos monos determinados a que su legado continúe inspirando una autentica conexión espiritual en el mundo académico con los libros de Srila Prabhupada.

Muchas gracias por Guiarnos con SHA SHA SHA: Sabiduría, Humor y Amor.

Eternamente a su servicio, Bhakta Manuel.

Contribuciones importantes a ASA Carnaval

10 months ago by asacarnaval in Special Category A, Other

¡Hare Krsna! Querido Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias. 🙇

Todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada, Todas las Glorias a ISKCON y a todas las ramas que de él emanan.🙌

Guru Maharaja, nos permitimos comunicarle que, por su misericordia sin causa y la de sus fieles seguidores, después de la celebración de su VyasaPuja 76. Sus sirvientes ASA Carnaval recibimos apoyo importante:

1ro. Establecimos comunicación con Srinath-Krsna Prabhu, que desde hace tiempo deseaba contactarnos para pasarnos las credenciales de Soundcloud. Así lo ha hecho y esperamos contribuir armoniosamente a sus magníficos esfuerzos.

2do. Se nos informó que Gopinath Prabhu le proporcionó a Govinda Pramodini una Laptop (de 2do uso) para los servicios. Ella a su vez, decidió concesionarla a ASA Carnaval, para que la utilice en la realización del servicio.


Las condiciones de la concesión son:

A) La facilitación de este equipo, NO condiciona ni subordina a ASA Carnaval (ni ahora ni en un futuro) ante NIOS o cualquier otra organización que el propietario represente.

B) El equipo será devuelto al propietario en el momento que esté lo requiera.

C) Nos comprometemos a usar el equipo para el servicio y cuidar de él, así como informar acerca de su estado en el momento en el que el propietario lo solicite.


Agradecemos el apoyo y entusiasmo que ambas contribuciones nos otorgan. 🙇🙇🙇

Gurudeva, entendemos lo anterior como obra de su misericordia (recordando su respuesta a la carta  Con esto en el corazón, nos esforzamos por contribuir al servicio que usted ofrece a nuestro Divino Acarya.

Por favor háganos saber cualquier recomendación que considere.

Siempre a sus órdenes, su aspirante a discípula

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

ASA Carnaval

[Equipo coordinador de ASA Carnaval: Abhinanda D /Isvari Radha DD/ Karuna-Sakti DD]

PD - La Laptop, será custodiada por Karuna-Sakti DD. Esperaremos su aprobación y bendiciones para comenzara usarla.


Hare Krishna! Dear Guru Maharaja, please accept our humble obeisances. 🙇

All Glories be to Srila Prabhupada, All Glories to ISKCON and all the branches that emanate from it.🙌

Guru Maharaja, we take the liberty of informing you that, by his causeless mercy and that of his faithful followers, after the celebration of VyasaPuja 76, his servants ASA Carnival received important support from him:

1st. We established communication with Srinath-Krsna Prabhu, who had been wanting to contact us for a long time to pass on his Soundcloud credentials. He has done so and we hope to contribute harmoniously to his magnificent efforts.

2nd. We were informed that Gopinath Prabhu provided Govinda Pramodini with a Laptop (2nd use) for services. She, in turn, decided to concession it to ASA Carnaval, so that it could be used to carry out the service.


The conditions of the concession are:

A) The provision of this equipment does NOT condition or subordinate ASA Carnaval (neither now nor in the future) to NIOS or any other organization that the owner represents.

B) The equipment will be returned to the owner at the time he requires it.

C) We undertake to use the equipment for service and take care of it, as well as report its condition when requested by the owner.


We appreciate the support and enthusiasm that both contributions give us. 🙇🙇🙇

Gurudeva, we understand the above as a work of mercy from him (recalling his response to the letter With this in heart, we strive to contribute to the service you offer to our Divine Acarya.

Please let us know any recommendations you consider.

Always at your service, your aspiring disciple

Karuna-Sakti Devi Dasi

ASA Carnival

[ASA Carnival Coordinating Team: Abhinanda D /Isvari Radha DD/ Karuna-Sakti DD]

PS - The Laptop will be guarded by Karuna-Sakti DD. We will wait for his approval and blessings to begin using it.

hps/asa - agtSP!!! paoho... yes, yes, start to use it immediately. srila prabhupada used airplanes, dictaphones, modern printing systems!

'maya tatam idam sarvam...' b. gita

become the most famous journalist in mexico with all protection etc!

use everything that KRSNA sends!

pray for resources.

all thanks to gopinatha das, hewlitt-packard.


Feliz Vyasapuja

10 months ago by muraridas in Personal Sadhana Reports

om ajñāna-timirāndhasya jñānāñjana-śalākayā

cakṣur unmīlitaṁ yena tasmai śrī-gurave namaḥ 

Dear Guru Maharaja,

please accept my humble obeisances on your lotus feet.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to write to you on the auspicious day of your appearance.

 In your enlightening association is hope for everyone and with all your travelling you bestow the ultimate benefit upon people in general.

Thank you for your austere and sacrificial life,

In Srimad Bhagavatam (8.7.44)

it is said that great personalities almost always accept voluntary suffering because of the suffering of people in general.

This is considered the highest method of worshiping the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is present in every one's heart.


Here is an explanation of how those engaged in activities for the welfare of others are very quickly recognized by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Lord says in Bhagavad-gita ( 18.68-69 ) ya idam paramam guhyam mad-bhaktesv abhidhasyati, na ca tasman manusyesu kascin me priya-krttamah, "One who preaches the message of Bhagavad-gita to My devotees is most dear to Me..."

 There are different kinds of welfare activities in this material world, but the supreme welfare activity is the spreading of Krishna consciousness.

...if one tries to spread Krishna consciousness all over the world,

he should be understood to be performing the best welfare activity.

The Lord is automatically very pleased with him.

If the Lord is pleased with him, what is left for him to achieve?



kṛpā-bindu diyā, koro' ei dāse,

tṛṇāpekhā ati hīna

sakala sahane, bala diyā koro',

nija-māne spṛhā-hīna

 Gurudeva, O spiritual master!

Give to this servant just one drop of mercy. 

I am lower than a blade of grass. Give me all help. 

Give me strength. 

Let me be as you are, without desires or aspirations.


icāre, kichu nāhi pāi,


ra karuṇā-sāra



uṇā nā hoile, kāndiyā kāndiyā,

prāṇa nā rākhibo āra 

Your useless servant

Murari das

asking for a correction.

Hare Krsna Gurudev,

Please accept our humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thankyou so much for your instruction and I want to take it very seriously. If there is any further advice on how I can best execute making sure my husband and children get picked up and dont fall down again and again, I would like to do my best to humbly apply. I realize I cant force anyone to attend devotional events or go places. I am still attending weekly and trying to offer some service to the children on a weekly basis. I do feel that I need to do so much more and at times feel at a loss. I am working full time and trying to support an emerging teenager full-time now as well. My husband is home homeschooling and taking care, chanting his rounds. Any further guidance is appreciated.

Also, I tried to deselect a photo of a baby that was on my computer and was posted in the last letter. The website would not go back and let me deselect. If we can unpublish or take down this photo Gurudev this would be appreciated. It was sent by accident.

Thankyou and begging to be of a lot more service to Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON,

Kamagayatri dd

hps/asa -- agtsp. so happy to hear of your good spirits and situation. do not think that your efforts are not used by KRSNA in achieving wonderful goals.

we found the previous Post. found a very nice picture of a baby which we sadly removed. then we found some files with unknown video file-type extensions that we also removed.

is that oll korrect?

it, the sun, is at 2.42pm here in nila-madhava dhama.

today, since 1.17am, our bodily energy has been very low.

ragged heart beats etc.


maybe this body, buddy, burro will collapse today, pusya-abhiseka purnima.

nice day to travel to next destination.

in any case seems we have to accept that it may be very low on physical and mental strength from here on.


experiencing excellent intellectual and spiritual development.


hope that you-all become more and more integrated in guru and gauranga's limitless sankirtan adventure and work!
